"Even if you can't get it, it's just that some people have no time to escape. If you can successfully send Gu Zheng back, I'm sure you will be the first to send it away." Su Nan said with certainty.

"And I will find a way to get a pass. At that time, as long as I wait for a good time to lure Ouyang Ping away, I can open the passage and rush out." Su Nan is sure about the percentage of the pass, and she only needs to tell her To help everyone, basically one will be given.

They need to be on standby at any time to follow and go out to command operations, because when they came, they could hear it from the tone of the person in charge.

A group of puppet legions are about to arrive here to guard here together.

For the next day, Gu Zheng and the others repeatedly discussed some details, and finally reached some consensus.

Su Nan had to get a pass first, and the Zhu Feng brothers were in charge of internal news and some movements, and reported them in time.

Gu Zheng is mainly responsible for not being discovered by others.

It felt almost the same, so Xiao Chong returned to its original form, and the two of them dispersed and left here together.

After arriving in the town, Gu Zheng and Su Nan will also be separated.

"Thank you, Su Nan." Gu Zheng knew that Su Nan really wanted to help him. Although he didn't know why, he remembered the kindness.

"No, you should thank Xiao Chong." Su Nan smiled, if it wasn't for Xiao Chong's begging, of course it would also count as the elixir he made for Xiao Yao, which made him very grateful.

Added together, this decision was made.

"Thank you, Xiaochong." Gu Zheng also said something to Xiaochong, only to see a small black shadow sneaking out of Xiaonan's ear, nodding to himself.

After the two separated, he walked directly towards the tavern. He didn't come back for two days, and he didn't know what happened to Gao Feng and whether the others had left.

For the time being, I still need this layer of camouflage, and it is the safest to be with them.

As soon as he walked into the tavern, he saw a few of them sitting together, and Gao Feng had already returned.

"Everyone, I'm back." Gu Zheng came to the table and saw that everyone was very excited.

"It's okay, it's fine if it's not too late." Gao Feng was also in a good mood, "Sit down, since you're here, we'll leave after a while."

"Wow, Long Tian, ​​it turns out that you are Su Nan's friend." Mo Xiaofan could no longer see that he was injured before, and when he saw Gu Zheng coming, he hurried over, "You didn't tell everyone, no wonder Master Su would protect you before us."

"You don't know, when the news came that you were Su Nan's friend, Jia Ning personally brought people here to make amends to Captain Gao under the hall." Mo Xiaofan winked.

"What nonsense, but Long Tian, ​​you are hiding so deeply, I really didn't expect that you are also a child of some big family." Gao Feng said with a smile.

Everyone said that the Su family was in decline, and even the family was demolished, but no one would easily offend a genius like this who was destined to go to Da Luo.

When his potential is exhausted, then his status can be determined.

"How is it possible? I just got to know him by luck. I am an ordinary person like everyone else." Gu Zheng said modestly.

"Anyway, as long as it's okay, you scared me to death when you were arrested, and almost got into a fight with the opponent." Qiu Ning also interjected.

"Yeah, you don't know the scene at that time, sister Qiu thought the other party invited them." Mo Xiaofan thought with guilt that it almost caused a scuffle at that time, but fortunately there was no fight, otherwise he would be punished more severely.

"Haha." Thinking of this, Mo Xiaofan wanted to laugh.

Gu Zheng talked and laughed with the others, and after a while, Gao Feng led them out of here.

It was almost time to rest, and the tavern was already more than half empty at this time, and many people had already left here early.

When Ma Pingqing returned to the hillside from the east again, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the town. It had been two days, and he should normally come back, but he still didn't see the captain and the others.

Disappointed, he was going to come down from the hillside, and was going to rest for a while before continuing to patrol. It was too deserted to be alone.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a dark shadow rushing towards him. Ma Pingqing took a closer look and found that it was the team leader and the others.

While Ma Pingqing was waiting, Gao Feng and the others had already come down the hillside.

"Captain Gao." Ma Pingqing greeted Gao Feng happily.

"Well, I'll bring you some things. After a short rest, we will continue our patrol." Gao Feng handed over a lot of wine and meat from his hands.

"Thank you, Captain Gao."

"Hey, you know what happened back this time, let me tell you, it's really wonderful." Mo Xiaofan quietly came to Ma Pingqing's side, dancing and talking about the past two days.

It caused Ma Pingqing to be envious, and he missed too many wonderful things.

Fortunately, this rotation system gives everyone a chance to rest.

The boring patrol started again. For half a year, I didn't meet a single person here, which was very ordinary.

Instead, the team next to them met a few people.

In the middle, Gu Zheng also approached Su Nan and Zhu Feng brothers.

Now Su Nan has successfully obtained the pass, but the town still doesn't have a good chance to start.

However, everyone's emotions have relaxed a lot, and some people even think that the guardian is making a big deal out of a molehill.

As always, they are walking the border at the peak of the patrol.

Everyone is very relaxed, constantly talking about some cultivation matters, and the enemy can't break through the guardian formation, even if the other party finds himself, there is nothing they can do about it.


A strange bell suddenly appeared in the air, and the quaint sound kept ringing in the air, and the long sound appeared nine times in total.

When the first sound resounded, everyone stopped in place and did not speak.

"The enemy invaded." These words appeared in everyone's head,

After the nine bells were finished, there was another passionate and loud voice, the bell was calling everyone to go back.

"Let's go." Gao Feng directly gave up the mission and led everyone straight to the town.

By the time they returned to the town, almost everyone had already returned, and they all gathered on the school grounds.

There are about 400 people concentrated in this small school field, and the right guardian who has hardly seen appears on it.

With a solemn face and closed eyes, he sat on the chair above.

No matter whether the people below come early or late, they don't know the specific situation. They only know that the enemy has arrived, but they don't know the scale, number of people and high-end combat power.

"My lord, basically except for the outside line that hasn't come back yet, everything else is here." After the last team came back, the person in charge said to the right guard.

"Well, are those puppets still honest now?" Guardian You stood up and asked casually.

"I can't tell who is the undercover agent. We have already used all methods. I guess the other party has deleted this person's memory. He will not know his identity until he activates it." The person in charge knew what he wanted to ask.

"Then keep it closed, and no one is allowed to enter, do you understand what I mean?" The right guard had already walked to the middle of the stage.

"Yes, no one can go in. The entrance has already opened a formation, and no one can go in without the warrant of the adults." The person in charge said in a deep voice, as long as those people are not given a chance, these people will always be puppets here.

Then they were locked up, and some people in the province found them to vent.

The right guard was not answering, looking at the dark heads below, everyone looked at him curiously, waiting for his news.

The right guardian did not speak, but a ray of light flew out from the cuff, directly forming a water curtain in midair, on which a distant picture appeared.

A group of dark crowds were on a plain, and they were already walking around. From time to time, some people bent down, buried something, and then sat down on the spot.

It seems to be setting up a formation, but I don't know what kind of formation it is, and it needs the cooperation of so many people.

Sharp-eyed people find this place very familiar. It only takes half an hour away from here. It can be said that the distance is very close, and it will be there in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly a white ray of light appeared in the water curtain, and then the water curtain turned into a spray and completely collapsed. It seemed that the enemy had discovered his peeping side.

This made everyone realize that the opponent also has the mission of the peak of Da Luo, otherwise they would not have discovered and destroyed it soon.

"Clan people, the enemy's plan has cost us too many companions, and now the enemy wants to step on our flesh and blood, and put us to death. Are you willing to be slaughtered and die without dignity? "

"I don't want to." Howled all the people below, and when they learned that the enemy was coming, their blood had already been ignited.

What is the other party afraid of if they have the peak Shura, we have two.

"My lord, please let us out, we will never back down, let these people know that they'died' once, and don't mind letting them 'die' again."

A person shouted loudly from below, and his passionate words were echoed by many people.

Everyone roared excitedly.

"I know everyone wants to go forward, but it's not right now. We will lead some people to go forward to find out the truth, and wait for our reinforcements to arrive." Discussed and finally made a decision.

The other party must not know the news, which can boost everyone's mood.

However, he did not say where the reinforcements are and when they will arrive.

"Besides, there is a large array of guardians set up by our ancestors here. They can't break through here at all. We are safe and secure from the beginning to the end. The final victory belongs to us in the end." The right guardian continued.

The Shura people below were erupting again.

"However," the right guard then changed his voice, "so many of us want to go forward, but everyone's strength is low and high, so we can't go up indiscriminately. Everyone has to wait here until the left guard and I come back to fight." The dispatch of the envoy."

Many people understand what the right guardian said, so many battles, how could they rush forward, this is the most stupid, although they sometimes don't use their brains, but there will be no stupid people.

They all agreed to gather here and wait.

The right guardian saw that he had completed the task perfectly, and then walked on. He still had to pick some people, and what he said before was true.

It's just to appease these people here, because the left guard always feels that there are already people here who have taken refuge in the other side, and they can't spread out to let the other side get a gap.

Although this kind of statement makes you feel that he is worrying unnecessarily, it is better to be careful, this matter is not difficult.

Almost all people, including casual people and official personnel, are here.

Gu Zheng noticed that the formation had been activated in this school ground, and no one could enter or leave without permission.

It has to be said that this has brought them a lot of trouble. Many follow-up plans cannot be carried out, and now they can only take one step at a time.

I really didn't expect that the other party would be so cautious when there was a large array of guardians.

In a relatively spacious house behind the school grounds, there are eight figures talking with each other, and now all the peak golden immortals are gathered here.

There are Pan Xuan, Su Nan, and even Ding Xiao inside, and the five peak golden immortals were stranded here before.

Ding Xiao was lucky enough to wake up in Puppet Town all the time. When he noticed the great changes around him, he immediately rushed towards this direction. He didn't have much time to come back. He was recovering from his injuries and didn't show up.

"Miss Pan, do you think this time is a general attack or a tentative attack?" Su Nan was talking to Pan Xuan, and asked about it again when the topic changed.

These people knew the opponent's attack the first time, and now they are all waiting for what to do above.

"I guess for a tentative attack, you should first find out the other party's intentions. Mr. Su will not miss it, why ask me?" Pan Xuan rolled her eyes, not knowing what Su Nan was planning.

"I was just thinking, although the other party looks like those people, but I have to consider some hidden means. I want to have a mutual support with Ms. Pan on the court." Su Nan said sincerely.

"Hehe, who doesn't know that Mr. Su is unparalleled in combat power, and I need to take care of you. You should take care of me." Pan Xuan said with a smile, "But the battlefield has no eyes, and no one can say what will happen. I agree. .”

Not only did they do this, people they knew were talking about the same topic in private. If there was a scuffle, with the help of a companion, it was possible to avoid a fatal attack.

At this time, a figure came in from outside.

"The right guardian." Everyone stood up and greeted the right guardian.

"Please stay calm, everyone, and wait for departure at any time." The right guard left here with a hasty sentence.

What should be explained has been explained, and I still have other things to do.

Gu Zheng wanted to get in touch with Brother Zhu Feng, but their team was neatly lined up beside them, which was obviously different from the team of scattered people like them.

I could only discuss with Mo Xiaofan and the others in a low voice, looking around all the time.

It took a whole day for Gu Zheng to see the person in charge approaching from a distance.

"I'll call the person whose name is next, please come here later." The person in charge held a manual in his hand.

"Qiu Bianrui."

"Le Si."


Soon dozens of names had been read, and Gu Zheng noticed that all of these were relatively powerful late-stage Golden Immortals.

"Everyone, please come with me. For the rest of you, just wait here with peace of mind. No one is allowed to make trouble at this stage." Different from the gentle words of the right guard, the person in charge's eyes were full of warning.

"My lord, we are going to fight too, we can't stay behind." A brave Shura stood up, at this time an official team member.

Judging by the aura of Peng Bo on his body, although he is still in the middle stage, he can break through to the later stage at any time. In his opinion, he can completely let himself go to the battlefield.

"No, you have to obey the order of the escort. You are only going to die when you go up." The person in charge directly refused.

"I ask to see the guardian envoy, I want to do my part for everyone." The warrior said resolutely.

"We also want to see the guardian envoy, and we also want to go to the front line." Under his performance, some people couldn't restrain their enthusiasm.

"Kuo Cao." A big bloody hand appeared in the air, and grabbed the Asura directly.

I saw this Shura man was directly grabbed to the sky, and then flung out fiercely.

With a "boom", that group of Asura directly smashed a human-shaped pothole on the ground.

The left protector suddenly appeared in the sky, looking at everyone coldly.

Everyone shivered in unison, feeling a poisonous snake, spitting out a snake Xinsen was looking at him coldly.

Everyone remained silent, frightened by Zuo Hushi's cold murderous intent.

"Ahem, Lord Guardian, I strongly request to go out and fight, I will never be a deserter." A slightly weak voice came up from below.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound in astonishment, and the warrior crawled out from below, vomiting blood.

I didn't see that the Zuo Hushi was merciful and spared your life.

You're still so stubborn, I really thought that the envoy wouldn't dare to do anything to you.

"My lord, I'm not afraid of death. Even if you take my life now, I will tell you." He said firmly while vomiting blood.

The left guard looked at him coldly with a frosty face.

Drops of cold sweat flowed down from the warrior, his originally pale face turned even paler, his legs were trembling constantly, and he knew the pressure he was under at the moment.

Just when everyone thought Zuo Hushi was going to get mad, his figure flashed, and he suddenly disappeared here.

It made everyone unbelievable that this incident was full of thunder and little rain, and it passed like this.

I saw the warrior's expression moved, as if he heard something, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he didn't say a word, and dragged back to the queue exhausted.

Gu Zheng saw all this clearly, his eyes flickering constantly. If this warrior succeeds, then people like himself will go forward directly. Naturally, they can find a chance to escape, but it's a pity.

But I still found something, that is, this time they went out, it must be a temptation, otherwise, with the persistence of that warrior, it would be impossible to calm down like this.

Only when someone promises him something will he be quiet.

Gu Zheng believes that at the moment of the final decisive battle, it is impossible for people like himself to be locked up here, so there will always be opportunities.

I just hope that I can escape in time to participate in the final decisive battle.

But it was also considering everyone's thoughts, the person in charge came over with a cold face again, and told everyone that he would show everyone the live situation over there.

This made many people very happy. At any rate, they could know the situation ahead, and they didn't have to wait here dryly.

Many people looked at the warrior gratefully, but they said it was the result of his life.

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