Don't look at Quiniao's appearance that he doesn't care about him. If he makes a big move, he will definitely attack him again directly. The other party's consciousness has already locked him, and he is always staring at him.

A powerful aura emerged from Ouyang Ping's body again, and his whole body was covered by a ten-foot-tall black flame, and only a figure could be vaguely seen inside.

Seeing that the other party was still resisting, the bird flapped its wings, brought up multicolored light, turned into a ray of light and directly hit Ouyang Ping.

Ouyang's spiritual sense sensed the opponent's actions, his eyes suddenly opened, and he saw the bird's track through the black mist.

A look of fierceness flashed across his face, he stepped on his feet suddenly, the ground under his feet was directly split into spider webs by this huge force, his body bowed slightly, and he punched the bird with both hands clenched.

Two pitch-black fist shadows directly flashed out from the black flames, and quickly increased several times in size in the air, flying towards the head of the phoenix viciously.

At the same time, thousands of black flames rolled up from above, forming huge waves, and rolled away towards the bird.

There is no other way, Ouyang Ping is not fully prepared yet, so he can only block the opponent first.

There was a hint of teasing in the bird's eyes, and the body that was galloping in the air suddenly stopped, facing the huge fist shadow, and directly flapped its wings.

A hurricane rose out of thin air, and the two huge fist shadows shattered and disappeared in an instant like praying mantises, which was really overwhelming.

And the green flame shrouded the bird, but it didn't cause any damage. Instead, the bird showed an intoxicated look, and finally took a deep breath. With one breath, all the green flames were sucked into the body.

The bird is eager to see the remaining flames of the other party, and is eager to try.

Gu Zheng felt that the bird at this time was like a bug seeing his favorite snack.

With a muffled snort, Ouyang Ping's body shook, and he flew backwards involuntarily. The temporary shield in front of him was damaged, and only half of the ten-foot-high flame was left. A mouthful of blood sprayed directly in the air. come out.

It wasn't until more than ten feet away that Ou Ping controlled his figure, barely landed, and took a few steps back. Each step was a small pit, and only then did he dissipate the remaining strength inside his body.

Ouyang Ping's face was flushed at this time, like a strong drunk man, he staggered, he couldn't bear the turmoil in his body, he sprayed out a cloud of blood mist again, and his face turned pale again.

Ouyang Ping really didn't expect that now it seems that there is only a bird in the early stage of Da Luo, but it is so powerful with a casual blow. The power of a strong blow.

For Ouyang Ping now, every blow has to be blocked with great effort, which is really too terrifying, and the thought of running away emerges in his mind.

But that black ball has already been eaten by him, and it would be a waste to escape now, so it is better to fight for it.

At this time, black armor had begun to appear on Ouyang Ping's body, spreading out from his chest little by little, as if it was growing rapidly, and at the same time, the black flame was also rapidly reducing the height, turning into strands of pure energy and injecting it.

Soon Ouyang Ping's whole body was filled with black energy again, his whole body was covered by a layer of armor that glowed with black light, a single horn grew on his head, a strange demon eye appeared between his brows, and a black eye was tightly closed. Closed.

Although the wear and tear of the black flame prevented the armor from evolving into the headgear and the most important weapon, it was enough for Ouyang Ping.

At this time, his whole body was full of strength again, and the billowing purple mist emerged from his body again.

He has returned to his peak state. Although this state will not last long, it is enough for him to do what he wants to do.

Quiniao watched the other party recover to his own strength in a blink of an eye. A hint of danger came from the other party, and Quiniao's expression became dignified.

Ouyang Ping let out a low cry, and a token with a whole body like a demon floated in the air. The word 'Town' was engraved bloody on the front of the token, and the reverse was smooth, with only a few strange runes on it.

At a glance, it seemed as if he wanted to suck away the other party's soul.

"Get up" Ouyang Ping quickly shot hundreds of spells into the body of the token, the token's black mist swelled up, and the token itself suddenly swelled up, like a huge hill, flying up into the air, and suppressed it towards the phoenix.

In the air, countless blood-red red lines shot out from the front of the token, rushing towards the bird like lightning.

Quiniao turned around and avoided it nimbly, but the red thread turned around and reached out after her. Quiniao didn't expect the opponent to be so difficult, subconsciously a flame spurted out, and the red thread ignored the existence of the flame and passed through directly. Shoot on the bird.

The strips are all wrapped around the bird's body, especially the legs, wings and head, and countless red dots are displayed on it.

A white flame rose from the bird's body, trying to purify these evil things, but found that these red threads ignored the flames and still irradiated on him accurately.

And the top of the head has already dimmed, the token is pressing towards the bird, and countless coercion envelopes the bird from above.

It made Quiniao feel as if there were countless shackles on her body, and she held herself tightly, greatly reducing her speed. Quiniao's attempt to dodge to escape failed.

With a cry, the bird spewed out red fireballs from its mouth, which split into a fiery red firebird in the air.

As soon as the firebird came out, it flew up with a flutter. It was only the size of a palm at first, but it became several feet in size during the flight. It was covered in red flames, and it spit out fireballs directly at the token above.

These fireballs couldn't get into the side of the token at all, and were extinguished by strands of black evil spirit directly outside.

A red light began to appear on the surface of the token, and the word 'Town' became more prominent. A stream of red light fell directly from above, with the word 'Town' in blood red in the middle.

When the red birds encountered the red light, they were like white snow under the scorching sun, and they had no strength to resist, and soon melted.

And the bird was covered by the red light, and his whole body felt particularly uncomfortable, especially the stagnation of mana in his body, which made the bird feel uneasy.

A more intense flame spewed out from the bird's mouth, and the omnipotent flame also miscalculated this time. It was also wiped out by the black air around it before it could get close to the token.

Moreover, the flames on the bird's body shrank a little under the long-term exposure to the red light, without the feeling of the initial flames.

Under the control of Ouyang Ping, the token above was still unhurried and pressed down slowly, and the bird had already fallen from the sky to the ground.

Trying to escape again failed, the bird shrank into a ball below, its head was protected under the wings, and the flames on the surface of its body were all contained in its body, revealing its gorgeous wings.

A ray of light began to flash on the surface of the body, and as the 'town' in the sky got closer, the light flickered faster.

At this time, the aftermath of Gu Zheng's confrontation had unknowingly stood on the edge of the water curtain, and Elder Qin also came here.

"Gu Zheng, take this opportunity to come in." Elder Qin quietly sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng. At this time, more than half of the immortal energy in Gu Zheng's body was consumed, and there seemed to be no magic weapon in his hand.

Gu Zheng ignored him, didn't even look at him, as if he didn't hear his conversation.

There was only a cold breath in his eyes, and he was still staring at Ouyang Ping, as if he was his life and death enemy.

Of course, Elder Qin didn't know how Gu Zheng defeated Ouyang Ping in the eyes of Gu Zheng at this time. He didn't hear him at all, and even if he heard him, he wouldn't go in.

Because Ouyang Ping has been observing this side all the time, if he dares to open a hole, Ouyang Ping will immediately activate the puppet worm in Elder Qin's body.

If there are no special circumstances, unless Ouyang Ping is dead, Gu Zheng will not have other reactions to the outside world.

Except for one thing, if you help him fight, he will quickly count it in and fight together.

However, Elder Qin gritted his lips, and only later realized that Gu Zheng's strange state seemed to be unresponsive to the outside world, so he closed his mouth.

Mrs. Qin is now the one who arranged for the others to leave here. Since the bird came out, his thoughts were all outside, so the Qin couple accepted this job and arranged for others to escape here.

And in another change, Zhu Feng was asking the person in charge for instructions.

"My lord, I think the situation of Lord Ouyang is unclear. I propose to push Lord Su to the rear for the time being. If something unexpected happens, at least we can guarantee what the escort needs."

At this time, the person in charge was distressed, because Su Nan didn't tell where the stolen things were when he was killed, and if he was in a hurry, he would directly say that it was in Gu Zheng's hands. How could everyone believe this.

But the person in charge couldn't use some other means, and I couldn't find it after searching him over and over again, only some precious medicines and some commonly used things.

After hearing Zhu Feng's words at this time, he felt that what he said made sense, although it seemed that Ouyang Ping had the upper hand now.

But in case there are other problems, I will send Su Nan back in advance, so as to avoid losing the stable spirit pearl again, and I can also have an explanation to the guardian.

The person in charge looked at the little fat man approvingly, and he had the impression that he was also a member of the town patrol.

They have a younger brother, the two seem to be kicked out by the family for something, and they vowed to guard here for a hundred thousand years before they can wash away their guilt, and then go out to travel in the prehistoric region, and they will never come back if they don't deserve credit.

"Since you proposed it, then let you be responsible. You are picking someone to go back with. I will reward you well after the fighting stops."

The person in charge said directly, anyway, with his cultivation base, leaving the Golden Immortal Puppet is just a soy sauce, so let's go back.

At this time, Su Nan's face was a little pale, and he wore special chains on his hands and feet, which sealed most of the immortal power in his body. Now his cultivation base is only considered to be the early stage of immortality, and anyone here can subdue him.

Su Nan sat on the side, and when he heard other people discussing himself, there was no reaction on his face, as if he had accepted his fate.

"Thank you, my lord. I will take good care of him and will not let him out of my sight." Zhu Feng looked frank with his vows, and at the same time had a look of joy on his face.

It seems that I have been reused by the person in charge, and I am very proud.

"Well, hurry up, the sooner you act, the better." The person in charge said lightly, turned his head around after speaking, and continued to look at the battlefield. At this time, they were already far away from that side. There is no danger.

I have already informed the other clansmen that at least half of them are gathered here, and some of them are on the road. There are less than 300 golden fairy puppets in front of them, and most of them are saved thanks to Ouyang Ping.

"Yes, my lord." Zhu Feng turned his head and shouted to the side, "Zhu Yu, come quickly, my lord will give us a credit."

His words did not hide from the person in charge, the person in charge chuckled lightly, feeling that a clansman with a lower cultivation level trotted over, this should be his younger brother.

The person in charge didn't have the heart to ask such a trivial matter, so he let him go back, not to mention Zhu Yu who couldn't even beat soy sauce.

When Zhu Yu arrived, he heard that the man gave the credit to his brother anyway, so he said directly to his brother, "It seems that the lord appreciates you, and you will be prosperous in the future. Don't forget me, hahaha."

"What are you laughing at, Mr. Xie, let's go quickly, it's important to be formal." Zhu Feng quickly beat his brother on the head, then turned to Su Nan and said:

"Master Su, please."

Su Nan didn't say anything, her face remained calm, she stood up directly, and followed them quietly.

"Thank you, sir." Zhu Yu obediently bowed to the person in charge.

Under the envious and somewhat jealous eyes of the crowd, the three of them left here directly and began to accelerate towards the town.

But before they were out of everyone's sight range, they stopped after walking for a while.

Zhu Feng has observed repeatedly, and no one is following him, so it is safe to talk by himself now.

"I've wronged you, Mr. Su, we can't open the things on your body." Zhu Feng said to Su Nan with an apologetic expression, pointing to the shackles on his body.

"It's okay, no matter what, you at least let me get rid of those people, it's really clever." Su Nan praised, and to be honest, she didn't expect Zhu Feng to think of this.

"That's because my brother is very smart." Zhu Yu said proudly from the side.

"Now everyone has been gathered by the person in charge. For safety's sake, let's go around and check the situation opposite them." Zhu Feng suggested.

Su Nan directly agreed, which is also the best way at the moment.

After speaking, the three of them circled in an arc, walked away from the side, and were careful not to meet anyone, or the other party would reveal their secrets as soon as they returned.

The person in charge never expected that the duck he had eaten had already been taken away by his own people under his nose.

At this moment, he was looking at the field with all his attention.

At this time, the light on the bird's body has been shining for a long time, and the body has been half-sucked by the pressure.

The blood-red word 'town' has come to her head, and the critical time has arrived.

Beads of sweat began to appear on Ouyang Ping's face, his face was flushed, his hands were tightly stretched, he carefully controlled the token, the sweat evaporated before it dropped, and a layer of mist covered his head.

When the bird was lying still on the ground, he felt that the bird's figure was a little erratic. He seemed to be there with the naked eye, but in fact, in his own perception, she appeared and disappeared from time to time.

The more it got to the end, the more it became so. Ouyang Ping guessed that the streamer on her body was hiding her aura, so he could only pay more attention. If he failed this time, he would not have a chance to release it in a short time, and the other party I won't give myself this chance.

The red line above the token has turned red and purple, and he is trying his best to locate the other party's whereabouts.

"It's this time." Ouyang Ping suddenly lowered his hand, seized the fleeting opportunity, and the scarlet letter floating in the air directly turned into a red light and entered the bird's body.

I saw the bird trembling all over, and the streamer on its body disappeared immediately.

The token above began to drop rapidly, and with a roar, a cloud of dust rose directly from the bird's location, blocking everyone's vision, making it difficult for people to see what happened inside.

But Ouyang Ping's laughter came out, the voice was full of complacency and relaxation, and he knew that the other party had succeeded.

Gu Zheng waved his hand and fanned a gust of wind, blowing away the dust and revealing the situation there.

A huge token, shining with black mist, stands proudly above.

The big bloody characters are still on the front, but the blood color on his body is flickering and fading very regularly.

There was nothing behind it, just a blank space.

Now a familiar figure appeared inside, countless red threads entangled from the pattern on the side, and the bird was struggling desperately inside.

But no matter how hard she struggled, the red thread was tightly wrapped around her body, unable to break free.

Groups of flames spewed out from the mouth, just like before, when they met the red line, they passed through directly, without any effect, and the whole space was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Gu Zheng is like looking at a mural, watching the birds struggling helplessly inside, but unfortunately there is nothing he can do.

Ouyang Ping stared at the token until Quiniao completely calmed down and remained in one posture, then he breathed a deep sigh of relief and slowly put it down in his hand.

I don't know if Quiniao is thinking of other ways to break free, but by the time she comes out violently, it's already too late, and the sacrifice of her adventure has finally paid off.

I tried my best to turn the tide, and gave out a top-grade magic weapon, and finally won the victory.

Ouyang Ping only felt that all the pores of his body revealed a kind of refreshment inside and out, which made Ouyang feel that the pain on his body had been relieved, and he couldn't help but stand there and become intoxicated.

After all, he successfully trapped the bird, which was something he could not imagine before.

The Shura people rejoiced for a while, because they had already won.

On the contrary, there was a commotion at Elder Qin's side, and now only a quarter of the people have left, and many are still below.

"Everyone, don't worry, we must fight to the death. Don't forget that Mr. Xiong will definitely not ignore it." Elder Qin immediately said towards the bottom.

In fact, the people below are not as impatient as Elder Qin imagined, because there are so many of them, even Ouyang Ping does not dare to face up to it.

If we don't unite, we won't be able to get away with a few people in this little time. Everyone has cultivated to such a level that no one is an idiot, and everyone understands the powerful relationship inside.

Elder Qin didn't need to come to safety, one by one took out their own weapons, even the people who were healing their wounds were no exception, they all looked out covetously.

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