At this time, Shi Lei has been living in the City Lord's Mansion for more than a year. At this time, he is lying comfortably in the garden, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

I have long been accustomed to the peeking of some maidservants, anyway, the other party dare not disturb me too much.

Half a year ago, he discovered that the black token could no longer bring him any use, and after living for such a long time. The panic of amnesia is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Of course, what made him feel relieved was that the grass-stalk-like thing had touched and trapped outside his house a while ago, and now it had begun to crawl in his direction.

I estimate that by my own calculations, after a period of time at most, I can completely open a small hole in this house, and then I will return to normal.

Seeing his reaction, Yi Le also found some clues, which made her feel even more encouraged.

Just when she thought that the beautiful days were coming, a man broke into her home and broke the peace.

That day, she was ordering some things in the front hall as usual, when she suddenly saw her housekeeper rushing in with panicked footsteps and an uncontrollable panic on her face, as if she had encountered something unusual.

Yi Le directly interrupted her arrangement and waved away the people below, leaving only her and the butler in the room.

She knew that the housekeeper wouldn't come over and interrupt her for no reason. He had been living here for a long time, and he wouldn't be so disrespectful without important things.

"Miss Yi, a strange person just came and broke into our backyard. He gave this to the master, and the master hurriedly asked me to give you this note." The butler took out a crumpled note from his cuff , and handed it to Miss Yi.

Miss Yi opened the blood-stained note. There was only a short sentence on it, but it revealed a strange message.

"The national teacher wants to kill you, run!"

This handwriting is familiar to me, and there is a hint of aura mixed in it. It is written by the youngest princess today, and no one can imitate it.

She is also her best friend, but why did she give herself such a letter.

It was obvious that when she wrote this letter, she was a little anxious, and the last word was even deformed.

"Where's that person? I want to see him." Yi Le said solemnly.

"When that person came in, he was seriously injured, and before he could say a word, he was already dead."

The housekeeper's words made Yi Le's body suddenly chill. Although the sun was shining outside and the whole room was as warm as spring, she felt that she was in an ice cellar, with waves of cold air hitting her.

Yi Le felt his left eyelid start to twitch, and there were waves of warnings in his mind, and his forehead started to ache, which was obviously a bad sign.

"Hurry up and tell the clan elders and my father to gather in the back hall, and send some reliable people to tell everyone outside to be careful, try to hide first, and don't come back. It's best to hide for a while." Yi Le He covered his eyes and said hastily.

"Miss Yi, is there some misunderstanding in the middle? Why did the national teacher come to kill us? You must know that we have made a lot of contributions to the country." The housekeeper hesitated, but this was his humble statement.

In fact, Miss Yile led the army to defeat the entire rebel army, relying on Yile's strength.

Given his status, when they looked at these notes, they naturally wouldn't shy away from him. They knew the contents above just now, and they were shocked.

"It's really important, go quickly." After saying the last sentence, Yi Le's tone became a little harsh.

"Yes, yes." The butler was startled. The last time his tone was so severe was when the rebels first appeared, the butler immediately retreated to inform Yile of what he said.

And Yi Le hastily called a guard, took his hand letter, and quietly notified him.

Because of the discovery of the remnants of the rebels, the city will be closed for three days starting tomorrow.

And she herself came to the back hall first, and carefully sorted out what happened.

But the information is really too little, although she knew that the matter was true when she saw the note, it was not that she was joking to scare herself.

But I turned it over and over again, and I didn't understand why I attacked them. In the end, I only thought of two more important pieces of information.

I led the army to wipe out the rebels, especially with the few remaining, which made my family's contribution very huge, which aroused suspicion.

Although the appearance of the national teacher turned all the actions of the rebel army into a joke, it cannot be denied that the timely response on his side has reduced a lot of losses here.

The folks are full of praise, and my family has always been more considerate to the people, even though I have been very low-key on my side, deliberately ignoring some things caused by the family, I didn't expect it to arouse fear.

It was because he brought Shi Lei home, and rumors spread outside, coupled with his lack of explanation, and some members of his family's support, it seemed that he decided that he was looking for a bad guy.

Because my father vaguely mentioned his marriage with the royal family before, and this incident happened to him, the other party felt that he was indiscreet and damaged the reputation of the royal family.

It seems that these two points make sense, but I obviously haven't stepped on the boundary, how could it cause such a big reaction, if I was alone, Her Royal Highness would not let me run away.

She was telling herself that there was a disaster of quarrel and extermination on her side, so she told herself to run away quickly.

That note has been burned by herself, and it won't cause her any trouble.

She took such a big risk, and if someone found out, she would not feel better.

The family's father and some clan elders soon came to the back hall. When they were in charge of Shi Lei, they were basically at home.

It is basically decided that everyone at home has basically arrived, and the news in Yile's simple letter is revealed, to see if everyone's one is the same as what I think.

Some of them already knew the news and began to wonder why when they came.

As soon as he heard his guess, a clan elder below raised objections.

"How can you rely on the princess's letter and treat it as the princess's letter, are you so sure?"

At least half of the people didn't believe this news, because it was so absurd. Regarding life and death, everyone's expressions became serious.

This is a major matter related to the fate of the family, and everyone should be cautious.

"Although I couldn't believe it when I heard the news, it's true." Seeing that everyone expressed their opinions, Yi Le expressed his guess.

"This, this is too ridiculous." Even so, a small part still couldn't believe it. Wouldn't everyone's hearts be chilled by such a fate for a hero?

But many have already looked at each other, everyone knows Yi Le's intuition, since she said so, the market is basically correct.

"Then what should we do next." Yi Le's father asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

Their family property is very large, once it is abandoned, it will be too distressing, which is why several people do not want to believe the news.

"Evacuate overnight, you have to know the power of Master Guoshi, he is a real fairy, if it is too late, we will not be able to leave, if a person is dead, what use is there for him." Yi Le stood up and looked around , said slowly.

After hearing this, a few thoughtful people were shaken in their hearts. No matter how many things are dead, they are useless. In this situation, they are still thinking about things outside the body. It doesn't matter if there is life. .

Although I don't completely believe that they will be treated like this in my heart, I'm not afraid of anything but just in case, because Yi Le's intuitive judgment is extremely accurate.

As for the final decisive battle a year ago, although the opponent was tricked to distract him, he still saw through the opponent's trick by relying on his intuition, and even followed the trick, and wiped out the opponent all at once.

"Leave today? Can't it be a day later? There are many people still outside, and it's too late to pack up." A clan elder asked.

"Let's go tonight. If it weren't for the fear that the other party would spy on us during the day, we would all go now. We would go to the neighboring country of Haiyue, where we still have a chamber of commerce, which is enough for everyone in the sect to settle down for the time being." Yi Le Zhan Jin said firmly.

Because the other party wants to do something, they won't act on the spur of the moment. They must have monitored the situation here very early.

"Understood." Everyone discussed with each other for a while, and they all quit. Now they have to hurry up and take as many things as they can.

Slowly, the city lord's mansion began to become noisy. Many servants didn't understand what was going on, and they didn't explain it. It was only those insiders who tried their best to order their own people to pack up the valuables and things.

At this time Yi Le also found Shi Lei who was in the backyard, looked at Shi Lei with his eyes closed leisurely, knowing that he was not asleep.

With a wry smile in my heart, I sat next to him and told him everything in detail.

Because I took her out before, there was already a portrait of him outside. It can be said that I got him involved, and I didn't expect this to be the result.

Now my whole family has to flee in embarrassment, and I don't know how many innocent people have to sacrifice.

Night fell soon, and a large group of scattered people had gathered in the courtyard, and they did not go out behind Yi Le's leadership.

As for their things, they have already been scattered outside, and at this time the gate of the city has been controlled by their personal soldiers, so there is no need to worry about leaking information.

Three days later, when some people found out that something was wrong, they had already entered the territory of Haiyue Kingdom, so the national teacher would definitely not be chasing after him.

In terms of strength, there are immortals sitting in front of Haiyue Kingdom, because the easternmost part of Haiyue Kingdom is the region of the East China Sea. Although it is the farthest edge, there are still some immortals living in seclusion on the island.

And that immortal was Haiyue Kingdom who paid a high price to invite him to sit in the township, but it did work, at least the number of East China Sea monsters that ravaged the seaside were much less.

Everyone didn't make a sound, quietly except the city, and then some soldiers stayed behind again, waited for dawn and then exchanged them with the soldiers stationed, and left without anyone noticing.

The entire City Lord's Mansion is now empty except for those maids who don't know.

Not long after everyone walked out, the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time by the lake came out, leading dozens of carriages.

"General Yi." A man in light armor stood up.

"Well, everyone is ready to go." Yi Le ordered.

These personal soldiers can be said to be connected with them. If they stay here, they will definitely be liquidated. It is better to take them away together.

However, only a few people knew the inside story, and they were absolute confidantes. Others only knew how to escort important people, so as to avoid leaking the news.

Soon a group of people disappeared into the night, but one eye was always watching them, and the other was behind him.

And the group of them didn't notice except for Shi Lei, but Shi Lei didn't feel any malice towards him, so he didn't say anything.

Huacheng Lake was very calm, and because of Yile's notice, no one noticed any problems.

The second day was as usual, but at noon on the third day, there was an explosion from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, which attracted everyone's attention.

A man in black all over stood on it, looking down with a gloomy face. Except for some insignificant servants, there was no other important person.

Before Yi Le saw that some formations were arranged to prevent the inside from coming out, and it would be automatically released after three days.

The effect on these ordinary people is very good, but those with a little cultivation can see through it at a glance.

When he found out, he found that the building was empty, and it seemed that he had already got the news and fled.

Angry, he directly destroyed the cover inside, but he still knew how to measure it. He was just venting, and his identity could not take actions to massacre human beings.

There was a burst of anger in my heart, did that guy notify the other party in advance?

However, did they think they could escape? Fortunately, he kept his back in advance, and he was not afraid of the opponent's escape at all.

Under the eyes of everyone, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

Everyone has not recovered from the disappearing figure, it is a fairy, and at this time, the servant who came out from the city lord brought even more important news to everyone.

It turned out that General Yi Le had already run away a few days ago, and the city gate was sealed off, not to search for the remnants, but to cover his actions.

Only then did everyone understand what was going on. Although everyone seemed to help such a good city lord, their family governance was very popular, but out of fear of immortals, they only dared to discuss in private, and blessed Yi Le and the others to escape quickly.

Whoever treats them well, they will remember it in their hearts.

The black-clothed person ignored the opinions of others, and came to the hiding place of his subordinates, found the traces left behind very smoothly, and chased after the marks.

On the other side, Yi Le and the others had already entered the territory of Haiyue Kingdom last night, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, everyone knows the truth of the matter, but they have all reached this point, and they can only go to the end together. As long as Yi Le is there, everyone will not lose confidence in rising. This is very important.

"Arrive to the small lake and river ahead, everyone take a rest." These days, everyone is hurrying as much as possible, basically just resting for a while before getting up. Although they are all in the car, the horses are very tired.

Now that we are far away from the border, Yi Le decided to let everyone rest for a while.

There was a burst of cheers, and even the horses quickened their pace a little, as if they knew they were going to rest for a while.

It is close to the seaside, so there are many lakes and rivers. The one in front is just a small small lake, and the area is not very large.

When they got to the lake, everyone couldn't wait to get out of the carriage and carriage.

Shi Lei never got out of the car, although the journey was bumpy, it didn't affect his rest at all.

What puzzled him was that the rhizome had clearly come to him yesterday, and he could feel the other party even when he reached out his hand in it, and the distance between him and him was only a little bit away from the wall.

But I just couldn't come over, I couldn't even knock out a little debris here, and the other party seemed to be a little exhausted after such a long time, and then simply stopped moving.

It feels like he wants it and wants to rest for a while, breaking through this barrier in one go.

But Shi Lei was full of depression, he was obviously stuck here at a distance that would break if he poked it, which made him a little restless.

But I can't fall asleep, I only have so much time every day.

Shi Lei also came to the lake, looked at the clear lake water, stretched out his hand and patted the water on his face like everyone else, it was really refreshing.

The current Shi Lei, if you are watching, is no different from a normal person, except that he still doesn't speak as before, you can't find it at all.

"Mute, you go over there, I'm going to take a bath here later." A family member of Yi Le squatted beside him and said.

Because he doesn't like to talk, many people secretly call him dumb and laugh at him, because they are jealous that he occupies Yi Le, which shatters the dreams of some distant relatives.

When they thought about it, it was okay to marry the royal family no matter what, it was much better than this dumb, especially after this happened, they felt even more resentful.

You must know that they didn't dare to speak directly like this before, but now it seems that the resentment in their hearts has risen to the extreme.

They always thought that Shi Lei was just an ordinary person, even if some people suspected it, but after careful observation by their good brothers, he was just an ordinary person, with no breath in his body.

Everyone sighed behind their backs, what kind of nerve did Yi Le get, that he caused his family to behave like this.

I don't know how many ethnic people outside will be victimized by this, especially the relationship network and chambers of commerce in their own country, which are the foundation of their lives, and the good times in the future are coming to an end.

Shi Lei could feel the other party's dissatisfaction, and he didn't care about it in his heart. Just as he was about to walk away, he suddenly noticed a little movement in the lower part of the lake.

Shi Lei instantly threw the person next to him to the ground, and he also lay tightly on top of him.

And this person was startled suddenly, thinking that he wanted to do something, but he was not afraid of him, and he felt a burst of explosion coming from Hupo in front, and the splashing water sprayed in all directions and shot around.

"Enemy attack." Yi Le's voice resounded in the air, and he also quickly ran towards the lake, because he felt a faint hostility there, and the opponent was hiding below.

Now the lakeside is really full of people, no one knows where the enemy is, it's a mess, like a headless fly.

Everyone panicked and turned back and forth at a loss, and the screams of injuries continued.

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