Shi Lei only felt the gravity on his body suddenly lighten, he didn't do anything else, he only had time to catch his breath, and a blue wave formed a circle, surrounding him.

Shi Lei saw that he was trapped here, with the land below, and the swirling waves in the other direction.

Shi Lei gathered all his strength and punched it, but he didn't even open a gap. The seemingly soft water wave shook his arm numbly.

But he is still trying to attack the attackers, trying to break out.

"Don't bother, you can't get out, don't worry, I won't kill him all at once, since I said I won't torture you, I won't torture you, but your little lover is not among them." Commander Wang Trapping Yi Le aside, he said to Shi Lei in the front, and Yi Le in the back.

But watching the other party move back and forth, it felt a little annoying, a blue water wave appeared inside, wrapped around him directly, tied him firmly in place and could not move.

Commander Wang nodded in satisfaction, and drew a circle in the air with his finger, leaving a blue trail.

Directly control the waves, protrude a little water column from the circle, only as long as half a finger, and then a blue light flashes, the water column directly turns into ice crystals, flashing blue cold light, and then controls the waves, forcing them over a little bit .

Although the color of the waves is relatively dark, everyone can still see the ice tips made of ice crystals, thinking that most of Shi Lei's body is covered with such sharp things.

I felt goosebumps all over my body, as if I had been tortured, and everyone's already pale color became even whiter.

"Puchi" Although the sound of each acupuncture prick is very small, but so many piercing in at the same time, you can still hear the faint sound of the needle piercing into the flesh.

In an instant, all the ice thorns perfectly avoided Shi Lei's vital points, and they all pierced in. Commander Wang specially controlled his strength to ensure that he would not die until the ice thorns left his body.

Shi Lei's whole body was like a fountain, several dense blood columns spewed out from his body in an instant, this was not over, only a cold breath spewed out from Wang Tongling's mouth.

Directly passing through the water circle, it turned into a cloud of cold mist that enveloped Shi Lei, the wounds all over his body were instantly frozen, and a layer of blue frost formed on Shi Lei's body.

Shi Lei's brows were covered with fine frost, the blood from his whole body was no longer spurting out, his lips turned white from the cold, and he kept trembling.

"Hey." Looking at the other party's situation, the tyrannical heart in Commander Wang seemed to be ignited, and he directly controlled the water circle and rushed up again.

And this time he moved the position of the tip of the ice slightly to ensure that it was different from the last wound.

Such a cruel thing provoked Yi Le to keep cursing, but unfortunately her words were of no use to Commander Wang, on the contrary, she felt more enjoyable.

"Let's vent. I'll do the same to everyone one by one in the future, and let everyone bleed to death." Commander Wang scanned the circle with sharp eyes.

No one dared to look at him, they all lowered their heads, for fear that it would be their turn next.

On the contrary, a few children raised their heads and looked at him unyieldingly.

"Hehe, there are people who are not afraid of death." Commander Wang stretched out his hand to grab the other party regardless of their age, and those children flew out of their parents' hands with a 'swish' sound and stopped in front of Commander Wang.

"Jiajia, Linlin." Several exclamations came from his parents, and the parents of those children stood up in an instant.

They were all just ordinary people. The cruel tactics of Commander Wang just now had frightened them. Their faces turned pale, but they still didn't dare to rush over.

"Woo, woo, woo." Yi Le stared angrily at the side, thinking that he was going to use cruel methods on the child.

"Mom, save me." Those children, who could not have been so frightened, burst into tears one by one, and the stubbornness just now was gone.

"Haha." Commander Wang smiled proudly, stretched out his hand, and Shi Lei's body spurted blood again, but it was not as high as last time.

When those children saw such a scene up close, their faces were a little distorted, and their bodies kept dancing in the air, trying to stay away from this demon.

There was a foul stench in the air, and several of them were incontinent.

"Cut, you guys still dare to stare at me." A trace of disgust flashed in Commander Wang's eyes, and he threw all the children towards the crowd, not caring about their life or death.

Fortunately, those people caught it in time, but the fear on the child's face could not be eliminated. It seemed that they were going to have a nightmare for a while.

Commander Wang's third torture has started here, but Shi Lei's eyes couldn't help blinking, he was already suffering from too much blood loss, and he looked a bit shaky.

After this time, Shi Lei finally bled so much all over his body that he couldn't hold it anymore, his head tilted and he passed out.

"Cut, it really is a mortal, and you can't hold it anymore after so many blows, then you go to die." Commander Wang looked at Yi Le who was still humming, and said loudly on purpose.

Sure enough, Yi Le's face became more anxious.

Commander Wang snapped his fingers casually, and saw that all the ice thorns were retracted, and the outer blue water circle began to slowly shrink inward, which seemed to crush him to death.

He knew that this way of dying was scary and terrifying, and he loved hearing their screams of terror together.

Afterwards Commander Wang stopped looking at Shi Lei and beckoned Xiao Xie over.

Xiaoxie ran over from a distance when he saw Commander Wang calling him.

Commander Wang is not going to play with them any longer, he only needs to be in charge of a few people here, and the others are going to be handed over to Xiao Xie.

Let him gather all those people, torture a few people a little, and get rid of them all directly.

And Yi Le's eyes were fixed on Shi Lei.

At this moment, Shi Lei already had a layer of tiny blood droplets all over his body, as the water circle kept approaching, his whole body turned into a blood man again in a blink of an eye, as if he had squeezed out what little blood he had.

It can be clearly seen that Shi Lei can be said to be skinny at this moment, as long as the water circle comes over in the next moment, his whole body will be crushed, and he can't die.

At this critical juncture, Yi Le saw a mysterious light flash on Shi Lei's forehead suddenly, and a filament like a thin thread protruded from it, piercing directly into the water circle like lightning.

I saw the circle of water stopped rotating halfway, and between flashes, a little water light entered Shi Lei's forehead along the silk thread, and the circle of water disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if absorbed by Shi Lei.

At this time, Commander Wang was looking at the back, and although Xiaoxie saw it, he didn't realize what was going on. He thought it was Commander Wang's spell, and he was still walking towards Commander Wang quickly with that calf.

However, the clan elders and Yi Le who had been expecting some miracles suddenly brightened their eyes, because Shi Lei's eyes had already been opened at this time, and there was no sense of confusion in his eyes as before. Unclear things.

There was a kind of stupidity in his body before, although ordinary people couldn't see it, but Yi Le could feel it, and it disappeared now.

Shi Lei added some dry lips, looked at Commander Wang who was facing away from him, his eyes flickered with something called danger.

Shi Lei, in fact, should be called Gu Zheng. At a critical moment, he directly absorbed the power of the surrounding water circle. The wall that closed his black room was finally pierced by the root, revealing a small gap, and his own memory was broken in an instant. flooded into my mind like a flood.

Including the wall around him, it was also collapsing quickly, turning into a trace of dust, tearing it off and disappearing. In just the blink of an eye, Gu Zheng figured out all the ins and outs.

Including why I was trapped in this place, and coming back with the previous memories.

At the same time, the strength in the body is also rapidly recovering. The blood beads on the skin and the blood under the feet all automatically return to the inside of the body, which at least makes the body a little bloody.

It turned out that when Lao Xiong just threw Gu Zheng out, the vision in Gu Zheng's mind had completely disappeared. Taking this opportunity, Gu Zheng directly took control of his body.

But when he woke up, Gu Zheng found that he had entered the red channel before he could detect what was going on in his body.

Moreover, he found himself in an arc-shaped shield, which was protected by Xiong Lao's spells. At the same time, he found that his chest lighted up, and a familiar voice came to his ears.

This was Xiong Lai's consciousness that Xiong Lai kept on his body, and when he realized he woke up, it was automatically passed into his brain.

It turned out that when I was in a coma, it was because of Ouyang Ping's seal after his death, including the release of the seal and the origin.

I remembered that before I killed him, he seemed to want to say something, how could I listen to it at that time, and it turned out to be what I am today.

Just when I thought I would escape smoothly, I found that the outer shield had begun to appear cracks, and the exit was close at hand.

But Gu Zheng's body couldn't move at all. Under Gu Zheng's worried eyes, when he was about to go out the next moment, the shield was directly broken.

At that time, Gu Zheng only felt a burst of heaven and soul bricks, and the boundless pulling force was tearing himself apart, but at that time his cultivation had dropped to a very low level, and 99% of his body was sealed.

I only feel that there is a layer of strength outside my body, protecting myself from being torn apart by the other party.

As a result, I lost my mind and didn't know what happened to me. I was seriously injured, and my body protected itself, so I blocked myself. As a result, Gu Zheng fainted by the lake and was picked up by Mr. Sun.

Gu Zheng still clearly remembers the next thing until now, including the pulsation of himself and the giant wolf, looking at the captured token foolishly, looking forward to the recovery of his memory.

Normally speaking, without decades of self-healing, Gu Zheng would not be able to wake up at all. The Russian-Japanese Penguin might awaken a new personality in Gu Zheng's body again, but there is not enough time for him to grow.

The moment Gu Zheng woke up, he automatically merged into Gu Zheng's mind, because the two are one in themselves.

At the beginning, those tunnels themselves were not able to pass through with his cultivation level, and Mr. Xiong never thought that there would be people under heaven.

If it weren't for the means reserved by Xiong Lao to help him block most of the power, he could have been torn into pieces and died there on the spot.

And there was a demon grass in Gu Zheng's body. The demon grass was happily absorbing the origin of immortal energy in Gu Zheng's body, but suddenly found that his whole body was empty, which made him anxious.

After looking around, he finally found a seal that sealed his whole body's cultivation base. Now that the demon grass is gone, he has absorbed a lot of Gu Zheng's immortal energy.

Even if it is an ancient seal, the demon grass is also a rare flower, so I am afraid of it at all, so I directly work against the seal.

Absorbing the original source of immortal energy for so many years, Yaocao's fighting power is immediately overwhelming, and it does not go head-to-head with the seal, and directly drills a gap in the middle of the seal, but Yaocao soon finds that she is unable to destroy the entire seal, so she has no choice but to move towards the place where Gu Zheng was imprisoned .

The intention is to release him in advance and control the body, otherwise the body will not be controlled by Gu Zheng, and the immortal energy in the body will not be restored.

The stupid consciousness outside can't absorb the free spiritual energy, it can only absorb it passively, filter it through the body with a punch, and it goes out again, it's useless at all

Because the little gap he broke was enough for him to recover to the cultivation base of a celestial being, so that he could absorb the celestial energy again.

Of course, all of this is the instinct of the demon grass, guessed by Gu Zheng.

Originally, the demon grass was exhausted and couldn't break through the last distance. As a result, under the threat of life and death, it directly absorbed the energy of the water circle, and with the help of this energy, it instantly pierced through that little gap, directly breaking the wall that surrounded Gu Zheng's consciousness.

When Gu Zheng woke up from the time, he had already discovered the situation at this time, but he quietly began to absorb the free aura of the air with all his strength, and at the same time, from the limbs and bones in his body, the same pure fairy power was flowing gushing out.

I don't know if Commander Wang was too confident and didn't pay much attention to the illusion around him. He didn't realize that something was wrong until Gu Zheng had a strong momentum.

At this time, the little crab had just walked halfway.

Commander Wang turned around suddenly, and saw a half-smile looking at him, but there was indifference in the eyes.

Gu Zheng suffered so many serious injuries just now, but he kept them all in his heart. How could he easily bypass him, but why didn't Gu Zheng do anything.

Because he found that his storage space could not be opened, because when he entered the Golden Immortal stage, he strengthened another layer of defense, and he could not open it when he was not in the Golden Immortal stage, and now he has only reached the late stage of Celestial Immortal, which is still a demon grass The credit, or else I would really become a useless person.

It would be bad luck to die.

So it can be said that he doesn't have any magic weapons, except for this one that he can't drive, there are really no weapons that can be used.

However, this so-called Commander Wang is only in the early days of the Celestial Immortal. Although there is a strong immortal energy inside his body, it seems that he has been in this realm for many years.

However, at this time, Gu Zheng's cultivation had returned to the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, and with the sealed immortal energy gushing out from the seal, he had recovered to his best state in a blink of an eye.

To deal with people who are two levels away, you don't have to worry about anything, just empty-handed, Gu Zheng is so confident.

Commander Wang looked at Gu Zheng in disbelief, how could the person who was still dying under his command just now exude an aura that even he was afraid of.

"Aren't you already dead?" Commander Wang stammered, normally at this time he had already been hanged in the water circle by himself.

And the little crab also found that something was wrong, so he stopped halfway.

Now I can't see through his cultivation at all. Could it be that the other party has been deliberately pretending, but if I hadn't wanted to torture him and kill him directly, he would have died directly.

Commander Wang couldn't figure out what the other party was doing, but looking at the unfriendly eyes of the other party, he knew that he could no longer explain to the other party, and there was still a lot of undried blood on the ground, which was his masterpiece.

"Then you don't need to know, all you need to know is that you will die next time." Gu Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, his tone full of confidence.

I even broke through the secret realm carefully arranged by the Shura people, beheaded many enemies, even two Shuras died in my hands, although I narrowly escaped death, but I finally came out from there.

Commander Wang certainly knew that the status of the two had been reversed, but he thought that even if the other party returned to his realm, his body might not necessarily recover. Although he felt a lot of spiritual energy pouring into his body now, it was just a drop in the bucket for him.

I didn't see that the other party didn't attack all the time, but put on a pose there, as if trying to scare me away, so I wouldn't be fooled.

Commander Wang, who thought he could see through the reality of the opponent, suddenly yelled, and a deep voice appeared from the air, forming a sound wave, which echoed continuously in the air, and there was a buzzing in the air.

Those people with relatively low cultivation base and ordinary people immediately rolled their eyes and passed out when they heard it. Even Yi Le's head was stunned suddenly, and his eyes went black for a while.

Fortunately, this was not directed at them, but Gu Zheng's eyes were still bright and abnormal, and he was not affected in any way.

However, Commander Wang didn't feel that this action had much effect, and it was mainly because of his own heart.

A large piece of blue light was emitted from his hand, which made it impossible to look directly at him. Then he raised his hand suddenly, and a blue light flew out of his hand in a flash, and turned into a big blue net in a whirl in the air. , under the cover of the ancient struggle.

Yi Le's confinement also disappeared at this time. Seeing this power, he was shocked, and hurriedly backed away for a distance, taking away those stunned clan elders by the way, so as not to be affected.

When the blue net opened in the air, I saw drops of water gathering on the net, and then like a downpour, it poured out toward the location where Gu Zheng was.

But Gu didn't take any precautions, he let the water drop hit him, even Gu Zheng closed his eyes, enjoying himself as if walking in the rain.

Those water droplets are really like ordinary water, flowing down the body.

Commander Wang only knew that the moment the water drop containing immortal power touched the opponent's body, the power disappeared immediately, as if absorbed by the opponent.

But in fact, at the moment of release, Gu Zheng directly dissolved the power inside. Although the number was dense, it was really trivial to him.

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