"Why did you come to my place?" Gu Zheng asked suspiciously. With so many guests, most of them are single, and occasionally there are a few people.

"Because most of your dishes were left untouched when mine came." The little girl replied after swallowing the food in her mouth with difficulty.

Gu Zheng thought it was true, he was the last one to serve, and she appeared after he savored two dishes carefully, and she didn't move at all for the two dishes he moved, and she was a little clean.

"What's your name, and how do these meals taste?" Gu Zheng asked with interest. At this time, after eating almost half of the meals, the little girl finally stopped her hands and sat down on her buttocks. Covering his slightly raised belly.

"My name is Xiangxiang. I've had a good meal, but it's not as good as my family's." The little girl said boldly, without any scruples about the attendant not far from here.

It seems that Gu Zheng's behavior of letting her eat food aroused some good feelings in her.

"Then your family is usually better than this?" Gu Zheng seemed to underestimate her, because he could see that she was not lying.

"Then you still eat so much, it feels like you haven't eaten for several days."

"I ran out secretly, because I was tired of the food at home, and I wanted to find something more delicious. I heard that human food is delicious, but my family didn't let me out, so I secretly found an opportunity. Slipped out." The little girl blushed, lowered her head subconsciously, and whispered softly.

"I've been looking for it for a few days, only to find that the food here can be eaten, and I can't eat anything else."

Gu Zheng was taken aback when he heard this, looking at this little girl strangely, only then did he realize that this little girl had the cultivation base of the early stage of a fairy, which was really unexpected.

If it weren't for the other party's slip of the tongue, I really wouldn't have thought of detecting her. This little girl seems too naive.

Looking at this fragrant little girl, sitting there imitating the posture of an adult, looking like a little adult, I couldn't help smiling.

"You'd better go back, the outside world is too dangerous, be careful of being taken away by bad guys." Although it's not his own business, Gu Zheng still suggested that a little girl with no experience is useless at a high cultivation base.

Be careful that someone sold it to her, and she even counted the money for others.

"No, those bad guys can't get close to me, brother, can you cook? When I saw you just now, you looked exactly the same as my chef after eating something new." Xiangxiang asked curiously.

"Of course not, I'm just a gourmet." Gu Zheng thought in his heart, if it's about cooking, I'm afraid he will be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

"Brother, you are lying, it's not good to lie, you are obviously a good cook." Xiangxiang said with a bright look in his eyes, looking at Gu Zheng, with a serious face.

"Okay, you're right, I'm a good cook." Gu Zheng was defeated by this sweet Tong Yan Wuji, how could he praise others like this.

"Okay, I'm going back, and you should go home early, so don't let your family worry." Gu Zheng took out some money from his cuffs, which was provided by Xiao Xie of course, and he had to go back and inquire about the materials of the Five Elements. Too much time wasted here.

Gu Zheng and his group walked out directly. That little girl has a mid-stage cultivation base of a fairy, so it is really difficult to hurt her.

As soon as I left the entrance of the restaurant, I saw a large group of people passing by the door. They were full of energy. Under the leadership of a suspected captain, they walked in the opposite direction of Gu Zheng. It seemed that they should be the patrol team of this city. They came in by themselves until now. , have seen many times.

The defense is really frequent, no wonder the city's law and order is so bad.

While sighing with emotion, Gu Zheng continued walking towards Yile's address with his entourage.

A figure quietly glanced at Gu Zheng, rolled his eyes, and followed behind him secretly.

When Gu Zheng was walking on a sparsely populated road, they had already arrived at another area, and most of them beside them had also turned into rich mansions.

"Come out, don't hide, what are you doing with me?" Gu Zheng stopped and shouted to the back.

The two attendants followed Gu Zheng's perspective and found that there was no suspicious person except pedestrians. Besides, they had been vigilant around and found no one following them.

But the immortal said yes, so there must be, but he didn't notice it. The two quickly put on a defensive posture.

Something that surprised them happened. A glutinous and sweet little girl flashed out from a wall. Isn't this the little girl who ate and drank just now? Why did she follow her again?

The two of them looked much more relaxed, and no one would be vigilant against a little girl, especially when she was still so cute.

Xiangxiang walked over slowly, very much like the expression of being caught doing something bad.

"Why are you following me? If you don't go home, what will your adults do?" Gu Zheng frowned and said, because he didn't have time to coax a little girl to play.

"I know what you're looking for." The little girl's words startled Gu Zheng.

"Then you're talking about what I'm looking for?" Gu Zheng asked intentionally, how could he know about his own affairs, since he never leaked a word.

"You are looking for five elements materials, it seems that you want to refine something." Xiangxiang said confidently.

"It turns out that you are good at this. As soon as Gu Zheng heard the other party speak, he knew that the other party could do mind-reading spells and this should be his innate ability, because he didn't feel the fluctuation of her mana.

She should have sensed what she was thinking about, and then randomly guessed that she was right. Most of the five elements materials are needed for refining weapons, followed by formations, especially the former accounting for the majority.

"Wrong, I'm just looking for my friend. Actually, I don't need it. You go back quickly and don't follow us. Be careful that I'm rude to you." Gu Zheng cast a spell on himself calmly, so that she could If you want to perceive your own thoughts, you will no longer be able to realize them.

Xiangxiang's face wrinkled, because she found that she couldn't sense the other party's thoughts, and she could hear some vaguely before. It seemed that the other party had noticed and blocked herself.

He was just as cunning as those people, at first he leaked a little trick, and then guarded himself one by one.

"Hey, don't go. I know where the water-attributed materials are. If you help me with something, I'll tell you." Seeing Gu Zheng, they turned around and left, shouting hurriedly, but Gu Zheng's footsteps were still hesitant. Moved, and did not respond to his own words.

"Wow." In an instant, Xiangxiang stood on the street and began to cry, smelling sad, and the listener wept.

Gu Zheng heard this desolate cry, his head was so big, he had to stop, and turned to look at Xiangxiang who was wiping tears.

Drops of crystal eyedrops fell from the sky like gems, and the little girl like a porcelain doll stood on the street crying helplessly, even Gu Zheng's entourage couldn't stand it.

Why would a fairy make it difficult for a little girl? At worst, let her follow and send her home.

The heart-warming crying continued, and Gu Zheng looked at her angrily.

The people around didn't seem to notice that there was a little girl crying here, and they were still busy with their own affairs.

Only Gu Zheng and the three of them can hear it, so it can be said that it is hard for Gu Zheng to see.

"Okay, okay, you follow me first, let me explain first, don't challenge my patience, I'm going crazy, even I'm afraid of myself." Gu Zheng said viciously.

"Hee hee." Xiangxiang's tears were like the weather. One moment, there were dark clouds and great luck pouring down, and the next second it stopped, and the clouds disappeared and the sky cleared.

Is my own trick, I have tried everything to deal with such a person, unlike those people, who are bad, and ignore me

I saw her running over directly, grabbing Gu Zheng's sleeve with her small hands, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Her face was full of smiles, her big eyes were flickering, she was not as pitiful as before.

"Aren't you a chef? Can you cook me something delicious?" Xiangxiang put forward her wish directly and unceremoniously.

"When did I say I was a chef?" Gu Zheng said with a wry smile, he really didn't see the outside world, and he had to cook for her as soon as he came up.

"You told me in the restaurant that you were a cook." Feeling a claw on his cuff as if she had grabbed it, she didn't even think about it, and flicked it with a finger quickly, then opened her eyes wide and looked at Gu Zheng, Act like you can't play tricks.

"That's just me perfunctory you, I'm just a gourmet." Gu Zheng really didn't expect this Xiangxiang to be so serious.

"I don't care, I want to eat, I want to eat." Xiangxiang said coquettishly, feeling that he was deceiving herself. Before, she clearly said that she was a cook, and she could feel that he was not satisfied with the food.

Unlike what he said, he is a gourmet, so I don't believe it, because I am also considered a half gourmet, I just know that the food is not as good as home, and I really can't feel it.

"Let's go back first." Gu Zheng said helplessly, if it wasn't for the fact that she still had some thoughts in her heart, she wouldn't have paid so much attention to the water-attribute material in her mouth.

Gu Zheng and the others moved forward again, but there was a small oil bottle beside them.

"My lord, after passing the corner ahead, our temporary residence is ahead." After walking a short distance, one of the attendants pointed to a place ahead.

But when they turned a corner, the faces of the two attendants changed, because they saw that their door was open, and there was obviously a puddle of fresh blood on the door, and a plaque that was broken in half.

I can vaguely see a bronzing Yi word,

Gu Zheng also noticed the abnormality of the two of them, squinting his eyes to feel the faint smell of blood in the air, as if he couldn't help but something unexpected happened before.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, but just walked in the front, leading the crowd through the somewhat damaged gate.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a mess inside, like a typhoon passing through, scattered flowers and plants everywhere, and the music could only hear some sounds coming from the backyard.

Several people ran over quickly and found that in the wide backyard, two pairs of horses were confronting each other, and an open space slipped out in the middle, and the whole yard was full.

And in the open space in the middle, two people are coming and going, fighting with swords and swords.

Their appearance alarmed the people on both sides, one side was led by a middle-aged man, at this time he was looking at Yi Le opposite with a happy face, with strong covetousness in his eyes.

Regarding the appearance of Gu Zheng and the others, they just turned their heads to take a look, and then turned away in disdain. A third-tier warrior may have some status in other places, but it is basically useless here, and it is only the life of a guard.

Yes, the aura on Gu Zheng's body is actually only the third level, and it is easy to be underestimated. Unless Gu Zheng makes a move, otherwise no one will know the real strength of Gu Zheng. Method.

But when Yi Le saw Gu Zheng, everyone was overjoyed and finally waited for him to come.

A soldier who was waiting for Gu Zheng before rushed in and was knocked out by the opponent's people before he said anything, and he still hasn't woken up yet.

I only know that Gu Zheng must have come out of the carriage, but I don't know other specific information. Whether Gu Zheng has left here or is daring to come towards him, it made everyone feel agitated.

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching this time, everyone's heart fell to the ground unconsciously, and the middle-aged man was surprised, why this person had appeared, and the expression on the other side was much more relaxed.

He made sure to look at it, it was just an ordinary third-level aura, even if it was a third-level immortal cultivator, it would not be able to change the situation of the battle.

He simply stopped looking at him, and turned his head to look in the middle, because the outcome of the middle battlefield was about to be decided.

"Master Gu, you're back." Yi Le looked at the girl beside him curiously. The pink carvings and jade carvings are so cute. I may have never seen them before. It seems that Gu Zheng came out and brought them back, but she is smart. Didn't ask much.

"What's the situation with you? Why did your opponent come to you as soon as you came back?" Gu Zheng stood at the front, watching Yi Le's close contact with him caused the other party to look at him, and became fierce.

"It's a long story. We have had grievances with them for decades. This time, it's just that the other party came back to seek revenge." Yi Le smiled wryly. This time they really found a good time.

Gu Zheng knew at a glance that it was the conflict of the ancestors again, otherwise it would not have lasted for decades, and I am afraid it was the battle of the previous generation.

From the looks of it, I'm afraid the pervert on the other side seems to have taken a fancy to Yi Le, and the development of the other party is much stronger than them. If Yi Le is still in their original country, they will not be able to stretch even if they are strong.

It's a pity that they have moved here with their entire family, and the door was blocked head-to-head by the opponent who was obviously stronger than him. Even the door was knocked down by the opponent. It must be because the opponent's edge was too strong.

"Then what are you?" Gu Zheng pointed to the battle above in puzzlement, maybe there were unknown rules here too.

But Yi Le said with a wry smile, because the other party took a fancy to his beauty and gave them a chance, if they could win twice in the three contests, they would not pursue the past.

But if you fail on your own side, then you can't help Yi Le to marry the other party, and the whole family will be merged, and the other party will be a subordinate family. You can directly say that Yi Le, the big family, will be called his family's servants .

Of course Yi Le didn't agree, but the other party's three immortal cultivators who were similar to him directly punched in, and he had no choice but to agree.

Now they have already won a game on the scene, and Yi Le will go off in person. If they lose this time, they will have the final victory according to the agreement, but there is nothing they can do.

No wonder they were so happy to see the appearance of Gu Zheng. With him around, they would basically not lose this time.

While talking, the battle in the middle has already been decided. The other side is beaming, but there is obviously some disappointment on this side. It is obvious that this side has lost.

"Hurry up and send people out." The middle-aged man said proudly. When the other party entered the city for the first time, he began to send people to inquire about the other party's news until he was sure that the other party had moved with his family, and his strength was just like this. , This led the elite of the family to come together.

But when I saw Yi Le with my own eyes, I changed my mind.

"Young Master Gu." Yi Le looked at Gu Zheng with a begging look, and couldn't hide the plea in his eyes.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he quietly handed over a small one, and put it into Yi Le's hands, because Gu Zheng's back was facing that side, so his movements could not be seen there.

"Are there any of you? If you can't do it, you have to admit defeat. The two families will form a family, and you will be my concubine. I won't insult your identity," the middle-aged man laughed, convinced that the other party had no other help.

You know, my side is already considered strong in the outer city, and most of them are the same as Yi Le, with only one master sitting in charge.

But if he dared to come to the door openly, he must have his own way, and he would not be able to protest.

Yi Le felt that there was something extra in her hand, and she was surprised at first, and then overjoyed, because she found that there was a small crab in her hand.

"You use it to fight, don't worry, it will definitely be no problem if you meet the opponent." Gu Zheng whispered, making sure that no one could hear it except Yi Le, and Xiao Xie completely ordered that there would be no problem.

At this time, the other party sent a bald man who was also a member of the fifth rank of the other party. Of course, Yi Le believed in Gu Zheng's judgment.

The middle-aged man only saw a black dot, which was thrown out of Yile's hand, and it became bigger in the air, and it still turned into a three-foot-high crab when it landed. This waved two pairs of huge pincers, and the "click" happened continuously. the sound of.

The middle-aged man's face changed, and he didn't expect the other party to make such a move. Unfortunately, the other party's people couldn't bribe them, otherwise they wouldn't be ignorant of such important information.

Of course, the people brought by Yile understand that they are one. If Yile does not exist, then they will have no good fruit to eat. What's more, Gu Zheng gave them the greatest confidence. They believe that they will be saved no matter what, even if their side falls defeat.

They don't dare to blatantly kill people here, even if they fight, they must suppress their combat power to avoid causing additional damage. Countless people have proved it with their lives. The palace is very clear about what happened everywhere.

They also have a very rare battle order issued on it, so they can directly go to the door to provoke.

While the middle-aged man was thinking, the battle above was over, and as he expected, the opponent still won.

At the same level, especially this kind of monster that cannot fight in a large area, this kind of monster has an overwhelming advantage.

"Hmph, let's go." The middle-aged man glanced at Yi Le angrily, and led their people out.

Yi Le also breathed a sigh of relief, the other party is unlikely to come to the door again, at most they will find trouble in other ways, she is not afraid.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." Yi Le Yingying bowed.

"It doesn't matter, it's just as you go." Gu Zheng knew that this woman who cared about her family, no matter how smart she was, was entangled in the world and couldn't give up at all, which meant that all her efforts could only be achieved. That's it.

No matter how unwilling she is, I hope she can realize this step sooner, and don't look forward to the sliver of hope in her heart.

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