When Gu Zheng passed through the water gate, he only felt a chill in his body, a blur in front of his eyes, and he appeared in mid-air.

Gu Zheng had some psychological barriers in these few teleportations, and his body had already been well protected. For this kind of situation, it is not bad, at least he is awake.

Gu Zheng thought that he would appear in the deep sea, or lie unconscious somewhere again.

Unexpectedly, this time was surprisingly smooth, and his body was falling rapidly, but Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, anyway, he glanced around.

I should be on the top of a small island, and at the far edge, I can see a vast ocean.

The blue sky and white clouds above, a lush forest below, and a low mountain peak in the distance, it is really a beautiful place, feeling the fast falling breeze, I finally came out of that strange place.

After falling half the distance, Gu Zheng was able to move his body, and when he was about to float, his expression changed, and he discovered the problem.

There is an inexplicable force in the air, imprisoning the immortal energy in his body, and he can no longer use the immortal energy. Doesn't it mean that he wants to fall so quickly.

Looking at the still small trees below, Gu Zheng couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spittle. At such a high height, he might die.

Gu Zheng fell towards the earth below like a meteor that could not turn back.

And under the lush big tree, a group of people are walking forward.

Among them, more than a dozen people were all locked with special handcuffs, and everyone's eyes were full of despair, like a puppet, walking step by step with the person in front.

In the line, there were three people guarding outside, one of them was a chubby man with a bald head and a smile on his face, walking at the back, while the other two were a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a black dress, handsome, and looked very young. His face gave off a sense of gentleness and elegance. The woman's red gauze skirt covered her whole body, and some delicate white skin was exposed when she walked, full of infinity. lure.

The two of them were walking ahead, escorting a group of people behind to finish the base here.

"Hurry up, you guys are moaning, do you want to be whipped by my aunt?" The woman walking in front shouted angrily when she saw a group of You Qi walking behind, her eyebrows raised.

At the same time, a fiery red whip appeared in his hand, and he kept waving it in the air, making a bursting sonic boom, and sparks appeared in the air.

Hearing the woman's shout, everyone unconsciously quickened their pace. They had suffered from that fiery woman, so they naturally didn't want to suffer from this unreasonable disaster, even though they were already very tired.

Seeing the group of people behind obediently listening to her, the woman nodded in satisfaction, stretched out her bright red tongue and licked her mouth, full of infinite temptation, and said to the man next to her in a charming voice:

"Brother Feng Yi, look at these people. It seems that the number of these people is still small and the quality is not good. I don't know if the leader blames us."

There are two people with gray hair inside, very conspicuous.

The man turned his head and looked at the woman and said in a deep voice: "Probably not. We seem to have exposed some traces over the years, and now some people are secretly chasing us. We have to keep a low profile for a while and can't act anymore."

"Well, what is that?" The woman just responded, but felt something falling from the sky at a very high speed, and the location seemed to be not far from her.

"Be careful." Feng Yi waved his hand to stop the team from advancing, and the fat head behind him also stepped forward and looked ahead, and they all felt the unusual situation there.

"We are not hiding here. Most people can't find it here. Besides, I remember that there is a forbidden space above our heads. How could someone come down from above." The hands are constantly turning.

"I don't know, Lian Rong and I will go over to have a look, and you stay here to watch them." Feng Yi directly ordered.

After finishing speaking, Feng Yi and the woman named Lianrong went to the front together. If the prediction is correct, that place is the place where the opposite side landed.

Two figures were hiding nearby, quietly waiting for the arrival of the uninvited guest from above.

"Ahhh!" With a scream from far to near, a figure broke the surrounding calm, a figure broke countless leaves from above, and then fell heavily on the ground, making a muffled sound.

A large pit suddenly appeared on the entire ground, and the leaves accumulated for many years had already accumulated a layer on the ground.

After feeling each other's aura, the two figures walked out from the hiding place.

"Brother Feng, he seems to be a third-tier kid, why would he appear here, or else?" Lian Rong directly made a motion of wiping her neck, and at the same time, the long whip in her hand began to glow red.

"Don't worry, although the other party's breath is very low, but the other party seems to be a physical trainer, the body is no less than the level of the fifth level, and the effect is still relatively large. Isn't it just that we are also short of people?" Feng Yi shook his head and signaled the other party not to. Ah action.

"But the origin of the other party is unknown. If there is any problem, the best choice is to kill the other party just to be on the safe side." Lian Rong said worriedly.

Feng Yi looked at the figure below, his body was in tatters, and there was still some blood on his mouth. It seemed that it was the impact of the fall from the sky just now, and it seemed that it should have hurt the internal organs.

Looking at Kong Wu's powerful body, Feng Yi not only pondered, he certainly understood what Lian Rong meant, but when he thought of the leader's gloomy face, he couldn't help shivering,

I was entrusted with an important task by the leader, but the number of tributes has been decreasing year by year, which has aroused dissatisfaction from above, especially now that it seems that a large amount of tributes have to be prepared for the opening of the Yaoguang secret realm, so I must not pay any more What's wrong, I still have to fight for that golden elixir so that I can be promoted to the Golden Immortal stage.

Thinking that it took less than 10,000 years for me to be favored by the leader all the way from the early days of Tianxian to the present, I am envious of everyone.

This time, I have to warn them, these guards, not to hurt people at will, and I have made a decision in my heart.

"It doesn't matter, wait a minute and give him an extra anklecuff, as long as he gets down, even if he is alone, he won't be able to make any waves."

In the team I captured, even the immortals would obediently serve them, let alone this little guy.

"Okay." Seeing Feng Yi insisted on saying this, Lian Rong had no choice but to agree with the other party's opinion. Looking at the still unconscious person below, the long whip in her hand suddenly grew sideways, rolling the other party up, ignoring the whip. Those barbs as thin as fluff scraped his body dripping with blood.

Lian Rong flicked her wrist lightly, and the long whip drew a beautiful arc, directly threw the figure out, and walked directly along the gap in the forest towards the direction of the team.

And the two of them followed closely behind, encountering some insurmountable obstacles, Lianrong directly controlled the whip to control the direction of the figure, and avoided it.

There was a light "bang", and the figure fell directly in front of the team, which shocked everyone.

"You guys, lift him up for me." Lian Rong pointed at the few people in front of her unceremoniously, even though one of them was her friend before that.

Those few people came out quickly, the resentment in their eyes couldn't be concealed at all, but they were already used to it, and the future of these people was already doomed.

Several people quickly supported his arms with one person, and supported his back with another person, adding up the figure.

At this time, the face of this figure was confused, and his eyes were still tightly closed. It seemed that he was in a coma.


Lian Rong whipped a few whips unceremoniously, there were a few whip marks on her chest, the clothes on her upper body were pulled off, and her upper body was exposed.

"I didn't expect this person to have such a strange mark." After Lian Rong felt that there was no fluctuation, she decided that it was not a good thing, so she stopped paying attention.

Then he took out a small red seal from his hand and printed it on his shoulder.

"Zizi" a burst of white smoke rose, and there was a smell of barbecue in the air. When the red seal was removed, a mysterious symbol was printed on it.

After doing all this well, the handcuffs and hinges in the hands of the fat head, with low-level cultivation, enjoy the same treatment as a fairy.

Feng Yi looked at all this with cold eyes, and the figure let out a few meaningless moans of pain, without any intention of waking up.

The team moved forward slowly again, and the target was the mountain in the distance.

Several well-meaning people in the team took turns supporting Gu Zheng and went together. Did they know that if he was really allowed to stay here, then that cruel woman would definitely kill him directly.

On the third day, the figure slowly opened his eyes, and under the explanation of the kind-hearted people around him, he understood his situation and didn't say much, as if accepting his fate, he followed the team without saying a word keep going.

Looking at the two figures in front of him, there was a look of anger in his eyes, but it was good that the other party didn't notice it.

This figure is actually the ancient battle of the day.

Gu Zheng's spiritual consciousness is much stronger than theirs, and they have already noticed him before they found him.

A combination of a peak celestial being, a late celestial being, and a mid-stage one. Although they don't know how strong they are, they are not afraid of each other in normal ancient battles.

But there is a layer of restriction outside this place, which should be the other party's territory.

My own situation is at the lowest level. If there is a conflict, these three people are enough to fight for a pot, let alone whether there are other people in other places to support.

With an idea, Gu Zheng directly restrained the momentum of his whole body, and fell straight from the sky, exposing his muscles by the way.

It's just that she didn't expect that woman to have such a vicious mind. If the other party dared to do something, of course he would not catch her without a fight. Fortunately, the man's words calmed down Gu Zheng.

However, he was still suffering from flesh and blood, Gu Zheng kept telling himself to hold back, and when he was fully recovered and found out the reality, he must make the other party look good.

Gu Zheng is quite grateful to those kind-hearted people. He is so tired and wants to help himself.

You must know that now everyone's body is locked by the special chains, which means that their physical strength is stronger than ordinary people. Two of them have golden chains on their bodies, and the cultivation of those two people has reached the level of heaven. The basics are the fourth and fifth ranks, all of which are locked with silver chains.

In particular, Gu Zheng has one more thing than others, who let him show a little bit of strength in order to show his value, so that they think he is a body repairer.

However, this restriction is also a matter of thought for Gu Zheng.

After waking up, Gu Zheng pretended to continue to follow them, wondering why he came to this place.

It seems that it has been operated by someone for many years. On the way, Gu Zheng also inquired around the bush. It's a pity that they don't know where they are, but everyone knows the leader.

In Yunpiao Island, he is also a well-known figure. He often helps other people, is righteous, and has a good reputation, but he did not expect that he would use this status to deceive many people.

In the past, fellow Taoists disappeared one after another, and no one doubted him. You must know that he is usually well-known, and he is also considered a big force on the island. Now that they are in such a state, they are too credulous. .

It's too late to say anything now, and the previous people are probably also dealing with disappearances.

After all the side details, Gu Zheng also knew the location of Haicheng, which he seemed to be far away from, but he really didn't know where it was.

The other party didn't seem to care about their conversation, as long as they didn't slow down, they went straight ahead, only the woman let the crowd whip a whip for fun from time to time,

After another three days, they finally came to the bottom of the mountain.

They stopped in a very remote place, facing a stone wall, and Feng Yi, the leader, made a series of spells. With the sound of "rumbling", he opened a very hidden cave and let everyone go go in.

As soon as he entered the flash, the cave behind him was directly sealed. Gu Zheng clearly felt that the surroundings had been surrounded by formations, and his consciousness could not be too far away from the body. He did not expect that the outer layer and the inner layer, it seems that this protection very strict.

Gu Zheng was curious about what kind of organization the other party was like. He was afraid of attracting the other party's attention along the way, so he didn't recover at all, and even his body stopped absorbing spiritual energy on its own.

The cave passage here is wide enough, and it feels like the passage is going down along the way. There will be a red stone emitting red light at a certain distance around it, and the illuminated passage will guide everyone.

Entering this inexplicable place, some people couldn't help breathing quickly, and some people began to think about their future fate. For a while, the whole team was silent, only the sound of empty footsteps was left to recall.

Gu Zheng estimated that after walking for several hours, the road in front of him became smoother, and he soon came to a relatively large space.

There are three passages in this hall, and it is so dark that it is impossible to see where they lead.

A middle-aged man in a blue robe was sitting alone in the middle of the town. When he saw a large group of them coming in, he got up to greet them.

"Master Feng, everything has been arranged." He moved away from his position and found a water glass behind him, which contained some purple liquid, which looked very strange.

"All of you, hurry up and drink it." That lotus seed's voice sounded again.

They had no choice at all, so they could only step forward one by one and drink it down.

Without exception, Gu Zheng picked up the purple glass of water, giving himself a familiar feeling. He just delayed a little time, and immediately felt a fierce look over him.

"This damned woman, I'll see you when the time comes." Gu Zheng felt the malicious gaze, and drank the liquid in his mouth in one gulp, only then did he move that gaze away from behind him.

This liquid evaporates quickly after entering the body, turning into dots of purple mist lurking all over the body, like a huge spider web connected together.

Gu Zheng looked at everyone's faces, and seemed to understand that this was not a good thing.

"Okay, since everyone drank this glass of water, they should have some guesses in their hearts." Feng Yi looked at everyone with a warm face and said, Gu Zheng had to admit that once this person laughed, it really gave people a sense of affection. People can't help but want to get close.

But his words made everyone's hearts fall into the ice cellar, and they felt chills all over their bodies.

"Did you see this worm in my hand?" Feng Yi took out a purple worm from nowhere, the whole body was covered in mysterious purple, and it was staying in his palm.

"As long as the person who holds this female worm has a thought, you will die directly. For the sake of your life, it is better not to think about any crooked ideas. Of course, if you don't cooperate, we have plenty of ways to make you obedient. "

The gloomy words came out of his mouth, like a winter wind blowing into everyone's hearts. Although what he said was so terrifying, until now everyone didn't know what they were facing.

"I don't think everyone wants to try the power of the mother worm, but there is good news for everyone. If you behave well, we will welcome you to join here. Although we can't let you out, at least we will let you live comfortably .” Said the middle-aged man in the blue robe.

Hitting a mallet and giving a red date, the kung fu of black face and white face is simply too skilled.

They didn't ask what everyone was thinking, but simply warned them a few words, and let the middle-aged man in the blue robe lead them down.

Gu Zheng and a group of people walked in directly from the passage on the right.

"When are we going to leave here, Brother Feng." Lian Rong hugged Feng Yi's arm and said coquettishly, there is nothing here, but she doesn't like it at all, if it wasn't for the mission, she would never want to come here for the rest of her life.

"I guess it will take a while. We will send all these things to the leader at that time. This time, the leader will also go with him in the shining state. It seems that there is a very important thing to do." Feng Yi remained calm. Pulling out his arm, he said.

"Oh, it seems really important for the leader to come out in person this time. Do you know why?" Lian Rong stepped forward again, approaching Feng Yi's side, twisting her wasp waist intentionally or unintentionally, showing off her charm.

"The leader knows your hard work, and he specially asked you to give you a grain of black gold last time." Feng Yi took out a black glowing elixir from his waist, how could he not know what she was thinking, and handed it directly.

"Thank you for the gift of the leader, and thank you Brother Feng for your support. I will definitely work hard again." Lian Rong's face was open like a flower, and she said excitedly, her eyes were attracted by the black balls.

Even the fat man next to him had a flash of envy in his eyes. This was the reason why they worked so desperately. Different black gold could directly raise one's cultivation level by a small level, which was against the sky.

"Don't worry, when the leader comes out again this time, he will definitely not forget everyone. With your contribution, you will definitely have a share." Feng Yi comforted the fat head and said.

Only then did the fat head nod, without saying a word, he followed Feng Yi to the middle aisle.

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