Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 135 Gongmi

There were two people when they came, but there were three when they went back.

Some of the things Wang Dong brought were temporarily stored in the Internet cafe. Gu Zheng and Mu Mu accompanied Wang Dong back to get all the things, and then went back to the hotel.

After opening a room for Wang Dong, all three of them entered Wang Dong's room.

"Where did you buy your eggs and rice?"

Wang Dong has a lot of things, one bag is eggs, the number is about 30, and there is also a bag of rice and a rice cooker. The rice used for today's competition was cooked by him last night and brought after it cooled down today. .

What Gu Zheng is most curious about is actually not eggs, but rice.

Ordinary rice will stick together after cooking, and become a whole piece after cooling. Wang Dong's rice is still loose after cooking and cooling, but it is not as loose as uncooked rice.

"The eggs are harvested at the farm. There is a family whose eggs are particularly good. They are all free-range in the mountains. I found that the egg fried rice made by their eggs tastes better than others. I have been buying there since then, although it is a bit more expensive! "

Wang Dong lowered his head. The price of eggs is indeed quite expensive. The eggs Gu Zheng bought were three yuan and five a piece. The eggs he bought were more expensive, five yuan a piece. He was different from Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng had a job anyway. , able to support himself, he is still an apprentice, with an apprentice salary of less than two thousand a month.

It’s nothing more than a small salary. He still has to give his family a thousand yuan a month, and he can only have a few hundred dollars left. Because of this, he didn’t live in a cheap hotel here after signing up, but went to an Internet cafe to make do. The registration fee of two hundred yuan was not a small expense for him, and he still gritted his teeth to sign up.

"Good ingredients are more expensive, but sometimes money can't buy good ingredients!"

Gu Zheng nodded slowly. In the past, he didn't have the spirit of weapons and could not identify the ingredients. The quality of the ingredients was firstly judged by experience, and secondly by tasting it by himself.

He is very clear about the mood of a chef who wants good ingredients. In order to choose an ingredient, his local father tasted more than 300 kinds of the same food before finally choosing it.

Although Wang Dong said it simply, he can choose this kind of inferior eggs, and he doesn't know how many he bought. With his salary, it must be a big burden for him to choose in this way.

"The rice was sold to me by a friend of mine in Northeast China. It costs 80 pounds a catty. He said it was the same variety as Northeast tribute rice, but it was not grown in the same place. I bought it once and felt good, so I bought some more. !"


Both Gu Zheng and Mu Mu raised their heads with surprise on their faces.

Gongmi is just a way of saying, in fact, it is the rice grown in a special place in the Northeast, because the production of these rice is very small, only a small number of people can eat it, and there are troops guarding it, so everyone calls it Gongmi.

This legend actually exists in many places among the people. Both Guzheng and Mumu know something about it. It is true that such tribute rice does exist, and the low yield is also true, but not only in the Northeast, but also in other places. They don’t know the specific taste. After all, neither of them had eaten such a thing.

"I understand what you mean. The rice you bought is the same variety as Gongmi, but it was grown in a different land!"

Gu Zheng said something again, and Wang Dong nodded quickly. Gu Zheng understood what Wang Dong said.

The same variety can produce different results in different fields. Some fields can grow inferior ingredients, while others can grow ordinary-level ingredients. Gu Zheng has already learned about this at Komatsu Noodle House. Well, the Wang Wei brothers have contracted so many fields to grow wheat, most of which are inferior ingredients, and only the cultivated land has reached the ordinary level.

It is very possible that the tribute rice planted in that special land as a tribute to Da Nei is all ordinary-grade ingredients, while the seeds of the same quality grown in other places are inferior ingredients, which is what Wang Dong chose. kind.

There are not many ordinary-grade ingredients in China, but there are always. If there is the most, Gu Zheng believes that there is no place in China that can compare with Da Nei, and that is the real core.

Even if they don't know the grading of the ingredients, they can collect a lot of common-grade ingredients only in terms of taste. After all, the higher the grade of the ingredients, the better the taste.

Just like the edible chicken we usually buy, the most common and common one is the raised chicken. The general raised chicken costs seven or eight yuan a catty, but the taste is not as good as that of a free-range chicken from a farm.

Raised chickens are junk food, with the largest quantity. Many free-range chickens are low-grade food, and the quantity is slightly less, but they can be bought in the market.

In this way, the taste of free-range chickens must be better than that of reared chickens for the same people and the same cooking skills using these two kinds of chickens. This is the contrast brought about by the different grades of ingredients.

It is not common to raise edible chickens to the level of second-class ingredients. The number has become less, and there are some, but they are basically not available in the market. Back then, Gu Zheng searched all over the market, and it was just luck Found a second-class black-bone chicken and completed the first test.

Inferior chicken tastes better, and the price will be higher. It can be said that edible chicken reaches the level of inferior ingredients, and ordinary restaurants cannot eat it. In the whole country, it is estimated that only a few restaurants can have such ingredients. .

The quantity is small and the price is high, which makes it difficult for ordinary people to eat. If they can't eat it, they can't imagine what the taste of this chicken is like.

Can the quality of edible chicken on the earth reach the ordinary level? The answer is yes, Gu Zheng believes that there will definitely be, but the quantity has become less and less. There is no such grade of ingredients in the market, but not being able to buy does not mean that there are no. It is possible that in some places we do not know, there are Out of such chickens, they are finally sent to some special places.

This is Gu Zheng's perception, after hearing about the Wang family brothers planting wheat, and hearing about Wang Dong's tribute rice.

"I didn't expect you to use tribute rice. If it's really tribute rice, 80 catties is a bargain!"

Mu Mu's eyes are bright, she has heard of tribute rice many times, but she has never eaten it once, never thought that a little fresh meat she met by chance has tribute rice, let alone let it go this time.

"Not real gongmi, just the same variety!"

Wang Dong shook his head hastily. The real tribute rice is a small number grown in that piece of black soil, and other places are not counted. He is just the same seed.

"It's the same, it's already the same for me, we definitely won't be able to eat the real one, it's not bad to be able to eat it from the same clan!"

Mumu waved his hand indifferently, how much real tribute rice can be produced in just a little bit? Not to mention that small area, even if it is ten times larger, it will not fall into the hands of ordinary people. Gongmi with the same seed is already very good.

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