Three days later, the people who were rushing along the edge of the forest stopped.

"Young Master Gu, Elder Ye is awake?"

Ying Shao and Luo Xin didn't feel tired at all along the way, because they were completely led by Gu Zheng, otherwise at their speed, how many years would it take to get there.

At this time, it was already very close to the place where Gu Zheng first rushed up, and it took half a day at most.

But Elder Ye finally woke up at this time, and then stopped.

"Who are you?" Elder Ye, who was a little confused, looked at Luo Xin and Ying Shao in front of him, looking at the surrounding environment, and said with some doubts.

"Young Master rescued you!" Ying Shao pointed at his back and blinked.

Elder Ye Niutou saw that it was the young man who kept saying that he would take him away that day, but he knocked himself out without saying a word, and now he was looking at him with a smile.

And at this time, the aura of the purple clothes on Gu Zheng's body has faded, and now he looks like a human being.

"I didn't expect that you would spend so much money. It was beyond my expectation. No wonder you knocked me out. It turned out to be like this!" Something beyond everyone's expectations happened.

When Elder Ye saw Gu Zheng, he immediately became sober. Instead, he said in a strange manner, and the smile on Gu Zheng's face immediately froze.

Even Luo Xin and the others were dumbfounded. They didn't know what medicine the other party had taken, so they questioned them when they came up.

"Are you confused? You don't know how much Mr. Gu paid to save you!" Although Luo Xin didn't know what Gu Zheng paid, she worked tirelessly and risked exposure to save him. Come out, that's enough.

"How much did you pay, I'm afraid you should take me away from this distance!" Elder Ye stood up, looked at the nearby trees outside greedily, and said again.

"You have two biggest flaws. One is that the place where I was locked and the city gate all have a detection method. Non-monsters can't pass through, and they can't fly out. How did you bring me out?"

"Secondly, it is indeed a coup for you to transform into a human being, but there are two little monsters behind you, how can the monsters serve me?"

Elder Ye looked like he saw through them, and the three of them were stunned again.

"No, Elder Ye, I have the talent to help people conceal their aura, otherwise Elder Gu wouldn't take me with me!" Ying Shao said in a hurry here.

"Returning to the elders? You slipped the tongue, and prepare more next time. I don't like the two little girls, even the beauty tricks!" Elder Ye turned around and said in a tone of sending me back quickly.

"Forget it, don't argue with him, maybe you have been spied on too much!" Gu Zheng took a deep breath, said to Ying Shao who still wanted to argue, and then walked in front of Elder Ye.

"Elder Ye, I'm Gu Zheng, Xingcai's friend. Maybe you've heard of me. For some reason, I only came here a few years ago when I knew something. By chance, I found out about your capture. I haven't entered the cornerstone village yet, and I have special means. Xingcai told me about you, knowing that you don't love Xingcai much, so I came here to take the risk to rescue you, whether you believe it or not, at most You'll find out in a day."

"Gu Zheng, I did hear that girl from Xingcai mentioned you, you are his fiancé!" Elder Ye looked into Gu Zheng's eyes, and from those extremely clear pupils, he could tell that the other party didn't seem to be lying. Adding the name of Gu Zheng, even among them, few people knew about it, so they hesitated.

"No, you also know Xingcai's temper. I'm just his shield. This time I'm here to make the man who pursues her give up." Gu Zheng didn't admit it, but revealed his purpose for coming here.

Although Xingcai told himself that he would not tell others, including his father, but if Elder Ye really took care of Xingcai, he must understand Xingcai's heart, and since he came back this time, it is impossible not to ask.

"Good boy, it seems that I really misunderstood you!" Elder Ye suddenly laughed, because that was the hole dug for him.

"What are you doing! It's unreasonable to be surprised at once, and deserves to be arrested." Here, Ying Shao looked at Elder Ye whose expression was constantly changing, and murmured.

Elder Ye knew that he was indeed a little too vigilant before, so he didn't bother with this little girl.

"I can't break your seal, or I'll restore your cultivation!" Gu Zheng didn't take it to heart, and said to him.

"This was ordered by the general. It's normal if you can't untie it. Just go back and ask the patriarch to untie it for me. By the way, where is the secret way you mentioned? No one knows there is a secret way for so many years." Elder Ye explained himself The seal on his body makes him curious about the secret way that Gu Zheng said.

"Just ask the girl behind you if you have time, we're on our way now." Gu Zheng pointed to Luo Xin and said, he didn't know how he appeared.

"Let's go quickly, I'm really worried that someone will hunt us down at any time." Here Luo Xin looks at the back with some worry, even if there is no one, her heart is always up and down, afraid that in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people will appear at once. The enemy captured them.

Gu Zheng brought three people together again and flew forward.

After half a day, Gu Zheng has come to his original river, but fortunately this is very far away, and there are no extra people.

"I remember that my clear road was blown up, can I still go back?" Luo Xin finally couldn't help it at this time, and asked the question in her heart.

Maybe Gu Zheng might come with him, and it's normal for him to be too weak to find out.

"Your eyes can deceive you, let alone other aspects!" Gu Zheng said to them without explaining too much.

"You wait for me here for a while, and I will pick you up later!"

"Why don't we go down together?" Ying Shao looked at the following with some strangeness and asked in puzzlement.

"Because there are some small bugs below, if you don't clean them up, it will be too dangerous for you to go on like this." Gu Zheng looked at the bottom of the water with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"What worms, I like to eat worms very much, can you save some for me!" Upon hearing this, Ying Shao raised her head and said to Gu Zheng with some joy.

Luo Xin next to her had already closed her eyes. This little mussel was so simple that she didn't even know how to say it. She had given it to her for such a long time, and most of them didn't remember it.

"Be careful, we are waiting for you here!" Elder Ye understood what Gu Zheng meant.

"I'll be back in a while!" Gu Zheng ignored Ying Shao's seemingly reasonable request.


After speaking, Gu Zheng's body jumped into the river, and soon disappeared.

"Let's go to the side to hide our figure!" Seeing this, Elder Ye said, pointing to a lush grass not far away.

Ying Shao and Luo Xin walked there together and climbed down together.

If you don't look at it with divine knowledge, you can hardly see their shadows with the naked eye.

"Why do I feel the ground shaking?"

They stayed there for less than half a day, when they felt the ground tremble slightly, Ying Shao said a little uneasy, as if some catastrophe was coming.

"It's okay, the young master is cleaning up the bugs, it will be fine in a while!" Luo Xin explained quietly from the side.

"Bugs, I really want to eat them!" Ying Shao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she liked those water bugs very much when she was hiding in the water.

"It will be more delicious when I take you to eat it, don't mention those bugs, I feel a little sick!" Luo Xin felt sick to her stomach when she thought of those disgusting bugs.

As time passed, the vibration below became more and more intense, and they even felt that their bodies were about to fly.

Following the last strong shock, the three of them stood up in some embarrassment, because they really couldn't get on the ground anymore.

But then the vibration became smaller and smaller, and disappeared almost quickly.

"Is it over?" Luo Xin looked at the water in the distance and murmured to herself.

"Why don't we go over and have a look?" Ying Shao suggested from the side.

"Don't go, it's very dangerous if your young master doesn't come out!" Elder Ye stopped them and said with some vigilance.

"How can it be dangerous, the young master has already given them to them?" Luo Xin opened her mouth and said, but the words have not yet fallen.

A huge wave suddenly exploded on the river in the distance, and at the same time a figure rushed up from below, without looking around, it swept towards the far side.

"He seems to be afraid of something, his posture looks like he is running away!" Here Ying Shao pointed at the figure and said.

As soon as her words fell, a golden light suddenly rose in the water, a long sword with golden light, carrying infinite momentum, chased towards the figure, almost in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived at the figure behind.

Feeling the sharpness behind him, the figure turned around 180 degrees, and took out a black shield from his hand.

A black light rose from the shield, making the black shield look more majestic, and blocked him in an instant.


The next moment, the golden sword stabbed right in the middle of the black shield, and a touch of extreme black lit up, firmly resisting the golden sword's advance.

The human figure breathed a sigh of relief, a black light suddenly appeared in his hand, and was about to smash the golden sword in front of him away, but he heard a crisp sound.


At the edge of his shield, a crack appeared out of thin air, and at the same time the shield shook suddenly, a large black mist leaked out from the crack crazily, and at the same time expanded the width of the crack.

With the noisy sound, the gap quickly spread towards the center of the shield, making people's face extremely ugly.

Before he could take out something again, the shield could not stop the violent impact, and with the last ear-piercing sound, it immediately disintegrated and exploded towards the four types, and then a golden light flashed across the shield. After the figure's head turned around, a head suddenly fell from above.

At the same time, the headless corpse also fell from the sky in a daze. Before it hit the ground, two groups of flames rose in the air, instantly burning them into a mass of ashes without leaving any traces.

Until this time, a figure appeared above the water again, and Gu Zheng got out of it.

With a wave of his hand, the golden sword automatically returned to his palm, and disappeared after turning it over.

"Let's go, the situation here is likely to attract some people's attention, we are running out of time." Gu Zheng said to them anxiously, without waiting for their consent, at the same time he shot out a green awn, covering them all In a cyan shield, pull towards this side, and all of them followed Gu Zheng to sneak in again.

Following their original path, they again swam toward the water.

After entering from that place, Luo Xin looked at some unfamiliar scenes around her. Many places had been broken, and the originally narrow place became wider. Some broken walls were constantly flowing in the current, as if a big battle had just passed around.

After half a stick of incense, they hurried on their way and finally saw a circular gap, and Luo Xin could tell at a glance that it was the previous passage.


A few of them got together and rushed up from the water, and came to the passage before Luo Xin.

But what surprised them even more was that there were at least a dozen corpses lying around the cave, and the entire cave was full of potholes, and the large bloodstains almost covered the entire cave.

"Why are there so many dead people here!" Ying Shao hid behind Luo Xin with some fear, and said tremblingly.

"A Golden Immortal peak, four late Golden Immortals, seven mid-Gold Immortals, and a few Heavenly Immortals are here to study this passage, and now they are all dead. This bought us a lot of time." Gu Zheng said lightly. Said.


Luo Xin and Elder Ye took a deep breath at the same time. It took Gu Zheng from entering the water to coming out, and he killed all these people. It was too violent.

"Wait a minute, I'll open up this passage, they have helped us a lot!" Gu Zheng looked at the collapsed passage, these days they are digging into it little by little, trying to Re-open this channel.

But before that, Gu Zheng had one more thing to do, of course not to clean up these dead bodies.

When he came to the small hole, Gu Zheng stretched out a hand, and a smear of frost continued to fall from his palm. With the continuous sound of "creaking", the hole below was the center, and the area below was within a few feet. , all frozen into a huge

ice cubes.

Wisps of cold light kept flickering on it, and it looked very solid.

After finishing all this, Gu Zheng came to the passage, looked at the remnant wall in front of him, took out a flying sword, and began to dig bit by bit.

This stone wall is very hard, even if Gu Zheng puts all his strength into it, he can only rub it a little bit, and it is useless to worry about it.

Originally, I left an attack inside to help me get through this path, but now I can’t sense it, maybe it’s damaged, maybe they broke it, anyway, now I have to do it manually, luckily the other party has already done it. After more than half of it, judge, it is almost to the place where it is cut off.

The three people over there found a slightly cleaner place to work and waited quietly.

The bloody aura in the air continuously spread into their nostrils, but they could only bear it down. They couldn't hold their breath for long now.

A day passed quickly, and there were already calf-deep chips behind Gu Zheng, and one of Gu Zheng's weapons was worn out abruptly, and he was still concentrating on getting through it.

In order to speed up, Gu Zheng didn't make it as spacious as before, but let people half-bend to enter, but it also indirectly speeded up.

He also didn't expect that the opponent would plant so many people here, and in the end, in order to kill the opponent, there would be a lot of commotion. It is estimated that someone will come to check soon.

After another day, Gu Zheng also relaxed, because after a while, he would be able to get through, and he already felt the illusion left by him.


In the entire cave, there was a sudden tremor, which shocked everyone.

"What's wrong?" Ying Shao shouted in panic.

"Someone is attacking here below, and they are attacking the defense left by Gu Zheng!" Elder Ye said calmly.

When he was speaking, there was another vibration, but this time everyone saw that the vibration came from outside on the iceberg.

"Young Master Gu, the other party has come, what should we do!" Here Ying Shao said with some fear.

"It's okay, before the opponent breaks through, we can definitely leave here and break through immediately." Gu Zheng said to them confidently.

But a trace of cold sweat had quietly appeared on the top of his head. Through the iceberg, he felt that there were at least three Golden Immortal peaks outside, and they were attacking his defense in turn.

I don't have much confidence to be able to block the opponent, but I still need some time here, this rock is really too hard.

But throwing it back in his hand, a blue jade ring flew over the gap, and strands of blue light shot down from above, falling into the iceberg below.

The originally strong vibration, after the blessing of Yuhuan, began to become stable, at least the vibration was not as strong as before.

However, Gu Zheng knew that it was impossible for the opponent to attack alone at a time, so the movements in his hands accelerated again.

After a few trials, the opponent below found that the iceberg was harder than before, and immediately took new measures. The three of them started to attack almost at the same time. The violent vibration made the cave tremble, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment. .

Now even Elder Ye's expression became a little dignified.

"Come here quickly, and walk directly to the front in a while." Gu Zheng shouted quickly, because at this time he contacted the dark hand he left behind, which made him overjoyed.

The three of them immediately stood behind Gu Zheng, looking back from time to time.

With the opponent's intensified attack, Yuhuan's repair is obviously not going to be rooted. It is just these few breaths of effort, Gu Zheng's temporary defense, and now it can be seen that a few cracks have appeared on the surface, and they are expanding rapidly. May be broken.


A slight sound came from the front, and a passage suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hurry up! Go in quickly, I'll block them for a while."

Elder Ye didn't hesitate at all, walked straight in with his waist bent, and Ying Shao followed closely behind, and finally Luo Xin went in.

After they entered, Gu Zheng looked around, and the mirror appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Gu Zheng tapped several times on the side of the void, and at the same time the mirror behind him disappeared from the air in a flash.

Not far from his side, tunnels that were almost opened one by one appeared there.

Immediately, Gu Zheng walked towards the vicinity for a while, and several of the more complete corpses disappeared from the ground, and transformed into three figures and appeared in the corner here, except for Elder Ye, the faces of the other two were not Ying Shao and the others. , but a very ordinary stranger.

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