"This human race adult, I don't know why you said that. Do you have any relationship with our Great Elder?"

Gu Zheng's voice also woke up Yu Ye and the others who were distracted over there, and Yao Yu immediately stepped forward and said to Gu Zheng.

"You mean Gu Zheng, right? I'm his friend, but he has already left here because of some things." Gu Zheng looked at them, feeling that they had met each other, so it was better to tell them in advance that it would be better to stay away from here, but he didn't will admit his identity.

"Entrust me before you leave, let me tell you a word, leave here immediately, head towards the nearest East China Sea border, report his name, and he will be properly settled." Gu Zheng flicked the badge in his hand, and it flew instantly To Yao Yu's hands.

"Anyway, there are very few of you who absorb black energy. If you don't have time to escape, then you will be responsible for the consequences. I just let you know." Gu Zheng turned around and was about to leave.

"Master Human Race, can I ask? What happened?" Here Yao Yu held the badge in his hand and walked towards the big man in the sky.

"The black dragon is born, this place is probably going to be destroyed, so let's leave quickly."

Gu Zheng left this sentence, the whole person was soaring into the sky, and soon disappeared here.

As for how they choose, that is their business. The badge on it has its own aura, and it will give them some shelter.

Leaving Gu Zheng here, he forced his way through the much weakened black wind, and flew in the direction of Black Dragon City. His whole body was like a shooting star, flying towards that side at almost the maximum speed.

Gu Zheng, who was rushing at full speed, originally sensed the situation over there, but unfortunately, a huge fluctuation swept over there, and all the monitoring was completely damaged. He was also like a blind man who didn't know the specific situation over there.

Half a day later, Gu Zhengli had already arrived here.

The originally huge camp was now three times larger than before, and the seething people seemed to be very panicked, and their voices were buzzing.

Because here at this time, basically every once in a while, there will be strong earthquakes, and some of the mouths have even cracked.

When Gu Zheng came here, another strong earthquake occurred, all transmitted from the distant mountains.

At the same time that Gu Zheng came over, Xingba also sensed it at the same time, and immediately flew out to greet him.

"Just you?" Gu Zheng looked at Xingba and frowned.

"Xingcai and the others came out of the teleportation array. I have already sensed the opponent's position just now, and they are still there." Xingba knew what Gu Zheng meant and said immediately.

"I can't stay here anymore. When the opponent's battle escalates, I'm afraid this place will all be turned into ruins. I have to leave now." Gu Zheng said quickly.

"There are so many people, how do you leave? I need to take them here together, so that maybe half of the troops can get out." Xingba saw that the patriarchs and elders below had begun to gather troops, ready to retreat at any time.

"How many people?" Gu Zheng glanced at it. There are a million people gathered here. It is not easy to leave. I am afraid that huge changes will happen in a few days.

Relying on the water flow, those aquariums are at least ten times faster than ordinary roads, but almost all of them are plain forests here, and even with Xingba's care, it must be too late.

"500,000 people, including the population over there, came. Others didn't believe it at all. They thought I was taking the opportunity to seize power, because I came back alone at this moment, and the other nine people didn't come back, so some people slandered me behind my back. "Xingba said with some bitterness.

At this critical moment, they are still fighting for power behind their backs, and they can't even see the current situation, and they are short-sighted.

"I have a magic weapon here, which is enough to hold them. You gather all these people and arrange for all the escorts above the Golden Immortal stage to go out later. I suspect that the Yaozu will also flee, so as not to be on the road. We met." Gu Zheng took out the Ding Pagoda in his hand.

After a slight shake, three figures flashed out from inside, staying in mid-air, but it was Da Da Ye and the giant salamander.

"You guys will wait for a while to protect the periphery. I don't need to say more about the details. When this matter is completed, you and I will be cleared. At that time, you are leaving." The front is said to the three of them, and the back is to the already recovered. The salamander said.

The salamander nodded to show that he understood. It has been observing inside, and the thrilling journey along the way frightened it. It is in awe of Gu Zheng, and it is not ungrateful for saving his life. .

"Uncle Xing, time is running out, let's act quickly, Xingcai is still waiting for us over there." Gu Zheng handed over the Ding Pagoda in his hand and let the other party take a look.

"Good thing, I understand." Xingba found the wonder of this thing as soon as he checked it, and it can definitely solve the urgent need now.

Xingba's figure fell down quickly, and Gu Zheng asked the three of them to be vigilant in the distance, and then flew towards the edge.

Man Tian was also in the camp at this time, comforting everyone with Hai Ming and Ren Ling, and by the way started to pack up and prepare to evacuate, Xing Ba had informed them just now.


Seeing a figure appearing in front of him, Haiming was nervous at first, but when he saw who it was, he immediately shouted in surprise.

Here Ren Ling also came to Gu Zheng's side and shouted crisply, her eyes were also shining with joy.

"Things have changed, we need to evacuate here." Gu Zheng didn't have time to reminisce with them, and after a few words, he got to the point.

"I know, but why?" Haiming nodded, but still questioned.

"Looking back, you will naturally know, remember to be careful." Gu Zheng watched Man Tian hurrying over, turned his head and walked towards him.

"Be careful on the road. Everyone is waiting outside for news from me. You should also take care of yourself outside." Gu Zheng said quickly, and then instructed.

"I understand, leave everything to me!" Mantian also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately promised.

"I know, you take this thing first. This is the red soul pill I got from it. Maybe I can help you if I have time." Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and handed over a golden pill.


Mantian has been here for a while, dealing with other elders, so he naturally knows where Gu Zheng and the others are going, and also knows that the famous red soul pill makes him unable to even refuse, but he is reluctant to accept it.

"Take it, you have worked hard for so long, and they will need you to take care of them for a while." Gu Zheng stuffed them into his hands without any explanation, then turned his head and said to Haiming and the others behind him.

"You continue to prepare, I still have some things to do."

"Yes, Master!" Hai Ming and Ren Ling said at the same time.

Feeling the aura of Xingba in the distance, Gu Zheng nodded and looked around, then he dodged to leave behind a phantom, and left here.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up, are we involved this time, let me tell you, let them gather quickly." Man Tian put away the red soul pill in his hand, and said immediately with a dazed expression.

"Is the arrangement ready?" Gu Zheng said immediately when he saw Xingba waiting for him in the outer circle.

"Everything is ready, someone will go later, let's take them away, let's go now." Xingba nodded, at this time he was also anxious, Xingcai was still waiting for him over there.

If it wasn't for the magic weapon of Gu Zheng, I'm afraid it would really take a few days to take care of it.

Gu Zheng nodded, and the figures of the two flew towards the distance at high speed.

To cross this long distance, even if they are in a hurry and go all out without sleep, it still takes two or three days.

Along the way, the more you walk there, the more you can feel the changes in the whole world. The air is filled with a strange atmosphere. The originally lush trees are gradually withering, and the damage on the ground is more serious.

Both Shanlong and Wen Tianhou knew that devouring each other would bring countless benefits to themselves, so they both wanted to destroy each other in one fell swoop while the other party had just appeared.

Gu Zheng and the others also knew that the only surprise was that the other party had wasted a lot of effort in order to save them.

Feel the breath in the air getting more and more oppressive, and you can also see two clouds and mist rolling in the air, and the scene of destroying the sky and destroying the earth keeps flashing from below.

Especially at the place where they first entered the Immortal Mansion, the surrounding void was trembling all the time, so far away, Gu Zheng and the others were trembling, breaking into the restricted area like this, without the opponent's shot, they were crushed to pieces alive.

Two days later, Gu Zheng and the others got closer and closer. The former mountain range was almost completely destroyed. If it weren't for the pile of rocks piled up in the ground like the small hills, they would definitely think that this is a different place from before.

"Where is Xingcai's location?"

As he was approaching soon, feeling the surrounding scene, Gu Zheng said anxiously.

"Her position is over there, not far from here." Xingba stopped advancing, closed his eyes for a while, and then said to Gu Zheng.

"Fortunately, let's go quickly, but I always have a bad feeling." Gu Zheng raised his head and looked at the distance with some worry. The two dragons seemed to be moving more and more, and the hand-to-hand battle seemed to be in a fierce battle.

The two of them adjusted their direction slightly and flew in another direction. They didn't walk very far when they saw Mrs. Banmeng and the others.

At this moment, they were standing in front, looking up into the distance, as if they were observing the battle above, while Long Tian was quietly floating aside, his whole body filled with black light, as if he was resting.

Outside where they were, a simple defense enveloped them, blocking the depressing atmosphere outside.

And there were only two people following him, only Steward Meng and Hei Kun were still by his side, and the rest of the people were gone, and it seemed that they were also sent to other places and did not join together.

"Mrs. Banmeng? Why are you here? Why don't you leave here." Xingba, who was galloping here, stopped and asked them who were looking over.

"My husband wants to take a rest here to see if he can completely kill the opponent. If the good dragon fails, the evil dragon must be in a bad state. We cannot let the evil dragon devour the good dragon." Mrs. Banmeng said solemnly. Said, and at the same time glanced at Long Tian beside him.

"What about you? It seems to be coming from behind. Is there something wrong?"

"My little girl is still here, I need to take him over. By the way, I feel that this place is going to be destroyed, so I have already started to retreat." Xingba gestured to Gu Zheng, and then said.

"I have already sent someone back, saying that if I inform you, it seems that there is no need." Mrs. Banmeng nodded, as if she was not surprised at all.

Even if it is destroyed, it is only for ordinary people. For them, as long as they don't explode suddenly near them, they can still retreat completely.

"In that case, let's take our leave first, and I still have to go find my beloved daughter." After Xingba finished speaking, he bowed his hands to his wife, and left here with Gu Zheng again.

"Can you see that? Madam Banmeng really thinks so?" Xingba said to Gu Zheng through voice transmission on the way.

"It should be so, and I haven't found any traces of it, but why don't let the good dragon devour the other party, I'm afraid it's for the sake of taking advantage, and you must know that Master Long can also devour the other party."

Gu Zheng knew why he didn't stop it last time, because he didn't have the confidence to stop the dragon.

Now I'm afraid I'm killing two birds with one stone here.

"I'm afraid it's the same, but we can't control it. After this time, we will leave here completely and don't ask about them." Xingba also thinks the same in his heart, as long as the other party has no intention of attacking humans here , that's easy.

After another half day, under the induction of Xingba, they are about to reach Xingcai's direction.

"Hurry up, Cai'er is in danger."

Here, Xingba's face suddenly changed, and he grabbed Gu Zheng's shoulders in his hands. The next moment, he flew forward almost like a teleportation distance.


Xingba's angry shout resounded in Gu Zheng's ears, making the somewhat confused Gu Zheng clear. The speed of this Xingba's acceleration must have some kind of acceleration spell.

In a flash, Gu Zheng found Xingcai and the others in shape, and several people around them were besieging them.

Seeing Xingba's arrival, the besiegers withdrew their figures one after another, standing not far away and looking at this side.

"It turned out to be you!" Xingba looked at Ren Xue in front of him, and saw it in disbelief.

"Ahem!" Ren Xue vomited blood and lay halfway on the ground, put away the outer petal enchantment, and said in a miserable way, "You think I think, if the person next to you didn't do something to me, she If I die, I will die too, you think I think."

"Father!" Xingcai shouted in surprise, and blood turned to her pale face.

Next to Xingcai, there were three unknown people, all of whom were injured, and the Ma sisters were not by their side.

"Master Xing!" A few people next to him said to Xingba.

"I don't blame the Ma sisters, but thank them. We encountered an ambush outside, and they led a large army to circle around and cover us." Xingcai said hastily.

Hearing this, Xingba's face softened a little. If he came half a day late, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's a pity that you two didn't die inside, but you still found my daughter." Xingba turned his head and looked over there.

There were seven or eight people over there, and the three leaders were the left and right generals. At this time, their faces were covered by masks again, only half of their faces were exposed.

Just feeling its breath, it seems that the injury is not light, and let the side defend with all its strength, Ren Xue, who was seriously injured, supported them until they came over.

But another person, Chi Hun who had a relationship with Gu Zheng once, was standing with the left and right generals at this time, and his status seemed to be no lower than them.

Seeing Gu Zheng looking over suspiciously, Chihun smiled disapprovingly.

"You came here in time, but if you don't come, I will look for you, but I won't play with you for now." Chi Hun looked at Gu Zheng and smiled, holding a blue card in his hand. The talisman burned, and his whole body receded back.

Only took two steps back, when Xingba was about to stop him, he found that the opponent's figure turned into a cloud of mist and disappeared from under his eyelids.

"Such a brilliant talisman!" Xingba looked around, not sensing how the other party left at all, and exclaimed a little.

"Don't even think about leaving."

After sighing, Xingba looked at the remaining people in front of him and said viciously.

The black knife behind his body soared into the sky, turned into countless black lights and fell towards the surroundings, covering the surroundings in the blink of an eye. This time, he also settled the grievances and grievances with the other party over the years, and it was also an understanding before leaving. .

It wasn't that he underestimated the other party, even though the two of them seemed to be able to win at any time, but he was not careless at all, and looked at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded, and then the red key shone brightly, and the whole person's aura rose rapidly, stunned the people next to him.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng relied on this method to forcibly improve his cultivation. It was really unexpected. Before, he thought it was Gu Zheng showing his disguise.

"Fix them and we'll leave."

Xingba said to Xingcai behind him, and then Gu Zheng and the two rushed straight to each other.

At this time, far away from Yunmeng Swamp, a figure stayed quietly in the air, with his hands behind his back, the strong wind in the air made his clothes rattle violently, his eyes looked into the distance, as if he was waiting for something.

Soon a figure appeared from a distance and came directly towards the other party.

"Old god stick, why are you stopping me here." The figure who came over said with some dissatisfaction, "You know that I have a grudge against the other party. This time the other party comes back to life, I will definitely kill them all."

"Why bother, the other party's body has long since died, and the remnants left behind don't even know about your grievances." The figure who blocked him turned around and said.

"So what, it seems that you want to stop me?" The figure who came sneered, and slowly let go of the aura on his body. The ten thousand li was filled with murderous intent instantly, and all the birds and beasts panicked and ran away desperately.

"You kill too much, why haven't you been dealt with all these years, let me help you reduce it!"

A yellow curtain suddenly rose from his body towards the outside, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a ten thousand zhang light curtain that surrounded the sky and the earth.

"Hehe, I really want to see the ability again. I've been toying with you for so many years. Is it as strong as a saint?" The man laughed, not afraid of him at all.

"You don't need to know if there is any. Anyway, if you want to pass here, you need to do it with me."

The next moment, the figures of the two people disappeared from the sky without a trace, and even the aura that made everyone destroy the world also disappeared. Those beasts who had just fled their homes, although a little puzzled, still ran towards the outside Go, if the other party comes back, it will be miserable.

And everyone here didn't know that a potential danger was blocked by someone.

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