At this time, Gu Zheng was still on it. Although he noticed the spray of black water, he didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was some other change.

But tens of thousands of lives appeared below in the blink of an eye, and there were still people who died every moment, those who drank the black water in advance.

The rest of the people didn't dare to touch it anymore when they saw this, and those who just drank the black water held their throats and wanted to spit it out, but unfortunately they couldn't spit out anything, they could only wait for a while and turned into a puddle of black water. water.

"What's going on?" Gu Zheng looked around, and black water was spraying out everywhere in the distance, as if the once precious black water was now spraying out like money, and it drove the surrounding aura even more violently.

Moreover, this abnormality continued to grow larger, and the cracks in the ground became larger, as if it was a scene of the end of the world.

Gu Zheng looked at the scene nearby, but unfortunately he couldn't know what was going on, but he knew one thing, this place was about to be destroyed, and he couldn't stay any longer.

But there are still so many people below, but Gu Zheng can't take so many people away by himself.

Gu Zheng looked at Mrs. Banmeng who was beside her, but she hadn't spoken yet, but the other party spoke first.

"I know what you mean. I can't take these people away, but I can still take some of them. This is also the limit of my ability."

At this time, Mrs. Banmeng's aura has descended from the quasi-sage, and she has returned to her middle stage of Daluo, because her current state is equivalent to swallowing the crystal of the Dao, instead of borrowing evil thoughts and crystals like Wen Tianhou Come and forcibly come to Zhunsheng.

"We are leaving now, you can take it with you, let's go together!" Gu Zheng didn't look down, because he was really helpless, and they didn't leave before, so they couldn't blame others.

Mrs. Banmeng nodded, her figure began to swell, and she stopped when she was about 10,000 zhang. The four colorful balls slowly descended and landed on top of these people.

Before the people below could react, a huge suction came from below, and a person and the monster clan were sucked up.

Most of them are ordinary human beings, and almost all of them have cultivation bases, and some angels are also sucked in, and there are even some half-grown children, but there is not a single elderly person.

Almost in a short time, the four upper spheres were filled, and then Mrs. Banmeng stopped looking down, and the huge figure flew across the sky and flew towards the outside of Yunmeng Mountain Ze.

Gu Zheng glanced down, sighed, and also flew outside.

These people who were taken away, Gu Zheng came out at a glance, either they had never swallowed black water, or they were people with relatively good talents.

In a word, the people with the most potential are saved, while the rest are eliminated.

Although cruel, but the best way has been done, and Gu Zheng can't find fault.

When Gu Zheng and the others disappeared here, the people below realized what happened just now, and they all started making loud noises.

Some people are in a daze, some are cursing, and some have already approached their patriarch and begged him to take him away.

No one knew that after the other party took some people away, they would never come back, and all of them were abandoned.

After a while, successive rays of light began to rise into the sky, flying towards the outside.

Those golden immortals will bring a few people with them no matter what, and even those who have magic weapons can bring more people, and the same is true for those angels.

They knew whether to leave or not, it was really too late.

But the people they took away were just a drop in the bucket for the rest of the people, and more people were abandoned here, and some unwilling people ran quickly from the ground toward the outside.

But as the black water below increased, traces of black mist also densely covered the air, and the entire sky was slowly covered by black mist.


After a day has passed, almost all the low-lying lands in Dadi are covered with black water, and the ground is full of cracks, and even the sky has dimmed. Like a ghost crying.

"boom boom boom"

In the depths of Yunmeng Swamp, the sound of explosions sounded one after another, and the explosion that soared to the sky even shook the ground.

Every explosion is like a full-strength blow from the peak of Jinxian, like firecrackers, rushing towards the outside continuously.

At the same time, a huge black phantom slowly emerged from the place where the Black Dragon Immortal Mansion entered, as if it was patrolling something.

After staying in the air for less than a quarter of an hour, it slowly receded, as if it had never come out.

On the contrary, Gu Zheng felt a chill the moment his eyes came out, but when he looked back, he didn't notice anything except a cloud of black mist following behind him, so he continued to run forward.

Two days later, the two of Gu Zheng and the others had arrived at the entrance, and when the black cloud behind them traveled more than halfway, it stopped expanding, as if blocked by an invisible barrier.

But at this time, there was lightning and thunder inside. This scene began to appear a day ago, but fortunately, black clouds spread from behind.

Without Da Luo's strength, they definitely wouldn't be able to last for a while. Some people who didn't come out in time would probably end up in the fall.

But Gu Zhenggan knew that not far behind, many golden immortals, including some heavenly immortals, had rushed out of that world,

"You follow me at the back first, and I will tell them your identity first, or the misunderstanding will be big." Gu Zheng briefly glanced outside, and said to Mrs. Banmeng in the air.

Mrs. Banmeng nodded, understanding what she was worried about, her whole figure fell, and slowly landed on the ground, trembling again.

And the human beings trapped inside also slowly fell to the ground with the colorful balls, and they were finally able to come out.

There are not many of these people, and there are only tens of thousands of them.

Most of them had been hungry for two days, but compared to the later situation, most of them were very lucky. Relatively speaking, this was nothing.

Gu Zheng saw that some things were simply put here below, enough dry food for them to have a temporary meal, so he flew forward.

Following the traces on the road, after an hour, I saw a huge temporary camp in the distance, and all the people who were brought out before were densely packed here.

I can also feel some of the movement over there, and feel that they have made a clear choice.

Before Gu Zheng arrived, he saw a row of people waiting for him in the air.

Xingba and Xingcai, Elder Mo and his party, as well as Longtian who had already returned, were all waiting for Gu Zheng in front, and with dozens of golden immortals behind him, the scene was very grand.

"I told you that you would be able to come out, but they still didn't believe it!" Old Man Mo laughed and said to Gu Zheng from afar.

"You said it yourself, it's great to see you, so that my daughter won't be bored." Xingba cast a glance, and then said, with a smile on his face.

"I knew you could come out, but what happened to Wen Tianhou in the end?" Long Tian smiled slightly, not thinking that the other party would not come out, but asked the previous question instead.

At this time, Gu Zheng's aura had recovered again, and the effect of Butian Pill had been completely exhausted halfway.

"That's right, did he really get rid of him? Where's Elder Gu?"

Everyone in the back was stunned, that You Hao was also at the side of the front row, and couldn't help but say when they heard this.

"The other party ran away, but only the soul left. It's really strange that my soul chasing technique didn't work." Gu Zheng shook his head and said immediately.

"It's fine for the other party to run away. Anyway, the other party's hundreds of thousands of years of planning are ruined, and even the body is gone, so there will be no future." Long Tian laughed aside.

"Don't worry about talking, hurry up and talk, the food and drink have been prepared at the back, and you can take a good rest." Xingcai saw that everyone was always asking questions, and immediately said beside her.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Now the villagers are very grateful to you. Without your magic weapon, it would be impossible to save so many people." Xingba suddenly realized, and calmly shook off Xingcai's fingers from his arm. , laughed.

The others also stepped aside and looked at Gu Zheng with a smile. For Gu Zheng, they were really grateful to him.

Here, the Ma sisters have rushed forward with a few people, wanting to swarm Gu Zheng in.

"By the way, there is one thing that I need to tell you." Gu Zheng didn't need to move forward, but slapped his head suddenly, almost forgetting the business.

"Mrs. Banmeng is not dead now, she has taken over the body that Wen Tianhou painstakingly created, and is waiting for everyone at the entrance. In order to avoid misunderstanding, let me tell you first." Gu Zheng looked around and said immediately.

"Really?" Long Tian's eyes immediately became anxious, he flashed to Gu Zheng's side, and asked again.

"Well, it's absolutely true, you must not kill the other party as Wen Tianhou." Gu Zheng nodded solemnly, affirming.

"That's great! I'll go meet the other party right now." Long Tian couldn't help but said, and then retreated to the crowd, and quickly flew outside with some people.

Gu Zheng smiled, and continued to fly inward, he could finally relax a bit, this time he had to take a good rest.

After Xingba heard Gu Zheng's sound transmission, he also sent some people to welcome those people together with Long Tian, ​​while Xingcai was a step ahead, and began to prepare a grand banquet to clean up Gu Zheng's dust.

Gu Zheng said with a smile to those around him, and walked in through the temporary door.

"hula la"

A large group of people also gathered around and looked at Gu Zheng respectfully. Although they didn't know anything else, they knew who had the most credit. After all, that magic weapon was Gu Zheng, otherwise at least half of them would not have been able to come out.

However, they were also orderly and did not rush over, which made Gu Zheng heave a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to talk to the people next to him, suddenly a figure rushed out very quickly.

With lightning speed, that figure came in front of Gu Zheng, and a cold light appeared from the sky, piercing towards Gu Zheng's heart.

Not to mention that Gu Zheng put down his guard all over his body, even the other people didn't expect that when the opponent sprinted in front of Gu Zheng, everyone didn't react.

The hairs on Gu Zheng's body exploded in an instant, as if the god of death was about to fall on him in the next moment.

Being so close, Gu Zheng could also see the other person's face clearly. A young man who looked very handsome was very strange, but his fierce and cynical eyes made Gu Zheng somewhat familiar.

Black Kun!

The name suddenly flashed in Gu Zheng's mind, he should have changed his appearance to sneak in, thinking about it, his body began to forcibly dodge.

At the very moment, Gu Zheng moved slightly, and a dagger was delicately inserted into Gu Zheng's belly, avoiding his heart.

"How could you?" Gu Zheng wanted to ask the other party why he was here, but just as he spoke half of his words, he felt his whole head spinning, and his whole body seemed to be out of control.

"It belongs to me, why do you give it to mother, it's mine, it's mine!" Some crazy young people roared loudly with red eyes.

Although the others didn't know why, they still reacted in time, surrounded them one after another, and attacked the opponent, trying to take him down in one fell swoop.

"All of you are going to die!" He was so mad that he was not about to hide his death, and the aura that soared to the sky shook again.

Except for Gu Zheng, everyone in the vicinity was shocked by the sudden momentum, and the civilians were instantly dizzy.

However, Gu Zheng felt that his vision had begun to blur, and there seemed to be thousands of people whispering in the air beside him, and then he began to fall into a humming state, losing his sense of the outside world.

With the power of Da Luo's early stage, the people who are only Jinxian nearby are stunned. You must know that Xingba and the others have gone back early, wouldn't they let the other party wantonly cause damage these days.

It only takes a few breaths, before they come, it is estimated that these shocked golden immortals can be killed or injured, not to mention that this is the middle position, and there are countless civilians nearby.

But at this moment, the momentum on his body suddenly stagnated, and at the same time, his eyes unconsciously looked at Gu Zheng's waist, where there was a golden ball hanging on it.

Before Hei Kun could react, a swirl of black air suddenly emerged from his body, and rushed straight towards the bottle.

"No, you are mine, why did you betray me!" Hei Kun exclaimed suddenly, but he also blocked the breath on his body and began to descend rapidly, falling directly into the early stage of Golden Immortal.

But the next moment, that blackness had already fallen into the bottle, and rushed towards the sleeping golden light in the middle.

But at the next moment, the seven-color light that had been hidden in the bottle suddenly flashed again, and a seven-color light happened to block the golden light, dividing the small bottle into two parts, half golden and half black.

The black breath attacked the colorful shield, trying to break through and devour the golden breath, but the colorful light beams flickered slowly, as if they were not in the opponent's attack at all.

In the blink of an eye, the black aura has launched hundreds of attacks, and it has lost some of itself, but the colorful shield is still firmly guarding it, and it seems that there is no loss at all.

This thing is Elder Gu's magic weapon specially stored by Shanlong. It is easy to get in, but too difficult to get out. It is natural to restrain their spiritual state.

After seeing the helpless good dragon, the evil dragon's body turned around and wanted to go out, but found that the entrance had disappeared, and the whole ball was perfectly round, without any flaws at all.

But if you look at it from the outside, an inconspicuous gap is outside, and it comes in from there.

While the black mist was struggling towards the surroundings, traces of colorful mist slowly seeped in from the side, and the black mist gradually became stable, and finally floated quietly in the air.

Only the black mist that flashed from time to time indicated that the other party was not reconciled, but it was too late, and what awaited him would be the end of being swallowed.

But the Golden Immortals here looked at the aggressive man, his appearance changed drastically, and suddenly he looked like Yan Liao. When they came back to their senses, they immediately subdued him in place with their hands together.

There are more than a dozen layers of protective magic weapons flashing outside, firmly imprisoning the opponent, making the opponent basically lose their combat power.

"What's going on!" Xingba's voice sounded in the air, and the next moment there was an open space in the middle, and he looked around, before waiting for other people to answer, the whole figure took a big step forward, throwing the comatose Gu Zheng was helped up.

"Who will tell me in detail what's going on here?" Xingba looked at Hei Kun who was firmly suppressed by everyone below, then glanced at the dagger in Gu Zheng's belly, took a deep breath and asked again.

"Master Xing, it's like this." A person next to him stepped forward and quickly explained what happened.

"Let's talk about it when Lord Long comes back. I'll go to heal his wounds first. You guys are all gone. No one is allowed to discuss this matter." Xingba said immediately after looking around for a week.

"This person, come and take me away with two people, don't hurt each other."

Xingba still didn't know about Hei Kun's changes. Old man Mo and Long Tian didn't tell him about Hei Kun at all. They thought something happened and immediately issued a blockade order.

After Xingcai learned of Gu Zheng's injury, he ran to the back from the prepared banquet hall, and soon found the room where Xingba was. Kun.

At this moment, Gu Zheng's face was dark and scary, his eyes were closed tightly, and his face became a little hideous because of the pain, especially the dagger in his belly was still stuck in it, emitting a faint light.

"Father!" Xingcai shouted immediately.

"I can't pull it out. This dagger is weird. I'm afraid it will cause other problems. It only takes a few breaths to make him unconscious. It's not an ordinary thing at all. Wait a minute, I have sent additional staff to inform Lord Long gone."

Xingba looked serious and explained to his daughter.

"Hmm!" Xingcai held back the doubts in her heart, and at the same time looked at Gu Zheng's suffering, a sense of sadness rose from the bottom of her heart.


At this moment, there were a few beeps outside suddenly, and the voice was full of anxiety.

"I'll go outside to appease those pets, don't let them disturb this place." Xingcai turned around and said with her back to Xingba.

"Well, then you take care of yourself outside, and go out to appease everyone by the way. I will look for you if there is any situation."

Xingba nodded, looking at Gu Zheng like this, opened his hand, and a Red Soul Pill appeared in his hand, but after a little delay, he put it away. Although it looked serious at this time, he had seen it, the body The injuries received were not high.

Judging by my intuition, the elixir that simply treats the injury will not work at all, and it may be counterproductive.

"Daye, Xiaoye, be good. Mr. Gu just relapsed when he came out. After the treatment is complete, you can see him again. Don't worry."

With the fluttering sound falling outside the door, Xingcai's voice also sounded at the same time.

"Hope everything is ok!"

Xingba sighed, thinking silently in his heart.

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