Gu Zheng wakes up leisurely, looking at the extremely high sky above, covered by a layer of tumbling dark clouds, but at the same time, a golden light extends to one side, as if guiding the way.

But he soon woke up and looked around in an instant. When he found that Xiaoying was still lying beside him, there was no serious problem, so he breathed a sigh of relief and had time to look around.

At this time, they had come to a boxing area, and under them was the flower bed that made them drowsy. At this time, it had already merged with the surrounding ground, as if it was patterned into the ground.

Looking around, there are many such flowers on the ground.

Seeing that Xiaoying was still falling asleep, Gu Zheng walked down from the flower platform with Xiaoying on his back.

I don't know how much time has passed in this sleep, and that strange dream, the monk I saw in the dream is exactly the same as Master Wuxiang.

How could I dream of that scene, as if I was watching the whole process from the side, until the end, as if someone purposely let him see it.

Gu Zheng carried Xiaoying on his back and walked towards the direction pointed by the golden thread. Here, Gu Zheng found that his spiritual consciousness had been restricted. Unlike the first two floors, he could feel almost all situations.

Instead of wandering aimlessly, it is better to follow the route of the gold line to have a look.

Not long after leaving the flower terrace, Xiaoying who was behind her also woke up.

"You're awake. Now we should have reached the upper floor safely. You don't have to worry." Gu Zheng didn't let go of Xiaoying, and continued to carry her on his back, saying when the other party woke up.

"Hmm!" Here Xiaoying continued to lie on Gu Zheng's back in a daze, holding Gu Zheng's shoulders tightly with her small hands.

"By the way, my lord, I had a dream just now. There was a strange old monk and a fish demon." After waiting for a while, Xiaoying looked at the dark world around her, and suddenly said.

"Did the old monk heal the fish demon in his hand at the end?" Gu Zheng continued walking forward without stopping.

"Hey! Young Master, how do you know that you had the same dream as me? Later, that fish demon followed that old monk to practice Buddhism. What a dream." Xiaoying said in amazement.

"That monk took that fish demon as his apprentice?" Gu Zheng's figure stopped abruptly, and he said in a somewhat high voice.

"That's right, didn't the fish demon go out? Then when he came back, under the persuasion of the old monk, he practiced Buddhism together." Xiaoying said as a matter of course.

"So it's like this, I didn't dream it, but the front is the same as you." Gu Zheng continued to walk forward, hehe said with a smile.

It turned out that she had slept for such a long time, and her progress was a little bit more than her own, but she had other doubts in her heart.


At this time, a black shadow suddenly came from the surrounding darkness. Before it appeared, Gu Zheng didn't notice the opponent's arrival at all, until Xiaoying reminded him, but the opponent had already rushed towards him from the side.

But Gu Zheng didn't panic at all, not even Xiaoying behind him, because the strength exuded by the other party was only in the late stage of Tianxian.

Gu Zheng even had free time to look at the other party, the whole body was surrounded by messy black air, but when Gu Zheng saw his facial features, he was shocked.

Because Na is the upper body of the fish demon in the dream just now, but it is only a human body at this time, holding a harpoon-like weapon in his hand, raised the weapon with a fierce face, and stabbed towards Gu Zheng's head.

"Let me try to transform him!" Xiaoying who was behind said suddenly, stopping Gu Zheng who was about to do something, retreated to the side, and let Xiaoying go.

Before Xiaoying could stop still, she began to mutter, her deep voice could only vaguely hear the buzzing voice, as if she was singing something with a certain melody.

And the black shadow that wanted to continue to pounce towards this side, only halfway through, the whole figure began to slow down, and the whole body slowed down and finally stood in the air.

Gu Zheng looked at the black shadow that was originally full of murderous intent, and the hostility on his body gradually disappeared, and at the same time, the black mist on his body also quickly subsided. After only a dozen breaths, the color of his body began to change towards gold.

After a while, the black figure in front of him changed drastically, and the Buddha light flickered all around him, and even that hideous look seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, well, now this ghost has converted to my Buddha, now we can let him find the way for us." Here, Xiaoying floated from the side and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect your Dharma to be so powerful. You have converted the other party in such a short period of time." Gu Zheng sincerely praised. Although the other party's cultivation base is a little weak, she has never been in actual combat, and has almost no experience in Dharma combat.

"Hee hee, of course, I'm actually very good too." Xiaoying showed a smug smile on her face.

"Then it's up to you to lead the way."

Gu Zheng smiled and said, watching the golden shadow turn around and walk forward, also following behind.

"Of course, no matter how powerful I am, I can deal with them together." Xiaoying didn't go up to let Gu Zheng carry her on her back, but also walked side by side.

Before walking too far, Jin Ying, who was leading the way, had a Buddha light on his body, as if he had entered a fighting state.

I saw two black shadows with the same strength as it appeared in the distance, staring at Jin Ying covetously, even Gu Zheng and others behind him were not interested, and attacked Jin Ying with the same weapon in their hands as soon as they appeared.

However, the weapon in her hand had just been raised, and Xiaoying had already rushed forward one step ahead, and began to transform them again.

Soon they had three golden shadows exploring the way ahead.

After half a day, Gu Zheng looked at a large group of golden shadows in front of him, and was really speechless.

The weakest one is the one I saw at first, and the strongest one now has the cultivation base of the mid-term Golden Immortal.

But no matter how much cultivation is, as soon as he appears, within a short while, he has successfully become a member of his side, like an army mighty, ahead of the past.

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, all of them were dispersed by the Buddha's light, and those dark shadows hidden inside, at this time, came over at the same time like a refueling tactic.

Gu Zheng really doesn't know why there are so many black shadows of the fish monster, but Gu Zheng finally knows the reason why they appear here.

At the end of the golden line in the sky is a mountain peak rising from the ground, and the golden line is falling from the sky like a stream, looking around, it seems that there should be something mysterious in the mountain peak.

But outside, there are thousands of black fish demons, surrounded here, it seems that they are constantly attacking inside.

Gu Zheng and Xiaoying flew up again almost at the same time, looking into the distance.

There is a huge gap in the middle of the mountain, and a huge incomparable golden mirror occupies almost a third of it. A huge Buddha's light is found from above, reflecting all the surroundings in a golden piece.

And within tens of meters in front of the mirror, countless golden shadows and black shadow fish monsters were fighting each other.

It can be seen from here that in the darkness in the distance, there are black fish monsters gathering towards this side almost every moment, and the mirror inside only takes a long time, and a golden fish monster will appear from it.

However, within the area covered by the Buddha's light around here, the strength of those black fish monsters has obviously been weakened a lot. At this time, it seems that there is no winner between the two sides.

"Are we going to fight in?" Xiaoying looked at so many fish monsters, and swallowed a hard breath, because it was a bit difficult to control so many at this time, so many of them couldn't be crossed even if they died.

"Of course, it's just miscellaneous soldiers. I can solve them all by myself." Gu Zheng also seemed to know that Xiaoying had reached her limit. Seeing that the group of highest strengths below had climbed to the late Golden Immortal stage, and there were quite a few of them, But still said indifferently.

"That's right, I almost forgot that the young master has already been promoted to Daluo." Xiaoying relaxed a little nervously, and then said.

"Then it's easier to let these companions who are guarding him together, and help you attract them by the way."

Gu Zheng nodded, and the whole figure flew towards him quickly.

At this time, the golden fish monster coming from below also made the black fish monsters on the periphery restless. They just knew that there was an enemy behind them, and some scattered black fish monsters had already rushed.

At this time, under Xiaoying's control, those golden shadow fish monsters all rushed towards each other.

After a dozen or so breaths, they moved forward with all their strength, tore a hole in the middle, and continued to rush in.

However, it was only a hole. After all, most of these golden shadow fish monsters were weak, and they had a large number of opponents. In the blink of an eye, they were surrounded by the black shadow Yuyao.

But Xiaoying doesn't care, these golden shadows who don't know their own consciousness are under her control, and they are not afraid of death and attack ahead of others, stirring up a large area into chaos.

And in this one, a figure constantly shuttles through it, specially attacking those powerful fish monsters.

In almost one round, he must be killed.

Moreover, after the death of those golden shadow fish monsters, their bodies would self-explode, and a large piece of golden light swept around, dispelling the surrounding black mist, and at the same time causing huge damage to the black shadow fish monsters.

The normal battle didn't last more than half an hour. As the last black shadow fish demon around it dissipated into a cloud of black mist, there was no one around, and even the golden shadow fish demon in the small night sky was left with a small half.

However, as a golden light suddenly burst out from the mirror, all the surrounding hundreds of feet were covered by golden light, as if those dead black fish monsters had become the nourishment of the mirror.

"Those fish monsters are controlled by the other party." Xiaoying looked at the distance with some surprise, those fish monsters dispersed towards the surroundings one after another, standing on the edge with the previous fish monsters, guarding the golden light area together.

"We are leaving. Why are you still carrying these burdens? You really want to take them out? You can solve all this by yourself, how useful it will be." Gu Zheng didn't care, and explained Xiaoying's distressed look .

At the same level, you can say that you can use the same level of people to pile up the opponent, but if you want to cross the level, except for the magic weapon, you can only rely on your own body that is against the sky to the limit, and the mortal body can hardly be considered.

Gu Zheng was also showered under the Buddha's light, but he didn't feel any discomfort, and the golden shadow fish demons didn't attack him, as if he didn't exist.

Xiaoying nodded reluctantly, flew from a distance, and landed beside Gu Zheng.

In order to prevent accidents, Gu Zheng did not let Xiaoying fly, but walked past the huge mirror step by step, and continued to walk towards the depths.

Not far ahead, a huge golden pool appeared in front of them, a pool of golden water exuding a strong aura of Buddha.

The high-altitude water flows continuously into the center, causing many splashes, and I don't know what is under the golden pool, but Gu Zhengque always feels that it looks like the pool he saw in his dream, maybe it has some meaning, maybe it has other functions.

The purpose of Gu Zheng and the others was to put a mirror behind the pool, which was more than ten feet tall, blocking the way behind.

The surface of the mirror is clean and tidy, but in the middle, it shows that a door has been opened.

"Are you sure you're right here?" Gu Zheng asked Xiaoying next to him.

"That's right, this is the place leading to the upper floor, I'm sure." Xiaoying nodded vigorously to strengthen her persuasiveness.

"Then let's go!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he reached out and touched the mirror in front of him. As soon as he touched the surface, his palm sank into it. A cool breath came from above, and at the same time, faint ripples began to sway from the contact point.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zheng took Xiaoying directly inside.

A very narrow passage appeared in front of them, and in front of the passage was the door.

Gu Zheng looked back and found that he was already in the mirror. The outside world seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, and the golden water in the distance became extremely rough, making it impossible to see the outside world clearly.

Gu Zheng turned his head and continued to walk forward. From this point of view, it would take at least a little time.

But when he had just walked half the distance, suddenly there was a sound of a tsunami in the air, and Gu Zheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

Originally, the front gate was suddenly submerged in a cloud of blue water waves. Before Gu Zheng could react, he suddenly felt that the whole mirror began to rise, and at the same time, a strange aura flashed out, which directly blocked Gu Zheng's cultivation. for.


Xiaoying screamed, and leaned against Gu Zheng's back tightly, hugging him tightly.

The entire mirror began to slope downwards, and it became more and more steep and would soon become vertical.

Gu Zheng only had time to grab Xiaoying from behind and put her in his arms, and then the whole person fell down.


Gu Zheng's back crashed heavily into the water waves below. Gu Zheng just wanted to stabilize his body, but found a strong suction coming from behind him, so he could only hug Xiaoying tightly. The next moment Gu Zheng felt I entered a dark environment, and a feeling of suffocation surrounded me in all directions.

The next moment, Gu Zheng lost consciousness.

"All dharmas come into being because of their causes and conditions, and I say that they are destroyed because of their causes and conditions."

It was still the familiar cave, but all the skeletons before had disappeared, and there were more chairs and tables made of stone around.

Even in one corner, a stone statue of a Bodhisattva was erected, with some fruits enshrined in front of it, and a few half-burned incense sticks, filling the cave with a faint scent of sandalwood.

A monk was sitting on a stone bench, holding a somewhat worn scripture, and said to a fish demon in a simple cassock below.

"Master, this sentence is so profound, what exactly does it mean!" The fish demon kept on reading, always half-understood, and asked anxiously.

"The meaning of this sentence is that there is a reason for all things to meet, meet and die, and the person who explains it to you is to explain the cause and relationship to you." The old monk said unhurriedly.

"I understand." The fish demon's face suddenly became enlightened, and he continued, "It's like when I saw you injured and brought your master back. If I didn't bring you back, then I wouldn't be able to recognize the master."

"Yes, no!" The old monk nodded and shook his head again.

"Isn't it right?" The fish demon looked at it suspiciously and asked in puzzlement.

"I have been here for five years. Although you have made good progress, the conditions here are still a little lacking. You can go back with me. There are many classics there. You can study them slowly and you will know." The old monk accepted Picking up the scriptures, he led the fish demon towards the entrance of the cave.

The picture suddenly changed. At this time, in a brightly lit cave, it is very huge, surrounded by precious instruments, and in the middle is a densely packed formation, which makes it easy to see at a glance. Dizziness.

An old man and a young man stood inside, and Wu Xiang looked like some eminent monk at this moment.

"Wuxiang, you have obtained the true inheritance of the Nine-storied Pagoda, plus you have completed many tests before, this time, you will use the Nine-storied Pagoda to assist me in the final task of sealing this space crack, as long as you succeed this time, Then in the future, we will completely solve the other party, and I will complete the task that my Buddha entrusted to me." The old monk stood in the middle and said to the fish demon holding a pagoda in the distance.

At this time, the fish demon's whole body is also full of Buddha's light, and its breath is steady. If you don't look at the appearance, it is really an eminent monk.

"Yes, master! I have been preparing for today for a long time, and I will definitely be able to assist the master in suppressing the demons here!"

Wuxiang nodded solemnly, walked straight to the center of another formation, sat down cross-legged, then raised his finger, and the nine-storied pagoda turned around his head.

The old monk over there also sat down at the same time, activated the formation, and the formation began to work in turn.

At the same time, countless ferocious evil auras suddenly appeared around, roaring and attacking here.

"One pagoda is the base, the nine floors are the pole, all evil spirits, retreat!"

Wuxiang here suddenly made cumbersome gestures, and streams of Buddha power poured into the nine-storied pagoda above his head.

The nine-story pagoda suddenly grew up, and a strong suction came from above, suppressing all the ghosts and evil spirits that suddenly appeared around it.

It didn't interfere with the operation of the formation in the slightest. Seeing Wuxiang here, he felt a little relaxed, but he didn't notice that under the formation, a hidden black light suddenly shot into his vest.

"The old monk just wanted to use me"

"I belong to the monster clan, and everyone looks down on me. Even if I am a disciple of the master, there are people talking about it."

For a moment, negative emotions resounded continuously in the cave, reminding Wuxiang of the discrimination and unfair treatment he had received before.

"Isn't it just that I'm not human?" Wu Xiang held up his hands in confusion. They were not human hands, but a pair of sharp claws.

"Wuxiang, what are you doing! Be careful!"

A sudden shout of anger woke him up from his daze, and he found that a demon had already taken advantage of his distraction and stabbed towards his heart.

But at this time, the figure of the old monk suddenly stood in front of him and saved him from death.


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