The purple clothes changed into the original body, causing the other party's figure to stagnate slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

But he was in a daze, the attack in the air would not be a daze, he came to him in a blink of an eye, looked at the lightning in front of him, and at the same time, he swung the shield in his hand as before, trying to smash it into pieces.

The other party must have a few tricks to defeat the obstacles placed in front of him, and when he saw her, he already knew that the other party was not a human being, but he did not expect her body to be this.

But this time the purple lightning was not scattered by him like before. Instead, a huge force exploded in the air. Although all the power was blocked, his figure could not help but fly towards the back.

At this time, on the outer shell of the purple clothes, those mysterious patterns began to ripple in circles, and with each flash, a layer of purple smoke transpired in the air from above, quickly condensing.

At the same time as the explosion rose in the air, the shape of a purple spear slowly formed in the air.

When the puppet was looking to stabilize his figure, a zhangxu long spear shrouded in purple mist appeared in the air, and on the tip of the spear exuding sharp aura, there were traces of black electric light flashing, which made people see it. Next, it seems that even the mind has to be sucked in.


Following the slight touch of the clam shell in purple, there was a muffled sound, and the spear spun at a high speed and charged towards the puppet, with a resounding scream, it seemed impossible to escape.

And the puppet's original plain eyes were also a little moved. Pan Heng made a calculation in his heart, and suddenly threw the sledgehammer in his hand upwards. The whole black sledgehammer continued to grow, and began to transform into wisps of black mist and dissipated. At the same time, the spikes above fell from above, gathering and merging in the air.

When the purple spear was traveling the same distance, including the sledgehammer, it had merged into a gleaming black needle, more like a small spear.

The shield in the puppet's hand is facing the same way, and the big brother-in-law is guarding the puppet firmly behind him. It seems that he wants to defend the blow.

That blue streamer hindered Ziyi from leaving, and also hindered his escape. Even if he wanted to retreat, he couldn't do it, so he could only resist.

And when Zi Yi saw the small spear, his whole body was full of light, and he also chose to resist the blow.

Among the loud bangs of "rumbling", there was a trace of sharp clanging.

The defense formed by the shield over there was smashed into tens of thousands of fragments by the spear at the moment of contact, and then the entire spear sank into its chest without any suspense and exploded, a large group of purple thunderclouds rose instantly. Suddenly, a small thunderstorm formed inside.

When the thundercloud dissipated, the puppet's entire body had turned into a ball of powder and dissipated in the air.

However, Ziyi turned around and regained his human form again, but his face was a little pale. On the shoulder, a blood hole the size of a baby's arm pierced through. It hasn't been eliminated yet, and spots of blood emerge from the edge.

"Do you have the ability to come out? Your puppet is gone, call out your little pet, this time I will see where it goes!" Ziyi took a deep breath and shouted to the surroundings.

There was silence all around, and the voice did not appear again.

"Since you don't come out, then I will demolish your place." Zi Yi looked around, snorted coldly, and rushed towards the stone pillar not far away.

"You dare to move, be careful of your soul boy's life."

At this moment, the voice suddenly threatened, and at the same time, a golden glow fell from the sky.

A golden cage, with destructive runes flashing in every gap, it seems that if the purple clothes on the other side dare to act, the other side dares to detonate it directly.

At this time, Xiaoying was being imprisoned inside, but lying in a coma inside, once it detonated, the consequences would be disastrous.

"For the last time, let me out quickly. I can pretend that I have never been here before." Zi Yi immediately stopped, glanced at Xiaoying, and found that the other party was just in a coma, and her life was not in danger. Said in a tone.

"I don't believe you. I would rather lose the base here than trap you here. If my people hadn't happened to go out, how could I talk to you so politely because you are so arrogant? I can swear that I will absolutely guarantee your safety , As for your loss, I can also compensate you, why bother to fight for them."

The voice continued to persuade at this time, it seemed that there was no other way.

"You are the Sea Clan attacking here? I really didn't expect you to be hiding below, so I don't believe you even more." Only then did Ziyi react from the other party's tone, remembering what Gu Zheng told him about the outside world, and came here without knowing it. No wonder the other party refused to let me go back to the place where the other party was hiding.

"Believe it or not, you can't move anyway. If you move a step, the soul boy will be smashed to pieces in an instant. Of course, you can do whatever you want. We have a way to trap you to death and never get out."

The voice threatened viciously.

At this time, Xiaoying's eyes slowly opened, she stood up abruptly, looked around, and found herself trapped in a cage, she stretched out her hand to grab it, trying to open it with brute force.

But there was a flash of golden light all around, and a golden light curtain rose from all around, trapping her inside.

"Let me out, or you will be in bad luck. My son will definitely not let you go!" Xiaoying slammed towards the top, but it was extremely strong, and her careful fist was about to be smashed, it seemed that she was a bit strong. Difficult.

But at this time, her cultivation base has been sealed, and she can't even take out the nine-storied pagoda, that's all she can do.

"Your son? Then who is she?" The figure was startled when he heard Xiaoying's threatening voice, and said subconsciously.

"Oops, it's revealed!" Ziyi frowned when he heard it, and also found that the other party seemed to have slipped his mouth. I don't know where Gu Zheng is?

But at this moment, suddenly outside the cage, a figure suddenly flashed from the void, and the next moment appeared in the outside cage, a golden light flashed in the air, and slashed towards the top of the cage with a sword.

"Looking for death!" The man was shocked and angry, obviously no one noticed, there was actually another person hiding beside him from start to finish, who was still in a daze, and the other party rushed over.

But the speed of the opponent is so fast, when the golden runes on this side are shining brightly, this side has already been cut on it, and the cage that was originally impregnable, like tofu, was easily torn apart in front of the opponent, and a space for only one person appeared. outside.

Even the explosion rune on it was cut into two pieces and collapsed from the air.

The next moment, the figure shrank, a yellow light glowed outside the body, and it burrowed in, holding Xiaoying inside tightly to his chest, and the next moment a strong explosion rose on the spot, knocking Gu The figure of Zheng was submerged.

It was too fast here, Xiaoying still had a look of surprise on her face, and she was hugged by Gu Zheng.

Zi Yi was not worried yet, when a sudden exclamation came from the air.


Soon, strands of blue mist fell from the sky rapidly, suppressing the surrounding explosion waves abruptly, and a cloud of blue air waves appeared from the surroundings outside, washing towards the explosion site.

Ziyi saw it clearly, the air wave obviously carried a healing breath, and seemed to want to heal the inside, before a voice suddenly rang out before joining forces, could this person know Gu Zheng?

Ziyi was thinking this way, and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure flying towards this side at a high speed in the distance, and the whole person became alert.

But the figure didn't pay attention to this side at all, but stayed outside the aftermath of the previous explosion, looking inside anxiously.

"Why are you?" A yellow light group came out of the blue air wave, and his tone was full of doubts.

Before Gu Zheng was fighting, he had already searched the surroundings quickly. Although there were some strange things, he didn't find Xiaoying's trace. He didn't expect to be locked up by them. He really ignored this.

In addition to the previous fog, he never thought of going to the sky to check it out, or the other party would send it out on his own initiative, and it would be too late to search all the places.

I definitely can't receive threats from the other party, so I go up and forcefully break through with the Yunhuang sword in hand, and protect Xiaoying at the critical moment.

In this ferocious explosion, I was going to be slightly injured anyway, and I was fully prepared, but I didn't expect that the power of the explosion would decrease extremely quickly, and a cloud of mist floated strangely, as if to heal myself.

Gu Zheng was in the explosion just now, and he didn't hear the other party's shout, but when he came out here, he recognized the other party's identity after sensing a person by his side.

He used to be his apprentice in name, Haiming!

"Master, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this to be your soul boy!" Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, Hai Ming immediately apologized.

"Why are you here?" Gu Zheng looked at Haiming, whose strength had already reached the peak of a fairy, and couldn't help asking.

"We're about to attack the Blue Medicine Gate above. This is our hidden frontier, and I'm in charge of all the scheduling below." Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Hai Ming said bluntly without any concealment.

"This is not the time to talk, let the master go in and have a talk!" Haiming said to Gu Zheng.

"Okay, I just have a lot of questions." Gu Zheng nodded and said, looking at Xiaoying in his arms again, and said angrily.

"It's okay, come down quickly, I will settle accounts with you later!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoying was put down.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Xiaoying turned away at last and muttered in a low voice, but when she saw Haiming who was about to lead the way, she rolled her eyes, stepped forward in an instant, and slammed down on the other's head with a big jump.


Xiaoying blew heavily into her palm, her eyes were a little teary, she forgot that her cultivation base was sealed, and wanted to take revenge, but it was as if she had thrown herself on a rock, and the pain was unbearable.

"Stop making trouble, the other party is my registered disciple!" Gu Zheng naturally knew all this, seeing that the other party reaped the fruit of his own accord, and Hai Ming was obediently punched by the other party, not much at all, so he said.

"Understood." Xiaoying glanced at Haiming. After knowing that the other party was the son's apprentice, she had no chance to take revenge. Such a good opportunity was wasted by herself, which made her feel a little depressed.

"Ziyi, let's go." Gu Zheng said to Ziyi, who had been a little stunned, at the same time, which brought her back to her senses and walked forward.

It was Hai Ming who was fighting with her, of course she knew him, but why did the other party attack.

"Take off your disguise, I wouldn't let you cover your face if I knew it earlier." Gu Zheng watched Ziyi follow up, and said slowly.

When Ziyi heard it, his face showed a sudden look, and then he changed back to his original appearance.

It turned out that Gu Zheng saw that it was Lanyaomen before, and thought that if Ziyi was needed on the battlefield later, in order to prevent being recognized, he asked her to change her face. Otherwise, when Ziyi appeared here, Haiming would definitely take a look. make out.

Follow Haiming to a slightly larger stone hall, where there is no one.

"The conditions here are not good, masters, please sit down and rest first, and I'll serve you tea." Haiming said with a flattering smile.

Haiming served tea and poured water by himself. Everyone had a cup of steaming tea in front of them, even Xiaoying had a cup in front of them.

"What's the matter, why did Xiaoying come to you directly like crazy." Gu Zheng waited until the other party Mangmang said.

"Actually, I don't know either, but I do know what's going on?" Haiming said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, let's talk a little bit, there is plenty of time now." Gu Zheng also had doubts in his mind, but since they are all here, he can definitely talk about it.

"Master, and Senior Ziyi, were you invited by the Blue Medicine Sect to help guard them?" Haiming thought for a while and asked.

"It's okay, it's not. I owe a favor to my friend, who invited me to come here. As for Ziyi, I only woke up when I was fighting that water monster of yours." Gu Zheng said directly.

"That's right, then the Sea Clan attacking them is actually our coalition forces." Haiming also said directly.

At this point, I can guess it without saying anything, but the previous battle was really a fight between my own people and my own people. If I knew it earlier, there would be no misunderstanding at all.

"Why did you beat them? You also described you as evil sea people." Xiaoying interjected curiously. When she was on the island, she knew that Lan Yaomen was the victim.

"The other party is an enemy and will naturally speak ill of us, but if we don't eliminate them, I'm sorry for our dead subordinate races." Hai Ming said with a distorted expression, gnashing his teeth.

Knowing that I had lost my composure, I quickly adjusted my mood.

"Why do you say that?" Gu Zheng could feel Haiming's resentment, and suppressed his desire to ask about Ren Ling.

"Master, you also remember my strange disease, and even lost my previous memory, but now I have recovered a little by chance, I just know who beat me like that!" Haiming pressed himself Said angrily.

"Could it be someone from Lanyaomen?" Ziyi covered her mouth and asked in surprise when she thought about it.

"Of course, the reason is that I broke it. They raised our subordinate races in captivity, and then refined a special substance in their bodies. That kind of substance is only contained in their blood. They forced and controlled them, even at the expense of their lives. After adding the medicine, the quality of the medicine will be greatly improved, so I will be retaliated, if I am not lucky, I may die there, and there is no way to escape."

Haiming's news is completely different from that over there, which surprised Gu Zheng. He didn't expect that the war was caused by this, and the Lanyaomen over there really didn't tell the truth, but for them, this is normal .

"And we also leaked the news internally. Now the other party is hurrying up to prepare the interior. It will not exceed 20 years at most. The last remaining sea people will all die, and the other party will leave here at that time."

"But the other party clearly said fifty years, but the time is also concealed here!" Xiaoying blurted out again.

"I don't know what they said, but I know that they have invited a lot of people. How can we let the other party leave so easily, let alone avenge my injury, because the other party has killed so many innocent monsters in Beihai for so many years. It has already provoked the anger of the sky and the people, so this time many people have contributed their hands and are ready to wipe out the opponent together." Haiming continued.

"We also know that the opponent got the star array from the Holy Ruins, so long ago, we tried our best to arrange a space under each island, and prepared to break through the outer formation at the critical moment, but the opponent has There are two hidden islands, so we must wait until the two hidden formations appear before we can move out below."

Haiming didn't hide anything, and said in a straightforward manner, even if Gu Zheng was the reinforcements invited by the other party at this time, he believed that he would not say anything at all.

"This is also concealed from us. It seems that the other party does not fully believe in us." Gu Zheng didn't hear the news at all.

"Of course, we must have his people here, and there are our people in him, so we have to guard against them, and the other party has begun to transfer things. As far as I know, their core group of people has come to the Holy Ruins below. At that time, we will leave here through an ultra-distance teleportation array."

Haiming snorted coldly, it seems that many of the other party's whereabouts are known here.

"So we specially prepared some for each of the following. Only in this way can we break through the opponent's outer islands and kill them in the core, which is to lock them up in the surrounding stone palaces. However, when I was feeding them some controlled food before, I didn't Knowing that she rushed over here." Haiming pointed at Xiaoying and said.

"As a result, after arriving here, she stepped into our trap and was arrested by us. Before I studied how she came here, you all came here."

"What? It can make her lose her mind." Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"This thing!" Haiming took out a small box and opened it so that Gu Zheng could see what was inside. It was a liquid beige liquid without any smell, but Xiaoying's face changed in fright, and she immediately pinched her nose.

"This must be operated with a certain amount of mana to exert its effect, and it will directly affect the spirits, so those people's spirits can be driven and controlled by us." Haiming explained from the side.

"At that time, I was completely confused. I felt that there was a very delicious food in front of me. I just wanted to eat it, so I couldn't help running forward. I didn't know what I was doing! As long as I can eat it, I will eat it. Willing to do it." Xiaoying relaxed a lot after hearing this, and quickly explained.

"By the way, you have so much news, who is helping you inside?" Gu Zheng couldn't help asking when he saw that the other party knew everything about Lan Yaomen.

"Yes" might be because the identity of the other party is too important, Hai Ming just said to Gu Zheng via voice transmission.

"That's right!" Looking at Gu Zheng's horrified gaze, Hai Ming nodded solemnly and said.

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