A new change has taken place above the sky.

Since Gu Zheng came back, time has passed for half a year again.

As before, the Lanyaomen was still peaceful. Although the enemy did not appear, they could feel the tightness of the upper and lower sides, and the various fortifications were built up one by one.

However, compared to Lanyaomen's approaching a formidable enemy, the others were not nervous.

And at this time, on the big island, in an empty room.

Youzhu, the vice sect master with a somewhat tired face, was sitting beside a stone chair. At this moment, he had lost his confidence outside, his eyes were full of fatigue, even if he had a refreshing pill in his mouth, it couldn't relieve his fatigue.

"You haven't rested for a year, don't work so hard, why don't you take a few days to rest." Behind him, a woman in a water-blue palace dress came over with some distress, and put her hands on his. On the temple, rub it gently.

Wisps of blue light emerged from the fingertips and penetrated into Youzhu's body, which eased the sadness on his brows a lot.

"Yan'er, the time is really tight. The other party has already started tentatively probing our place. It seems that they can attack at any time. It is estimated that the surrounding fog formation has already been broken by the other party. They just stayed there on purpose. Do you think I can Are you busy?" You Zhu closed her eyes and said slowly.

"I know, my lord father, I'm still busy down here. There are so many things to prepare, and even now it's only half done. If the other party gives us three years, then we really don't have to worry about anything." Sen Yan's exquisite face showed a hint of distress, and her eyes looked at her husband with a gentle look.

These days, she certainly knows how hard he is. Since he discovered the other party's outpost two years ago, he, who was already busy, has become even busier.

The free time now is no more than one hour a day, and in this free time, I still have to think about what is wrong. I don't have a moment to rest, and I work harder than my father.

"Every time you are busy, you will be more stable, and you will be able to reduce some losses. For us, this is nothing." You Zhu raised her hand and placed it on her white palm, and said softly.

"After this time, shall we have a child?" Sen Yan said suddenly with her body trembling slightly.

Although they were fully prepared, there was always a lingering cloud above her head, which made her feel extremely flustered.

In the past, I always wanted her to have a higher level of cultivation, but at this time, I suddenly longed for a child of my own. My mother died young, and I don't know what it feels like to be a mother.

"Okay, as long as it goes well, ten or eight will be born by then, as long as you don't dislike it." You Zhu stood up from the stone chair, looked at Sen Yan carefully, and said seriously.

A blush slowly rose on her face, and she didn't dare to look directly at him, but she laughed and cursed in a low voice.

"What do you think I am, and so many more, I think two are fine."

Although the tone was shy and angry, anyone could hear a hint of desire in it.

"Okay. Okay, my Yan'er can only say as many as you want, haha!" You Zhu said happily with a smile on her face.

But in the depths of the eyes, there is seven points of love, two points of reluctance, and a trace of hatred.


Sen Yan acted like a baby, and threw herself into Youzhu's arms, listening to his heartbeat, feeling his breath, her whole body was about to melt.

And You Zhu hugged her tightly with her backhand, enjoying the very rare time.

But the short-lived happiness of the two was suddenly interrupted.

A thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the outer space, and the whole room began to shake violently.

"Take care of yourself and wait for us to go back together." Youzhu's expression changed, and she said to Senyan solemnly.

Before the other party could reply, his figure disappeared from the room.

"be careful!"

Sen Yan said worriedly to the air, then looked through the window sill.

On the originally clear space, black clouds that stretched for hundreds of miles floated from nowhere, containing the beauty of the environment. , the whole sky was dark.

The outermost white mist had dissipated quietly, and a group of figures came towards the island from all directions, and there were also many hideous-looking aquatic creatures walking on the waves just above the sea.

The sky and the sea have surrounded them in all directions.

When Sen Yan saw this scene, she retreated quickly. She didn't need to step forward in the frontline battle, after all, she was really not good at fighting.

"Everyone is ready to meet the enemy! Activate the formation!"

"Everyone is ready to meet the enemy! Activate the formation!"

The sound spread to the surroundings, and almost at the same time, all the people on the other islands started to act. The other party didn't seem to be engaging in a sneak attack, and directly came to the door openly.

Colorful rays of light rose everywhere, and shocking breaths also spread fiercely towards the surroundings.

Under the impact of this aura, the surrounding sea is rough, like a storm, and combined with the situation of black clouds above, everyone knows that a storm is coming.

And on each island, there was only a slight delay, and with the sound of rumbling vibrations, bright and brilliant lights rose from it, and large protective shields rose one by one.

Each protective cover has an illusory link with the small island next to it, and another link with the main island, forming a large formation of the Big Dipper.

At the same time, thick stone pillars, each with a width of more than ten feet, rise up on each small island. The runes engraved on them are brightly lit, and the whole stone pillars are shining with silver light, and the energy full of them flickers wantonly around. Then, the strong fluctuation of spiritual power made people dare not approach at all.

On the main island, besides the activation of the formation, everyone gathered together one after another, and Senlu finally met at this time. Surrounded by a group of high-level officials and disciples, they came to the center that had been prepared for a long time. Location.

When the other party appeared, in less than a dozen breaths, everything was ready, and they all looked at the group of Sea Clan who had just arrived above the island.

On the top of the head, the leaders are Haiwang and others. There are more than 20 big Luos on the back, and almost a thousand Golden Immortal elites. Many, no longer the previous sense of depression.

And on the surface of the sea, there are also heavenly immortals and golden immortals standing side by side. From the bright side, it seems that the other party is just a head stronger than this side.

But Lanyaomen relies on geography, so it can be said that it is okay to ignore the other party, which makes everyone on the island feel at ease.

But what, if it doesn't work, you can escape here on your own. This is what Senlu Sect Master said. He won't blame everyone, but it also makes everyone feel stable. Therefore, everyone doesn't have any worries. Repel the opponent, and there will be more generous rewards later.

Besides Huanqiao and Yufeng, beside Haiwang, there are two more unfamiliar faces, but the other party's cultivation base is the same as Huanqiao's, and he also has a domineering aura on his body. It seems that he should be the patriarch of another race.

This time, it can be said that they didn't have any hidden power, and all the people in the clan who could fight were pulled over, which shows how strong the prestige of Neptune is.

"In the previous period, everyone proceeded according to the plan. Interfere with each other first and force the opponent's two hidden islands. Don't be greedy. After we have someone to help, we can't follow the previous plan. This will completely prevent escape." Neptune looked at the hatred below, He didn't care at all, but said to the side.

"Don't worry, Master Neptune, if this battle still fails, I will show myself to others." A new face, a young man with blue hair, looks handsome, and the hair on his head looks like countless tentacles. With a long tongue, he touched the corner of his mouth cruelly and said.

"Although I really hope that you will commit suicide, but this time I am disappointed." The other one is a chubby and beautiful girl who looks ordinary, just like ordinary passers-by. No one knows her strength.

But everyone else knows that her strength is only below Neptune, and she is recognized as the strongest among the four of them.

"Stop talking nonsense, order to go down, attack immediately! Tell everyone the plan and come back." Sea King raised his hand impatiently, and then ordered.


It happened that the four of them responded at the same time, and then rushed in their respective directions, leaving only Neptune sitting on it.

And the elite sea clan behind them remained motionless at the back, and they could not attack now.


With a sharp cry, the Sea Clan who had been staying on the surface of the sea suddenly moved, and took the lead in launching the first wave of attack on the island.

The wild wolves hundreds of feet outside all the islands instantly rose up, like roaring water dragons, rushing towards the islands, and behind them were the sea people, just following behind, approaching the islands.

However, at the same time as the turbulent waves rose, the surrounding seven islands swarmed one after another, and the nearby sea area also shook violently, and began to spin around the islands rapidly, forming huge eddies of water flow.

The entire outer sea area was covered by the vortex one after another, and the huge waves couldn't bear the attraction of the vortex, and a large area of ​​water was sucked in, together with many sea tribes behind.

However, the vortex was huge, but not powerful enough. Except for some unlucky ghosts, the others were just thrown out, but it also prevented them from approaching from the water surface.

Opposite is the Sea Clan, and of course they will prevent the other side from attacking from the bottom of the sea, and they have already figured out countermeasures for anything that comes to mind.

The first attack here was unfavorable, but there was no discouragement, which had been expected.

As soon as Neptune raised his hand, a ray of light in his hand shot straight into the sky, and the black mist all over the sky rolled down violently again, and the black mist over the island suddenly pressed down here.

It gave people a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city, and everyone below couldn't help but stop breathing. The impact made people feel like the sky was falling.

The next moment, among all the islands, a series of silver rays of light suddenly exploded, and those silver stone pillars that were ready to go were bright like a lighthouse at this moment, shining a strange wave towards the surroundings, dispelling the oppression in everyone's heart. , swept away.

Immediately afterwards, thick silver beads soared from the island to the sky in an instant, shooting towards the black cloud, and huge holes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Before the beam of light launched its second attack, the black mist had dissipated, and the long-lost daylight appeared over the island again, making people feel better unconsciously.

"It's interesting, set up the formation, and blast the opponent's tortoise shell for me!" Haiwang looked down, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said towards the back.

As soon as his voice fell, more sea tribes emerged from the waves below, but this time they did not rush up again, because the vortex was still running all the time, even deep in the bottom of the sea. Block their way.


There was a trembling sound in the air, but the whole sea calmed down strangely. A layer of blue light appeared on everyone's body, and everyone whispered with a serious expression.

The trembling sound in the air was made by thousands of whispers, and a huge incomparable blue magic circle slowly emerged on the surface below, within a radius of thousands of miles above the sea, almost occupying all the sea areas outside Neptune's side.

Each of them is a part of the magic circle, and it is one of the nodes, which provides its own mana for the magic circle. With a mysterious pattern flashing on the sea surface suddenly, a strange wave suddenly rises from above.


With a muffled sound, dozens of huge blue beams of light suddenly soared into the sky in the entire magic circle, rushing straight towards the black clouds above.

The huge beam of light did not disperse the black clouds, but merged them into them, causing the black clouds in the sky to violently churn, and wisps of blue light emerged from above.

And all the magic circles on the island who feel this huge power can only watch the opponent take shape little by little, even if they can go out, they will not be sent to death foolishly.

These relatively low-strength Sea Clan are obviously preparing for this magic circle.

Here, I was still guessing what kind of greeting Lan Yaomen would use to respond, when suddenly there was a thunder in the sky.

Countless blue creatures fell from the black cloud and flew towards the various small islands below. As the main island, it was the focus of the blue creatures' attack.

Those blue creatures are all made up of sea water, but they are obviously summoned puppet creatures who want to fight the first wave of attacks for them. All kinds of monsters can be seen, all of which are strange. Asuka, a lone wolf with only one eye, and even a tiger's head, all come in different shapes, and it's hard to know how many species there are.

No matter what form, big or small, even if it's just a beast claw form, every one of them exudes a fierce aura, fierce and abnormal, like a shooting star, falling from above immediately and unknowingly, the momentum is astonishing.

The entire sky was densely occupied by those creatures, making the people below couldn't help but worry, wondering if the outer shield could block it.

However, when these puppet creatures fell in midair, the silver lights of the stone pillars of all the islands below gathered again, and with the roaring sound, the silver lights penetrated the protection without any hindrance, and rushed to the sky.

Where each silver ray of light passed, those puppet creatures exploded in the air without any suspense at all, and during the march, some silver stars jumped out of the silver pillars and jumped onto the puppet creatures next to them.

At the same time as they fell on the opponent, the surface of those creatures immediately ignited raging silver flames. During the fall, they were all burned to ashes. Not a single puppet landed below, which made the people below burst into cheers, especially the one from the Blue Medicine Sect. People are even more excited, proud of the strength of their formation.

The blue creatures kept popping up, and the silver beams of light below rushed out in the same bunches, resisting the attack from above from different angles, blocking the opponent perfectly.

Neptune looked at the many islands below, without a hint of frustration. These in themselves consume the other party, and it is not bad to test out the strength of the other party.

However, as more and more mana was injected below, the blue creatures became less and less mutilated, and some even had weapons and defenses to resist the silver beam of light. But it didn't work at all.

The two hiding behind the control formation are Yufeng and the beautiful girl. After seeing it, they began to manipulate the formation and continued to transform.

I saw the blue creature above suddenly stopped and stopped falling. All the beams of light under the magic circle on the sea also dimmed at the same time, as if the energy of the magic circle was exhausted.

But before the others could even wait for a moment, a thick blue bead that seemed to be fused together exploded from the center of the magic circle. The dark clouds that were originally black seemed to be dyed a piece of blue at this time, and even the Neptune and others below were reflected. It looks like it has a blue border.

Immediately afterwards, blue water spheres the size of a millstone, with layers of blue flames emerging from their bodies, emerged one by one in the air and fell towards the island below.

Those silver beams of light bombarded again, but this time they did not enter the land of no one like before.

The blue water polo held the silver beam of light firmly, and it didn't dissipate at the same time as the silver beam of light below after a message.

Now each beam of light can only destroy one water polo, which is too slow compared to its efficiency. Although the water polo exploded into pieces, it is still falling down firmly, and will soon fall on the lower layer of defense.

At this time, all the silver light suddenly stopped, as if he had given up on sniping the opponent and let the opponent fall freely.

But when it was still some distance away from the real barrier below, it suddenly exploded in the air as if it hit an invisible wall, and the flames on the water polo flew around, burning slowly in the void.

One after another water spheres continued to explode, and as layers of blue flames burned, a near-transparent light curtain faintly floated in the air, firmly blocking the attack from the sky.

With each landing and explosion of the water polo, dense water ripples rose from the contact point, and the faint ripples also began to ripple on the light curtain, causing the blue flame attached to it to sway continuously.

The loud explosions in the sky also worried the people below, especially watching the grooves appearing one after another, and then bouncing back to their original shape, for fear that the upper part would directly break through the outer layer of shield.

"Everyone, don't worry. Before the formation is broken, you must consume the opponent's vitality. Only in this way can you prepare for the next battle. It will be our turn to go up. As long as the opponent loses a certain amount, the opponent will definitely retreat. "Sen Lu said cheeringly to the crowd.

And behind him, the elders of Lanyaomen with very powerful aura, as well as the scattered reinforcements who are ready, have been prepared. From the obvious point of view, this side is on par with the opponent's strength, and the elders of Da Luo's later stage are also different Few, and Mori Lu is the pinnacle, not worthy of the opponent at all.

This sentence boosted everyone's morale and looked at the sky even more.

It lasted for a full half a day, the light curtain persisted, without any sign of breaking, and the water ball in the sky suddenly disappeared.

"Is this wave of attacks going to pass?"

There was a trace of doubt in everyone's heart, but then

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