"Just in time!"

Huanqiao watched the four elders of Lanyaomen rushing from above, and said with high spirits.

"I'll deal with the strongest one." The fat woman glanced at one of them, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes, and she rushed towards the opponent with an aura of provocation, which was very obvious.

That elder also has this intention, because he also knows that the other party is the strongest, and other people may not be able to stop the other party

"I'll deal with that!" Yu Feng also said lightly, and rushed directly at the other party.

"I hope to see their corpses later." The green-haired young man smiled at Huanqiao, then charged towards another enemy with an extra black knife in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, there was only an old man who looked younger in front of Huanqiao, and he was also the weakest among them.

But the weakest, that is also the strong player in Da Luo's later stage, and Huan Qiao didn't dare to underestimate him at all.

"What a big tone, this time I will let you all know how powerful our Blue Medicine Sect is." The remaining old man also heard the other party's arrogant words, and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Haha, I hope so." A charming smile appeared on Huanqiao's face, not caring about the other party's determination at all.

The feather fan in his hand suddenly flashed forward, and suddenly a sky full of blue crystal flowers appeared in front of him, spinning and rushing towards the opponent.

The old man's eyes were slightly angry, and a golden long sword appeared silently in his hand. He stepped forward, and the next moment its figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, in the crystal flower shadow, there was a sharp collision.

I saw the figure of the old man had already appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, approaching quickly like a stroll in the garden, the long sword in his hand almost appeared all over the sky around him, because following his intrusion, a branch appeared from the spinning flower heart An icicle of long thin hair.

Every swing, every collision, represented the failure of an ice thorn attack.

"It's interesting." Na Huanqiao saw that her spell was useless to the other party, and the smile in the corner of her eyes became brighter, and she retreated back instead.

However, she did not withdraw from the range of the star map. In that case, it could be said that she had completely left the battlefield. She just moved the battle location back a little so that it would be more convenient for the following battles.

In the battle below, every island also flew out of the disciples of the Blue Medicine Sect, and those hired people continued to guard below to prevent the opponent from slipping through the net.

Because of the weakening of the opponent's strength, even if the number of people here is slightly smaller, relying on the belief in encircling the sect, they are not afraid of death, and instead kill the opponent's retreat steadily, and the danger is everywhere.

The Sea Clan who were attacking this way were pushed back.

The most eye-catching thing on the battlefield is of course Shura flying over from the main island, breaking the outside world's concept of Shura as a mess. A team of a hundred people can kill almost three hundred people and cannot resist. Relieves the pressure of those around you.

Judging from the whole scene, because of the influence of the stars and snowflakes, the Sea Clan coalition army not only failed to go up to the island, but was retreated hundreds of kilometers by the opponent.

Everyone was excited, but no one noticed that in the cave below, although all the elixir inside, regardless of whether it was ripe or not, had been removed, there was still a blue light shining under some spars on the wall. Know when, a touch of white has flooded the cave.

However, whether it was Cao Xi who stayed behind or the others, they were all looking at the sky with some excitement, and they didn't pay attention to the bottom at all.

What's more, those openings are far away from the periphery of the stone hall. There are no caves within a certain range of the stone hall, so they don't think to check it.

In the caves under each island, more and more white souls gradually appeared on it, not only that, some sea clansmen with advanced cultivation also appeared here, and in each white soul team, there was a large group of different strengths. Luoshui Beast followed, just for the sake of the foreign aid who has been guarding the island for the other party, and their cultivation base can be said to be comparable.


Almost at the same time, except for the main island, all the white souls began to rush outside.

Each of these white souls is in the shape of a human, but the whole body seems to be covered with white mist. In fact, they are based on the dead remnant souls, refined with secret methods, and coupled with special attraction, forming puppets who are as brave as puppets. The presence.

"Captain Cao, do you feel the vibration below?" Just as Baihun started to move, a team member above felt a slight tremor under his feet, but the feeling was fleeting, and he didn't find anything when he probed the ground. It's different, but don't worry, I asked Cao Xi.

"No, why? Is there a situation?" Cao Xi also felt it carefully, but he also found nothing unusual, but he still asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's an illusion." That person also hesitated for a moment and said unconfidently.

But at this moment, a large piece of white mist suddenly emerged from the ground in the distance, not only in front, but everywhere around, strands of white mist seemed to rise out of thin air, turning into a sea of ​​fog and rushing towards them .

"Enemy attack!" Although Cao Xi didn't know what it was, but when it appeared at this time, it was impossible for him to be one of his own, only possible enemies.

Needless to say, everyone around moved closer to the inner circle, and ten feet behind them was the gate of the Stone Palace.

Do they know that besides them, there are only a few people in the stone palace on this island. It can be said that they are the last force, and the enemy has not yet appeared, so they unconsciously clenched their weapons and moved towards Look around.

Just as the white mist was approaching this side, white figures suddenly appeared from the ground one by one, like rabbits, hundreds of them appeared in an instant, rushing towards this side under the cover of the white mist.

"Everyone hold on tight, don't mess around, and look at the companions next to you." Cao Xi looked at the white mist, which was like boiling water, rushing madly towards them, and it had already reached their knees at this time. The white shadows inside made it difficult to see the enemy's position clearly, and there was no way to launch an attack in advance.

However, one of them reacted very quickly. He waved his hand a few times quickly, and suddenly a ball of flames burst out of his hand and bombarded towards the opposite side.

But what is disappointing is that the menacing flames only opened a gap of less than ten feet in front of the white mist, and the next moment it was submerged by the white mist, which did not play any role at all.


Just when they were about to be engulfed by the white mist, with a tremor in the air, a layer of silver shield issued from the stone hall, like a big bowl, holding them all inside.

And those white mist rushed on it turbulently, just like the waves hitting the reef, there was a huge collision, and the whole shield trembled suddenly.

"What the hell!" Cao Xi just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly saw a figure sticking to the wall, looking at him with pale, frameless eyes, as if looking at a dead person, which scared him Big jump.

"bang bang bang"

Next, individual figures lay down on the shield, and soon they were all densely packed with this kind of scary white soul, roaring meaninglessly in their mouths, and slapping it vigorously with their hands.

What's more, he even used his own head to slam into the top, and wisps of white liquid splashed out from the skull, landed on the shield, and blended in strangely.

"What the hell is this?" Cao Xi said in a nasty voice.

But no one answered him, because it was the first time for everyone else to see this damn thing.


Under the suicide attack of Baihun, a crack suddenly rose on the shield, and soon spread densely towards the surroundings.

"Do you want to wake up Elder Gu?" A person next to him asked.

"For the time being, this creature looks ferocious and there are many in number, but its strength will definitely not be high, otherwise it would not make a sneak attack."

At this time Cao Xi had calmed down, looked at the white soul in front of him, and carefully analyzed the surroundings.

When everyone heard what he said, they also thought of this question at the same time. If the other party really had the Golden Immortal Stage, they would have followed the Sea Clan to kill them long ago. Even if they were weak, they could still play a huge role in this innumerable number. .

So, even if these are all the peaks of immortals, there is no big difference between ordinary people.

"Everyone, kill them together." Seeing that the shield was about to shatter, Cao Xi shouted loudly, and with the starlight shining in the sky, a zhang-long sword energy swept out.

There were no pits in the white soul pit in front of him, and it turned into a cloud of white mist and dissipated from the air, blending into the surrounding white mist.

The people around also waved their weapons one after another, almost without a single round of swaying, those white souls were all killed by their subordinates, but some magic attacks bombarded them, which could hardly hurt them.

A row of white souls in the front died, and a steady stream of white souls filled up behind them. They couldn't stop killing them, it was more like sending them to death on purpose.

At this time, they formed a semicircle and firmly guarded the entrance of the stone hall, and they would not go out to kill each other, because they felt that the other party could not only consume their white souls.

Of course, what's more important is that the white mist has covered the entire vicinity, except for being able to detect tens of meters in front, the others are far away. The white mist forced back a little, otherwise the visibility would be even lower.

But they didn't know that they didn't kill a white mist, even if a shallow white mist penetrated from all parts of their bodies, even if they held their breath, the body was covered with a layer of defense, but it didn't have any effect.

They are not the only ones, all the small islands are now covered with white mist, and they are all caught in the attack of white souls.

And through a special contact method, Elder Qi here has already learned that Da Luo, who is guarding over there, has already been attacked by an incoming demon, and there are many aquariums in the Golden Immortal stage who are attacking this stone palace together with Bai Hun .

But the snowflakes are still falling from the sky, and the new monsters and the sea clan are all in a state of weakened strength, and they can completely block the opponent at present.

"But what about the monster here? Why hasn't it appeared yet?" Elder Qi was also trapped in the stone palace at this time, and he couldn't notify the outside at all.

If the people outside don't wake up Gu Zheng quickly, or the monsters attack, it is estimated that they will be wiped out after one encounter. Oh no.

Just when he was worried, there was also a white fog over Gu Zheng's side, but at this moment he was already standing in the middle of the yard, looking at the leader in front of him.

Covered by white mist, Gu Zheng walked out of the room without fear of outsiders discovering any traces, looked at Haiming outside, and said involuntarily.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you afraid that others will accidentally hurt you?"

"No one has the time to look at this side. Master, do you want to come out later? Otherwise, I will let the water monster stop coming out, and the other party will definitely not be able to stop it after a while." Hai Ming didn't care, but asked road.

"No, if the other party wants to escape below, maybe it's okay to be exposed at that time." Gu Zheng directly refused.

"Then I know, Master, I'm going back here first." Haiming nodded, retreated towards the back, and disappeared soon.

This time, I also came to see the meaning of Gu Zheng. After all, those monsters were used to contain the big Luo on the island, so that they couldn't hurt the attacking personnel below the opponent.

Gu Zheng returned again, powerless, waiting for the signal to arrive,

"Be careful, there are experts from the Sea Clan inside!"

Just when Cao Xi felt that the other party was just a white soul interfering with them, a team member was directly sent flying, a mouthful of blood spewed out in the air, and before landing, he yelled towards the surroundings.

The Sea Clan hidden in it finally started to attack. In just one round, one person here was seriously injured, and the others were also slightly injured.

This made everyone cautious, because those Sea Clans were actually wearing the same coat as the White Soul. If you don't look confidently, you really can't tell them apart.

These sea people are among them, giving them a cold from time to time, which makes them very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are not too many of them, and it feels like there are only a few, so they can still support them, but those white souls will leak out, and some white souls will leak from time to time. The soul hung on them, attacking them with palms and sharp teeth.

A trace of white mist melted into their bodies again at their point of contact, but they were fighting fiercely, unaware, and didn't notice at all.


At this time, a domineering roar sounded from the air, and a powerful momentum came from the front.

"Hurry up, wake up Elder Gu." Without even thinking about it, Cao Xi yelled at himself, crushing the golden ball in his hand.

The golden ball in their hands turned into a golden light soaring into the sky and disappeared above their heads without a trace.

While Cao Xi and the others were frightened, a gigantic monster with a height of more than ten feet appeared from the thick fog in the distance, with three eyes on its head, looking at them coldly.

The whole figure stepped towards this side without any hurry, and some white souls who couldn't dodge were directly trampled to death.

Cao Xi felt that one of the eyes locked on her, and her body suddenly became cold, like falling into an ice cellar, and she couldn't resist at all.

Not only him, but other people were swept away by this monster, and all fighting spirit was lost in their hearts, leaving only one thought in their minds.

"If Elder Gu doesn't come again, then they are really going to die."

The opponent is a monster in the early stage of Da Luo, and it is not something they can match at all.


The monster suddenly sprayed ahead in the air, and a large cloud of water mist sprayed towards the air, completely covering them.

"How dare you, bastard!"

At this moment, a shout of anger came from the sky, and at the same time a golden light fell in front of everyone's eyes, forming a golden shield, covering everyone in it, and the water mist evaporated on it.

"Elder Gu!" Cao Xi couldn't help but say.

The others were in shock, and they couldn't help showing joy when they saw this. At that moment, they really thought they were dead, and of course only Gu Zheng could help them now.

Not long after, a figure flashed in the air and stood in front of them the next moment.

And the blue light in the monster's eyes flashed when he saw this, and three blue beams of light suddenly appeared, heading straight for Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng raised his hands down, and a golden light suddenly appeared in front of him. Facing the opponent's harassment and attack, he didn't even take out his weapon.

"Elder Gu, are you alright!" At this moment, Cao Xi realized that Gu Zheng's face was a bit unsightly, and he thumped in his heart, did he hurt himself by forcibly leaving the pass?

"This problem is fine, and the opponent happens to be injured and can block them." Gu Zheng said expressionlessly.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that Gu Zheng's face was a little pale. Thinking of the opponent's previous retreat, it was obviously the result of forcibly leaving the retreat, and they didn't know if it would interfere with the opponent's retreat.

"You guys stay here and keep guarding the stone palace. I will attract the opponent away. Don't let the opponent break through." Gu Zheng left this sentence, and the whole person flew forward, and a collision directly knocked the water monster away. go out.

With an angry roar, the water monster followed up into the sky, and began to fight against Gu Zheng in the air.

Elder Qi, who was inside, was relieved to see the two people flying above his head. He didn't expect that the water monster was actually placed there by the Sea Clan. Although he was so concerned, he came out early and suffered some injuries, and the other party was also seriously injured before.

More importantly, Elder Qi knows that there is a Da Luo pet beside Gu Zheng, so he can rest assured and concentrate on maintaining the operation of the Stone Palace.

Not only them, but also on other islands, they are also facing each other in pairs, entangled with each other on it.

At this moment, even if the higher-ups find something is wrong, they still have no time to spare their hands to help the other party, because everyone in the sky is fighting the other party, and now the other party's retreat before the net is just sticking to them, wanting to leave the battle easily , without even thinking about it.

At this time, the entire battlefield has fallen into a state of anxiety. The Lanyaomen want to push the opponent down in one go, but apart from the obvious advantage at the beginning, the Sea Clan has already relied on the close formation to take advantage of the disadvantages. Get it back, and even fight with the opponent. After all, most of them here are a group of scattered people. Even if they have some advantages in strength, they can't match them in terms of cooperation.

And the only one who had the upper hand from the beginning to the end was Shura, but they resisted most of the troops on the opposite side, and it was impossible for them to pull away.

The people below are also resisting the invasion of the Sea Clan and the White Soul, and the Stone Palace is still giving energy to the providers above.

Even if the blue stone palace below has been damaged, there is still no loss of foundation, because once the star array is fully activated, the cornerstones below have completed their mission, and everything is hidden in the array map.

"What's going on? I'm a little dizzy."

On other islands, a scattered person who was resisting suddenly felt a burst of exhaustion rushing into his mind. He was confused for a while, then became clear again, and then killed the enemy again.

"Da Fei, what are you doing!" The person next to him watched his friend finish killing him, and immediately flashed to the side, shouting loudly.

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