At this moment, Pan Xuan had already made a killing intent on the young woman.

Originally, under the Buddhist beads that Gu gave her, her mind was much better than before.

This time, I didn't have any conflicts with the other party. I just wanted to force the other party back and let the other party know how to leave here. Even just now, it was just to force the other party to make a choice. From the bottom of my heart, I really didn't have much killing intent.

But now, the young woman has successfully angered her, so she must die.

Facing the cold air exhaled by the butterfly, Pan Xuan did not make any resistance, but turned around slightly, and disappeared from the spot.

The young woman hurriedly looked around, but found that the figure of the other party was actually in the picture scroll, and the original three immortal soldiers had long been invisible at this time, it seemed that they had suffered a tragic accident and were completely wiped out by the other party.

The butterfly turned around and rushed towards Pan Xuan again,

But at this time, Pan Xuan in the painting began to sing softly, and at the same time, her figure began to dance in the scroll, and traces of pink mist diffused from around the scroll. shrouded.

The strange thing is that no matter from which angle, you can clearly see Pan Xuan's seductive dancing posture inside.

A sound like a lover's coquettish, lover's nostalgia, slightly rippling in the air, the whole valley trembled, as if gently echoing.

That voice was like a magic sound filling one's ears, penetrating into the depths of one's soul, and it was impossible to prevent it.

As Pan Xuan danced, the entire picture scroll slowly expanded, as if to provide her with a wider venue, and to allow the audience outside to more clearly appreciate that deadly and charming dance.

In the surrounding mist, beautiful barefooted girls emerged one by one. They were dressed in luxurious clothes and danced around the surroundings. Their long sleeves fluttered and their dancing postures were extremely seductive.

But how can those girls compare to the real beauty in the painting, the coquettishness shown in every frown and smile, the seductive figure in every move, accompanied by the whispered words, as if the whole world She was the only one left dancing solo, and the surprise specially prepared for her beloved made people unable to help but immerse themselves in it.

Unknowingly, Zi Yi was stunned in the distance, and the young man was even more obsessed with it. The wings of the huge butterfly fluttered slightly in the air, the starlight in his eyes had long since disappeared, and many people were obsessed with it.

After only a dozen or so breaths, the butterfly shattered into a ball of light in the air and disappeared completely.

But Pan Xuan's solo dance is still going on.

"Come on, I'm here waiting for you!"

"I'm here, wait for me!"

The eyes of the young woman in the distance were dull, and a voice floated in her head, and said subconsciously.

After all, the whole person stood up and flew straight towards that side, and soon flew into the mist.

"cluck cluck"

The girl next to her came from both sides, helped the young woman to continue to move forward, and at the same time took out a set of the same gorgeous dress, and put it on her body.

And the young woman didn't seem to notice it at all, letting the other party manipulate her, and her eyes were also fixed on Pan Xuan, as if it was the most important thing in her heart in the world.

"Come and dance together!"

The young woman followed the voice in her head, as if she had rehearsed countless times, and danced in sync with the girls around her.

The only difference was that every time she danced, her mouth seemed to be hit hard, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out, but she didn't care at all, and she was still dancing.

And the eyes that were originally sluggish were also filled with happiness, as if he was immersed in his happiest time.

The surrounding fog began to shrink slowly, and soon disappeared into the air together with the surrounding girls and young women, as if they had never appeared in this world.

Pan Xuan also immediately stopped dancing, stepped forward, and walked out of the painting.

Looking at the young woman's previous position, how could she have her previous face, and said coldly.

"It's ridiculous that I can't even catch half of my skills and want to take the opportunity to hurt me."

These words were like a cold wind blowing across the valley, causing Ziyi and the young man to tremble and wake up from the state of intoxication.

You must know that Pan Xuan didn't face them with the main attack just now, even so, the young man's body is already close to one-third of this side, if Pan Xuan continues, he will inevitably die "happily".

It's not that Pan Xuan didn't want to eliminate the other party at the same time, but felt that this person was not worth his shot, and she had to save some energy to support Gu Zheng.

As soon as the young man woke up, he knew what was going on in his eyes immediately. He looked at Pan Xuan with great fear in his eyes. He wanted to escape from here right now. He didn't want anything extravagantly, only to save his own life.

However, due to the confusion he received just now, it seemed that his body was not injured at all. In fact, he had already suffered serious internal injuries. At this time, he wanted to speed up his escape and feel the pain in his body, but he staggered in the air.

Seeing this, Zi Yi stepped forward unceremoniously, he was so angry just now, how could he allow the other party to leave so easily at this moment.

The thin sword in his hand flickered in the air, and only a dozen sword shadows appeared, but each breath was very dignified, blocking all the escape routes of the young man.

But even so, it couldn't stop the young man from wanting to leave. The thick silver light on his whole body could hardly see his figure, and he wanted to leave here even if he was injured.

Seeing this, the strength in Ziyi's hand increased by three points, and he slammed down on the opponent's body. At the same time, she opened her mouth, and a bright white clam bead was spit out by her, and the whole bead was also sprayed suddenly, a purple The electric arc flew forward overwhelmingly.

And the young man below was shocked when the opponent hit him with more than a dozen attacks. He resisted the opponent's attack strongly, and a mouthful of blood poured into his throat, but he forced it down.

However, taking advantage of the strength of the opponent, the whole figure suddenly jumped forward, and the speed increased a little, flying towards the front.

But at this moment, the arc spit out by the clam pearl suddenly spread in the air, turning into a huge power grid, and covering the young man below.

The young man who was in a hurry to escape didn't notice that Ziyi actually blocked his retreat ahead of time. When he was waiting to find the power grid, it was too late to dodge.

Ziyi's figure also fell rapidly, and the rapier in his hand had turned into a lightning bolt at this moment, pointing at the young man's head, ready to completely blow him to pieces.

However, although the young man was trapped by the thunder net, the lightning attached to it did not cause him much damage, but under the huge net, it seemed unrealistic to want to leave quickly.

Feeling the huge threat above the head, the huge silver light in the young man's hand began to fade away quickly, and soon a pair of gloves clinged to the palm of his hand, ignoring the electric light of the power grid, he stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed the power grid beside him , withdrew suddenly.


The entire huge net was torn into two by his huge strength, and before he could throw it away, the lightning dissipated in the air automatically.

Seeing the thunder and lightning coming to the top of his head from the sky, a ruthless look flashed in the young man's eyes, and the silver light flickered on one hand, and he actually grabbed it, while the other hand stood side by side, and pointed towards the purple clothes. Chest stabbed.

He figured it out, if he wanted to leave without harm, he had to force this woman back, and that female Shura didn't seem to care about him, she just looked at him from the side, and she didn't mean to intervene at all. hope of survival.

Ziyi saw that the opponent was going to attack him regardless of his care, especially the vertical palm, he could feel a powerful force from it, if it really continued downward.

I can guarantee that the opponent will be severely injured by this blow, but I will also suffer serious injuries.

Thinking of this, she let go of her palm, allowing the weapon to fall downwards, while she turned over and swept to the side.

A gleam of joy flashed in the young man's eyes, and the vertical palm turned into five fingers into claws again, and at the same time, wisps of energy between the fingers shot towards the purple clothes.

And the other hand plunged into the center of the rapier like lightning, and a sound of friction resounded in the air. Under his full strength, the lightning bolt managed to stay on his chest.

But the price was that his left arm was already dripping with blood, and his palm was almost cut in two.

There was a flash of surprise in Zi Yi's eyes. It seemed that the opponent's strength was stronger than he had imagined. With a slap of his palm forward, a huge force emerged from the air.

The silver energy was rushed by this huge energy, and it was easily scattered in the air.

The young man here made a decisive decision, his entire mana was agitated throughout his body, and he suddenly shouted, his whole body was filled with silver light again, as if retreating towards the outside again.

At this time, a large piece of purple lightning gathered in Ziyi's hands, and then he walked a few steps strangely in the air. His figure appeared in front of the young man. When the other party fled, the purple light in his hand instantly wrapped around the other's palm, sinking in the opponent's body.

Before she had time to make other movements, the young man's figure flew towards the distance like a whirlwind, but there was a purple trace extending from here to the horizon.

Ziyi looked at the figure of the other party with only black spots left, snorted coldly, stretched out her hand to grab, and she caught the clam pearl floating in the air before.

I saw her entire palm sticking out of the clam pearl, and as she pulled out a purple and black long spear, but the entire spear tip was a golden tip, and a sharp metallic aura emanated from it.

Ziyi grabbed the back of the spear with one hand, felt the purple aura, Ziyi sneered, then raised his hand and threw the spear out viciously.

The entire spear instantly turned into a ray of light and dissipated in the air, chasing after the fleeing young man over there.

"Let's go, let's go find Young Master Gu!"

After finishing all this, Zi Yi didn't even look at it, but put away all his things, and then said to Pan Xuan with ease.

Pan Xuan raised her eyebrows, looking at Zi Yi's appearance, it seemed that the opponent should be confident in killing him with this blow, but she didn't say much.

The two flew in through the cave at a high speed, and soon came to the first bamboo forest.

They had just stopped here, and there was a slight vibration inside, and the two immediately looked at each other, it seemed that Gu Zheng had already fought each other inside.

"How can we get past here?"

Pan Xuan took a look and found some traces, but she was also unsure and didn't know how to get there.

"This old master naturally left behind the method."

Ziyi smiled, and then came to the bamboo forest where Gu Zheng had come, raised a piece of golden sand in his hand, and in the sand light, Zai's figure was completely presented in front of them.

After looking at the figure of the other party leaving here, the two of them followed suit, and quickly increased their speed towards the inside again.

Not long after, they crossed the single bridge together and accelerated towards the innermost part. They already felt the battle coming from ahead.

"Can't you even hold back this little time? Even lost your own life?" Gao Bo added again as he saw two figures appearing from the shadows in the distance.

"Trash is really trash."

However, the two monsters in the air would not stop attacking. The black wolf's eyes were green, and the black mist outside his body was rolling. He opened his mouth, and a bowl-sized green light shot towards Gu Zheng from his mouth.

And that lion-like monster, with its mane bristling, stepped on the void and followed the green pillar, and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

"Young Master Gu!"

Seeing this scene, Ziyi, who just came here, couldn't help but be shocked. Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng was dealing with so many people by himself.

Pan Xuan didn't say anything else, the dagger in his hand flashed out again, and shot directly at the black wolf in mid-air, forcing the black wolf to stop the attack in his mouth, and the whole person dodged to the other side.

"Why are you here?"

Here, Gu Zheng dodges to the side, dodges the green pillar's attack first, and sees Pan Xuan and the two coming, directly dodges the lion's pounce, and comes to the side in a few flashes, and merges with them , can't help asking.

"It was Miss Pan who was provoked by the other party, but in the end, she solved the other party with a big move." Zi Yi said first, in fact, it was just like this, if Pan Xuan's supernatural power, Zi Yi might not be able to beat the young man, but Self-preservation is more than enough.

"It's really amazing." Gu Zheng said in surprise.

Over there, Uncle Gao looked at the three who were acting like no one else, and almost ignored himself, and he didn't care. Since the two wastes are dead, he doesn't want to wait for them. Of course, he doesn't want to waste time dealing with the other three. .

Although I am not afraid of them, but in this place, I still leave as soon as possible. If the other sea tribe comes to support, then I really can't leave if I want to. The strength of the sea king is the only concern in his heart.

More importantly, killing the opponent by himself is not only not beneficial, but also more risky. He still knows how to choose this calculation.

Thinking of this, Uncle Gao glanced at the man hiding behind, stepped forward and instantly appeared in front of him, grabbed his arm, and said to him.

"let's go."

Immediately after crushing a somewhat whitish crystal nucleus, traces of lightning suddenly appeared around, and at the same time a breath of space spread from the surroundings.

"Where are you going!" Feeling the aura, Gu Zheng turned his head to look, and immediately shouted loudly, wanting to rush over to interfere with the other party's actions.

But those two monsters blocked the only way in mid-air, watching Gu Zheng covetously.

After such a delay, Gao Bo disappeared here in a thunderstorm.

"Damn it, I lost him again this time." Gu Zheng looked at Gao Bo's message, and it seemed that the other party was ready to leave here at any time, and even at the speed of the other party, he might have set up a teleportation point outside in advance.

But so what if I know this, from the time the other party appears until he leaves, by the time I find him, the other party has already left. At that time, if I want to find the other party, it is probably like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is really difficult to meet the other party.

After Gao Bo left, the two monsters also fell into confusion. Looking at the enemy in front of them, they didn't know whether to attack the enemy in front of them or go looking for Gao Bo.

However, after a little hesitation, they still chose to continue the attack, after all, that was the order they received in the end.

The two monsters rushed towards Gu Zheng, but just as their figures moved, two figures flashed from the side, each of them knocked the other into the air.

"Gu Zheng, or you can go after the other party, we will solve the two monsters here." Pan Xuan said while entangled with the lion.

Gu Zheng smiled wryly, and was about to explain something, but suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared from his body, extending to the place Gao Bo left, and directly plunged into the void.

Gu Zheng was taken aback, looking at the kitten on his shoulder. At this time, there was no movement in the eyes of the other party, but a raised paw shook slightly. At the same time, Gu Zheng felt a suction coming from the front, but Gu Zheng It only takes a little struggle to break free.

It seems that the kitten has located the location where the opponent left, and as long as Gu Zheng relaxes a little, he can leave here through the kitten's gravity.

"I'm going to hunt down the other party, we'll be in touch later."

Gu Zheng left these words, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Pan Xuan, his whole body relaxed, and rushed forward with the golden light.

But only halfway through the journey, Gu Zheng's figure disappeared into the void along with the ripples around him.

"Well, it seems that these two poor guys are dealt with first." Ziyi looked at the disappearing Gu Zheng and said helplessly.

"Help me, save me!"

On the high platform in the valley, a figure spat out blood and said as if praying.

Just this one sentence consumed most of his energy, and he couldn't continue even if he was saying half a sentence.

"It's hopeless, the long spear not only pierced his heart, but even a strange force has already shattered all his internal organs, and his whole body was even hollowed out by the force of lightning." You Zhu shook his head , said to the person next to him.

I also saw it on the side, and I could only shake my head regretfully. The other party just relied on his breath and the will to survive, and put it on someone else, and he would have died long ago.

"Who killed you." You Zhu looked at the person on her side, she knew him, she never expected to be killed by the enemy so soon.

"It's Shura!"

The young man who was lucky enough to survive here did not flash in his mind the last person who killed him, but Pan Xuan's beautiful face, subconsciously said, and the whole person lost consciousness.

"Hey, rest in peace." You Zhu sighed, then stood up.

At this time, there were miserable corpses everywhere on the valley, at least hundreds of golden immortals died here on both sides, and nearly ten Da Luo also fell.

Looking at the past now, the morale of the reinforcements invited here is getting lower and lower, and the desire to fight is also decreasing. If this continues, I am afraid that these reinforcements will run away completely.


"Master Youfu, the teleportation array has been repaired."

Behind You Zhu, a strange aura came again, and at the same time, one of the subordinates reported to him.

But before he could reply, suddenly in the sky, a figure suddenly fell on the high platform.

You Zhu looked over and said in shock.

"What's wrong? Sect Master!"

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