"Where does this place lead to?"

In the passage, while walking forward, Maobi asked Gu Zheng quietly.

"How did I know that the other party was about to break free at that time, so he just chose a relatively short passage and broke in. I can only hope that the other party will not chase after him." Gu Zheng said angrily.

In fact, Gu Zheng felt that the other party should not be chasing him. You must know that when they were standing so close to the hall, the other party could not see him.

But everything is not certain, Gu Zheng has been groping forward, no matter what, he can't stay there.

It seems that the goddess of luck favored Gu Zheng. This time, they found a random passage, which turned out to be the correct path. After advancing for a while, they stepped into a new place again.

Similar to the previous scene but completely different, there are obviously many more decorations here, and it seems that there has been a big battle before, and there are traces of battle everywhere, and the undissipated fighting atmosphere can be faintly felt in the air.

"Huh? This is it?" Gu Zheng walked a few steps forward, came to the middle, and suddenly reflected a ray of light from the side, fixed his eyes and found a beautiful jade hairpin on the ground, he couldn't help picking it up and checking it.

"This is the jade hairpin of the empress, why did it fall here." The brush next to him suddenly raised his voice.

"Keep down, don't attract the enemy." Gu Zheng glared at the brush, making the opponent shrink back and slowly approaching.

"It's a pity that the branch of the jade phoenix has fallen, and the flowers seem to be under the moon without a heart. This is the jade hairpin of Yufei, and it is the jade hairpin made for her by my king. How could it fall here." The brush opened its mouth and said, Then he said with some surprise.

"Ms. Yufei? Could this be the other party's tomb?" Gu Zheng couldn't help asking as he looked at the lifelike jade phoenix hairpin in his hand.

"It should be. Yufei was infected with a strange disease a long time ago. Even though her cultivation base is not weak, her life is still disappearing day by day. It is very likely that the place my king built for her is to keep the last trace of her. As a living being, I am looking for a way to save the other party, you must know that she is my king's only favorite wife." Mao Bi followed the other party, but he knew something that many people did not know.

"In that case, it is very likely that she met the enemy here, and then where did she go?" Gu Zheng looked around, trying to distinguish these traces.

But the traces around are too messy, there are traces on almost every channel, and it is impossible to distinguish them at all.

"I beg you, save Madam Yufei, and never let her fall into the other party's hands." Maobi suddenly said excitedly.

"Don't worry, if you don't say whether you can save him or not, you don't know where the other party is going, and there are things to do with the spirits, and I'm alone, and I can't separate myself, but I think we should take care of the things with the spirits first. Well, with the help of the formation, it will be more effective than the two of us going there alone." Gu Zhenghaosheng said to the brush.

"You're right. Your Majesty must be protected by spirit guards. We didn't have much effect in the past. Let's rely on the formation spirit to activate the formation here first." Maobi was silent for a while, still understanding the meaning of Gu Zheng.

"Yes, let's go and have a look. First of all, we need to look for the spirit of a tiger. It would be great if we could meet some people. It's too slow for us to search aimlessly." Gu Zheng put away Yuchai and said.

"You might as well take out that transparent ball, maybe it will give us some clues. After all, no one usually needs that thing, and only the spirits need it." Thinking of something, then flew back to Gu Zheng and said.

"Well, you are right. Most of this place is not fully built, so it must be placed somewhere."

When Gu Zheng heard it, he felt that what the other party said was very reasonable. Because the spirit was too traumatized, he didn't explain more at all.

The transparent ball was taken out by Gu Zheng, which surprised him a little.

Compared with before, now there is a trace of moist white light on it, and it is flickering regularly, as if reminding something.

Walking towards the side with the white ball Gu Zheng, you can see that the white light above seems to be a little dim, and even the frequency has been reduced a lot, which made Gu Zheng confirm his guess. Walk indiscriminately, how long will it take to find each other.

However, he still walked towards a passage in front. At this time, the white glow in the white ball almost disappeared, and it returned to a transparent state.

Return to the position just now in the middle, and restore the previous appearance again.

"It seems that we are lucky. The spirit of human and tiger that needs to be collected should be in another direction." Gu Zheng said relaxedly.

If it weren't for the reminder from the brush, I would have to look for them one by one foolishly. It would be a waste of time not to mention, and it would greatly delay things.

You must know that whether it is inside or outside, every minute and every second is very important, and you must never let the opportunity pass by.

With the guidance of the white ball, it was much easier. I walked across the opposite side, and the reaction in the two adjacent passages was a bit violent, and it seemed that it should be one of them in front of me.

However, he was a little hesitant to enter the ancient battle, and looked in front of him repeatedly, but he still didn't make a decision.

"Let me see which channel the other party is in." Mao Bi saw Gu Zheng's hesitation and said beside him.

"Oh? You can be sure, that's the best." Gu Zheng stepped back slightly, wanting to see what the other party was going to do, it shouldn't be pointing at random, and it also knew that this was not the time to show off.

Gu Zheng took the treasure box from the opposite side, and saw that the opponent's body lightened slightly, and he was leaning in mid-air, as if he was writing something.

A gleam of golden light shines on the tip, and as the brush moves quickly, each gold floats out of the void and connects together.

"Military order, whatever you want, accept the order!"

With the final touch of the brush in the air, a frightening force flickered in Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng watched the few curled up in the air, paused for a while, and then flew towards the passage on the right. Entered, flew ahead very quickly, and disappeared in front of them in a blink of an eye.

"This is the channel where the other party is located. This time I can guarantee it." Maobi leaned down, signaling Gu Zheng to hand over the treasure box to him for safekeeping, and said confidently.

"I can't see that you are hiding something. That power seems to have exceeded the limit." Gu Zheng said meaningfully, and put the treasure box on it again.

"It's just a talent. If you were any brush, you would learn it over the years. It's just that I'm lucky and proficient. Let's hurry up and find the spirit of a tiger." The brush obviously didn't want to say too much. , interrupted after a few words.

Gu Zheng nodded and walked forward, while paying attention to the white ball in his hand.

After a while, as a new exit appeared in front, two people appeared in a small hall.

There are wooden shelves hanging everywhere in this hall, and there is a pair of cold and iron armor on it, and a fierce aura unique to the army blows towards the face.

"This should be the place where the spirit guards were first born. I heard that the spirits of a troupe of hundreds of battles are gathered, and after undergoing secret techniques, they become special spirit guards. Within this range, even if they die, they will be reborn immediately. Resurrected, and the memory will never fade." Maobi looked around and said to himself.

"Then what if we leave this area?" Gu Zheng looked at the only entrance on the opposite side, the white ball in his hand had almost turned into a white ball, it seemed that the opponent was inside, and said, putting away the white ball.

"If you leave this area, you don't have to wait for others to do it, and you will die completely, but you can also protect them in your jade pen until the power in it is exhausted." The brush seems to understand the meaning of Gu Zheng, and said deliberately.

Gu Zheng walked in the armor, walked forward through a curved gap, looked at the armor around him, and even behind the armor, there were various weapons. Even now, they are all good treasures , but that's only for Tianxian.

I really wanted to ask Yu Fan what to do when his power was exhausted, suddenly a strange wind fell from the sky, and the surrounding armor suddenly made a sound of gold and iron colliding, as if trying to jump out of it.

"Jia Bing listens to the order and returns to his position."

Before Gu Zheng could make a move, a burst of golden light suddenly appeared on the writing brush, and it splashed out towards the surroundings. Wherever it passed, the strangely moving armors calmed down one after another. Hanging it along the edge, the shelves that were originally on the ground were all hung on the wall.

However, there were still three armors in the back that did not stop agitating, but trembled more violently, and wisps of black air continued to emerge from the gaps, filling the inside.

Soon a black figure appeared inside, fell from the hanger, drew out his weapon, and blocked the opponent.

"What's going on?" Gu Zheng clenched the weapon in his hand and asked towards the brush.

"I don't know either, but that's all I did. It was my king's deterrence that calmed them down." Maobi looked around, not knowing what was going on.

"It must be those demon souls, but there is no opponent here. It seems that the opponent's infection range is very large, and it seems that these are almost unstoppable. Doesn't that mean that some spirit guards are also unstoppable?" Gu Zheng looked. Looking around, he said to the brush.

"You're right, so we're going to hurry up."

Maobi obviously also thought of this problem. After all, the demon spirit is so weird that they even want to control Song Shan Zhenling. Even if the spirit guard itself is very resistant, it cannot continue to block the opponent.

At this moment, a figure came out from the passage inside.

He was wearing a majestic armor with golden streamers constantly flashing on it, enveloping his whole body. He wore a golden helmet on his head, only showing his face in front of him. He held two whips in his hands. The front is thin, surrounded by countless raised rings, and dots of golden light emerge from it.

"A daring rebel who dared to trespass into the Tiger Palace."

The man who looked like a general picked up a whip, stood at the door and roared at Gu Zheng and the others.

"Yingying... Yingling, why is it here? Shouldn't it be entangled with the Chaos Demon?" Maobi stammered, his body trembling with fear.

Gu Zheng looked at the opposite side with a serious face, because there was a huge sense of oppression on his body, which almost made him want to leave here immediately. It is incredible that the naked Da Luo's late stage cultivation is just a condensed heroic soul. .

"The heroic spirit seems to have been harassed by the other party, so we can't go in at all." Maobi looked in front of him and said in despair.

Wisps of black mist on the heroic spirit continued to transpire, and it seemed that he was also controlled by the demon soul. He also understood why Song Shan had the aura of a chaotic demon on his body.

"Wait a minute, we should still have a chance." Gu Zheng looked at the heroic spirit guarding the door and said calmly.

When Gu Zheng observed the other party carefully, he found that there was a white light flashing in the black pupils of the other party from time to time, and it was obvious that his own will was struggling strongly in it.

He believes that even if the heroic spirit is controlled by the opponent, the opponent is powerful, and it is impossible to control ordinary people, and almost all of them cannot struggle. You must know that Song Shan is constantly resisting, let alone the heroic spirit.

With the help of the other party, it may be easier.

"We can't deal with that heroic spirit at all, so we should find another way." Mao Bi seemed to be frightened by the opponent's name, and didn't want to confront him head-on at all.

"You retreat outside the passage, I'll meet the other party, if we don't agree, we will run away immediately." Gu Zheng was not sure of his own thoughts, but it was worth a try, and told the brush.

"Then be careful, and be careful."

The brush didn't show its strength. After finishing speaking, he retreated far away in the passage, hiding his figure again inside.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then stepped forward slowly, continuing to approach the opponent.

This action attracted the heroic spirit to look over for an instant, and his body tensed up slightly, as if he could make a move at any time.

But as soon as he stepped forward, the heroic spirit was only a little vigilant, and the three black armored soldiers in front rushed forward as if they were stimulated.

The three armored soldiers look exactly the same, but the weapons in their hands have a clear division of labor. A armored soldier with a long spear rushed forward quickly, looking full of murderous looks, and behind him was an armored soldier holding a wooden shield. A dagger.

Staying in place is an armored soldier holding a wooden bow. The arrow on the bow has been aimed at Gu Zheng, and he will let go at any time to shoot the fatal arrow.

The three formed a small team and rushed towards Gu Zheng in a very organized manner. Although the spear and armored soldiers ahead of the test, they did not go forward blindly. In front of him, there was a sudden stab from this side, and the spear in his hand hit Gu Zheng's waist fiercely.

Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to the opponent, but observed the heroic spirits. After all, even if these little soldiers were demonizing, he wouldn't be in much trouble, and the opponent's attack was particularly deadly, so he had to pay attention to the opponent all the time.

Seeing that the big shield in front of him was also slapped towards him, he didn't move, he raised his foot and kicked in front of him, and at the same time cut his hand towards the spear.

And at the same time that Gu Zheng was moving, the armored soldiers in the distance loosened their hands, the sound of the bow string trembling sounded in the air, and a black light flew towards Gu Zheng's front door at high speed in the air.

If you look at the same time, you will find that the three of them will attack Gu Zheng almost at the same time.

But that's all, even Gu Zheng found that their attacks seemed fierce, but their actual movements were slow and lacking in strength. Even if Gu Zheng stood still, the opponent would never want to hurt Gu Zheng.

But just to be careful, Gu Zheng turned his head slightly, and the long sword left a scream from beside him, and it shot across the wall on his body.

And the long spear next to it was cut off without any suspense, and the opponent was even taken flying out under the huge force.

But the one in front of him was even more miserable. Before the dagger in his hand was raised, the shield in front of him broke in response to the sound, and even pierced through, kicking him in the chest.

With a groove in his chest, the shield soldier in front of him flew out even more embarrassingly, and even rolled all the way from the ground to the feet of the heroic spirit.

Facing Gu Zheng's temptation, the heroic spirit is still the same, as if the other party won't stop him if he doesn't come over,

However, Gu Zheng knew from the opponent's actions that the heroic spirit must still be resisting the opponent. Otherwise, with the characteristics of the demon soul, how could he be indifferent? Hey, let's solve it.

But he was so small, those armored soldiers didn't think so. After seeing that it was useless against Gu Zheng's attack, a large amount of black energy burst out from the three armored soldiers, like boiling black flames, enveloping their entire bodies.

At the same time, a gloomy and cold aura came from the other side, and the whole aura soared ten times, making Gu Zheng's expression a little dignified.

Almost in the blink of an eye, three ghost-like black figures appeared in the air, and only those characteristic red eyes looked at him.

This time, the three ghosts approached Gu Zheng from the side at the same time, and countless black air emerged from each other's body, roaring and flying in the air, fully wrapping the surroundings tightly, and then headed towards Gu Zheng all at once. Gu Zheng was suppressed.

Gu Zheng looked at the surrounding black clouds rushing, and did not make any other movements at all, with a strong golden light emitting from all over his body, rushing towards all directions.

Under the shining of the golden light, those black clouds dissipated one after another, revealing the ghost shadow that came from behind the bread, but before they could get close, three golden lights flashed in front of them, and their whole bodies were continuously shattered.

Even if their strength is ten times stronger, the armored soldiers themselves are too weak to go through a round.

These armored soldiers may have been very powerful in the past, but after being drawn and assembled into heroic spirits, they are not very powerful. Even after the ghosts appear, their strength is only the cultivation base of the late Celestial Immortal, which is too far behind.

However, after the black mist dissipated, it did not disappear completely as Gu Zheng thought. Instead, it gathered towards the back, and soon three ghost figures appeared in front of Gu Zheng again, which surprised him a little.

That attack can definitely disperse it completely, but a mysterious power is in it, and it actually recombines again, but that power seems to be a little weak, and even the strength of the revived ghost has dropped by a level.

Before they could pounce, Gu Zheng raised his hand again, and three golden lights rushed into the opponent's body with lightning speed, completely detonating in the opponent's body.

However, under his gaze, the black mist that was completely swallowed up appeared in another place out of thin air, gathering their figures again, and their strength also dropped by a level.

Gu Zheng wanted to see how many times the opponent could be resurrected, and he didn't believe that the opponent would be resurrected infinitely. At this time, the heroic spirit suddenly moved, took a big step forward, and three purple lightning bolts flew from the magic whip in his hand , Prepared to submerge into the three ghosts without any mistakes, completely blowing up the other party.

This time they didn't come back to life again, but Gu Zheng's pressure suddenly increased, because the heroic spirit had already walked towards him.

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