"There is still a month, I have to go in."

Seeing Gu Zheng's unfriendly tone, Meng Zhen didn't shrink back, the courage she mustered just now faded instantly, and then she said hastily.

"Then prepare well, don't waste time, I naturally know how to do my affairs." Gu Zheng said directly and bluntly.

Mengzhen nodded, then turned around and walked towards the side, but just walked in, and then realized how obedient he was to the other party, as if there was an inexplicable force on the other party affecting him, and he didn't even want to room for resistance.

Turning his head, he couldn't help looking at Gu Zheng again, not knowing what kind of magic power the other party had.

"What are you looking at? Is there anything else?" Gu Zheng watched the other party stop, and then couldn't help asking.


Meng Zhen hurriedly turned her head and walked outside.

Gu Zheng naturally didn't know what the other party was thinking, and he was also troubled by the rules here.

First of all, everything here is completely different from the one below, and it is not allowed to reveal it below, or it will be thrown into the void directly.

Because this is the real beginning, and fighting is also prohibited here, even if Gu Zheng wants to find trouble with the other party, it is impossible, once a strike is made, whoever strikes first will throw it away regardless of the reason, which is why Zhou Bo wants to anger Gu Zheng.

However, there are not many records in it, and there is not much useful information in a few simple ones. Of course, the most important information in it is some information in the archway, which tells that some monsters have been added, but the abilities of the monsters are not revealed. Experience it yourself.

And Gu Zheng also knows that this place is not as benevolent as the one below. Once you enter, you will either successfully enter the last level, or you will die inside completely.

So the people here, no one knows what is going on inside, everything depends on themselves.

But it's not like there is no chance, that is, the person who entered finds the candidate from below. Once caught inside, he will not die, but let the candidate start from the beginning, continue to advance along the progress of the person who entered, and then first Rescue the people who entered first, and then rush through together.

But if they go in and pass through at first, then they will also leave here together, go to the last floor, and after passing there, they can leave completely.

Of course, nothing specific was mentioned above, but considering so many people, less than 1% of them left, it can be seen that the difficulty is also very great.

But the only good news is that the inside is not the path of no one, and there are some resting places in some places, and those ghosts are absolutely inaccessible.

But Gu Zheng felt that this was not good news, but felt that the inside was more difficult. The bottom is so big but there is no safe place at all, but there is one here, which is enough to explain the horror inside.

What annoyed Gu Zheng was that he couldn't do anything here, so how could he get back his own things? As for Meng Zhen's claim that he could get the other party to hand it over obediently by entering the third floor, he didn't believe it.

Because as long as you reach the third floor, all the information is almost isolated from the bottom, that is to say, it is almost impossible for the good dragon to get it back, which makes Gu Zheng always upset, but there is no good way.

This is also the reason why Gu Zheng has a bad attitude, and that thing is more of a promise to Gu Zheng.

"You don't have to worry. The time the other party entered was not a few days later than Meng Zhen. After all, they came here one after the other. The other party will definitely refine the thing before then. At that time, it is your chance. How can you do it?" To snatch things without hurting the other party, that’s what you have to do.”

When Gu Zheng was still in distress, a person walked by, who seemed to see through Gu Zheng's troubles, and said directly to Gu Zheng.

"Who are you?"

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked at this person, but the person was covered in black mist from beginning to end, even his cheeks were blurred, so he couldn't help asking.

"I have a grudge against him below, and I can't do it because of the rules above, but I happened to see what the other party took out, and with your behavior, I naturally knew where to take it from, so I came here to remind Just a moment." The man said flatly, and directly gave a convincing reason.

Before Gu Zheng could finish speaking, the other party immediately turned around and left. He didn't even have time to thank Gu Zheng, so he left here.

Gu Zheng was stunned, and when he realized it, the other party had disappeared, and at least one-fifth of the people here were dressed the same as the other party, so it was impossible to tell who it was.

However, his words gave Gu Zheng a reminder that as long as the other party dared to take it out, he would definitely have a way to take it over.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief, the only thing is whether Mengzhen can buy himself some time, so as not to be caught so easily, it is best to pass directly, so as not to go in again.

However, I also thought that it seemed that she was a bit too fierce for the girl named Mengzhen, but when I thought of the other party forcibly pulling me up, I felt very irritable. This kind of situation where I couldn't control myself was really uncomfortable, so I didn't care about the other party. up.

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and what puzzled Gu Zheng was that Mengzhen sat in the distance for a month, as if he was really adjusting his state.

They don't want to go in, but after coming here, everyone's order has been doomed, just like the countdown, they can only enter after today, a thousand years later, you can't get in ahead of time, and you can't delay pushing Finally, just like one by one according to the time, you can only enter in those few days, there is no such thing as people below can stay outside all the time, to resist until the death of their lives.

So here, basically don't learn from the following, and take precautions against yourself. After a thousand years, and the speed of passage here is greatly reduced, it is impossible to die.

It's just that those people are used to this, so some of them still cover their bodies.

As Mengzhen woke up, the other party seemed to have adjusted everything and walked directly towards Gu Zheng.

"I'm going in in two days. Do you have anything else to ask? Anyway, I hope to go out together, and you don't want to die here." Meng Zhen said seriously to Gu Zheng.

"No, you should work hard. If you really don't let me in, I will let go of this matter completely and won't trouble you anymore." Gu Zheng also said seriously.

"If this is the case, you still owe me a favor, but if I encounter problems, if you successfully rescue me and go out together, I also owe you a big favor, but if you don't get out, then It doesn't matter, anyway, this is the final grave."

Meng Zhen looked at Gu Zheng and smiled, like a blooming flower, so beautiful, as if walking out of a picture scroll.

"Then let's say it like this." Gu Zheng could also hear the worry in the other party's tone. She was actually not as confident as she imagined, and she nodded directly without saying anything.

It was time for Mengzhen to bid farewell to her friends, two days passed in a blink of an eye, when a layer of red light appeared on her body, the archway in the distance also emitted red light at the same time.

"Take care of yourself!"

In front of the archway, Gu Zheng held a blue spar, watched Mengzhen's back disappear into the archway, and then said.

After so many days, Gu Zheng was not as angry as before.

It is true that the other party forcibly tied himself together and made him very angry, but the current situation is not the time for him to vent, and he has to work together to escape from here, which he knows very well.

The figure of Gu Zheng stood there, looking at the dim archway, as if he had been waiting, if the blue spar in his hand lit up, then it was time for him to go in, and it also meant that Meng Zhen had passed away. trapped inside.

He seemed to be waiting all the time, but actually his mind was already staring at the back. Zhou Bo's place over there, when Mengzhen entered, he was already a little agitated, as if he wanted to take out the dragon soul and start refining.

After all, refining also takes some time. If you really go in and take it out, there is no time at all.

Only on the second day, a few people surrounded Gu Zheng. Those people had a good relationship with Gao Bo and entrusted them to block Gu Zheng.

There is no need to do anything, just simply surround Gu Zheng so that the other party cannot break through and make trouble.

"My friend, I'm sorry, although it's not right for the other party to steal your things, but everything is for survival." One of the more refined men said apologetically to Gu Zheng.

However, Gu Zheng's figure did not move from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even open his eyes. It seemed that he no longer had the extravagant hope of getting it back. The gap is absolutely difficult for him to get through unless he does it.

And after encircling Gu Zheng here, Gao Bo over there finally felt relieved, and deliberately walked in a relatively open place around, and then took out the bottle containing the good dragon, and the good dragon was still calm at this time. sleep in it.

As soon as he took it out, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, all with envious eyes, such a good thing did not happen to him, it was like an extra life, and his eyes glanced over Gu Zheng's side. It's a pity that I lost this thing just after I came here. It would be great if it didn't fall out.

Gao Bo didn't care about those people's eyes. He didn't have much time, so he had to hurry up and refine this thing. After all, his strength was limited and he needed more time.

Before, I was afraid of the ancient dispute and Mengzhen's troubles, so I endured it until now.

Grasping and grasping in his hand, a mass of black flames instantly floated up from the air, and at the same time a cold aura permeated from it, but he firmly controlled the surrounding area, and it would not affect the surrounding people at all.

And the sturdy bottle, under his slow squeeze, burst instantly, but there was no effect inside.

At this time, Zhou Bo also became serious. After he glanced at Gu Zheng and found that he was still safe, he slowly controlled the black flame, separated finger-sized black flames, rose from below, and scattered the little good dragons in all directions. Surrounded, in a blink of an eye, Shanlong was completely surrounded without leaving a single gap.

Just like the water flowing upstream, the black flame below is still rushing up, and Gao Bo himself has put his mind on it, starting the first step, completely erasing the traces left in the opponent's body, only in this way can he not arouse resistance from the opponent.

And this step is also the most dangerous step. Don't surprise the other party. After all, even the instinct of this dragon soul can cause huge damage, especially if you don't know how much this dragon soul was alive. He didn't dare to be careless at all.

Time passed little by little, and it was another day in the blink of an eye. The black flame in front of Zhou Bo's eyes was getting bigger and bigger, and it was still flowing and burning like a black ball.

But during this day, Gu Zheng didn't move at all, as if he really gave up and gave up completely, but no one noticed that the corner of his mouth was slightly raised when he was expressionless, but it was too subtle and careless Can't even notice.

Similarly, Zhou Bo felt that things were going very smoothly, because the dragon soul had lost his consciousness before this, and was in a state of chaos. His progress was unexpectedly smooth, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.


A mouthful of black heart blood spewed out of his mouth in an instant. Although they were only the manifestation of spirit bodies and had no heart blood at all, it was also the original power in the other party's body.

After spitting out this mouthful, his aura instantly plummeted, and his breath wavered even more, as if he could fall down at any time.

But Zhou Bo didn't have time to ask at all, but carefully controlled the core of the black ball like water, and slowly floated in front of him.

When approaching the black flame, a gap of the same size was suddenly opened to facilitate its entry.

From this gap, it can be seen that the dragon soul's body has been filled with black flames, each flame is only the size of a grain of rice, and the dragon soul itself has no breath, and has not made any changes from the beginning to the end.

As long as this group of cores enters, it is useless for the dragon soul itself to struggle. After going through and its own experience, it is absolutely no problem to simply use it as its own avatar and use it as a bait to throw away those ghosts.

Zhou Bo confidently watched and gradually merged into it, and great joy rose from his heart. Even with this extra clone, the chances of him leaving here are even greater. Limited.

Thinking of this, the exhaustion on Zhou Bo's body disappeared. Although he will need to work hard every day to continue to cultivate before he can use it, but at this time, he seems to have seen his future scene. All of this is simply too lucky, even more so than before. Lucky.

When the black flame outside was closed, the core was completely integrated into it, and a shallow connection suddenly rose in his heart. It seemed that he could control the inside, which made him a little excited, but he tried his best to control himself, and began to control it little by little. in.

A huge roar resounded in the air, and most of the eyes of the people were actually paying attention to this side. Of course, it was clear where the sound came from. It seemed that the other party had successfully mastered it.

Even the people surrounding Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. Even at this time, it would be useless for Gu Zheng to make trouble again. It seems that their task has been completed and it is quite easy.

But at this moment, in the middle of the black flames in the distance, with a crisp sound, large pieces of black air continued to emerge from it, and soon formed a black mist in the air. Although it was not big, it exuded A strange and terrifying breath.

From the center of the black mist, a golden dragon soul slowly emerged. It was only three feet in size, but it was extremely conspicuous and eye-catching.

It looked very well-behaved and fell from the air, slowly falling towards Zhou Bo, and slowly landing on the opponent's shoulder, like the opponent's pet.

"Ha ha"

At this moment, Zhou Bo couldn't help himself, he laughed triumphantly, and then stretched out his hand to caress the dragon soul. The dragon soul was also very obedient and lowered its head, looking cooperative.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred, and something that no one thought of happened.

The dragon soul suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed Zhou Bo down in one gulp, but the latter didn't even think about it, and disappeared in front of everyone without even doing a little resistance.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, watching the body of Dragon Soul constantly swell, as if someone was struggling inside, but within a short period of ten breaths, there was no movement inside, it seemed that Zhou Bo had completely disappeared.

And the leopard head not far away fell down with a smile on his face. He didn't know how he died, and then his figure disappeared in the air strangely, but everyone didn't have time to care about this.


Shanlong looked around maliciously, stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, as if he saw something extremely delicious, the longing in his eyes made everyone who was glanced tremble in his heart, just like meeting Like natural enemies, there is no sense of resistance at all.

But what made them feel relieved was that the dragon soul didn't rush up, instead, after turning around, it flew towards Gu Zheng.

The few people who were stunned next to Gu Zheng didn't realize that they were about to come in front of them until the Dragon Soul approached them. They thought they were coming towards them. Leave a shadow behind.

"My friend, please be merciful." The figure was much more stable, and he immediately said apologetically to Gu Zheng, keeping his posture very low.

You must know that in this place, you just want to run, and there is nowhere to go. The other party wants to chase you, that is too simple, especially since it seems that the dragon soul is very restrained, it is better to beg for mercy directly.

Compared with life, face is nothing, even a little more life is a little bit. After Zhou Bo disappeared, this person didn't react at all. He even seemed to ignore the rules here, which made him feel even more chilling.

"Don't worry, if you have revenge, what you have committed is not enough for me to take action. Stay away from me now." Gu Zheng glanced at him, and then said lightly.

At the same time, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the Shanlong's figure shrank immediately, and finally it was only not much bigger than a bird. It stopped on Gu Zheng's arm and rubbed its head upwards. It looked very intimate, and the feeling was just where Gao Bo was. Things are of no use at all.


The man said immediately, and at the same time, he flew towards the outside, and soon there was no one within a certain range of Gu Zheng, and they all looked at him and the dragon soul in his arm, like some kind of scourge.

But Gu Zheng didn't care, and continued to caress the good dragon. The opponent wanted to control it, it was wishful thinking, and he didn't look at how strong it used to be, although compared with when it was the strongest, it can't play much now The strength is even like that of a newborn baby, but that powerful soul cannot be shaken by the other party at all.

As for why he let the other party go this far, everything is under his control, just to let Dragon Soul kill Gao Bo directly, after all, this is not interference from outsiders, after all, there is a trace of connection between the two of them.

However, there is a connection, but there will be no intimacy between Gu Zheng and it. After all, the two have truly merged together, so Dragon Soul has always regarded him as a relative.

But what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that the Dragon Soul after such a transformation had undergone even greater changes, but before Gu Zheng could inspect it, he suddenly felt a dazzling blue light from his palm.

"Why did I encounter a problem so quickly, it seems that I need to go up."

Looking at the archway in front of him, Gu Zheng let the dragon soul attach to the surface of his body for the time being, and murmured.

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