
Just as Gu Zheng came out of it, he heard a series of hurried steps coming from a distance, and they were also approaching rapidly.

Curling his lips, Gu Zheng walked towards the back. It was that extremely fast meatball again. It was really annoying to meet them everywhere. Fortunately, the number of opponents was really small. Compared with that ubiquitous ghost girl Compared with, it is relatively worry-free.

Here he turned back, and then walked in another direction.

Ten days passed quickly, and during this period, Gu Zheng had been searching carefully. Except for another gold jade in his hand, there was also a white spar, but nothing else was gained.

This made him very distressed, leaning against the wall of a hall, and rested.

He doesn't know how big this place is. It probably won't be small now. It's just the place he explored these days. He can definitely search the size of the place he sees outside.

But until now, there is still an endless unknown dark area in front of Gu Zheng. Although every place looks similar, he knows that this is his first time visiting this place.

Especially in such a dark situation, it is even more depressing. Although he has not been affected by this, he still sighs a little when he thinks that there is no result at all.

Not to mention the exit that Wu Fan wanted to find by himself, even the exit from here was not found.

Take a short rest and cheer up your mood, Gu Zheng is here to set off.

Since so many people can leave successfully, so can I.

Cheering myself up, Gu Zheng froze instantly as soon as he turned this way.

A familiar figure walked slowly on the ground without making any sound at all. The speed seemed unusually slow, but at this moment, big eyes were looking at each other.

"I found you!"

The crying girl screamed suddenly, and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

"Found you bastard."

The white spar in Gu Zheng's palm was thrown out in an instant, and a ball of white light burst out again in the air. Looking at the other party's frightened body, he said angrily, and then ran in another direction.

This crying girl is obviously not the first time, but when the gold and jade were captured a few days ago, although the other party didn't find her, she still left her position. She didn't expect to meet her here by chance at such a slow speed.

Before I feel that my luck is not very good, suddenly a sound of footsteps came from a distance again, as if attracted by the loud cry of the crying girl, Gu Zheng's speed suddenly slowed down, and he walked slowly forward .

But before he took two more steps, he just came to a crossroad, and at the side, a red light also came into his eyes at the same time.

A ghost girl without a bell.

Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and he didn't care about his figure, he took two steps forward like a sharp sword, praying that the other party didn't find him.

But it is said that misfortunes never come singly, his prayers were obviously useless, and the violent bell rang behind him instantly, and he was approaching Gu Zheng quickly.

At this time, Gu Zheng didn't care about anything, and his figure accelerated again, running towards the front, preparing to find a room to hide in, and at the same time the mirror in his hand was already in his hand.

The meat ball will definitely catch up, and the only white spar he has left is impossible to deal with them. This is not the time to save things.

Sure enough, the meat ball just paused for a while before hearing the dense footsteps from Gu Zheng's side, rushing towards this side.

And here Gu Zheng heard the other party's voice approaching quickly, and the passage seemed extremely long, and the ghost girl behind her was also chasing after her, not to mention that the crying girl might catch up after recovering.

Immediately stop hesitating, he will not use it until he is in a desperate situation, and if it is too late, he will cry.

With the activation of the small mirror in his hand, a strong white light rose from Gu Zheng's body in one day, and a familiar wave surged rapidly around him. Within three breaths, the figure that turned into a fleshy ball had appeared before his eyes. The white light shrank suddenly and dissipated into the air.

With the disappearance of Gu Zheng, the meat ball and the crying girl were also taken aback, looked left and right, and returned to their previous appearance again.

And in a new room, Gu Zheng's figure slowly emerged, and the small mirror in his hand had long since disappeared.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, this thing is so slow to start, but fortunately there is enough time."

Thinking of the activation time of the small mirror, Gu Zheng also felt a burst of emotion. It was really a wise move for him. He glanced around and saw that it was just an ordinary small room, so he opened the door and left.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes!

As soon as Gu Zheng came out, he was stunned in place, and this idea instantly appeared in his mind.

Because in front of him, a silver door was shining brightly, and behind him was a staircase leading down.

This place has two upper and lower floors, or more, I really didn't expect it.

I'm afraid the higher-ups will not be able to find the hidden mirror after searching all the places by themselves.

To take a step back, even if I can't find the mirror, at least I have to find the exit. In case of any accident, I will not care about the mirror and leave here.

Gu Zheng stepped forward and took out the silver key he had obtained, opened the silver door directly, and walked down the stairs along the steps.

The staircase was longer than he expected, and it took him a full stick of incense to reach the bottom.

With the help of the faint light on his body, Gu Zheng looked around, and it was obviously different from the above.

There was already some greenish mold on the soles and sides of the feet, which looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a long time.

What's more, here you can feel the surroundings shaking slightly, and you can also vaguely hear the sound of water flowing, as if you have come under the boat.

Gu Zheng felt the darker and more deserted aura in the air, and the place was more severely eroded by the opponent's dark aura, and he was more certain in his heart that the opponent's hiding place was here, and of course it might be more dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, he chose a random direction and started walking, but he couldn't find anything if he stayed where he was.

The structure here is similar to the one above, but there are a lot fewer rooms, most of which will be a block of wooden walls, and the rooms that appear occasionally are mostly piled up with a kind of black stone bricks that don't know what, and there will also be dilapidated ones. The room was so rotten that there was nothing in it.

Even so, Gu Zheng had to go into every room, or the same sentence, not to miss a room, so as not to miss the past.

However, the exit feels a lot smaller in this place, and it is likely to be on the top.

"That is?"

Gu Zheng was looking for it carefully, when suddenly on the ground, a red figure lying there startled him, subconsciously turned around and was about to run, but after taking two steps, Ning Shengsheng stopped his body and turned around again look.

Not only was the other party's bell not ringing to hunt him down, but the other party's weird posture seemed to have lost his life.

Seeing the other party lying motionless on the ground, Gu Zheng bravely approached him, wanting to see what happened to the other party, and held the white spar in his hand, so as not to be a blindfolded by the other party.

Approaching the ghost girl's body, Gu Zheng stopped while standing on the side of the other side. From this angle, he could see the other side's cheeks.

The opponent's face had lost its brilliance, and there was a small gap in the opponent's forehead. It seemed that a small dagger was stuck in it, ending the opponent's life.

After confirming that the other party was really dead, Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, but then became suspicious again.

Of course, this ghost girl is not impossible to kill, at best, it is just some relatively powerful ghosts. With the blessing of this special place, she has some other supernatural powers, which can basically completely avoid Gu Zheng's attack.

The main reason is of course that Gu Zheng's cultivation has also been suppressed. As long as they recover to a certain extent, even a mere celestial being can completely kill these ghosts.

Before that, they didn't have anything, so they couldn't deal with these special ghosts at all. They could only rely on the things given by this magic weapon to force them back or avoid them.

So in the end who killed the ghost girl.

"Mengzhen? Wu Fan? Or someone else, like Wu Fan?"

Gu Zheng thought about it carefully, but first ruled out Mengzhen. The other party is not in this area, and he can't come back at all. As for Wu Fan, although it is possible, it doesn't make much sense if the other party does this. Just came here, the other party can't be one step ahead of himself.

The black cat is also unlikely. If the opponent can make a move, why not sell his face at that time.

Gu Zheng thought for a while, but without any clues, he went straight forward again, but the ghost girl he rescued before flashed in his mind, but it just passed by.

The most likely possibility is that the magic weapon itself is made to eliminate the opponent.

As a result, she didn't go a long distance, and a ghost girl lay on the ground again, with her arms stretched forward, looking away from the posture of the opponent's death, as if fleeing from some terrifying enemy, and on her forehead, there was the same wound.

Facing the unknown enemy, these ghost girls had no power to resist at all, and they were dealt with cleanly by the opponent. Even the bell in their hands was taken away by the opponent. It was really terrifying.

Unknowingly, Gu Zheng took the black crystal ball in his hand, no matter whether he can deal with the unknown enemy or not, it is finally a psychological comfort.

What followed surprised him more and more, because every large distance, there was a corpse of a ghost, not only the corpse of the ghost girl, but also the corpse of the crying girl, as well as the meat ball, and the corpse that was cut into the ground. Tentacles, all have died on the road.

Gu Zheng walked forward along the route formed by these corpses. He had a premonition that these ghosts seemed to want to return to somewhere, but they were chased to death along the way. There are more ghost corpses, and I am afraid that all the ghosts in the lower layer will no longer exist.

After walking along this place for a long time, I finally saw an open room, and at the same time frowned, because in that small room, there was a blood-red mirror, shining with a strange light.

Exactly what he was looking for.

And in that small room, there were a few more dead ghost girls.

Gu Zheng took a fancy look at the bottom of his feet, and he had already prepared in his heart, then put away the crystal ball, and walked towards the red round mirror.

With a flash of red light shining again, Gu Zheng's figure disappeared here.

The next moment, in a large hall, Gu Zheng's figure suddenly appeared, and before he could stand still, there was a rapid bell ringing in his ear, and in the opened room in front, a ghost girl rushed towards Gu Zheng come over.

Gu Zheng was shocked, but his body was still in the stalemate of teleportation, he couldn't move at all, he couldn't even take out his things, he could only watch helplessly as the opponent rushed over.

There was a soft "bang", and the door opened in the distance also turned suddenly, and with a "click", it fell away,

And the ghost woman who was rushing here suddenly stagnated in the middle of the way with the sound of the voice, and then the whole person fell directly on the ground, lying not far from Gu Zheng, not moving.

But Gu Zheng looked at the back of the opponent's vest, there was a hole the size of a fist, which almost pierced the opponent's chest, it was this attack that killed the opponent, and he didn't even know where the attack came from , Why save yourself.

Gu Zheng glanced behind him, there were rows of wooden windows behind him, some wind howls were blowing back from the shattered holes, through which one could see a huge red ship on the sea in a very far away place, And next to it are towering peaks that don't see the top of the mountain.

He has successfully arrived at the place Wu Fan asked him to come to.

Gu Zheng turned his gaze around, and then walked towards the only passage. He wanted to see how much power the opponent had gathered.

Passing through the broken wooden door in front, a wider passage appeared in front of Gu Zheng. What made him gasp was that in the entire passage, there were densely packed ghosts, and there were at least hundreds of them. It was so creepy.

There was a flash of light under Gu Zheng's feet, and he felt that the pair of shoes had been removed from his feet, but he didn't care, and continued to walk forward.

This huge passageway was thousands of meters long. Gu Zheng walked along the middle road, and soon came to the last door, pushed in directly, and everything in front of him shocked him in an instant.

In front of him is an extremely huge cave, a wooden platform is hundreds of feet in size, just under his feet, but compared with the entire space, it does not occupy one percent of the size of the cave.

Because in the middle area, there is a huge green spar like a mountain peak hanging in the void, and countless arm-sized flow marks are constantly rotating around, like a giant vortex, dotted with green light spots around it. Under the reflection, it was extremely shocking.

There is so much power in it that it is hard to believe that even in his heyday, he was less than half of it, how much time he has accumulated.

And Gu Zheng is here, just like an ant, inconspicuous at all.

Gu Zheng was stunned for half a cup of tea before he woke up from the shock in front of him, walked out from the door behind him, and kept walking forward.

As far as the eye can see, there is also a small wooden house under the green spar, but the rest are empty, needless to say, I know where I should go.

Walking on the empty wooden plank, echoing his crisp walking sound, Gu Zheng kept thinking, who was the thing that killed in, and why he didn't see the figure of the other party.

Even the guardians Wu Fan mentioned were not seen, could it be that they went out to fight?

While thinking wildly, he looked around vigilantly, and after a long while, he came to the hut.

This hut is very simple, it doesn't even have windows and doors, it's more like building a temporary residence, from the outside, you can only see a bed of green spar, and nothing else.

"Why, don't you feel very disappointed!"

Just when Gu Zheng stopped to observe, a charming female voice suddenly came from behind.

Gu Zheng turned his head and found a mature and beautiful young woman looking at him with a smile. The corners of her charming eyes were full of spring, but the other party's white gauze-like palace clothes could be seen in several places. Someone seemed to be fighting her before.


Gu Zheng snorted coldly, ignored the other party, and looked at the huge white three tails behind him, moving slowly in the air.

"Actually, when you came in, I paid attention to you. After all, a human being can't be seen casually. Even if you don't come to me, I will come to you. How about we cooperate?"

The fox demon's eyes were full of longing, as if he was guarding the boudoir alone waiting for Gu Zheng's fortune, and a white mask slowly emerged from the tail.

"Just like Wu Fan? Are you firmly in control? Do things for you." Gu Zheng is not afraid of the opponent at all, this is just a clone of the opponent, although the cultivation base is not weak, but for Gu Zheng, the opponent is not hurt at all If you can't reach yourself, this is also the confidence to dare to come.

"Better than him, the other party is just someone who guides in. If you agree, you and I will join forces. I can give you such a huge amount of power, and all my savings for so many years. As long as I follow my method, I can definitely reach the maximum level." In the later stage of Luo, can you continue to practice in the future?"

The fox demon smiled slightly, full of moving colors.

Gu Zheng ignored the charm of the other party at all. The other party was strong, not even a ghost. Could it be stronger than Pan Xuan's all-in-one body? He just looked at him coldly.

At this time, you don't have to worry about it yourself, someone will naturally come to her to settle the score.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it? I can bring your companions here together. After this magic weapon is under our control, there will definitely be a place for us in this place. Even the king of heaven can't do anything to us."

With a flick of the tail behind Yaohu, the white crying mask stood upright in front of Gu Zheng, and he could grab it as long as he stretched out his hand.

"Don't waste your time, but don't worry, if there is a chance, I will naturally find you. You might as well think about how to deal with your enemies." Gu Zheng said with narrowed eyes.

At the entrance, there was already a group of figures quietly walking towards this side.

"Enemy? Are you talking about the magic weapon itself? Even my avatar can't deal with it, let alone my body. Sooner or later, I will completely control this place." Said.

To know this place, no one can go out without her permission.

"Last chance, or don't blame me for being strong."

The fox demon grabbed it with both hands, and two green belts appeared on the huge spar behind him, stretching over in an instant, and when they came, they each separated a section, binding Gu Zheng's hands and feet, forming a big character trap up in the air.

"Really? But I don't think you have that chance anymore." Gu Zheng didn't have any fear at all, but sarcastically sarcastically towards the other party.


At this moment, she seemed to sense something, and turned her head to look back, but a group of intense white light suddenly appeared, making her lose her mind for a while.

"go to hell!"

Along with the white light, a roar of anger also rose.

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