The wind gradually increased.

I don't know when, the blue shield of the sky has already started to drizzle.

Under the illumination of countless golden dots in the surrounding sky, the blue raindrops have a strange beauty, falling on the surface of the sea, just causing general ripples.

There is a vacuum around Gu Zheng, and those raindrops disappear silently after entering.


More than a dozen tentacles rushed towards Gu Zheng in the air, surrounding the space around Gu Zheng up, down, left, and right, looking like they wanted to catch him alive.

The octopus in the distance looked at Gu Zheng's indifferent eyes, and felt that he was insulted, especially the provocative words of the other party, it seemed that killing himself was as easy as killing pigs and dogs.

So as soon as Gu Zheng's voice fell, it couldn't bear it anymore and launched an attack directly.

Not only that, these dozens of tentacles are just like forwards, and more tentacles in the back continue to extend from its body, stabbing towards Gu Zheng.

Covering the sky and blocking the sun, especially the thick and long tentacles of the other party are full of blades like knives, shining with a sharp cold light.

Gu Zheng looked at the attack that came in a blink of an eye, stepped on his feet, and rose rapidly into the air.


Just as he left his position, a blue light flashed suddenly in the front of the tentacle tentacles in front, and a dozen thick blue lightning bolts emerged from them, hitting the position where Gu Zheng was.

Countless electric arcs exploded in it, like spider webs, and even some grids rushed towards the ancient battle in the air, but unfortunately they were unable to climb up in mid-air.

It seems that he wants to use his tentacles to entangle Gu Zheng, but in fact it is just to paralyze the other party. Unfortunately, Gu Zheng saw through the other party's trick at a glance and left the place one step earlier.

Gu Zheng clenched his palm and raised it, and an extreme golden light burst out from the Yunhuang Sword, as dazzling as the sun. With a sudden explosion, countless golden sword qi roared out from above.

There were thousands of them densely packed. When they came out, they were only the size of an ordinary sword, but after only one breath, the entire body of the sword had grown to a size of several feet. The crisscrossing sword energy in the air cut the hurricane apart, and even Xiaoyu was forced to retreat to the other side.

However, except for a small part of these sword lights that stood in front of Gu Zheng, all the others were about to approach the tentacles in the air, an arc obliquely avoided them, along the sea surface, and brought up waves below, riding the wind and waves, just Already rushing towards the octopus.

The octopus obviously didn't see it, and thought that the other party wanted to attack his tentacles, his huge body, and it was too late to dodge, but he didn't want to dodge either.

Layers of black mist overlapped under its body, and when the sword light came, a solid shield appeared below.

A series of explosions exploded, and the entire Youshield was blown apart, and some black blood flew out at the same time.

As the sword light dissipated, fist-sized blood holes emerged from the lower body of the octopus, but the black liquid inside no longer flowed out, and the wounds were also recovering quickly visible to the naked eye. From this point of view, within a dozen or so With just one breath, the damage caused by these sword lights will be restored as new.

As for the damage caused to him, it was probably caused by an ordinary person being pricked by a needle. Although the ghost shield was blown to pieces, it did block most of the power.

Being big is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

However, Gu Zheng didn't expect this blow to seriously injure the opponent. He just interfered with the opponent and prevented him from "taking care" of him without stopping.

"boom boom boom"

On Gu Zheng's side, soaring jets of water exploded from the sea surface, forming huge water curtains, erected in front of the sword light, trying to block those sword lights, and at the same time streams of water emerged from the sea surface, rushing towards With the sword light entangled.

However, before those water streams approached Jianguang, they were already cut off by the sharp sword energy around him, and the water curtain was even more merciless by Jianguang

After finishing all this, the tentacles below rushed up, and with his thought, the sword lights in front of him spread out one after another, spinning rapidly in the air, like an electric fan, surrounding Gu Zheng.

Once those tentacles approached, they wanted to rely on their numbers and hard defenses to force their way in, but the result was horrible. As soon as they went in, they were cut into pieces like tofu by the spinning golden light, and large pieces of flesh and blood continued to fall from the air into the ground below. In the sea water, a large area of ​​the sea was stained with a layer of blood.

The disconnected tentacles pulled back quickly, and no longer forcibly broke in. As the blue light streaks swept past, the disconnected parts grew back again.

For an octopus, it's not a loss at all.

Gu Zheng watched the frightening aura flashing again from several tentacles around him, the blue light spread all over the surroundings, and the crackling sound of arc jumping sounded from all directions in the air again, it seemed that the other party wanted to completely trap himself here.

The next moment, before the surrounding electric arc emerged, the sword light from outside rushed up quickly, aiming at the tentacles that were already gaining momentum, and under the sharp sword light, directly volleyed and gave everything in half.

And after the opponent's attack was interrupted, they also burst out one after another, as if blue fireworks were blooming in the sky, exploding continuously, gorgeous and brilliant.

After Jian Guang cut off the opponent, his strength also disappeared, and he did not escape from the opponent's lightning range, and dissipated one after another.

Even so, the number of sword lights was not very large, and only half of the opponents were detonated in advance, and the rest gathered more quickly after the octopus recovered.

When the fireworks in the sky were shining brilliantly, blue rays of light lit up all around.

A series of thick blue rays of light suddenly burst out from the air. In the rays of light, one can see that the berserk electric arc is restrained, just waiting to be released, giving the enemy an unforgettable explosion.

There are nearly a hundred rays of light, almost making the sky brighter, but they have all arrived at their destination in less than a breath of time in the air.

It's just that there, there is already a brighter golden light waiting for them.

Shocking thunder continued to ring out, looking at the astonishing scene in the sky, if it wasn't for its pressure, the vibrations from above, the ocean below would be enough to set off huge waves.

At this time, the octopus had retracted all its tentacles, and he was confident that under this attack, the opponent would at least suffer a lot, and if the opponent was careless, even serious injuries would not be too much.

As for killing the other party, it is just thinking about it. Although it also wants to, but at this time, it does not want to fight the other party desperately, teach the other party a lesson, make the other party retreat, and then happily accept all the offerings of those people , I left by myself, so that another black dragon hero would come and make me almost capsize in the gutter.

Thinking of the dead Black Dragon Hero, Octopus couldn't help but slander in his heart, even his name is similar to it, he deserves to die, just mind your own business!

The octopus looked up patiently. Although he was thinking about other things in his heart, he still looked up very vigilantly so as not to make any mistakes.

A severe attack may fade away, too.

Soon the vibration in the air slowly stopped, and a golden cocoon could be vaguely seen standing in the air.

Before the aftermath subsided completely, the golden cocoon exploded suddenly, and a golden light rose from above, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings, and the remaining aftermath was completely swept away by the opponent.

"You know I'm powerful, I don't bother to fight with you, it's still too late for you to leave now."

Seeing the intact Gu Zheng in the air, Octopus also understood that the other party was also a ruthless character, and he was unscathed, but he still shouted at it.

"This is your method? It's just a mediocre."

The golden light all over the sky retracted, and soon condensed into a sword again, which he held in his hand. He glanced at the pomelo below, and said that it was all right, so he said disdainfully.

"I'm fine, be careful!"

Knowing that the other party couldn't hear, Youyou still yelled at the above.

"That kid will definitely be killed by Lord Black Dragon. Youyou, my good granddaughter, you should drink it. Maybe it's over. Don't you suffer, I don't want to suffer, everyone don't need to suffer, even this foreigner doesn't need it." suffer."

The village chief next to him heard Youyou's shout, turned his eyes from above, and shouted at Youyou.

As he said that, he took out the bottle again and wanted to pass it over, but unfortunately, he realized that he was trapped, and it was impossible to leave the shield.

Youyou just glanced at her grandfather, and then shifted her eyes to Gu Zheng. The scene just now almost scared her to death. Fortunately, Mr. Gu is fine.

As for her grandfather, different ways are not conspiring with each other, she is unwilling to drink it no matter what, and she is no longer willing to talk to her grandfather.

I prayed in my heart that Mr. Gu would be able to defeat the opponent.

At this time in the sky, after Gu Zheng talked with the other party a few times, he completely turned his face again.

The other party doesn't know what obsession is, so he must not let these poor villagers go, and Gu Zheng is exactly like this, if he lets go of it and allows the other party to kill Youyou.

This is not just a matter of one's own cause and effect, but also spread to one's own state of mind.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

The octopus shouted angrily, the sound shook like the sky, and the aura of the whole sky was even stronger.

"Hehe, come on then!"

Gu Zheng frowned, and then sneered. He had prepared for a long time and immediately approached the opponent. At the same time, he threw the Yunhuang sword in his hand, and it swelled rapidly in the air until it was about ten feet in size.

As he whispered in the air, golden arcs appeared out of thin air around Yun Huangjian, and those arcs also circled around the sword body in a strange way. The sword rushed forward.

It didn't blend into the sword body like before, but at the moment of contact, a golden light flashed, and finally it was printed on the sword body.

Soon the entire surface of the sword body was densely covered with runes.

The octopus watched the opponent charge, and felt the deadly threat from the sword, but decided to fight the opponent first.

That weapon is powerful, and it is also controlled by people. As long as the opponent is repelled, the threat will naturally be removed. He still knows this.

The tentacles in front of him waved again, but this time they didn't reach out to attack the opponent, which was not enough for the opponent.

There are also some tentacles sticking out directly under the seabed, and soon there are vortices of different sizes on the sea surface.

A gust of wind blew up in the air, and hurricanes suddenly rose around Gu Zheng, hitting the surroundings in all directions, and in the vortex below, ice crystals the size of stone mills appeared one after another, rushing into the hurricane from below.

Almost in the blink of an eye, dozens of hurricanes have already spread around Gu Zheng. With the acceleration of the opponent, the ice crystals inside can only see a phantom at this time, but it can still be seen that the ice crystals that entered have transformed into different forms. arms.

Without exception, these ice crystal weapons all pointed their sharp spears towards the outside, and were led by the hurricane towards Gu Zheng.

What is even more astonishing is that those hurricanes in the back rushed up and merged perfectly with the hurricanes in front. Not only are they more powerful, but they are also filled with densely packed ice crystal weapons.

Almost when Gu Zheng flew halfway, there were already four remaining hurricanes that seemed to be connected with the sky and the earth, squeezing towards Gu Zheng, squeezing him in midair.

It seems that the octopus is also planning to disagree, and directly unleashes a long-prepared attack.

Gu Zheng felt the endless tearing around him, and the hurricane wanted to blow through his body and blow out his soul, but there was always a faint golden light covering his body, completely preventing the intrusion of those hurricanes.

However, in his opinion, although the hurricane is violent, he doesn't take it seriously, but the ice crystal weapons inside seem to be nothing special. He can blow everything up with a single punch, as if he was just cutting himself with a crazy sharp blade. .

But he knew that there were mysteries in this hurricane, which were far from what he had seen on the surface. Every time he saw the ice crystals, great danger would arise in his heart.

While the mind was moving, the movement in the hand did not stop at all. At this time, the Space Cloud Desolation Sword had been fully formed. With his last finger, there was a huge sword sound in the air. The howling wind was suppressed.

Flying towards the octopus in front of him again, the entire sword body continued to shrink on the way, and soon returned to its original shape. The small sword body came to the top of the octopus' head, and then cut down.

In the silence, a phantom of a golden sword with a height of hundreds of feet suddenly appeared in the air. The entire sword shadow was exactly the same as the Yunhuang sword.

The originally small talisman seals on it also became extremely huge at this time, and tiny golden lights as thick as arms gleamed continuously from inside, following the Yunhuang sword below, it slowly and firmly cut towards the bottom.

Huge pressure fell on the octopus in an instant, causing its body to sway in the air unavoidably.

As soon as the two fought, they were about to unleash a unique move, wanting to knock the opponent down completely with one blow, but those words just now were both delaying time, and they didn't expect to think of going together.

The shoulder armor of the octopus also melted quickly, and quickly converged along its huge body, and the four hurricanes in front were connected to each other when they approached the edge of the ancient dispute.

Completely surrounded the ancient disputes.

And the entire hurricane is full of ice crystal weapons, it can be said that there is almost no gap left. At this time, with the rapid compression of the hurricane, it is finally coming towards Gu Zheng, as if he has fallen into the mouth of some kind of monster. Teeth have started to move.

Gu Zheng's arm shook, and five jade rings flickered one after another and floated beside his body. As a multicolored shield suddenly appeared on Gu Zheng's body, the ice crystals all over the sky pressed up the next moment, trying to swallow him completely .

On the octopus' side, the golden shadow above the head has been suppressed little by little, and the shadow of death has resurfaced in the octopus' heart.

In mid-air, layers of water curtains appeared out of thin air, trying to slow down the whereabouts of the sword shadow, but most of those water curtains were oppressed by an invisible force before they condensed into shape.

The barely formed water curtain, even if it was tens of feet wide, was filled with ice crystal-like lines in the middle, which greatly strengthened the defense, but facing the whereabouts of the sword shadow, it was like paper, which could be broken with a single poke.

Layers of water splashes kept falling from the sky, seemingly useless at all.

Although there was no change on his face, the octopus also became serious. The opponent's blow seemed to be beyond his expectations, as if he had underestimated the opponent's weapon.

On the other hand, his own hurricane had completely surrounded the other party, but was temporarily blocked by the other party. Of course, he firmly believed that the other party would soon be unable to withstand the huge pressure and be severely injured or killed by himself.

But for now, block the opponent's attack first.

At this time, the black liquid from the shoulder armor had reached the top of his head, and then under the control of the octopus, it quickly floated in mid-air, and then the octopus spit forward, and a mouthful of pure black air floated out from its mouth .

Compared with that huge mouth, this wisp of black air is only not much bigger than a strand of hair, but when it spewed out, the octopus looked rather sluggish.

"That damned nosy hero, why did he work so hard for these untouchables, and that untouchable, who is not good at doing things, is just a little bit, why is that damn girl so difficult to deal with, how good it is to listen to her grandpa, let me take it The last strength of that person was swallowed, and I completely recovered."

"But I'm also to blame. I feel that this place is sparsely populated. How could anyone come here? That is, how could someone come out to stand up for the untouchables. This gave them enough time. In the end, I really never expected it."

A flash of annoyance flashed across Octopus's heart, but it was too late to say anything at this time, so it was better to find a way to kill or drive the other party away.

The wisp of black air had already submerged into the mass of black liquid at this time, and an inexplicable aura suddenly emerged from the entire black liquid, and then a huge dragon's chant resounded through the heaven and earth.

The black liquid suddenly transformed into a black dragon, soaring up into the air, and the dragon's might unscrupulously radiated towards the surroundings.

But this black dragon didn't rush towards the sword shadow, but flew towards the hurricane over there, and rushed into the hurricane almost in the blink of an eye.

In front of the octopus, a small ice shield had already floated in the air, and then layers of frost continued to emerge, and a huge and thick layer of ice completely blocked the shadow of the sword.

Although the ice layer looks very ordinary, the octopus is very confident that it can block all the opponent's attacks.

To take a step back, even if the opponent's ultimate move is powerful, after breaking through, it is only the end of the arrow, unable to cause much damage at all.

If the body of the sword hadn't disappeared, the black dragon incarnation would have destroyed the weapon just now, once and for all.

But he didn't know how terrifying the sword shadow was.

At this time, the huge sword shadow had crashed down, colliding with the ice layer that the octopus had hoped for.


Just as soon as it came into contact, there was a slight broken sound in the air, which made the octopus a little stunned.

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