The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

The three robbers held hostages that the other party knew, but the other party didn't seem to care, which immediately put them in trouble.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

On the right side of the hostage old man, looking at Gu Zheng's eyes that didn't seem to be joking, he panicked even more, and whispered to their elder brother.

The three of them are not real brothers, they are called brothers just for convenience. Of course, the actions of all of them are dominated by the eldest brother, which is why they also took the opportunity to come over when the eldest brother made a move.

"Don't worry, the other party is just bluffing. Didn't you hear the girl on the other side saying that you know her? That's the granddaughter of the old guy in front of you, my dear! There's nothing wrong with it."

The eldest brother's eyes were wide open, his eyes were almost popping out of his eye sockets, and he was also carefully looking at Gu Zheng repeatedly, trying to distinguish the truth from the other party's tone, and he said comfortingly when he heard his own people say so.

In fact, even now, he can't tell whether the other party is real or not, but that's not important. The important thing is that he must take the contents with him, or he will die if he goes back.

They have issued a military order.

"He's coming!"

The third younger brother on the left suddenly trembled in his heart, then pointed to Gu Zheng and said.

It doesn't matter whether the opponent is the captain of the patrol team or not. The important thing is that the opponent is the strength of the opponent. If you want to kill them, it will not be too easy.

It was clear that it was beyond the plan before, after all, according to their plan, coupled with the secret disclosure of the wine boss, the other party did not resist the temptation of this batch of soul stones, and everything acted according to their expectations.

Just wait for this batch of things to be transported away, and then bring out the mixed things from inside, and finally sneak away, everything is fine.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. They knew that there were no patrols nearby, but the captain who claimed to be the patrol showed up here so desperately that they fell into a passive position.

"Don't come here, I won't be polite if you come here, at worst, we will die together."

Seeing that Gu Zheng was getting closer, the sharp blade in the elder brother's hand pressed down again, and the sharp cold light was almost pressing on the old man's neck. As long as he had a thought, the other party's throat would be easily cut.

No matter how fast Gu Zheng was, it was too late to stop them.

Of course, with their looks like this, the original weakness cannot become a weakness, but the black light smeared on the weapon is the reason for the fatality.

Youyou's eyes became more anxious, but she pursed her lips and did not make a sound. She felt that the other party had a special sense of security, and it seemed that she would not hurt her grandfather. The other party must have her own meaning in doing so.

Gu Zheng's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, as if he didn't see any movement of the other party. From the beginning to the end, his footsteps didn't change a bit.

Even the threatening words didn't seem to be spoken by him to himself, and he still walked over step by step.

With this appearance, the other party was even more at a loss, because apart from the hostages in their hands, they had no chance of winning, and the idea of ​​taking hostages and taking things away was completely shattered.

So they withdrew, they dared not kill the hostages.

The hostages are dead, and they are completely dead. If they are not dead, there may be a chance of survival.

Every time Gu Zheng took a step, they took a step back. The hostages in their hands did not bring them any sense of security. Instead, they felt that they were a hot potato. They felt that their approach was completely wrong. They might as well hide inside and wait for an opportunity Think of other ways.

On one side are the miners here, and on the other side are the gangsters who surrendered from the wine boss, and they also silently watched the strange situation in front of them.

After only a dozen steps back, the three brothers' faces were already dripping with cold sweat. The huge pressure made the three of them feel breathless, but they could only grit their teeth and persist.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng's walking steps stopped suddenly, and he stood in place.

The three brothers were still retreating subconsciously, and when they realized that Gu Zheng's figure was not coming up, they relaxed inexplicably almost at the same time, covering up and looking at Gu Zheng involuntarily, wondering why the other party stopped.

But at this moment, their eyes were blurred, and when they came to their senses, they found that the hostage who was originally held was no longer in front of them.

Looking forward, the figure of the old man had appeared beside Gu Zheng, and he was looking at the three of them with a smile on his face.


Three crisp sounds sounded on the ground, and the three brothers in front of them immediately dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground.

"I'm waiting for my wish to surrender. For the sake of not hurting anyone, I beg the captain to save our lives."

Gu Zheng checked that the old man did not have any problems, and listened to the other party's begging for surrender, and there was no nonsense. With a wave of his hand, the three of them suddenly looked like three stones, without any resistance at all, and flew heavily towards the back, directly Hit the not-too-distant mountain wall.

When it fell, his breath was weak, and a large piece of black liquid came out of the opponent's mouth. Although he was seriously injured, he was still alive.

After Gu Zheng finished all this, he didn't even look at it, and directly escorted the old man back first.

"Boss Jiu, Boss Jiu, a lot of soul stone mines were found inside, several times more than we expected, this time it's revealed."

At this time, from the cave not far from the three brothers, an excited voice came from inside.

A burly man rushed out from inside quickly, holding a small cloth bag in his hand, faintly visible pieces of stone exuding a black aura.

His excitement was hard for others to understand, like a gust of wind, he ignored the situation beside him, went directly to the wine boss, handed over the cloth bag in his hand, and said excitedly.

"Boss Jiu, look quickly. Look at what we found. It's a huge pile. They're still counting it inside. We're going to get bigger this time. Should we send some brothers in to help?"

However, Boss Jiu's expression at this time was not as happy as he thought, but looked at him strangely.

"Of course, all of this is under the leadership of the wine boss, and we have achieved this time. Everyone will never forget that the wine boss is the biggest credit for this time."

He said flatteredly that his head, which felt that he was not enlightened, finally understood why the wine boss was unhappy.

But he didn't see it at all, the strange eyes on both sides were looking at him.

Still staring at the wine boss, but found that the other party's face seemed to be getting more and more ugly.

I feel like I did something wrong, but when I think about it carefully, I didn't do anything wrong, and I feel that my praise is still a bit vain, and then I continue to flatter.


"Get out, tell the people inside, put down what you're holding, and get out quickly."

Boss Jiu looked at some idiots who couldn't see the situation clearly in front of him, and he was still praising himself vigorously. Normally, he would definitely accept it with the same satisfaction, but now he didn't want his own life, so he just slapped him and cursed.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

Some subordinates who couldn't make up their minds said in a daze, and then ran back like a gust of wind again.

From the beginning, he didn't find anything wrong outside.

For him, everything is fine, there are captives on the other side, and his own people on the other side. It is normal for the two unfamiliar figures in the middle. As for the three brothers next to him, he completely ignores them.

Here, Gu Zheng had brought the old man back to where he was just now. Youyou couldn't bear it any longer, and threw himself into the old man's arms, weeping softly with some fear.

"It's okay, it's fine, you see, everything is okay."

The old man comforted Youyou carefully, and soon her voice gradually decreased, and finally she fell asleep in the old man's arms.

This series of things, coupled with the previous full-strength running, has long been exhausted, and now seeing that grandpa is fine, his mind is exhausted, and finally he is half unconscious and half asleep in his grandpa's arms.

"Old man Chen Kai is also in charge here. Thank you for your help. If these soul stone mines are taken away, we will not be able to avoid responsibility." Gu Zheng thanked him.

"It's okay, it's easy to do, I came here specially to find some soul stones for some people, and I may trouble Old Chen later." Gu Zheng also thanked, as if he had nothing to do with this matter.

"It's easy to say, you should help us repel these bandits this time. You should report it later and ask for credit for you. It's been a long time since this bandit attacked the official stronghold." Old Chen replied with a smile.

"Let's talk later, let everyone go first."

Gu Zheng counted points in the air, and most of the bound people were unsealed. As soon as they broke free, they began to untie the people next to them. Some people wanted to rush over and take revenge on those bandits. The few scars were left by the other party, but they were stopped by their own people.

"Just do what you need to do. Let's open the magic circle in a while and leave here immediately." Elder Chen also shouted at them.

At this time, although the gangsters had stayed obediently on the side, the people on this side began to pack up, and no one asked the other side to tie them together, as if they were transparent.

This made him think a little bit carefully.

"Boss Jiu, if we want to disperse and run away, the other party will be alone and absolutely unable to catch us." A subordinate stood beside Boss Jiu and whispered through voice transmission.

"You're crazy, it's not like I said, you think the other party let us stand here without defense, don't tell me there is no defense outside, I'm afraid this area is set up by the other party, and we can't escape." The wine boss immediately He shouted at the other party.

He is not a sound transmission, so everyone around can hear it, which makes them feel scared, but after thinking about it carefully, it is so.

The other party was so careless, as if he didn't care about their escape, but the other party's attack just now was serious, and the tragic situation of the three brothers was still in front of everyone. Under the calm appearance, he was probably thinking about their escape and still killing them.

After all, under normal circumstances, as long as they surrender, they will be caught and forced to work for thousands of years if they are not at fault.

If it weren't for the small number of people, in their situation, there is only one dead end.

As for the three traitors, under such circumstances, if they dared to hold official officials hostage, they really had a dead end, and they were not worthy of sympathy.

Thinking of this, I even felt that the other party was planning for this. Once they escaped, they could be killed at any time.

Don't leave even if you are killed, anyone who wants to leave can leave.

Seeing that his people were bluffed, the wine boss also heaved a sigh of relief, he thought completely differently from them.

Because even if there is no protection outside, they may be able to escape, but he will definitely not be able to escape. It's just a pity that I have to hand over the hidden strongholds I found, but at most, I will start again after thousands of years, at least I will save my life now. up.

After checking that the pomelo was really okay, and after talking to Chen Laoduo, Gu Zheng went to the cave over there.

He was very curious, what was in it that caused those people to take such risks, and even sent dead soldiers to sneak in among the small gangsters in order not to startle them, and bring them out for safety.

When he came in front of the three brothers who looked like corpses, they didn't see any movement, and the three of them slowly floated in the air, forcing them to stand in front of him.

"I'm also very talkative, you go in with me, take out the things you want to take away, and then life or death, I will not execute you, I will talk about everything when you go back, if you don't agree, then I will Make your life worse than death."

Gu Zheng's toneless matching with that cold expression made the hearts of the three of them tremble even more. Of course they didn't doubt each other's methods, and nodded in cooperation quickly, looking cute.

At this moment, a few people also came quickly from the passage. It was the gangsters who went in before. As soon as they came out, they saw Gu Zheng's appearance. Immediately, their eyes became angry, and they were about to surround them and give the other party a nice.

"Come back, come back quickly, those three are from the horse thief's side, come back quickly." Boss Jiu saw his subordinates, his soul was about to fly away, and he immediately shouted loudly.

Fearing that the other party would do the most stupid thing, when he opened his mouth, the person had already ran towards that side.

"Boss wine, but."

The three of them stopped honestly, but they were still a little unwilling. The man who came out first turned his head and shouted at Boss You.

"But what, what are you worrying about, you want to die, don't hurt your brother, the other party is the captain of the patrol team, you can't beat a hundred of them, go back quickly."

While the other party was talking, the wine boss had already taken the opportunity to come in front of them, and when they met each other, he slapped the other party's shoulder and said loudly.

Without waiting for them to reply, he immediately urged them to leave and mind their own business.

As a prisoner, you must be conscious, so as not to cause trouble to others, and don't cause trouble to yourself.

"Let's go, lead the way!"

There was no one in the way, and Gu Zheng didn't bother to intervene, and shouted directly at the three people in front of him.

The three of them led the way obediently. Although their mouths felt unwell and black liquid flowed out, they were almost ready to die.

This passage is not very big, but the surrounding is very smooth, so as not to be accidentally touched, there is a black light source at a certain distance, illuminating the surroundings, just like a black and white photo, and the road can only be seen clearly .

This is just a small mine, and it didn't take long to come to an open area with more minerals.

There are several mines of different sizes in the surrounding area, but there is no need to go to other places. There is a large pile of raw ores the size of a baby's fist in the middle, all piled together, and the top is almost three feet high. , like a hill.

Gu Zheng bent down, reached out to pick up a raw ore, and looked at it carefully.

The outside is irregular black stone chips, but the inside is mostly black crystals the size of a grain of rice. If the outside stone chips are removed, it is a simple raw ore. If you want to further condense it into a soul stone, you need a special person to be in charge. .

This place is only responsible for the raw ore, and there are no people or magic circles. After it is selected, someone will come to deliver it regularly, and bring necessities by the way. These people are responsible for mining here.

With the shaking of Gu Zheng's palm, all the stone chips on the outside leaked from the edge of the palm like sand grains, and finally there were only a dozen black crystals left, only one of which looked brighter, and the rest were dim in varying degrees, obviously It doesn't look like much.

According to Lu Tietou, this is a small soul mine, of course the quality is very low, the only advantage is that the reserves are larger, which can be distributed as some rewards.

When Gu Zheng was observing carefully, he didn't know that the three brothers were winking at each other behind Gu Zheng, and finally the boss won.

They're just taking a last-ditch gamble.

"Since you know this thing, you also know how to get it out, so act quickly." Gu Zheng put away the crystal in his hand, and said to them lightly.

The three brothers didn't say much, the eldest brother directly took out a small black stick from his body, which seemed to be a fork of some kind of tree, with uncut branches on it, but it was only half the length of an arm. Very inconspicuous.

As the elder brother stretched out the branches, he approached the ore pile cautiously, and the ore pile in front of him began to tremble, as if something came out of it.

The remaining two brothers began to stand on the edge and carefully dig out the ore, as if the strength of the branch was not enough to suck each other out from it.

"Why is this thing here?" Gu Zheng stood beside him and asked casually.

"I don't know much about this thing. It was brought from the prehistoric world. The only thing I know is that it needs to absorb some energy to achieve the best effect. It seems that it can purify the soul stone mine. I just heard it." The elder brother concentrated on it Holding the branch firmly, trying to maintain balance, when Gu Zheng asked, he was telling the truth.

"Why did it appear here? How long?"

"I don't know. We just came to get this thing. It can only be said that it was placed here earlier than us."

Gu Zheng was thoughtful, and didn't continue to ask. The other party was just a young man, and he wouldn't know too much information.

"found it!"

When Gu Zheng asked a few questions, the person below was suddenly overjoyed, and then took out a fist-sized ore.

Gu Zheng took a quick look and found that most of them were compact stones, with only a small gap in the middle where the brighter black crystals leaked out. It seems that the mystery should be in this.

"bring here!"

Gu Zheng said indifferently, and the other party obediently held it with both hands without saying a word.

And the other person also stood up and made a gesture to help the elder brother who was sitting on the ground.

Gu Zheng was attracted by the ore in front of him, and wanted to see what the use of this thing was, it was so amazing.

At this moment, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared on the side.

On the opponent's hand, there is a small jade butterfly, and on it is an ore similar to the one in his hand.

Obviously the other party lied to him, and wanted to give that ore away!

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