In the endless sky.

The two figures hurried towards the distance, and some monsters that escaped by chance before would occasionally appear on the way.

Before they could launch an attack, Gu Zheng and the Seventh Elder's figure had already moved away from them, and the strong wind caused some unlucky monsters to lose their balance, dizzy and fell to the ground.

Gu Zheng was also very shocked when he heard the Seventh Elder's emotion.

I thought it was just a simple world over there, but some strange creatures were born strangely. After all, there is always a glimmer of life under the avenue.

But there, not only the strange creatures, but also creatures from the prehistoric past, of all races.

As far as the Seventh Elder knew, some people from the other party entered here by mistake, some came here in a blink of an eye, some were arrested here, in short, there are all kinds of people.

But at that time, although there was panic over there, at least everything was normal, like a captive place.

At that time, some people with strong cultivation already knew that someone was experimenting with them. They should be in a magic weapon, and they never thought that they had come to Xiaoqian world.

And these small thousand worlds were actually created artificially, and it was only after they were abandoned that they were discovered by her last master.

"My darling, who the hell is trying to comprehend that level? Do you want to break through in other ways? But it seems that the experiment failed and was abandoned. I don't know if my master knows this, how do I feel that I know?" The more I learn, the less I feel like I know.”

As the Seventh Elder shut up, Gu Zheng didn't ask any more questions. Although some things were not very clear, the most basic thing was to understand.

At this time, they had come to an endless depression. On the bare ground, the further they went in, the greater the angle of inclination. In the middle, there was only flat land less than a hundred feet away.

It looks like a big football field.

"Here are your elders."

Gu Zheng looked around. Judging from the distance, the green pillar that appeared before was in this position, but under his careful exploration, he found nothing at all, so he asked a question.

"That's right, but the other party gave her a layer of seclusion, waiting for me to look for it."

The Seventh Elder explained, then closed his eyes, stretched out a finger, and pointed it in front of him, as if he was looking for something, and soon stopped still.

Gu Zheng waited quietly by the side, helping her protect the law by the way, while observing this space.

It seems that there is land here, but in fact it gives Gu Zheng a strange feeling. The land is not land, but makes him think it is land, and the space where the stele is located is too large, just like a miniature world.

After researching for a long time, he didn't get any useful information. For him, this place is too wonderful. Perhaps only they know why such a strange tomb is formed.

But at this time, the Seventh Elder, who was standing beside him, seemed to have discovered something, and began to point towards the air in a hurry.

Every time you click, a ripple rises in the air, and now only her hand shadow is left in the air, covering the air in front, just a few breaths, as those ripples continue to gather together, they continue to spread towards the surroundings , the front is gradually different.

First of all, a huge cyan pillar appeared from the middle, but it was far from as huge as it looked before, at least shrunk by at least 90%, leaving only a stone pillar that looked equally tall in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, many monsters that had been seen before also appeared in the open space, and they all looked at Gu Zheng with some anxiety, as if they could see the outside from the inside at the beginning, and waited until Gu Zheng's eyes fell on them On the body, the surroundings appeared faster, and these monsters flew up one after another, flying towards the sky.

Before they could fully show their faces, these monsters fled away one after another, disappearing directly in front of them.

And at this time, under the green pillar, a female elder who painted a soul was directly tied to it by thick black chains, her whole expression was extremely weak, her eyes were slightly lowered, and she seemed to be observing the surrounding situation .

Seeing this scene, the Seventh Elder moved faster, and soon everything in front of him was fully displayed, no longer slightly blurred like before, and completely revealed this hidden space.

"Fourteenth sister!"

The Seventh Elder exclaimed, rushed over there quickly, and hugged the Fourteenth Elder who was on the chain. Gu Zheng deliberately slowed down his pace to give him some time.

It wasn't until the Seventh Elder put the other party down, talked for a while, and pointed at himself, that he realized how interesting he was and walked up.

"Meet the Fourteenth Elder!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly at the Fourteenth Elder.

"I have roughly heard what Seventh Sister said, and thank you for your help." Although the time was short, she already knew Gu Zheng's identity and was not a member of her own clan, so she did not neglect.

"I don't know if you can act? Next, we have to speed up, or the other party doesn't know where to go." Gu Zheng said without much greetings.

"No problem. Although I am a little weak, I can help you from the sidelines. Maybe with your help, I can get rid of all these guys who sneaked in." The Fourteenth Elder also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"I'm so excited, I'm a bit forgetful. The other party will definitely be on guard, but this time, the other party will never return." The Seventh Elder also stood aside and said quickly.

"I'll open the passage and go directly to the place where Ninth Sister is being held, so as not to waste time on the way." Fourteenth Sister also said immediately.

This is also their advantage. They can directly and accurately locate the places where some steles are located, unlike the other party, who have to shuttle away one by one.

"Do you have any plans?" Gu Zheng didn't know what was going on here, seeing how confident the Seventh Elder was, he hurriedly asked.

"I have a magic weapon that can force the other party to be imprisoned. Although the duration is short, the defense is very strong. It is impossible for ordinary people to break through it outside. If you cooperate with you, the other party can only face a few of us alone." The Seventh Elder said directly.

This thing itself is tasteless, the duration is too short, and it is rarely used.

"That's very good. In this way, we can definitely defeat each of them." Gu Zheng said happily.

Although the strength of the black tower in my hand is strong, but I can only play like this, and I have more than enough energy to speed up.

"It's already done. If you get a monster in the air, maybe the opponent didn't pass through Ninth Sister." The Fourteenth Sister here also suddenly shouted.

At this time, in the middle of the green pillar, a cyan vortex had appeared, and the opponent could accurately determine it, but Gu Zheng thought it was normal. After all, this was the opponent's territory, and it was easy to do anything he wanted.

"Then hurry up and recover first. The other party definitely knows we're here, but they don't know where we came from. Pay more attention."

The Seventh Elder and the Fourteenth Elder swallowed a red crystal block and began to recover. The Fourteenth Elder, whose face was a little pale, also recovered quickly.

Gu Zheng was no exception, he directly swallowed a recovery elixir to replenish the consumed mana in his body.

After half a cup of tea, the Seventh Elder stood directly in the vortex, Gu Zheng and the Fourteenth Elder followed behind, and they were ready.

"Get ready! Go in!"

As the Seventh Elder jumped in, Gu Zheng and the Fourteenth Elder followed closely behind.

With the disappearance of the three, the vortex also shattered at the same time.

At the same time, in a space similar to this one, there is also a huge green pillar here, on which is also bound a painting soul clansman, but she is covered with seven-foot long nails, giving her nailed to it alive.

But even so, she didn't feel any pain, she was just restrained and sealed. Compared with the weakness of the Fourteenth Elder, she was very energetic.

She was the Ninth Elder who was arrested here not long ago, and she was shouting at the heavily guarded Xun Shen at this time.

"Where did you send her, and where do you dare to send her back, I tell you, your entire family will bear our anger, even if they are blessed, it is impossible to be forgiven, at all costs, let you exterminate the family, do you hear me?" !"

When a group of people passed by just now, she suddenly saw her junior Mengzhen, who was captured by the other party in a coma, and left right in front of her eyes, how could she not be angry.

But at this time, she has been sealed, and even used her power to maintain the operation of their passages and reduce their consumption. Naturally, there is no way to hinder them, and they can only play tricks, but no one cares about her.

If she is usually so crazy, the other party will inevitably come here to humiliate her, and even attack her. Although for her, the damage caused is minimal, but it is still annoying not to be able to resist.

But now, originally there were only two Xunshen who were usually guarding, but now there are six of them gathered, and one Xunshen whose strength has reached the peak of the human soul sits around the green pillar, waiting for the arrival of the other party.

In fact, after their companions died, they naturally knew about it. When they wanted to go to check, they found that the passage to the past had been closed. Obviously, things had changed.

But judging from the monsters fleeing over there, the other party and the person from the back of the painted soul clan, the male soul who has been looked down upon by all, and another elder wandering outside, unexpectedly beheaded their clansman so quickly. their expectations.

Only then did they all gather together nervously, so as not to be broken by each other.

You must know that except for a few of them, all of them are here, and they are already prepared. If the opponent is really invincible, they will give up sticking here and retreat to the last level, letting that person protect them.

Although the Ninth Elder didn't respond to the threat, in fact, he felt that it was impossible to not have some fear in his heart, but they had reached this point, and they couldn't allow them to retreat.

For their painting soul clan, their superiors will never let them leave. The other party has the breath of this world. Once they leave completely, it will cause a chain reaction, and all small worlds will be affected, even they will be affected. This is also true. Only the absolute top will know the news.

And the monster in the air is the patriarch of the Xunshen clan, and he also knows the inside story.

Therefore, I would rather be cautious and give up other occupied monuments, but also stick to this place. Rather than being broken one by one by the opponent, it is better to wait for the opponent to come here and fight to the death.

He didn't know that the opponent could take advantage of the home court and come here by force, and beat the three of them who were lingering outside, so he hesitated.

"Why is the other party reacting so quickly, unless he withdraws from the beginning, if he knew it earlier, he would not rest and just pass through."

In the distance, Gu Zheng and the three were hiding there. The Seventh Elder looked at the completely flawless defense here. Even in the distance, there were many monsters entrenched in the area. Although they could not stop their steps, they could reveal their whereabouts. , making it impossible for them to approach that side easily.

"You can't say that. If we don't take a break, we won't have better fighting power. It can only be said that the other party is too afraid of us." The Fourteenth Elder disagreed and said from the side.

"What should we do now? The opponent is too close, especially the guy in the middle, whose strength is even more frightening. I'm not sure that I can pull him in." Gu Zheng also said on the sidelines.

The Xunshen, whose figure is obviously a circle bigger than the one next to him, and even the wings on his body are golden, is obviously not a simple character.

"Hey, the patriarch on Xunshen's side, even if we fight together, we are not opponents of each other. If the second sister is here, it will be fine." The seventh elder also said with a depressed expression.

No matter what, they couldn't even get close to the opponent's current formation, let alone break them one by one.

"It's mainly the patriarch of the opponent. Otherwise, my magic weapon is enough for a short period of time, and the opponent will definitely not be able to break it in a short period of time, but I don't have the confidence to block the opponent." The seventh elder also shook his head and said regretfully.

"Then we can also wait here for the other party to separate. I'm afraid Mengzhen will be caught by the other party. Otherwise, I will lure the other party's patriarch away and give you a chance." The Fourteenth Elder thought for a while and said.


Gu Zheng and the Seventh Elder spoke at almost the same time, and they didn't agree with the other party's suicide-like temptation at all. The strength of both shots was too bad, especially since she hadn't recovered well, and even the other party didn't need to come out, just shoot a subordinate to solve it.

What's more, her exposure will make the other party alert.

"Then tell me what to do, I have no other way." The Fourteenth Elder also knew, and said helplessly upon seeing this.

Gu Zheng and the Seventh Elder looked at each other, because they had nothing to do, and the difference in strength made them have no other way.

"That big guy, leave it to me."

At this moment, a cold voice rose from behind them, which shocked Gu Zheng. Someone touched their backs, but before he could take other measures, an exclamation came from beside him.

"Second sister!"

On the contrary, the seventh elder's originally sad face suddenly burst into surprise, and then he turned his head and shouted.

Gu Zheng also turned his head and looked at the woman who saw the painted stele outside. It was the other party who reminded him and Mengzhen that there was something strange here, but at this moment they actually stood behind and looked at the Seventh Elder and the others with a smile.

"Second sister, why did you appear here? Could it be that the patriarch settled it?" The fourteenth elder said in surprise.

"No, I simply lured those into the place I had prepared long ago, which was enough to hold them back for a while. I also sensed your salvation, so I came here to help you, and I will continue to entangle with those guys when I go back, Meng Zhen That child must not be sent back by the other party." The second elder smiled.

"Of course, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't have ventured in." The Seventh Elder said resolutely from the side.

"You and the guy who came in with Mengzhen, I didn't expect you to come in here, but since you are Mengzhen's friend, then naturally it is our friend." The second elder did not speak to the seventh elder, but turned to look at Gu who was next to him. contended.

Feeling the gaze of the other party, Gu Zheng could see through his disguise with a random glance on his body, and even knew his identity.

However, the second elder stood in front of him, but he couldn't feel the existence of the other party at all, like a projection, subconsciously wanted to investigate carefully, but the vigilance in his heart made him stop the next move, as long as he dared to pursue On the other side, it seemed that a catastrophe was imminent.

"Meet the second elder."

In the end, Gu Zheng still greeted her loudly in a regular manner. He didn't know her at all, but the other party almost revealed his background. The gap between the two was too great.

The second elder just raised his eyebrows, glanced at Gu Zheng, and didn't say much.

"Second Elder, look at you, the other party can't stop us at all, so let's go directly." The Fourteenth Elder said eagerly from the side, not paying attention to these people in front of him at all.

"Don't be so impulsive, part of my strength is still there, so I don't want to come here to make trouble, but the patriarch of the other party will leave it to me. If it weren't for going this time, I don't want to alarm the other party, so this time, no matter what, I have to leave Here." The second elder didn't smile either, and began to look serious.

"Second Elder, so you can always come out." Seventh Elder shouted in surprise.

She had always thought that the second elder was also trapped inside, and she never thought that she would have the ability to leave here at any time, but this was in line with the second elder's strength.

"Of course, I just want to see what the other party's purpose is. On the other hand, it is also to protect the avatar of the patriarch. There is a big sister sitting outside, so no trouble will arise. I am very relieved." The second elder nodded, Then he said with some guilt.

"Over the years, I know that you, including them, have suffered a lot of grievances. I'm really sorry that I didn't save you."

"Second Sister is serious. For our family, this grievance is nothing. Even Ninth Sister and the others will not have any opinions. In fact, we had vague guesses before." The Fourteenth Elder said quickly.

Although the second elder hadn't come in when they came in and were arrested, with the second elder's cultivation, it was impossible for these survivors to stop the second elder, even if she was protecting the patriarch's avatar.

"No matter what, I will naturally remember the grievances you have suffered. I originally wanted to wait until the eldest sister came in, and then monitor the situation outside. No matter what it looks like now, I have to be fully prepared to leave. Miyagi, a comfortable place, will eventually It's not where we should be." The second elder said with some emotion.

"We have already made preparations, please let the second sister command." The Seventh Elder said loudly from the side.

"I've heard your previous plan. According to your plan, I will lure away the patriarch who killed the other party. After saving Jiumei, I will go directly to the source. It's time to settle accounts with that guy."

The second elder's eyes showed a cold light, he passed the crowd, looked at the distant bereaved family, Leng Sen said.

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