The ancient battle here is still approaching the other side, and there is still a considerable distance. The world of painted steles here is obviously several times larger than before, and even the elders next to them can vaguely feel a sense of power. resonance.

This place is just like what they said, it is their territory in itself, they all have great bonuses here, this is also part of the strength of the Second Elder to seal the other side, dare to come up.

And that big guy obviously knew what was going on inside, so he didn't have any fear at all. Originally, his strength was about the same as that of the Second Elder, but after one increase and one decrease, the Second Elder's cultivation still remained the same, and all he wanted was to hold on to it. Here, by sending Mengzhen back, his task will be completed.

Before they approached this side, black meteorites suddenly lit up in those huge eyes, and tens of thousands of black rays of light shot out towards them rapidly from inside.

Each one is about the size of a stone mill, and almost fills up all the space in front of him. This made Gu Zheng feel anxious, and began to calculate how to avoid it, but when he glanced to the side, he found that the Seventh Elder was not worried at all. , and did not move, as if not worried that these attacks would cause harm to them, and felt relieved.

They were not worried, they obviously believed in the Second Elder, the other party's purpose was to delay time, once they dodge, I am afraid that once they disperse, the Second Elder will be distracted, Gu Zheng also followed after seeing this, and continued to follow them closely .

The second elder didn't see any movement, a layer of silver light rose in front of them, covering them all in front and above.

Even if most of those black beams of light hit here, less than a tenth of them landed on top of their heads. Accompanied by the huge bombing sound, it seemed like the earth was shaking, but they were firmly resisted by the silver light. It didn't affect the inside at all, but took the opportunity to shorten the distance a lot, leaving a huge deep pothole behind them.

"Hey, Elder Hunlan, it's been a long time. I can't help it this time. I thought you were going to watch your sisters being arrested by me one by one." A somewhat rough voice suddenly rose in the air.

"Hmph, Chi Hong, do you think you can stop me? In the past, I just thought that the relationship between our two ethnic groups was good at the beginning. If you really wanted to settle accounts, you would have died a long time ago." The second elder's lips moved slightly, and his voice was also in the air Spread in all directions.

Obviously that crimson is the big eyeball, and the second elder's name is Hunlan.

"Haha, really? Then I'm really honored. I took the initiative to ask you to come here this time. I just want to see who is the best with you. It's just that I really didn't expect you to come here. Before you hid I, I have to come here this time, I'm too happy." The voice of the big eyeballs seemed very happy, and the tentacles were flying all over the sky, looking like they couldn't wait.

"Second Elder, it's really important to save the dream. As long as we force the opponent to get out of the way, we will close the passage first and settle accounts with him slowly." Although the Seventh Elder knew the Second Elder's character, he couldn't help but say at this time.

"I understand, I won't be impulsive, and Jiumei, don't be addicted when fighting with the opponent, everything is about rescue." The second elder stretched out his hand, then waved in front of him, and then said.

In front of them, the place covered by the red area, the place that was originally complete, with the second elder's wave, a gap big enough for them to enter appeared there, allowing them to rush in smoothly.

The inside is not as blood-red as imagined, and you can even see some blue light in the sky. Obviously, this red light wants to completely form a world of its own, but it can't resist the invasion of this world at all. I'm afraid it won't take long before it will automatically was dispersed.

Even if this is the case, it is enough to reduce the buff obtained by the second elder by one point. This is also the strategy of the big red eyes.

"Then you all have to act together. I feel that the channel has been activated. Maybe Mengzhen can be sent away at any time. If that's the case, it will be very troublesome." The second elder left a sentence, and then directly flashed himself s position.

However, the protection above their heads still exists, so there is no need to worry about Chi Hong having any unnecessary thoughts about them.

The small figure of the Second Elder, stepping on a silver picture scroll, has already rushed towards the scarlet, and it will take a little time for Gu Zheng and the others to continue to rush towards Mengzhen behind.


Explosions resounded above, and the huge aftermath caused the silver shields in front of them to flicker continuously, and the silver and red rays of light were extremely bright in the air.

Some of the attacks that hit them were also stopped by the second elder halfway, so that they didn't suffer too much danger at all, and they rushed out of the red area without any danger, which can be regarded as coming under the scarlet red.

The waving tentacles looked even more shocking at this time. I was really afraid that a few of them would fall down, but it made people feel a little nervous.

However, in order to block this passage, Chi Hong had to concentrate on fighting the second elder. Even if it was very easy to deal with them, he didn't have the energy to deal with them.

"Let's go, be careful!" As soon as the Ninth Elder got out of the danger behind, he couldn't wait to speak, jumped up directly, and prepared for the two to rush towards the distance, but still ordered Gu Zheng.

The Seventh Elder smiled apologetically at Gu Zheng, and followed closely behind, going up together.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also slowed down. After all, he has to admit that his strength is a bit weak. There are too many masters here, so he will stay behind and help them hold the line. If he has the opportunity to attack those two humans, it will be even more It's good.

The strength of the two opponents is similar to that of the two elders. If there is no accident, there should be no problem in rescuing Mengzhen.

At this time, Gu Zheng was already in the area of ​​the black zone. Compared with the outside, it was relatively quiet here. There was no blue light all over the sky, only endless black, and even the sound of the fight between the second elders was like Separated by a layer of water, some people can't hear it clearly, as if they are in two worlds, and there is a feeling of distortion.

At this moment, the Seventh Elder had already fought the two indifferent humans, and next to him was Meng Zhen, with a layer of black light shining on her body, protecting her inside, and her defense was obviously not weak.

Even if they are enemies, they don't want Mengzhen to suffer any harm at this time. If they die, they will lose too much if they don't bring them back.

The two sides have a tacit understanding. When fighting, they would rather lose a little chance than cause other harm to Mengzhen next to them. This made Gu Zheng feel relieved.

He didn't get close either, he just stayed at a relatively safe distance and watched the two sides fight.

The Seventh Elder's fighting method is relatively delicate, and the fighting rhythm is neither slow nor urgent. There is a feeling that he will not make a move until he finds the opponent's weakness, which makes the opponent dare not make other moves easily.

But the Ninth Elder is much more violent, open and close to fight directly around the opponent, his body is even more weird, as if he is not in this space, he can even pass through the opponent's attack, attack the opponent unexpectedly, and the person who fights with him is killed. The monsters in the air are powerful, as if they have no power of bad beasts.

But the two humans on the other side obviously knew how powerful they were, so they defended with all their strength from the beginning, and even if they had the opportunity, they didn't rush forward, and followed a hedgehog full of thorns, making it impossible for the elders to talk.

The opponent's strength is not weak, and they don't have much advantage. Even if they can finally defeat and kill the opponent, it will take a certain amount of time. At this time, what they lack most is time.

The second elder who was outside even sacrificed the scroll at this time, turning it into an equally huge scroll on top of his head, with countless blue lights shining from the sky above, and slowly pressing down.

The surrounding red area has long since disappeared, and Crimson also put her tentacles on top of her head one after another, and there is a red beam of several tens of feet in the middle of her eyes to slow down the falling of the scroll.

There were also some black beams of light that kept blasting towards the elder in the distance, but they couldn't touch the other's body at all.

It seems that the second elder directly launched a powerful attack, but the red one couldn't move in order to protect the back, so he could only resist.

However, it seems that he wants to put the opponent into the picture scroll, so why does that speed seem to be slower.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to help the Ninth Elder, but he had no chance to use the black tower at all. Even if he went to sneak attack, the opponent was still observing him. Even if he joined the battle, he couldn't quickly help the opponent establish an advantage.

As for this, he was a little worried. Even if he took out the black tower, he was not sure that it would affect their level. It seemed that it was only natural that he blamed physics in the air before.

Just when he was about to try and help the Second Elder, whether he could suppress the other party first, after all, only by controlling the channel first, could he ensure that Mengzhen would not be teleported away, the whole black channel suddenly shook, and a touch could The white light I saw actually rose inside and began to spread towards this side.

"Haha, you came too late, this time you can't stop me no matter what, just like last time, if you force yourself, you will also fail." Chi Hong suddenly sneered.

The second elder just glanced at him indifferently. Although his face was calm, the anger in his heart had been successfully ignited. The last failure was her biggest failure and a scar she would never forget. The person who caused all this , is the guy in front of him.

The strength in the hand is even more intense, no matter what the other party is, you must hold the other party so that the other party cannot have other thoughts.

After some probing just now, she already knew that it was impossible for her at this stage to defeat the opponent, so she directly threw out the big move so that the opponent could not be distracted and hinder that side.

"The other party starts the teleportation, grab Mengzhen, the farther away from here the better."

The change in the black passage made everyone here slow down their movements. The Ninth Elder took the opportunity to slip from the side, and actually got into Mengzhen's protection, pushed his hands on Mengzhen's waist, and pushed towards Gu Zheng with all his strength. Come here, and at the same time shouted loudly, asking Gu Zheng to pay attention to this side.

At the same time as the passage rises, there is also a white light on Mengzhen's body, echoing the inside, it can be seen that the position has been locked, once it is swept by the white light, it will definitely be pulled in.

The opponent didn't expect that the Ninth Elder would still have this trick, and even the defense they specially set up could break through. They didn't take any action for a while, and when they reacted, Meng Zhen's figure had been pushed away from there, and the Ninth Elder had already blocked the opponent again , forcing him to be unable to catch up in time.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand quickly to control Mengying's body and continue to push it outside. With that layer of protection outside, he couldn't directly touch Mengzhen's body, so he could only rely on mana to drag him along.

It's just that the white light on the other party also has a gravitational force, like magnets attracting each other, trying to get closer to the white light behind, and even swaying to get rid of Gu Zheng's control, so powerful that Gu Zheng had to increase his energy, Prevent the opponent from slipping away.

When Mengzhen was retreated, the human beings over there stopped defending and began to attack the elders desperately, trying to go around and regain control of Mengzhen. The seal was placed by them, and they can pull it back as long as they get close to a certain range.

Now that the teleportation has started, how could it be possible for the key person who is about to succeed to escape.

The two elders naturally knew this, and they cheered up to face the opponent's crazy counterattack. No matter how crazy the opponent attacked, neither of them turned back an inch. Attack without defense.


Just when Gu Zheng pushed Meng Zhen to leave, and was about to leave this black area, a figure appeared from the side, and instantly appeared sideways to Gu Zheng, and patted him directly on the shoulder.

The moment the opponent appeared, a sense of danger emerged from the bottom of his heart, and the whole person retreated in the opposite direction without thinking, barely avoiding the opponent's attack this time.

And the figure that came out did not go after Gu Zheng, but turned around and came directly to Mengzhen's side, a cloud of black mist emerged from the palm of his hand, bound Mengzhen's outside, and was about to take the other party back and circle around Over the elders, rush into the space, and send Mengzhen away.

The person who appeared suddenly was the patriarch of the patriarch who was repulsed by the second elder before, but his body was very miserable at this time, his weapon was gone, and one arm was broken, and black smoke was constantly rising from his whole body, and his breath was incomparable decline.

The emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and the opponent is so miserable at the moment, it is not because Gu Zheng can resist the opponent's attack.

However, he did not give up. When he saw that the other party was not chasing him, he understood the other party's meaning. He continued to counterattack. When the other party was just entangled with Meng Zhen, he appeared next to the other party, and the weapon in his hand directly stabbed him. go up.

But the Patriarch of the Patrolling God didn't pay attention to Gu Zheng at all, and ignored the opponent's attack, and didn't even want to pay attention to the opponent. A dense black shield rose from the attack line, which looked like dense fish scales stitched together.

He was confident that he could block it. Da Luo's initial attack couldn't pierce the defense formed by the scales on his body at all.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng was even more delighted. He had to save some strength to avoid the opponent's attack. After sensing the opponent's disdain, a golden glow lit up the entire long sword, and then a bang pierced through the shield directly. Among the torn debris, Jin Guang directly pierced into the opponent's waist without any hindrance.


A painful cry came from the patriarch of the patrolling gods. The power contained in the Yunhuang sword made him feel great pain. Subconsciously, he slapped it with a slap, but he slapped it again.

When Gu Zheng was about to hurt the opponent, he let go of his weapon and quickly retreated to the side. When the opponent's attack fell, he had already left his position.

However, from the opponent's actions, Gu Zheng has already noticed that the opponent's injuries are absolutely serious, and his strength is not even one, and even his body's reaction speed has dropped to an extremely weak state.

So at the moment the opponent swiped the air, Gu Zheng rushed forward again, and while the opponent felt that he could not react, he directly grabbed his weapon and pulled it hard.

A stream of brown and black blood spurted out, leaving an astonishing gash in the opponent's waist, making the opponent's injury more serious.

After doing all this, Gu Zheng didn't take the opportunity to step forward, but stared at the other side. One time is enough for this kind of thing, and I'm afraid it's really courting death if he goes again.

At this time, the two elders also put down their opponents and rushed towards this side. They were bound to stop the patriarch of the patriarch. They followed the two humans, and they would not let the other party destroy the plan here.

As for the white light, it has already crossed more than half of the distance, and it will soon spread here. Judging from the opponent's appearance, it is obvious that it will not stop until it sweeps through the entire black passage.

And they were still at the edge of the passage, although Gu Zheng had inflicted another wound on the opponent, but Mengzhen was still in the hands of the opponent.

The patriarch of the Patrolling God just glanced at Gu Zheng, and then, regardless of his own injuries, he pushed Meng Zhen and rushed towards the other side, dodging the pincer attack of the two elders. Take a breath, and when the white light sweeps across, his task will be completely completed.

Originally, he didn't want to come out, he just wanted to stay quietly, waiting for Lord Scarlet to take them out of here together.

When Gu Zheng and the others came here, he also came here. At that time, the eyes of the second elders and the others were attracted by Chi Hong, and with Chi Hong's help, Gu Zheng and the others did not realize that he was following them, and kept going. Lurk down.

But seeing that Gu Zheng is about to transfer Mengzhen away, he can't do it if he doesn't come out. He has successfully grasped Mengzhen again, but now his situation is even worse, and he can't even besieged by the other two elders. It must be able to hold on, so I can only avoid it first.

Seeing the white light chasing after him, Gu Zheng no longer hesitated, threw out the black tower, and quickly chased after him.

"Magic Tower!"

As soon as the Black Tower appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. When everyone saw the Black Tower, the name popped up in their hearts. The fear in my heart.

"It's this time!"

The Second Elder in the distance, the moment she saw Chi Hong also cloned herself, she immediately left her position, and when she reappeared, she was already not far from the Patriarch of the Patrolling God. Take it down.

"Don't think about it!"

The patriarch of the Patrolling God shouted loudly, and with all his strength, he stretched out Mengzhen to the side and threw him out, while he turned around to block the second elder.

"It's a dream!"

Gu Zheng's gaze moved with Meng Zhen's figure, but he saw that the other party was swept by the white light and disappeared again. After the white light completed the task, he also hurriedly returned to the original route and disappeared in front of everyone.

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