"You are waiting for me here, as long as you don't leave here, you can do anything."

Outside a three-storey house, the nineteenth elder left a cold word, and left here, walking towards the Wandering Soul Clan, taking no one with him, leaving seven people standing here.

At this time they are standing here, the location is relatively remote, they are already leaning on the outer side, and there are several similar buildings around them, all of which are the residences of the other three major races, and the one in front of them is their painting soul clan. house.

The house is not bad, but except for a few more luxurious rooms, the rest are simple and empty beds, and there are no superfluous things. will be inhabited.

Therefore, apart from being clean, there is not even a serving person inside, and it is deserted.

"I have to wait for the elder inside, you can do whatever you want, I'll go in." The male painting soul said something to the back, and then walked in directly.

"Zhimei, you seem to have come here with other elders last time, what's so interesting here."

With only six of them left, the female mirror demon in front asked excitedly to her companion.

"Of course there is, but it's rare. I was also lucky to follow another elder and come here to buy something, but this time is enough for us to take a look."

Of course, Zhimei's female mirror demon knew what her companion meant, so she greeted directly, and the four of them didn't go into the room, but turned their heads and left as they said with a smile on their faces outside. In a blink of an eye, only Gu Zheng and the male mirror demon were left Ink fountain.

"What are you going to do next? Go in or go out with me to have a look. I'm just out for the first time, and I don't want to stay in the house all the time. How about you go out with me, they don't want to take us with you." Mo Dou When those female mirror monsters disappeared, she opened her mouth and said to Gu Zheng, her tone was also a little excited.

It’s okay to say that the female mirror demon can go out with the elders from time to time. No matter what they do, most of them are followed by the female mirror demon. They rarely go out with the male mirror demon. Only this time they will bring two To maintain order, Mo Dou came out for the first time, and everything felt novel along the way.

And in Miyagi, there are many companions who have been bored inside and never come out.

"All right."

Gu Zheng wanted to reject the other party and stay in the house with peace of mind, but seeing the impatient look in the other party's eyes, he nodded in a strange way, and it doesn't hurt to take a look here.

This place is a little different from the other three clans, because the wandering souls belong to the middle position, and the ghost souls from outside usually pass through here when they want to enter Miyagi, and this is also the center of some things.

For example, the convoys that passed by here in the past could only go to this place, and they would pass through here for secondary classification. Some things that were not handed over to Miyagi were left behind. There is also a hidden Horcrux manufacturing center, which can be said to supply most of the monsters. soul.

Although other soul clans can also make them, their power and strength are obviously far behind when compared with those here, so many people come here to customize and buy some Horcruxes. Of course, all of these are not free.

Those soul clans used to go out to wander around. What kind of bandits and newcomers here, of course, they will not show mercy when they meet. They have accumulated a lot of good things in their hands. Some ghost souls endured the decline in strength and are still wandering Outside, at least Gu Zheng knows that there are many demon souls on the side of the Soul Alliance, and it is good to get monsters in the air.

In addition, Miyagi was closed for no reason, and many people were stranded here, which brought a little excitement to the place.

After all, this is the only exchange area for demon souls, and the transactions are still carried out by barter, from the places in one's own clan, down to some miscellaneous things, as long as they are eye-catching, anything is possible, even oneself can exchange , such as making your entourage look more face-saving.

After Gu Zheng and Mo Dou went out, they immediately walked towards the area drawn over there. Looking at the relatively lively scene around them, Mo Dou was a monster in the air, and he stopped and stopped along the way, very slowly.

Gu Zheng didn't have that much interest, it wasn't as lively as a small town, and the things they regarded as treasures were worthless to him, and of course they weren't without good things.

Some pills that have lost their aura from the outside world, damaged or dimmed magic weapons, and some of them are of good quality, but it is a pity that they are the most low-end things here, and they are also the least valuable things.

And those high-quality Horcruxes, and some soul stones that only they can use.

That's right, if their demon souls want to practice and improve, they also need to consume these things to speed up their cultivation. They are not puppets, so they naturally have their own pursuits, but here, there are not so many pursuits.

Or the only pursuit is to be selected by Wen Tian and enter another world to fight.

In fact, this makes Gu Zheng a little puzzled. Although the other party seems to be a new race, each has a different idea, but there are various restrictions, as if someone put layer after layer of shackles on them , to limit them.

It's like an invisible hand controlling everything.

"Look, they're over there."

In the midst of bored thinking, Gu Zheng heard Mo Dou shouting to him, followed his gaze, and found that the four female mirror demons were over there with something in their hands, and they were leaving towards the outside.

Gu Zheng knew that it was Mo Dou who was a little envious. He didn't have anything of value on him, not even a usable Horcrux, let alone other things, and there were obviously a lot of good things that could be exchanged. No one has an empty hand.

Gu Zheng was about to comfort the other party, when suddenly a familiar figure appeared in his eyes, and the next moment the other party disappeared along the corner.

"Don't think about it. The status of the other party is not comparable to ours. Now I just want to leave here. Although I have my own fantasy to pass the time, it is still too fake."

Here, Mo Dou finished complaining, so he didn't say anything more. He was just envious of the other party, and he didn't have any other superfluous thoughts in his heart. After all, strength is the most important thing. If they are also strong, they can also crush each other. Those demon souls outside , Most of them are strong men and weak women.

But seeing Gu Zheng staring over there with some straight eyes and a strange look on his face, he thought the other party had something to say, so he quickly persuaded him.

You must know that some people have made mistakes in the eyes before, and they were directly obliterated in this world. Don't look at them as if they are precious and unique, but if Huahun thinks about you, life and death are not in your hands, so this is the same The guy who was new and lucky to join here said that he was afraid that the other party would do something that he shouldn't do.

Even if it wasn't that serious, there were other punishments waiting for him.

"I understand, do you know where it is over there?" Gu Zheng turned his head, understood the other party's worries, smiled and pointed over there.

Here you can see that many people seem to be walking towards that side, and there are also many people coming out from that side. It can be seen that that is not an ordinary place to sell things. In fact, Gu Zheng was wrong.

"That side is the same as this side, except that the things over there are more precious and high-end. There is also a small training ground over there, and some members of the Wandering Soul tribe are training briefly there." Mo Dou thought for a while, and then Said.

After all, in this place, apart from this small area, there seems to be only one mountain range that can be seen. It is also a training ground for Piaohun, but the training here is completely different.

"Then let's go and have a look." Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows and immediately suggested.

"Otherwise you go first, I'll take a look here." Mo Dou saw that there were many things around him, and decided that he couldn't make it through. He had to look through the past bit by bit according to the plan. Only in this way can there be no omissions, and he will come out next time When, don't know when.

"That's fine. If I go to other places, I won't tell you. I'll gather at my residence. I'll keep this for you. If you want to buy something, you can buy it." Gu Zheng nodded readily, and then took out a handful of good souls. Shi, stuffed it directly into the opponent's hand, and then left.

Mo Dou looked at the things in his hands, subconsciously sank into his palms and hid them. Looking at Li Guzheng's back, he blinked, a little strange, how could these things be in the other party's hands? Although they are not very precious, they shouldn't be. It is a newborn companion, so I feel that the other party is becoming more and more mysterious.

But he didn't want to know. Looking at the things he had put away, he walked towards the side happily in his heart. It seemed that he might have gained something.

This side of Gu Zheng has already turned the corner, and at first glance, it is obviously much higher grade than this side, and there are faint shouts from a distance in the air.

The people who originally set up a stone or wooden board on the street to set up a stall also entered the houses prepared by the side of the road. The street was much tidier, and there was a hint of town in it.

Of course, Gu Zheng glanced over, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. He didn't see the person he wanted to see, but the four mirror monsters saw it at a glance. No one could ignore that shiny body, and there were many people around him. They were all talking, and the topic of course was them.

After all, it is very difficult to see outside whether it is with the painting soul clan or the mirror demon clan.

Gu Zheng was here just now and saw Ma Nan with his own eyes. He was absolutely right, and the other party hadn't seen him yet, so he was curious as to what the other party was doing here.

Along the route next to it, he moved forward little by little, and at the same time looked to both sides calmly, trying to find the figure of the other party.

It's just that the houses on both sides are not only displaying some things outside, but you can also see a room behind them. Obviously, if there is a valuable transaction, it will definitely be discussed behind.

Those things that were obviously higher than one level did not attract Gu Zheng's attention. While walking and observing, a voice of reprimand soon came from his ear.

"Tell you again, you must be steady, steady, even when the opponent has a flaw, you must think of the opponent's retreat route."

It was only then that he realized that he had walked half of the area without knowing it, and there was obviously a group of people piled up there in front of him, talking a little bit to the inside, and the room in front of him, which was originally built on purpose, has now become like a fence The black stone pillars are surrounded by strands of almost transparent black air, separating the inside.

Gu Zheng walked over curiously, only to find that this is the training ground that Mo Doukou said, a place that occupies a very large area, and it is the place where Piaohun trains his fighters.

This place is where they deliberately let others see, so that the fighters in their clan can get better training, and on the other hand, they can show their strength.

At this moment in the training ground, an erratic instructor was lecturing loudly, ignoring the outside world, saving face for the poor junior, who stood there bitterly, nodding his head constantly.

This Wandering Soul Clan, who had dealt with Gu Zheng before, was relatively petite, and surrounded by two meteor-like light spots around him.

That is their natural weapon, they can only transform into bows and daggers, and they are especially good at long-range attacks.

At this time, the instructor had already walked aside, asking the junior to try again.

The younger generation of Piaohun floated up, quickly came to the air, once again made the posture of drawing the bow and arrow in his hands, and the two light spots around him quickly gathered at both ends, and bright silk threads quickly spread out from above, almost in the air. The illusion was completed in a blink of an eye, and it happened to be caught by the palm of the other party's empty hand.

At this moment, the instructor next to him randomly threw a black gadget, which looked like a black stone, at most the size of a baby's clenched fist, but the speed was extremely fast, and it was drawn into a black light in the air, constantly switching direction.

From left to right, moving up and down, and occasionally drawing a sharp arc, sitting and getting rid of movement.

"You only have three breaths." The instructor next to him said immediately.

The back of the eyes that were originally closed, suddenly opened the eyes, and the originally black pupils in the eyes seemed to become a black vortex, spinning continuously, catching the black stone outside that was obviously much faster.

The time of three breaths passed in a blink of an eye, and when the last time was about to pass, the junior of the wandering soul finally let go of his hand, and a black trace instantly shot out from the bow and arrow, and quickly chased after the black stone.

The strength of this Piaohun is only at the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and the cultivation base of almost everyone outside him is far superior to him, including Gu Zheng, who can clearly see the black light evolving rapidly in the air. Very ordinary black arrows appear in the air.

It's just that on top of the pointed head, it's not an ordinary pointed head, but densely packed with hair-like needle points, closely chasing behind the black stone, no matter what changes the opponent makes, he can't get rid of the pursuit behind him.

Piaohun, who made this attack, looked at his own attack nervously, wondering if he could accomplish the goal this time.

Just when the black arrow was about to catch up with the black stone, the black stone trembled suddenly, and the next moment, it smashed into a ripple and disappeared into the air. No one knew where it went.

This made many people feel that the other party had failed again this time, and they felt a little regretful.

However, Gu Zheng didn't think so. He could see from here that the wandering soul suddenly smiled confidently at this moment, with a feeling of winning. It seemed that this change in Heishi was within his expectation. He continued to look down go.

At the same time that the opponent disappeared, the hair-like pointed head also sprayed out black lines smaller than hair, quickly penetrated into the undissipated ripples, and then a black hole was forcibly opened by the opponent, enough to make people Black Arrow drilled in.

There was a soft "pop".

In front of the instructor, a black arrow had pierced through the black stone and fell from mid-air, but the back of the arrow shaft disappeared, leaving only less than a third of the arrow god with a pointed tip.

Even so, it can be seen that this wandering soul has accomplished his task excellently.

"Okay, it seems that you have grasped the essentials. Let's go back and have a rest, and I will explain it to you in detail." The instructor also smiled at the side, his eyes full of appreciation.

And many people who gave up outside, at this time, inquired about what happened in the end.

Seeing that the crowd also showed signs of dispersing, Gu Zheng also raised his footsteps and continued to walk forward, listening to the surrounding discussions while continuing to search for Ma Nan.

He wanted to find the other party, of course he wanted to continue to accomplish his goal, but he did not forget that the other party's actions at that time, when he wanted to find him later, it was just that he had disappeared without a trace.

Isn't this the place of demon spirits? How did the other party get here?

"Why are you here alone? Where's Mo Dou?" Suddenly, a person rushed over and stopped Gu Zheng directly.

"Mo Dou has something to do over there, I'll come here to see for myself." Gu Zheng looked at his companion in front of him and replied.

The person who stopped her in front of her was a female mirror demon named Zhimei, while the other three companions looked at Gu Zheng curiously, as if she didn't understand why she wanted to stop him.

"You're also here to see the statue of the floating soul, right? You happened to come with us. I'll see if I can keep my own calligraphy this time. I didn't come at the right time last time." Zhimei didn't seem to care Gu Zheng's opinion, after saying a few words, he turned to his companion.

"Just let him hold that thing, and tell me why you bought this thing."

The others instantly understood what she meant, and the companion Zhimei was talking to even grabbed the things from the ground and handed them directly to Gu Zheng.


At least the tone of the speech was still very polite, Gu Zheng smiled bitterly in his heart, then stretched out his hands to take it, and then watched the four of them cheerfully leading the way, seeing that Gu Zheng was still in place, Zhimei waved at Gu Zheng.

"Follow me quickly, don't get lost, it's something that Zhiyuan paid a lot of money for, so be careful."

Gu Zheng could only hug this somewhat huge thing with both hands, and follow behind the opponent. He was regarded as a means of transportation by the opponent, but he decided to endure it. After all, with his current status, he must follow the opponent in this place.

Although everyone didn't say anything about the tail behind them, they all knew that someone had been following them, but no one knew where it was hidden, so it was better not to expose it.

Gu Zheng held a large vase in his arms, and some ordinary rare and exotic animals were printed on it, so lifelike, as if they could pop out of it at any time. He was sure that this thing was an ordinary vase, and there was nothing special about it. , I don't know why the other party has to spend a lot of money to buy this.

Carrying this heavy thing, they followed the four of them all the way to the edge of the mountain range. There were also many people gathered here, pointing their heads up, as if they were talking about something.

When Gu Zheng came here, he glanced upward inadvertently, and immediately stopped on the spot, and his face, which was originally indifferent, became strange in the air.

He saw Ma Nan on the top, and the other party was led by a demon spirit into a cave above the mountain range.

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