Pan Xuan inspected the surrounding area. There were dozens of large pits in total. He almost dug around the area, and found several branches of the dark river on the west side.

Because the selected area was scattered, she didn't know if she could find all of them. She could only let the clansman whose hearing was different from ordinary people to distinguish. Finally, it was confirmed that only the west side had the branch of the dark river, and there were no other places.

After letting other people bury it, the potholes where the dark river was found were left, and continued to expand along the surrounding area, and soon became one piece, almost completing a lake below.

"You guys have been watching here, and if there is anything abnormal, report to this side immediately."

Pan Xuan looked at her actions with satisfaction, as long as the other party dared to show her head, she would immediately give him a good look, so that she wouldn't have to worry about playing tricks behind her back.

The only regret is that they can't sneak in at all, otherwise it would be safer.

After doing all of this, Pan Xuan went back to check on her progress.

The elders are still in charge of the rune inscriptions in their own area. Some clansmen keep bringing materials and carefully polishing them into specific positions. Everything is in order. Even the laziest Mr. Feng is concentrating on doing his own thing, let her It's really not easy to sigh, so I look at other things with more peace of mind.

Pan Xuan, who quickly finished shopping around, came back here to her temporary resting place. Next to her residence was Mrs. Xue's residence. Because of the things going on there, she came here to prevent Mrs. Xue from having any accidents. Waiting for the final result.

"Your kid has grown up a bit, and he seems to be developing faster than ordinary kids." Coming to Madam Xue's place, Pan Xuan said, looking at the kid in her arms.

"Yes, but I'm worried about what he will do in the future. I don't care where I go, but he." Madam Xue said with a worried face.

"Your child is indeed a bit strange, but I didn't feel the aura of the black prison from him, but he didn't have the aura of the underworld either. Let me put it bluntly, he looks like a kind of person in the prehistoric world." Pan Xuan also thought about it before. But at that time, she didn't know that even the environment here would be changed.

"Like what?" Mrs. Xue asked.

Her current essence is still a person from the underworld, and she has also been baptized to know everything about herself, but the only thing she still can't let go of is her child.

"How to put it, like some kind of ghost cultivator, I have seen one before, who used the remnant soul to train a powerful ghost. In theory, it is also a special kind of creature, but the body is more dark." Pan Xuan thought Said for a while.

"No matter what it is, he is my child." Madam Xue heard Pan Xuan say this, hugged him tightly and said.

"Don't worry, when he grows up, he will be trained by us. No one dares to bully him. We will be his backing." Pan Xuan said comfortingly.

Mrs. Xue nodded gratefully. At this time, she was worthless, and she was very satisfied to get Pan Xuan's promise again.

Pan Xuan has nothing else to do, just chatting with Mrs. Xue here, so that the other party will not worry too much, and will not make treachery.

"Miss Pan Xuan, something happened in Soul River outside."

Just as Pan Xuan and Mrs. Xue were chatting enthusiastically, a voice suddenly came from outside.

"Excuse me, I'm leaving first."

Pan Xuan said apologetically, and left Mrs. Xue's place directly. When she saw a clansman she had arranged there, she immediately asked, "What's going on, tell me in detail."

Pan Xuan kept walking towards the outside, followed by the clansman.

"For most of the day, we followed the young lady's instructions and stayed close. There was no movement below, but just now, as the water below boiled, a puff of black smoke came out from below, and the black smoke ignored the above. The prohibition is floating towards us."

"Is that black mist harmful?" Pan Xuan frowned and asked.

"No, we all inhaled a little bit boldly, there was a strong nauseating breath, but there was nothing abnormal in the body." The clansman said.

"That's really strange, is this Hunhe's own reaction?"

Pan Xuan didn't quite understand either, but besides the water monster and Wen Tianhou, the others probably didn't understand the Soul River, and strange things happened, which seemed to be explainable.

Pan Xuan, who came here in a hurry, saw that several defenses had been raised next to her, and puffs of black air were constantly emerging from the Soul River, and dispersed towards the surroundings. But what puzzled her was that these black air It seems to be drifting towards them consciously.

After flying for a certain distance, the black air was no longer visible, as if it had dissipated in the air.

Pan Xuan also beckoned to condense a cloud of black mist, but upon closer inspection, it looked like ordinary black mist, but the smell was a bit unpleasant.

"You can seal it again with soil." Pan Xuan said to them, not interested in eating the black air.

After half a day's work, the lake in front of him was sealed again, leaving only the mouth of the well to observe the situation below.

Judging from the scale of the wellhead, the black gas is still at the same speed as it was at the beginning, and it is even slowly weakening. There is no black gas on other grounds. It seems that such a reaction will only occur when it comes into contact with the ground.

"You continue to monitor here, and if there is any movement, please take care of yourself, and remember to send someone to notify me."

After studying for a long time, she didn't gain anything, so she finally ordered.

She didn't bury the last gap, she needed to keep monitoring the bottom.

In addition to the necessary patrols, Pan Xuan will come every day, and even pull the elders, Mr. Feng, and Mrs. Xue to check it out. The result is the same as hers. Nothing can be seen at all, just like the soul river itself. same reaction.

But even so, Pan Xuan felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't know how to do it. After all, she had tried many methods, but she couldn't stop the other party from emitting, unless the opening was covered, but she was worried that the water demon would make trouble through it. , weigh it, let's do it for now. is the way to do it

Except for this small episode, the baptism of the Soul Alliance is still going on. Except for some members of the Soul Alliance who escaped and disappeared, everyone else is here, and some people are even sent to help the Shura clan and speed up their speed.

They also realized that only people from the Shura clan could have a chance to defeat Wen Tianhou when they came here.

Without this layer of obsession, you can reincarnate smoothly after you go back.

For them, being able to reincarnate has become the biggest obsession in their hearts since the emergence of the six realms of reincarnation.

Everything above is normal. In the soul river below, two water demon elders have been quietly lurking not far away. There is a tributary in front of them, which can come down to the Shura clan. As long as they come down, they can There are ways to destroy the other party, but unfortunately the other party's vigilance is too strong.

Just because he accidentally made a movement on the road, he reacted so quickly, and even blocked the only tributary to that side, with people watching all day long.

Even if their cultivation base is higher, the tributary in front of them is very narrow, barely allowing one person to pass, and it can be seen clearly from above.

"The other party is really going to block this place. Fortunately, the king of heaven gave us that, otherwise we would have returned without success." Said the elder of the Shui clan who looked older on the left.

"Well, judging by the other party's appearance, we have no chance. The position chosen by the other party is really good. It's a pity, by the way, how many days will it take to fully take effect." Another elder asked.

"It will take at least fifteen days for the incubation time. At that time, the effect will start to appear one after another. It is related to the amount inhaled by the other party. It will be too late when the other party notices it. There is no way to get rid of it, and the effect will last at least one month. "

"That is to say, within a month, the other party will be completely paralyzed. The Shura family is only mediocre. I will go back and report first. You continue to monitor here. Remember to report any emergencies."

Speaking of which, the elder left the older elder behind and headed back.

The information here must be notified to the king in time, and there is no delay.

Time passed quickly, and while Shura and Soul League were hurrying up and busy, Wen Tianhou's side did not stop, and even moved faster.

Under the interference, all the demon souls have brainlessly pledged allegiance to Wen Tianhou, no matter whether it is the four clans or other small races, without exception, even if Wen Tianhou tells us to die now, they go up to the patriarch and down to the only one. The clansmen who were born soon will execute it without hesitation.

Now, among the demon souls, they have been separated. Nearly half of the demon souls have been regrouped by Candle Soul to form a larger team. The other half are not strong enough to be left here. They are waiting for the warm weather before they set off. At that time, it will also move towards the place where it left here.

Regardless of whether Wen Tianhou's side won or not, they were all sent away, and naturally there were people from the Soul Race to receive them.

As for the Huahun family, they were still locked inside, and had no chance to find out what was going on outside, and kept thinking about how to escape from here.

At this time, in a room, Zhuhun was making the final summary towards Wen Tianhou.

".Now everything is ready and ready to go at any time."

"Yes, this time you are still the coach, commanding the team." Wen Tianhou said casually.

"Thank you Heavenly King for your trust. I will repay you with death and live up to the grace of Heavenly King. But this time there are so many people, I am afraid that I will be involved and I will not be able to pass on the order in time. I hope Heavenly King will give me two helpers." Candle Hun immediately bent down to show his loyalty, and then made another suggestion.

"What I'm thinking is that since Miyagi doesn't need to monitor the Huahun family, then Lord Cheng and Lord Jin can also withdraw. The talents of the two adults are no longer inferior to mine. I also ask the king of heaven to let the other party help me and share it. In this way Only then can we serve the Heavenly King better." Candle Soul said immediately.

After Candle Soul's words fell, the Chengzi and Jin Yu next to him raised their brows happily, because just like what Candle Soul said, they seem to have nothing to do at the moment, and they have long been envious of the team in Candle Soul's hands. But he must win, but no one dared to speak up without the words of the king of heaven.

"You are right, you two should go over and help, but don't forget to check Miyagi's affairs." Tian Wang nodded, thought for a while before agreeing.

"Thank you Heavenly King!"

Candle Soul immediately said gratefully, and the two people next to him were also excited at a glance, and finally had something to do.

"Heavenly King, someone from the Water Demon has information to report." At this moment, a subordinate from outside hurried over to report.

"Come in, let's see what good news the Water Demon Clan has." Wen Tianhou waved his hand.

Soon, the Elder Water Demon, who had retreated from the front, walked in and knelt down on half of one leg.

"I have seen the king of heaven!"

"Get up and talk about it. It seems that everything is not going well." Wen Tianhou looked at the other party's face and said.

"Also please forgive me, the king of heaven. We failed to destroy the opponent's progress. The opponent already had the best defense before we arrived."

Although Wen Tianhou's voice was the same as usual, the head of the water clan was still taken aback, and his face immediately became tense, and he defended himself.

"Don't be nervous. If you easily destroy each other, I really doubt it. It's normal to have no other way. Is there any accident in the second way." Wen Tianhou said in a harmonious voice.

Wanting to destroy the opponent was just a test at the beginning, and it doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. Anyway, there is no hope for it, and all the opponents are on the second one.

"The second method has successfully sneaked into the opponent's area, and the opponent has no way to stop it. It will take effect in about a month." The water demon said quickly, and this is also the main reason for his coming.

"Very well, deal with him in the same way as others, you tell your patriarchs to lead your team to go first and prepare for the battle." Wen Tianhou stood up and said with some joy.


The elder of the Shui tribe retreated immediately.

"Heavenly King, what kind of spell are you casting? It will take a month. If I am not mistaken, the time spent by our army is about the same as here." Candle Soul is very sensitive to time, and immediately pretended to be suspicious. .

Seeing Tianwang's happy look, Candle Soul here naturally knew the itch in Tianwang's heart, and asked immediately.

"The last time the other party used tricks to lower our strength, which caused us to be defeated and suffered heavy losses. This time, I used the same method to deal with the other party. In a month, when the attack occurred, the strength of the Asura clan also decreased. At least three layers down, it won't be so daunting." Tian Wang sneered.

"It's really great. While taking revenge on the other party, let us reduce our losses in the subsequent battles. If we don't drive out all the other parties, I will be sorry for the good intentions of the King of Heaven." Jin Yu's eyeballs moved, and he immediately flattered him with wit.

"What about those soul alliances? The other party will definitely be together. Although their strength is not as good as before, they are still quite annoying." Chengzi didn't quite understand the meaning of it, but he still raised his own doubts.

"You don't have to worry about this. With the establishment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the evacuation of Gufeng some time ago, the Soul Alliance is no longer a problem. Even if we all join the other party, are we still afraid of the other party?" Wen Tianhou said confidently, he can still see Some general trends, especially related to the black prison.

"Of course not. We have a total of more than 50,000 demon souls. Even if the lonely peak doesn't run away, it will directly drown the opponent." Zhu Hun said loudly beside him.

"So, you should prepare now, and I will take you to set off in three days." Wen Tianhou ordered directly.

Seeing the three of Zhuhun nodding and retreating immediately, Wen Tianhou turned his head and said to Xiaoying who was acting as a humanoid statue next to him.

"Wait a minute, you are going to strengthen the seal of the painting soul clan to ensure that the other party cannot come out."

"Yes, master!"

Xiaoying said dully, and her figure disappeared into the room.

"Thank you Lord Hun, otherwise we would not have such an opportunity."

As soon as they went out, Chengzi thanked Zhuhun, if it wasn't for his initiative, they might not have the chance to go out, they would just stay with Wen Tianhou, and they also wanted to fight recklessly outside.

"Don't call me Mr. Hun, I can't afford it, just call me Candle Soul as before. Both of you are the right-hand man of the Heavenly King. Even if I don't invite you, the Heavenly King will not let you sit in the rear. I'm just doing it conveniently." Candle Soul said quickly.

"No matter what, we will remember your hand in hand." Jin Yu said with a smile from the side.

"My lords, please, I have already prepared teams of 20,000 for you."

Candle Soul Inviter and the others left, not caring at all that they controlled a mere team.

"It's interesting enough, don't worry, this time with the king of heaven, the opponent will not have any struggles, and we will not have any accidents. Think about how we can kill a few more."

"Look, something new has happened on the side of Painting Soul."

On the way out of Miyagi, Chengzi pointed to the sky above the Huahun clan and said.

"It should be the King of Heaven who strengthened the seal. At that time, the formation together with Miyagi will be opened. Even if the opponent resists with all his strength, it will not be possible to rush out within half a year. By then, we will be back long ago." Jin Yu explained from the side. .

"It's just a pity that the painting soul family is also a powerful force, but after the heavenly king finishes the celebration meeting, it's time to clean them up." Candle soul also said aside.

Compared with before, he is much more low-key now. Even if the Heavenly King didn't punish him, he naturally knows how to measure in his heart, and wants to be trusted better. Sometimes the curve method is more effective than the positive one.

They left Miyagi and began to assemble their respective teams, but among the painting soul clan, seeing such a huge movement in the sky, they all came out one after another.

A figure that made them gnash their teeth was reinforcing the restriction that sealed them in the sky.

"Aren't these enough? Wen Tianhou wants to do something." The Ninth Elder looked at the above and said angrily.

"No one knows what's going on outside, but if the other party does this, there must be something wrong. The other party seems to be guarding against us to make trouble, but why should they be guarding against it?"

"There is only one possibility, and that is that Wen Tianhou is about to leave Miyagi. I'm afraid there are changes outside that we don't know about."

The second elder looked at the sky and analyzed carefully.

"Maybe it was Huaying who found Gu Zheng outside and tried to save us. Maybe she succeeded and forced Wen Tianhou to go out." The seventh elder put forward an idea that he thought was absurd.

"That's a good idea, but it's a pity that it's not realistic." The Fourteenth Elder continued.

What a Huaying can do with this little time may not be able to find the other party.

As the small figure fell down from the sky, even though the green clothes made her look very cute, no one below appreciated it.

"Your painted soul clan includes the mirror demon clan, any demon souls cannot leave here, give up!"

Xiaoying left this sentence coldly, and then left here directly. Wen Tianhou was waiting for her return outside.

"The other party is too arrogant, and Wen Tianhou is not here, and he deliberately angered us. Miss, why don't you beat the other party down and give him a good look." Hua Xin looked up and said humbly.

"There is something in the other party's words. Maybe my guess is true. Come with me to find the elders."

Meng Zhen looked at the sky thoughtfully, and murmured.

"Miss, wait for us!"

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