The town in front of him is said to be a town, but in fact Gu Zheng still overestimated the opponent.

From the above, it looked that the area here is not small, but after entering, I found that there is an empty space inside. In fact, many places are open spaces, which are used by some people as trading venues, and there are some complete houses further inside. It looks like that outside. The half-person-high fence was built later, with too much haste, it is estimated that it will not be effective, and it can barely block debris or the like, and any powerful beast can smash it away.

Even Mengzhen, who came in enthusiastically, was a little disgusted at this time, "Why is this place so dilapidated, it feels like the most dilapidated place on our side."

Seeing the disappointed Mengzhen, Gu Zheng felt that it could be over. It should want to expand, but then it stopped because of some problems. At least it was a reduced version of the town. At least there was a place for people to rest in the distance. , could not help comforting.

"Although this place is a bit broken, let's take a break. This time you will be alone throughout the whole process, which is just a test for you. If you pass the test, I will take you to a bigger city next time."

In fact, Gu Zheng originally wanted to leave. After all, there is really no value in staying here. In a word, even thieves would not come here to patronize. But as he came in, a familiar feeling rose in his heart, as if he had some friends. I used to stay here, but after careful identification, I didn't know the identity of the other party at all. Coupled with the state of the surrounding villagers, I decided to stay and have a look.

"Well, leave everything to me." Meng Zhen said confidently, and walked carefully from inside.

"If there is anything wrong with me, be sure to remind me in time."

On the way, Mengzhen whispered to the brush, and after getting a positive answer from the other party, she felt that there was no problem this time.

The appearance of Gu Zheng and his party made other villagers very surprised. They carefully followed them and followed their identities. They were very surprised that no outsiders appeared for many years, especially Gu Zheng and Meng Zhen dressed up. Obviously not compared to people like them who are struggling with food and clothing.

Although their conversation is very quiet, for Gu Zheng and the others, there is almost no difference between whispering in their ears. Of course, Meng Zhen doesn't pay attention to them. She has a plan of what to do next, and some scenes she saw before Combine and prepare yourself for your first real fight.

Soon they came to the entrance of a hotel with a signboard called "You Come". The sign behind it had disappeared, but there was only a small mask in front of them. There were less than ten crowded tables in total. It was so tattered that it hadn't been replaced for many years, and there was even a piece of paper that seemed to be unused for a long time, with a faint layer of dust on it.

Seeing all this, Meng Zhen frowned carefully, although she was mentally prepared, but everything in front of her was still so dilapidated that she couldn't imagine.

But at this time, there were more than a dozen people sitting in the small room, occupying an ordinary table, and there was only a small wooden wine glass in front of each person, but there were no food or drink, as if they came here just to drink That glass of wine was taken carefully from.

Gu Zheng could easily see the cloudy and unknown liquid inside. Some people had already drank half of it, and some people hadn't started to drink it yet. When they saw them coming, they watched them carefully.

At this moment, this scene seems to be cautious.

"Cough cough."

Meng Zhen didn't ask so many questions. Thinking that this was her first time acting, she directly ignored the strange situation in front of her. She looked up and saw the person who was standing on the side dressed like a shopkeeper, and went straight up, towards the tall wooden man in front of him. The table slapped and shouted at the same time.

"what to eat"


As the old antique in front of her didn't know how much it cost, it was shattered by her palm, and the words in her mouth stopped abruptly.

Fortunately, the counter was wiped clean by the other party, and there was no dust, but Meng Zhen stood there blankly. She didn't use much strength, but imitated the way others in the city had slapped heavily before, but when she arrived Why am I stuck here again?

"You two are foreigners, are you here for the first time?"

Although it is doubtful, the shopkeeper in front of him is obviously sure of their identities. No one knows who they are in this three-acre land, and they know who they are when they see their clothes.

"Ah, I'm really sorry, I will compensate you." Meng really didn't know what to do, and she only said it under the reminder of the brush.

"You don't need to pay, let's leave here. There is no food here. If the truth is true, go outside and exchange some wild game. I can process it for you." The shopkeeper shook his head and said.

The unfavorable start of the teacher disrupted all Mengzhen's next plans, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Gu Zheng next to her.

"Excuse me then, let's go."

Looking at Mengzhen's appearance, Gu Zheng couldn't help but think of the former Xiaoying, smiled wryly in his heart, and stepped forward to pull Mengzhen over.

There is indeed something weird here. Although the other party didn't show any vigilance, they obviously didn't welcome them.

At this time, the other guests also finished drinking what was in front of them, and left here from the side.

"It's very strange that there are still foreigners coming here."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded not far behind.

"Miss Ren Xue!"

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, and he trotted out.

Gu Zheng turned around, moved his body slightly, and then took advantage of the situation to pull Meng Zhen to stand aside, watching the shopkeeper welcome him in attentively.

"I told you last time, even if there are no guests, I still have to clean it." Looking at the dirty scene in front of her, Ren Xue shook her head and said.

"I'm going to do it now. I didn't expect Miss Ren Xue to be so early this time. I thought it would take more than ten days." The shopkeeper took out his dirty towel from the inside and wanted to wipe it on the table. go.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Here Ren Xue stopped the opponent, and then a green glow flew out from her fingertips, and after circling the entire room, everything was completely new.

"Thank you, Miss Ren Xue, for making the move. I'm really ashamed." Shopkeeper Ma He rubbed his hands, and said somewhat cautiously.

"Haha, no need, this is your stuff down here." Ren Xue smiled slightly, and then with a wave, a wooden barrel as tall as two people appeared on the ground.

"Why so many this time." The shopkeeper looked at the things in front of him and said in surprise.

"I'm afraid this is the last time I will give it to you. By then, the surrounding land will have almost recovered, enough to feed you." Ren Xue turned around, left these words behind, and walked outside.

"I thank Miss Ren Xue for everyone."

The shopkeeper suddenly burst into tears, and at the same time knelt down and slammed his head "bang bang" behind Ren Xue.

"Outsiders, this place is not where you came from, so leave quickly."

Gu Zheng and the others had been watching outside. When Ren Xue walked beside them, she paused for a moment, followed this sentence carefully, and then left here with the two followers behind her.

"How can there be such a powerful task here? I feel that my strength is not weaker than mine."

After the other party left here completely, Meng Zhen said curiously, but he didn't wait for Gu Zheng's answer, he turned his head and saw that he didn't know when he came to the wooden barrel.

"Hey, outsider, be careful, this is our property, don't touch it, be careful not to leave here." The shopkeeper was startled when he saw Gu Zheng appearing there, and took two steps towards him. said loudly.

"Is this what they drink?" Gu Zheng felt the breath inside and said thoughtfully.

"Did you hear that? If you dare to touch this thing, no one will spare you." Seeing that Gu Zheng ignored his words, the shopkeeper didn't intend to leave. He picked up a wooden stick and threatened Gu Zheng directly.

But as soon as his words fell, his eyes blurred, and he found that the weapon in his hand had disappeared, and appeared in the woman's hand instead.

"Don't get excited, the other party is just an ordinary person." Gu Zheng looked at Meng Zhen who was staring at him covetously, and felt that the other party was an opponent of comparable strength, so he quickly stopped the other party, otherwise the other party would be completely finished if he made a casual move, and then smiled carefully at the other party ground from.

"I don't mean to seize this thing, don't worry, can I ask you a few questions."

It's a pity that the other party didn't appreciate Gu Zheng's kindness. Instead, he backed up and shouted, trying to attract the villagers outside. His expression changed slightly, and then he stepped forward and grabbed the other party's skirt, and pressed the other party to the side on the bench.

As for the other party's call for help, it is naturally impossible to spread it.

"Let me ask you now, who is that woman named Ren Xue, why she appeared here, and gave you these things." Gu Zheng looked at the shopkeeper with dazed eyes, and asked directly.

He didn't want to waste too much time with the other party. If he didn't follow up in time, he might lose the other party's whereabouts.

The other party quickly shook off the matter carefully, and after Gu Zheng got the information he wanted, he left here directly with Meng Zhen.

After a long time, the shopkeeper came back to his senses, and subconsciously wanted to call for someone, but found that there was no one in front of him. He hurried to the side of the wooden barrel, and he breathed a sigh of relief after finding that it was intact.

He didn't know what happened, but the outsider left and the barrel was still there, so there was no problem.

The two figures galloped on the ground, and soon entered the primeval forest, moving lightly and nimbly through it, always heading in a certain direction.

It wasn't until half a day later that Gu Zheng's figure suddenly stopped, but Meng Zhen didn't realize it until the brush reminded her loudly in her ear, and hurried back on the original road, watching halfway. Seeing the helpless Gu Zheng, his face was immediately stained with a blush.

"Why didn't I find out when I was down here." Gu Zheng said helplessly.

"The main thing is to get used to it, and it will definitely be fine after a while." Meng Zhen said with a blushing face.

"Brush, keep an eye on the other party and remind the other party in time."

Gu Zheng can only do this, the character of the other party is free and easy, say that the other party is like a girl who has not experienced much in the world, the other party is not stupid, Fa Niri is very smart in some things, if you say the other party is smart, but sometimes Being stupid, the only thing that reassures him is that at least when fighting, he won't be stupid.

As he continued to walk forward with Mengzhen, he finally stopped on a slightly raised stone.

"Do you know that woman? Why are you looking for her?"

Seeing Gu Zheng standing on the rock and looking around, Meng Zhen couldn't help asking curiously from below.

"You heard what that ordinary man said just now." Gu Zheng seemed to have anticipated the other party's inquiry, and said without looking back.

"Naturally, I know that the other party is providing them with that kind of liquid, so that the other party's body can maintain a strong vitality. It's no wonder that the other party's spirit is so good." Meng Zhen nodded and said below.

"Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, the other party gave us those liquids soon after we left and came here, and I also noticed that this place used to be very prosperous, but it's only in the past few thousand years. become so downcast."

"You know so much without even asking?" Meng Zhen jumped to Gu Zheng's side and looked him up and down, looking suspicious.

She and Gu Zheng have not been separated from the beginning to the end, so she naturally knows that the other party has not asked anyone at all.

"Observation? Do you know that as long as you observe, you can get the information you want. Of course, you also need a certain amount of experience. Of course you don't understand. I know you want to ask why you want to follow the other party, right?" Gu Zheng looked to the side Mengzhen, the latter kept nodding, his big eyes filled with longing.

"First of all, you guessed one of them correctly. I know the other party. I wanted to find their traces, but I didn't expect to meet them here. The other party has a special healing ability. I want to ask the other party if he can heal the wounds in your body. .” Gu Zheng didn’t whet the opponent’s appetite, and said it directly.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly." Meng Zhen's eyes lit up, and she said immediately.

"Don't worry, when the other party was leaving, he said to do something, it seemed to have failed, and he should be in a dangerous state now."

"Failed? Don't tell me, you know those people on the other side." Meng Zhen followed carefully.

"You guessed right, I know you, so we have to be careful and find a way to rescue the other party." Gu Zheng looked like you were very smart.

"Then you must rescue the other party, not only for me, but also for your friend." Meng Zhen raised her fist and said seriously.

"Stop, stop, I haven't finished speaking yet, don't be so excited and get ready to go up, let me ask you first, do you know the opponent's position? Just charge up like this." Seeing Mengzhen, Gu Zheng was about to take a stride ahead Jumping forward, weaving a defense in front of him in an instant, blocking the opponent back.

"I don't know, you know?" Mengzhen also felt that she was a little impulsive, so she hurriedly followed carefully.

"I don't know, but I'm not leading you to search, you don't have my order, try not to act." Gu Zheng was not angry, but just said to Mengzhen.

"I will definitely promise not to act without authorization. I think I am too excited to be here, and I haven't suppressed it until now. I will pay attention to controlling myself." Mengzhen also felt a little bit of something wrong with him, and said immediately.

"Well, I know, pay more attention, now you are waiting by the side, and I will find the other party's location."

Gu Zheng looked at the imperceptible black threads in Mengzhen's eyes, didn't say much, and began to carefully detect the location where the other party disappeared last.

He guarantees that the other party will never notice the imprint he left on the other party. Now that he cannot perceive it, there is only one possibility. The other party has stepped into a formation, which blocks his perception, even if someone detects and removes it , he can feel it too.

When Gu Zheng was looking for Ren Xue's position, Ren Xue had already stepped into the mist outside the valley, and the two people who followed him also dispersed automatically, because they themselves were to monitor Ren Xue, even if the other party had credit, in the In this special case, no matter who it is, they will be watched as long as they go out.

And they are the ones who serve both physically and mentally, and they will never betray. Naturally, Ren Xue will not say anything more to the other party. After returning this time, Lord Timber Wolf informed him to go in.

Inside the valley, there is a lush forest, each tree is more than ten feet in size, thicker than the trees in the front and backyard, countless branches thick as buckets cover the sky, Ren Xue walks into a road where only one person can pass The whole sky is dark except for a little bit of light and shadow.

Ren Xue knew that this forest was all clones of Lord Timber Wolf, assisting him in his cultivation.

Going all the way along this straight passage, Ren Xue soon came to the end, a big tree with a thickness of a hundred feet, just looks amazing, and it has experienced a lot of years at a glance.

It's just a pity that this extremely huge ancient tree has mottled bark all over its body, making it look extremely old, not to mention the drooping and withered branches above its head, indicating that the other party has fallen into the countdown of life.

But Ren Xue knew that this tree was just the carrier of the opponent, and whoever underestimated him would not know how to die, because the body of this ancient tree was the fallen demon god.

Of course, it is not a demon god who has won all victory, but just a trace of divine sense escaped by the opponent, with only Da Luo's mid-term cultivation base, but Ren Xue knows that although the opponent has been severely injured, but if they really want to fight, the average Da Luo peak None of them are opponents of each other.

Without him, the other party is really too weird. She saw a Da Luo peak with her own eyes, and when she passed by here, she found the difference here. Naturally, the formation outside cannot hide the other party.

That peak Da Luo, who claimed to be the vanguard commander of the demon clan, was ordered to gather and prepare for the final decisive battle with the witch clan. When he saw the demon god who was alone and injured, he was naturally overjoyed and greedy.

As long as he can devour the demon god's remnant thoughts, there are countless benefits to him, and it is even possible for his stagnant cultivation to break through again.

After some fruitless negotiations, the two started a war.

Things went beyond Ren Xue's expectations. She thought the end of the Demon God was coming, but it turned out that the battle was over after only half a day.

The monster that looked extremely powerful was pulled into an unknown space by the wooden wolf, and carefully never disappeared, and the wooden wolf also suffered serious injuries, with deep gaps in many parts of his body , As for how heavy it was, she didn't know how much it was, and she didn't try to resist. In this ancient tree where the other party was parasitic, they were born to restrain them, not to mention that their cultivation base was higher than theirs.

As for whether she was sealed or dead, although Ren Xue didn't know at first, she also guessed that the other party was dead in the following words.

"Master Timber Wolf, I'm back."

At the end, Ren Xue lowered her head and said respectfully.

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