A continuous plain covered with tender green grass half a knee high, occasionally a few bright flowers can be seen dotted in it, and some small creatures live like a fish in water among the grass.

This is an uninhabited plain area. There is no human habitation within a radius of ten thousand miles, only the original natural scenery. Except for some plants and animals, there is no attractive place here. Even the concentration of aura is very low, but this belongs to them In this world, there is basically no disturbance from outsiders.

And above the sky, a giant eagle with wings spread out five feet wide, saw its prey from the corner of its sharp eyes, flapping its wings silently and approaching the opponent, but the latter obviously hadn't noticed it yet, and hadn't seen it yet. I am constantly bouncing around, trying to find my own delicious food.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, and it found a juicy piece of food, which had obviously just grown, so it flew towards it at an accelerated speed.

But even when its mind was focused on food, the giant eagle in the air suddenly waved its wings. Under an acceleration, the two wings were close to the body, and the whole body shot downward like an arrow. The two sharp claws had already opened, and at the moment when it was about to hit the ground, the wings suddenly opened, and the whole figure soared into the sky again, and there was already an equally fat rabbit in the grasp.

The giant eagle croaked excitedly. It seemed that we could have another meal today, but at this moment, a white horse in front was also approaching him, and it seemed to be pulling a human horse box behind it. His instinctive reaction made him As soon as the figure is grasped, it is necessary to stay away from the opponent.

But he found that his body couldn't move at all, and he carefully bumped off from the white horse. Not only that, he also found that his body began to shrink, and the same with the rabbit below.

When he landed on the carriage, he was only like an ordinary bird, and the rabbit was only as big as a mouse, shrunk ten times in size.

"This rabbit is so cute, how can you bear to eat it?"

The giant eagle saw a slender hand stretch out from inside, took the rabbit out of its claws, and then retracted into the carriage.

"Gu Zheng, give me a pill."

"What are you going to do? You won't want to give it to him."

"Of course, it's worthless anyway. How cute is this rabbit."

"Okay, take it!"

"This is what I exchanged for you, let's go."

The slender hand appeared again, but this time there was a white pill in the palm of the hand.

At this time, the giant eagle found that his body could move again, but he did not run away immediately, but stretched out his sharp beak, gently pecked at the small pill, and then swallowed it directly with a flick of his head.

Intuition told him that swallowing this thing was more important than a full meal.

Then the small figure rushed out of the carriage, and the whole figure swelled up again and returned to its original shape. Feeling the situation in the body, the giant eagle circled the carriage three times before leaving here.

"Is it worth it? That elixir can buy countless little rabbits." Gu Zheng looked at the rabbit in Mengzhen's hand and said helplessly.

"Of course it's worth it. Look at how cute it is. I haven't seen it down below. What I saw in the city was only cooked food, or it was dirty and lost its vitality." Meng Zhenzhen said naturally, and at the same time Youyou gently stroked the little rabbit's head.

Although the latter didn't have spiritual intelligence, he knew that the other party had saved him, and he didn't have any malicious intentions. Instead, he was very obedient and let the other party caress him.

"Forget it, as long as you like it."

Gu Zheng didn't have much interest either, he was just an ordinary rabbit, although under the nourishment of spiritual energy, his body was about the size of a puppy, and his white fur was soft and smooth, but he was still an ordinary animal.

"After a day's journey, at the end of this plain, there is a small forest. We have hidden in the ground of the forest before." Tang Qing, who was standing aside at this time, said.

After half a month's journey, they finally came to the outskirts of the place Tang Qing mentioned.

"Well, let's go down and put away the carriage, it's too conspicuous." Gu Zheng immediately arranged it.

The white horse that was driving in the air immediately fell down, and soon landed firmly on the ground.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's take a rest first. Next time you come out, you will be careful." Gu Zheng got down from the carriage, came to the white horse, and said, stroking the opponent's head.

The white horse snorted, rubbed against Gu Zheng's palm lightly, and then turned into a ray of white light and rushed into Yufan's space.

"I'll go in this time too, so as not to trouble you." Yan Yufei also came down from the top and came to Gu Zheng's side.

"Although I am confident that I can protect you, for your safety, it is better to go in. I will let you out after the end." Gu Zheng said frankly.

"Well, then call me if you have anything to do." After speaking, she also turned into a white light and entered Yufan's space.

Even if the Yunhuang sword is broken, the Yufan space will not collapse, like some kind of small space magic weapon, and it is completely immune to some strange spells, protecting the inside from outside influences, and its own level of safety is extremely high.

"Actually, I also want to go in, but for your safety, I think I'll be reluctant to escort you." Mao Bi said majesticly from the side.

"It's really brave. With you, then this time it's safe and secure." Meng Zhen couldn't help joking when she heard the bragging of the brush as soon as she came over.

"Hey, that's of course, if you have any difficulties, just ask me to help you solve it." Hearing Meng Zhen's praise of the brush, he said domineeringly, feeling a little flustered in his heart.


When Gu Zheng erased the traces around him, in a blink of an eye, there were only three of them left, and that pen was not considered a person for the time being.

"Let's go, there's nothing here." Meng Zhen recognized the direction a little bit, and walked forward immediately.

"Wait for me, I'll accompany you." Maobi couldn't let his confidant go alone, and immediately chased after him. The degree of enthusiasm has surpassed Gu Zheng, who made the latter like to tell the truth.

"I want to ask, what's the matter with the other companions." Tang Qing hesitated in the back, looked at Gu Zheng's back and left here, and finally mustered up the courage to speed up her pace, came to Gu Zheng's side, and asked.

"I didn't kill them."

Gu Zheng paused, then continued to walk forward, "I just cut off their cultivation and turned them into ordinary people and threw them in the city."

Tang Qing was originally relieved, but after hearing Gu Zheng's words, her face turned pale again.

Because their fate needless to say, when they lost their cultivation base, when they faced the angry Yancheng people, the result would be even more miserable.

"Follow up quickly, don't try to escape, the restriction in your body, as long as I have a thought, your body can be blown up carefully." Gu Zheng's voice came over carefully.

Tang Qing hurriedly speeded up to follow, without doubting whether the other party could do it, and at the same time thanking the other party for agreeing to bypass her father once, she knew the other party's terror, both of them were masters of Da Luo, stronger than his father Jin Xianfeng Countless times stronger.

As far as she knew, there was no one there who was their match.

"Gu Zheng, why do you say that the other party is so timid, but he can still cultivate to the Golden Immortal." On the way, a group of people were walking towards that side. Meng Zhen glanced at Tang Qing next to him, and then sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng road.

"Because this level of strength comes from the opponent taking drugs, not from self-cultivation. Without that step-by-step foundation, the opponent will always be stuck here in the future." Gu Zheng explained a little.

In fact, of course he knows exactly why, because he is also a beneficiary, or in other words, all cultivators, demons, or others are beneficiaries.

Because the aura of heaven and earth at this time is extremely full, as long as your aptitude is not bad, and you have the correct skills, as long as you are not a fool, and you have a certain extreme distance, then it is almost predetermined to be promoted to a fairy.

This is the great advantage of this era. Until the sky broke, everything became different. Those with poor aptitude found that their cultivation would regress in a straight line until they returned to mortals. Only those with good aptitude could maintain it. , have the opportunity to continue to break forward.

And Tang Qing was this kind of person, with mediocre aptitude, but she was promoted abruptly. In fact, her mind didn't keep up, and her body's strength could hardly be brought out to 30%, maybe even a peak celestial being could not beat her.

"It turns out that Honghuang is good. We have very little spiritual energy there, and every step is extremely difficult." Meng Zhen said with emotion.

She remembered what the elder told her about the suffering of Xiaoqian World.

"Everything in the world does not necessarily have a definite number. Maybe in the future everyone will take the initiative to escape from the prehistoric world." Gu Zheng sent a meaningful voice transmission.

"You're lying to me, I don't believe it anyway."

Mengzhen smiled, feeling that Gu Zheng was joking with herself, and followed carefully.

Tang Qing next to her naturally didn't know that she had become the talking point of the other party. As they quickened their pace, they quickly approached the small forest, and then stopped.

"After entering, there is a giant tree in front of it. It needs a special password to open it. There is the only way to enter. There are formations in other places. If you don't want to be discovered, you can only go there." Tang Qing pointed to the front and said.

"Can you bring us in?" Gu Zheng thought of the last time the rescue dream came true, it was the other party who covered him to get in smoothly.

"Yes, yes, but there is a strict detection circle inside. It is the person who personally guides the construction. I'm not sure if you can sneak in without being discovered." Tang Qing said honestly.

"In this case, it will be a little troublesome." Gu Zheng pondered, trying to find a good way to get in.

"I said, what are we afraid of? We are here to cause destruction, not to save people. Under my leadership, we will destroy this demon lair in one go." Mao Bi said with some puzzlement when he heard it from the side.

"You're right, I'm in a daze, and we're not going to steal the things inside, we just break it with strength." Gu Zheng laughed when he heard the words, and he really didn't expect it.

He was not interested in what Tang Qing's father was researching, and Tang Qing didn't know what it was. She had never gone in to take a look, so there was no need to sneak in quietly.

"Yes, when to set off, I will follow behind and help you hold the line." Mao Bi said cheekily.

"I said that you are completely different now from when you first met, as if you have changed a brush." ​​Gu Zheng looked at the brush, looking up and down.

"It's not that I didn't know your temper before. Of course, I didn't have the strength at that time. Now that we know each other, there's no need to suppress yourself. I know you won't blame me." There was a hint of embarrassment in the brush's tone.

"No wonder Madam Yufei said you were left there before, I'm afraid your master was also annoyed by you." Gu Zheng thought of Yan Yufei's words, and then he understood the reason why the other party left there.

"You're right. Don't leave me behind. At most, I won't chat with you." Mao Bi stagnated, and his momentum became weaker, obviously touching his heartache.

He was terrified of being abandoned, and he was so lonely alone. He remembered that he was bored and named every grain of sand and stone he could see in the room, but at that time he was not very big. Power, can only be trapped inside.

"No one wants you, I want you." Meng Zhen took the opportunity to say.

"It's still hello, but I still have to find my master." The brush was very moved, and circled around Mengzhen's eyes.

"Mengzhen, you and I joined hands and went forward directly, Maobi, you followed her, and helped her, Tang Qing, you stayed outside, I will naturally remember about your father."

Gu Zheng doesn't know whether the brush is nagging or likes to brag, anyway, he doesn't mind, and he directly ordered everyone.

"Aren't we going to do some tricks? What if the information is passed on to the Demon God?" Meng Zhen asked aside.

"The other party is definitely not here. Maybe he is still healing like the other party. Even if the day lily is cold when the other party comes here, we will have left here long ago." Gu Zheng explained to the other party.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go! I haven't been careful here yet, I hope this time there will be a similar opponent." Meng Zhen said excitedly.

"I'll take the lead!"

Gu Zheng flew directly in, without hiding his aura.

"I'll come first!"

The brush flashed golden light, and quickly outlined two golden symbols in the air. The two symbols flashed and turned into golden light, which was attracted by the brush. On both sides of him, two small wings grew. With a sudden increase in speed, he rushed past Gu Zheng and came to the huge tree with a width of more than ten feet, which was comparable to the ancient tree where the demon god Wood Wolf lived.

But the former is a demon, and this one is just grown up.

With a slight swipe of the brush in the air, a golden sledgehammer suddenly rose in the air. Different symbols flashed on the radiant golden surface, and then it carefully smashed it down from the big tree in front of it.

When the golden sledgehammer was about to fall, a transparent barrier like a water curtain rose suddenly, which happened to block the attack of the sledgehammer, and countless ripples spread out from the center, making the water curtain It kept shaking.

"Smash me!"

The writing brush moved carefully, and a golden light flew into the body of the sledgehammer again, increasing the opponent's power again, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, carefully stepping on it.

Only one time, the power was much greater than before, and the entire water curtain began to fluctuate, and it seemed that it could break open at any time, but with the flash of green light from the big tree behind, the water curtain stabilized again. Someone is watching.

"I don't believe it, I can still block me." Seeing this, Maobi couldn't hold back his face immediately, strands of tiny runes began to appear all over his body, and then the lightning rod sank into the body of the sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer was still carefully smashing down in front of it, and as the body continued to be strengthened by the brush, although its size became smaller and smaller, its power was carefully increased.

Gu Zheng was also happy to stand aside to see if he could lure the other party out. If that was the case, he would avoid facing some traps below.

At the moment when Gu Zheng and the others appeared, they were found below almost at the same time.

"It's not good, Mr. Tang, someone broke in from outside and came directly towards the entrance. It seems that they came directly to the door."

In a room under the ground, Tang Li was discussing something with someone when a subordinate came in cautiously and shouted at him.

"Why panic, inform the others, put down what you are doing, and prepare to give the enemy a severe blow." Tang Li frowned, and then instructed.

"I'll give you an order now." The subordinate quickly said yes, and left here to convey his instructions.

"What's going on? I didn't hear that this place was exposed?" Opposite Tang Li, an old man familiar with Gu Zheng asked with some doubts.

Since the secret method escaped there, he only rested on the road for a few days, and then rushed all the way here, wanting to report the situation, but when he came here, Tang Li, who was in charge here, was busy, so he could only be patient Waiting for him, I have no time to report until today.

But just after finishing the report, this situation happened unexpectedly, which gave him a bad premonition that the other party would not be chasing him here, but he observed carefully along the way and was sure that he did not leave any behind. trace.

"I'm not too sure. Apart from your exposure recently, everything else is still running. Could it be that the former enemy came after them?" Tang Li also had a suspicious expression on his face, not knowing what was going on.

They have been here for a long time. In the past tens of thousands of years, nothing has happened at all. Even if some strongholds outside are exposed, they can be safely transferred unless...

Tang Li looked at the old man in front of him with deep eyes.

"Master Tang, it is absolutely impossible for me to lure the other party here. You see, I have been here for a few days. If I really came after me, I would not wait until now to make a move. I am afraid that they will come in together at that time." When Li looked at him, the old man suddenly panicked and quickly defended himself.

My life and death on my side are controlled by the other party, and I can't even have the idea of ​​resistance. As long as I misunderstand, I will be miserable.

"It can't be Li Li's problem. The other party just stopped by to visit me and happened to break through our affairs. Even if those things are discovered by the other party, it is impossible to find out what happened here. After all, we have hidden everything very well. "

Suddenly thought of something, the old man's face froze, he swallowed hard, and said incredulously.

He lied about this point, because some time ago, Li Li mentioned it to him a few times, telling him to pay attention to it. Next time, he should slow down when accepting people, because everyone inside has already doubted it.

He didn't dare to say it out, if that were the case, he would really be dead.

"Damn it, if the other party wants to investigate, then Qing'er will be in danger."

Tang Li squinted his eyes when he heard this, and streaks of black air kept flashing in his eyes, and he was already angry.


Suddenly there was a huge explosion outside, and the ground below began to shake.

At this time, the outer defense has been broken.

"I'm going to prepare the defensive formation, you go to hide."

Tang Li got up suddenly, walked outside, and did not forget to tell the other party, the old man barely recovered, it was obviously not a wise choice to fight at this time.

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