Where the black mist passed, the ground was pitch black, as if being swallowed by the opponent.

Not only that, but the black mist continued to expand rapidly during the spreading process, and it only flowed to half the distance, and it had completely filled the entire space. It was impossible to see the situation on the side of the demon god, and it continued to spread towards them Come here, there is no way to hide.

"I'll protect Old Xiong, you go take care of your friend!" Zhu Niao shouted at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded, and then retreated directly to the back, all the way to the side of Mengzhen.

"Lean on me, be careful!"

"Old Xiong and I encountered a similar situation before. I just need to stay in the corner and ignore everything. After the matter is over, you can remind me with a picture scroll." Meng Zhen looked confident.

"You have a good idea, provided that the monster doesn't come to trouble you."

Gu Zheng also said in agreement, this made Meng Zhen blush, only then did he realize that there are still enemies, but he didn't know what he could do.

"You just have to follow me, you don't need to ask anything else."

I'm afraid that the vast majority of people don't know much about demon gods, but people like them are not included. As for what happened at the beginning, it's not a big secret, so naturally they know a little bit.

Primal chaos itself has no attributes, and it can be used as anything. No matter what, as long as it is connected with the opponent, it will greatly enhance various powers, even if the opponent's strength can only be transformed a little bit. People guarding, I am afraid that they are the enemies who can kill the gods, but because the opponent is a demon god, in his hands, it is self-evident, and he must go all out to deal with it.

Soon Vermilion Bird in the front took little phoenix to guard in front of Old Xiong, and was swallowed up by the black mist, completely disappearing. The black mist would also drown them within a few breaths.

Just when Gu Zheng was ready, when the black mist swallowed them up, a red light suddenly flashed on his body, covering a radius of three feet, and the black mist was directly blocked from the outside , trying to get in, but helpless.

"This is?"

Meng Zhen's eyes looked to the side, under Gu Zheng's neck, a faint red light was shining, and it was it that supported the defense.

She knew about this thing, and had shown its effect before, but she never thought that facing such a strange situation, even Xiong Lao and Zhu Niao could block each other with the helpless black mist.

"This thing is really good."

Hearing Meng Zhen's envious words, Gu Zheng didn't say much, but just took out the blood origin bead that had been hanging around his neck. To be honest, he really forgot about this thing, the other party's sense of existence was too much Low, even if I helped him pass the maze before, but the maze was too simple, and I didn't care about it. I just gave Pan Xuan a good souvenir for him.

But now it seems that what the other party said may be true. In this case, he has more confidence in his heart.

"Follow me, we can't wait here."

Gu Zheng didn't waste such a good opportunity, and immediately rushed to the Demon God with Mengzhen. The previous scene of the monster sucking the red beads was still in his mind. He couldn't make the other party so happy. If he swallowed the original orb, once he broke through this critical point, he himself did not guarantee that the blood orb could kill the opponent.

After all, the existence of a demon god is already weird enough.

He didn't bother Zhu Niao either, he was already prepared in his heart at this time, once he saw the other party, he would throw the Blood Origin Orb out without saying a word, and it would be over immediately. Using them, it seems that he is using their power to continue to perfect his original orb, just like the one who polished his original orb before. Although he doesn't know how to do it, it seems that he has completed the opponent's goal.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right. He quickened his pace and wanted to go quickly, but Mengzhen behind him couldn't keep up. A few breaths of time, not short of this time, can only maintain the same speed as Mengzhen.

When his thoughts fell, he also came not far from the demon god, and he could already vaguely sense the opponent's position. The blood origin orb in his hand lighted up again, and the entire shield expanded by half the distance again. This was the biggest he could do. The range of the demon god just shrouded them in.

Then the red bead has shrunk in half, and the demon god here is holding the original bead in his hand, and puts his mouth in front of him with an intoxicated expression. Wisps of white mist, almost condensed into a solid line, are being inhaled by him non-stop in the mouth.

The appearance of Gu Zheng completely stunned the Demon God, and he couldn't believe how the other party broke in here safely, but before he opened his mouth, his eyes immediately focused on the palm of Gu Zheng's hand, and then he snorted coldly, and his whole body trembled. Disappeared in place so abruptly.

Gu Zheng didn't even notice how the other party disappeared, and it was too late to intercept him. Of course, he also felt regretful. It would be great if the blood origin bead had the function of besieging people. The demon god obviously recognized what was in his hand and fled without fighting. Sensing the danger, he wanted to wait until he swallowed the Origin Orb completely before dealing with them.

Thinking about it, he naturally knew that he had to find out the other party first, but there was still a stumbling block in front of him. When he was about to rush towards the monster, the other party seemed to know that something was wrong, and he even gave the red ball in front of him to the monster. Swallowed it so that Gu Zheng had no chance to interrupt him.

The body that was originally flushed suddenly swelled up, and the body has doubled in size. On both sides of the body, there are more transparent red streamers, dancing in disorder, and some red mist dances from above.

The head, which was originally invisible, also protruded from the solid helmet shell. The flat head, with two red eyes occupying half the size, was looking at him with an ancient sense of hatred.

It naturally didn't forget the heavy damage that Gu Zheng caused to the opponent before. Under the flap of its wings on both sides, a red trace was left in the air, which appeared in front of Gu Zheng almost instantly, and the opponent's front limbs immediately moved from different directions. Gu Zheng stabs his body.

"Ding ding dong."

With four sounds in a row, Gu Zheng protected Mengzhen, stepped back two steps, and accurately blocked the opponent's attack, but seeing a red mark on his Yunhuang sword, the next moment a golden light flashed from the sword body. Dissipated, but vaguely felt that the opponent was drawing insignificant power from his body.

After absorbing the red ball, the opponent actually has that kind of weird nature, which is a bit tricky.

Even if the opponent didn't have the layer of black mist on him, it seemed that the defense would not be as perverted as before, but Gu Zheng didn't have time to accumulate energy, so he happened to hit the opponent.

Coupled with the opponent's cultivation base and such difficulty, if he wanted to solve the opponent, he had no idea for a while.

He was trying to figure out a way to deal with the opponent, the monster had already rushed up again, and in the middle of it, a large piece of water mist like drizzle was sprayed directly from his mouth.


Gu Zheng raised his right wrist, and a scorching flame instantly formed an oval fire curtain in front of him, trying to evaporate the water mist.

But these things actually passed through the fire curtain, and absorbed the power of the flames. Their body size expanded a lot, and they smashed towards him even more ferociously.

Gu Zheng dodged in embarrassment, and then erected his weapon to block the opponent's impact. His whole body was directly knocked out by the opponent's huge force, directly causing the opponent to escape from his red light and hide in the darkness.

"It's okay! No, I'll just stay aside."

Mengzhen said with concern in the back, she also knew that if she hadn't made the other party bother, she wouldn't have been knocked into the air by the other party so easily, and she was holding back.

"No, you can see how weird the other party is. If the other party wants to deal with you, you can buy some time if there is no shady scene, but now you can only wait for death." Gu Zheng unceremoniously rejected the other party's idea of ​​seeking death.

"Don't think that you have a picture scroll. Once this kind of power is contaminated on your body, unless you find a way to get rid of it, otherwise you will be continuously drawn by the opponent everywhere, and there will be vitality."

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, she knew it was better to stay by Gu Zheng's side honestly. If it was true as Gu Zheng said, then going out would really be looking for death, and it would only make the other party worry.

While they were talking, Gu Zheng was still looking around. The red curtain couldn't keep the other party out. With such a short distance, no matter which direction he came from, he could almost reach him in the blink of an eye.

He was sure that the other party was still nearby, so it was impossible to look for Mr. Xiong. After all, there was Vermilion Bird and the little phoenix that she summoned to protect him, and his strength was very powerful. On the other hand, there was no comparison with him here. Coupled with the previous hatred, it was inevitable He stared at himself all around.

He didn't stand still and wait for the other party, he jumped directly at the path he was flying in, and the monster came along, standing on the periphery of the darkness, with countless red water flowing around his body, obviously something was brewing.

Although Gu Zheng didn't have a good way to deal with this monster for the time being, it didn't prevent him from stopping the opponent. As soon as he moved his mind, an ordinary long sword hovered beside him and flew towards the opponent.

The monster didn't care at all, a dozen tentacles flew out from around it, trying to entangle the long sword, as long as it was trapped, with this ordinary weapon, it could be controlled by the opponent in the blink of an eye.

However, the long sword just approached it, and when it was about to touch it, it exploded with a bang, and the dozens of tentacles were directly blown off, and even the monster's body was blown away by the huge air wave.

It didn't cause any harm to it, but it just disintegrated the newly formed water flow around it, interrupting its attack, but it couldn't receive a lot of backlash, which made it even more furious, and countless waves burst out of its whole body The red smoke quickly surrounded Gu Zheng in the next moment.

Circle after circle, as if looking for a flaw in the ancient dispute.

"Look at the red mist around us, the other party wants to completely seal us off here." Meng Zhen shouted suddenly.

Gu Zheng was only concerned with defending against the opponent's attack, but he really didn't pay attention to the shallow red mist around him. After Meng Zhen's reminder, he immediately noticed the surrounding situation.

To be honest, he really doesn't have a good way to deal with Hongwu, and he hasn't thought of a good way until now. If he uses Jinghuo, he thinks he can definitely solve the opponent, but it feels a bit wasteful.

The other party is only relying on this strength. If there is no such power, it will definitely not be so difficult to solve the opponent by yourself.

"Here you are." Seeing that Gu Zheng hadn't moved, Meng Zhen hurriedly took out some black crystals and handed them to Gu Zheng.

"Why didn't I think that I still have some in my hand, and I don't need yours." Gu Zheng immediately understood the true meaning of the dream.

"You are a wise man who is sure to make mistakes, but you can't think of it for the time being." Meng Zhen explained for him.

Gu Zheng smiled, and directly took out the black stone in his hand. He had no way to deal with the red mist, but he had a way to deal with it.

Moreover, Hong Wu's shortcomings are also obvious. For weak creatures or others, he can quickly control the absorption, but facing him, he can only engage in a tug-of-war, that is, lack of explosive power. Let's see who can last till the end. .

Of course he is confident, after all, Blackwater has demonstrated its power before, especially when dealing with it.

The spar in his hand immediately shattered, and he forcibly pulled it out. After mixing in some of his own mana, it condensed into a black sword that looked extremely rough like a puddle of mud.

It doesn't matter about Gu Zheng, after all, the characteristics of Black Stone are like this, of course, it is still possible to leave it alone, but Gu Zheng is lazy to waste mana, and it will not affect its power.

The black sword flew straight out, reached the top of the monster's head with some crookedness in the air, and slashed down without any momentum.

The monster's reaction was very violent. When the black sword just appeared, it stopped turning around, spewing out balls of red water from its mouth, and finally wrapped itself in it, and was extremely afraid of the black sword.

However, the defense on it is really like a jelly, and it was easily squeezed aside by the black sword. The red mist wanted to climb up the surface of the black sword's body, but it stayed perfectly from above like ice skating. Unable to cling to, let alone control.

An extremely painful roar rose from the opponent's mouth, and a very narrow and long opening had been cut on the opponent's body, and a large piece of red water flowed out from it, which looked like the opponent's blood.

Gu Zheng saw that the black sword was so powerful, dealing with it was like bullying a child, the opponent had no ability to resist at all, if the opponent didn't dodge at the last moment, he could be split in two directly.

Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity. He must know that the black sword will be volatile all the time, and it will lose its effectiveness completely after a long time. go.

At this time, the monster speeded up and began to dodge. At the same time, a large piece of red water spewed out from its mouth, all of which were suspended around, completely covering Gu Zheng and the others inside, and some red mist had already filled the space. It's just that under the support of the blood origin bead, it's almost impossible to tell the difference.

A faint black water curtain rose outside Gu Zheng. It was Meng Zhen who crushed his own black stone and provided a layer of defense outside them so that Gu Zheng would be less disturbed. There was even a ball of black stone in his hand. If the opponent Dare to rush over and attack the opponent at any time, which also makes the monster fearful.

After only half a cup of tea, when the monster was chased by the black sword, there was no complete place on its body, but the surrounding area had become a long red river, which almost completely filled this small place, It can be said that they are completely suppressed here.

With so much red water, it was really a shock to suppress Gu Zheng and the two of them.

The monster here accelerated, temporarily freed from the interference of the black sword, and its whole body stood upright. Several injured claws kept waving in the air. At the same time, a red bead the size of an eye was finally spit out from it, and then the whole red water flowed They all started to boil.

As for Gu Zheng, he gave Mengzhen a look, and at the same time controlled the black sword to stab towards the opponent's head more quickly, but from the perspective of his eyes, it was too late to stop the opponent.

But at the moment before all the red water was about to leak, she threw the black stone in Mengzhen's hand directly, and a passage for one person walked out of the blunt water, and Gu Zheng took her away from here immediately.

At the same time, all the currents squeezed towards his original position, but all of them fell into emptiness.

The earlier it will be seen through by the opponent, and the later it will be caught in the opponent's attack. This timing is perfect. The tacit cooperation between the two makes the monster can only watch his target escape, but he can only be attacked by a black sword. Descending from the sky, directly inserting into his body from the top of his head, he couldn't even do other superfluous movements, the whole body suddenly swelled up, and bulged into a ball.

Even though it has reached the limit, the whole body is still trembling.


With the sound of a huge explosion, the monster's body was completely torn apart by the violent force.

The black and red inside the body splashed chaotically towards the surroundings, and even the large red river next to it, under the coercion of this huge force, also continued to flow towards the surroundings.

Gu Zheng fled far away and was not affected at all. Looking back at the glimmer of light in the black world, although it was fleeting, he knew that the monster had been completely eliminated.

Before he could be happy, something even more exciting happened. When those red water flowed towards the surroundings, they actually absorbed the power of the black world, and the places they passed returned to their original appearance again.

It's just that the red water flow doesn't seem to be able to digest the other party perfectly, and itself is also rapidly decreasing.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng led Meng Zhen into the center of the river again. Anyway, with the protection of the black stone, the other party could not threaten them at all.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng took the initiative to strike the void with his palm towards the surroundings, consciously letting the uncontrolled water flow towards the surroundings.

He remembered the location of Xiong Lao and the others, so naturally he would not approach that side.

After the red water flow was consumed, most of the entire space had returned to normal, only there was still a piece of black time around, and scattered black blocks in the middle, standing stubbornly in the middle.

Even if it is only the size of a palm, it cannot be ignored.

Gu Zheng took a breath, and then looked at the black area on the side, where Vermilion Bird was still staying inside, completely unaware of what happened outside.

Just when he wanted to go in and tell the other party what was going on outside, his face suddenly changed, and he turned back immediately, and put up a defense to protect him and Meng Zhen.

At the same time, a trembling breath swept out from a distance.

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