"Damn it, what are you doing, I'm your guest!"

At the edge of the beach, several figures were fighting frantically, but one of them was protecting the other and shouted at the surroundings.

"Before you came, you were a guest. Now that you have left, you are not a guest." One of them said with a cold snort.

"Damn it, I didn't expect you to become like this. I came here for the name. You guys."

"Father, don't talk too much with the other party. The other party has an aura, which is similar to yours. I'm afraid he has already surrendered to the other party." The woman behind said suddenly.

"Qing'er, don't worry, with me here, no one can take you away."

The two of them are naturally different. Tang Li and Tang Qing, who had not been separated from Gu Zheng for a long time, were surrounded by a group of enemies in blue clothes. The leader was an enemy not inferior to him in strength, but His physical injury is still not healed, he is not the opponent's opponent at all, and because of Tang Qing's encumbrance, he has no chance to escape, unless he escapes alone and gives up Tang Qing.

But for Tang Li, he would rather die than abandon Tang Qing.

At this time, they have been fighting here for more than half a day, and Tang Li knew that he might really hurt his daughter this time.

"I'm sorry, father!" Tang Qing apologized sadly behind Tang Li, "If I hadn't proposed to come here, such a thing would never have happened."

"How can I blame you? The main thing is who can know that the other party has fallen like this." Tang Li's mood was shaken, and he said to Tang Qing who was behind him.

But just as he was so distracted, the enemy he was fighting suddenly shifted from the front to the back, and directly stabbed him in the head with a sword. Tang Li pulled Tang Qing to the side with one hand, and waved his weapon to stop him.

But the other party just feigned a shot, let go of the weapon in the palm of his hand, and continued to stab at Tang Li. He fell down, came to Tang Qing's side, and directly pressed her shoulder.

"follow me!"

A black light flashed in the enemy's hand, and it passed through Tang Qing's shoulder instantly, making Tang Li's palm go numb, and the conditioned reflex relaxed a little. When he was taken away, his eyes turned red instantly.

"Don't move, be careful of your daughter's life." The enemy blocked Tang Qing and threatened Tang Li at the same time.

Tang Li abruptly stopped in the middle of the air. He realized something only when he saw his daughter struggling desperately. He couldn't help but sighed.

"What do you want to do, just say it, as long as my daughter is safe, everything will be fine."

"Father, don't do anything stupid, once you... woo woo." When Tang Tangqing wanted to say something, her mouth was blocked and she couldn't continue.

After the enemy restrained Tang Qing, he threw it directly to one of his subordinates, "You two, take her away first, and I will have a good talk with this friend!"

His two subordinates took Tang Qing inside and flew towards the deep sea, disappearing from Tang Li's sight.

"What do you want to say? As I said, I am willing to pay any price." Tang Li suppressed his restless body and said impatiently to him.

He wanted to pretend he didn't care, but he couldn't do it. He even felt that he might die in the hands of the other party, and his daughter could not be rescued, but he really couldn't do anything. He just blamed himself for not being prepared and being trapped by the other party. it's here.

"Very well, I like your cooperation, you two, go and tie him up." The enemy looked appreciative, and then ordered two people to tie Tang Li up.

The two people who were pointed at immediately walked towards Tang Li without saying a word, not worried at all that the other party's rampage would lead to their death.

Tang Li sighed, and without any resistance, he was sealed by the other party and tied his hands at the same time. The two men did not leave after finishing, but picked up the weapons in their hands and pointed at him, lest he act rashly .

"Master Tang, long time no see!"

The enemy in the distance walked over unsteadily, came to Tang Li's side and smiled.

"You know me?" Tang Li looked at the other party's undead and fake face, a little startled.

"Of course I do, but maybe you don't know me." The enemy came to Tang Li's back, patted one of them on the shoulder, and said at the same time, "Thank you for your hard work. I will give you the first place later."

"Thank you, Elder Qi." The man's face brightened, and he immediately said happily.

But as soon as the words fell, Elder Qi's palm had already slapped him on the shoulder, and then a blue light flashed in the palm of his hand, the latter's body froze suddenly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out directly, the body lay limp on the ground, Not far from death.

"Elder Qi!"

The person next to him was looking enviously at the person next to him. If he could get Elder Qi's help, he would definitely be reused, but he saw a scene that he couldn't believe.

Elder Qi actually killed his companion!

Although he couldn't understand it, he immediately retreated towards the air, away from Elder Qi, and at the same time wanted to warn the other companions.

It's just that when he turned his head like this, something happened that made him even more frightened. The remaining three people surrounded him in a triangle, looked at him with a sneer, and raised the weapon in their hands. The power contained in it , is ready to go.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, plus the magic circle outside to prevent Tang Li from escaping, how could an ordinary elite disciple have any other way.


He was terrified and wanted to say something, but the others didn't give him any chance to speak at all, they directly forced him to back down, and then without any accident, he was slapped to death in the air by Elder Qi.

The three subordinates started to clean up the bodies of the two dead people very neatly. Even their companions showed no superfluous expressions, and could even vaguely see some disgust and hatred.

Tang Li, who was on the side, was stunned. He never thought that the other party would kill each other.

"Long time no see, Master Tang!" The Seventh Elder here came over and smiled at Tang Li, "You haven't met me, but when I went out for a trip, I waited for your favor, so I will always remember it in my heart. "

"Then why did you kidnap my daughter?" Hearing this, Tang Li said unceremoniously, and he also knew that the other party should be one of the people he helped a long time ago, and he helped a lot of people back then. Yes, so many years have passed, and he can't remember clearly.

"Please listen to me, the matter is not as simple as you think. If you don't do this, your daughter and you are really dead. Even if I let you go, then we are dead." Elder Qi said lightly .

Tang Li naturally knew that even if the other party received his favor, he hadn't reached the level of sacrificing his life to help them escape, so he just kept silent and waited for a while before asking.

"These are your confidantes, what do you want me to do!"

"To be honest, you should be glad that Master Mori rejected you. He didn't even meet you in person, but just glanced at you from a distance. Although he gave the order to chase and kill, it was only for your daughter. As for you Or it doesn't matter, it sounds like I will kill you directly." Elder Qi said with a sigh.

"What happened to my daughter? Why did you bring her back?" Tang Li immediately asked him nervously, regardless of his own safety.

"It's a pity that your daughter can be raised like this. She has excellent perception ability, which is simply the best talent for us in refining medicine, but you use it as a combatant, but fortunately, she was saved, so This is love and eagerness, and I am going to go back to brainwash and treat him as the sect master's direct disciple, at least you don't have to worry about the other party's life." The seventh elder shrugged and said.

The other party's talent is really enviable, even he couldn't help but want to force her to stay at that time, but they don't know about Tang Li's coming here, whether many people know that once they die in their area, Then the fun will be big.

One must know that Tang Li knew not only human beings, many monster races had received gifts from each other, if they came to make trouble one by one, even they would not be able to survive.

Who knows if some of them have great powers behind them, it is estimated that anyone who comes here will run away, especially the monsters are now powerful, and they can't afford conflicts, so don't cause disputes, so let the other party out and lie in ambush Outside.

But anyway, people are not missing from them, no one can find them, or they can't leave the island at all.

"But after brainwashing, she is no longer her." Tang Li snorted coldly, "Are you letting me go and asking me to find help?"

"Yes, you are right, you have so many friends, it is not difficult to find some experts to compare with, but I have a suggestion, would you listen to it?" Elder Qi said affirmatively.

"What advice?"

"Not long ago, you met a man who was very special. You should be very impressed. His name is Gu Zheng!"

"You said it was him? Can he do it alone? I don't know the strength of yours here, but you are not weak compared with such a large scale." Tang Li hesitated, then said.

"Although he himself is not very powerful, the people behind him are very powerful." The Seventh Elder commented, and then talked about the situation here, "In our place, the most powerful is the sect master, and it is only the middle stage of Da Luo. , and was forcibly promoted by others, and his own combat power is not strong, and others are cultivated like me, and there are elite disciples I brought."

This is basically his old background, which seems vulnerable, but at this time, among the human race, it already belongs to a very large force. come out.

You must know that in ordinary places, mortals look up to celestial beings, and usually in prosperous places, there may be many golden celestial beings.

As for Da Luo, at present, even if there is, it is unknown. After all, if someone is so tall, he must have encountered a great adventure, or he got some from some dying monsters. thing.

But almost no one has seen it, Gu Zheng is the only human being he has ever seen, and it is probably because of the Shura clan that he has such cultivation.

"So weak, so he can deal with you people alone." Tang Li said subconsciously.

"How is that possible? The other party is only in the early stage of Da Luo, mainly the forces behind him. As long as he can help you, your problem will definitely be solved." Elder Qi shook his head and said, adding from the bottom of his heart.

"My problem, and even our Blue Medicine Sect's problem, are also hopeful to be resolved."

"It's been a while since you two met. Now he's in the late stage of Da Luo. Just a few days ago, the other party just saved the lives of my daughter and me. How can I be wrong." Tang Li retorted.

"Really? So the other party should still be nearby?" Elder Qi's eyes lit up, and after looking at the other party's affirmative eyes, he immediately said hastily, "In this way, he can solve the matter by himself. Let's have a fight and then you hurry to him."

"Fight?" Tang Li didn't understand at all. It's already a river, and there are no outsiders. Who are you acting for?

"Of course, if we come over to check and let you go so easily, everyone will know that there is something tricky, as long as the power is strong enough to show off!" Elder Qi said carefully, frowning.

Don't be afraid of just in case, just be afraid of 10,000. His work has not been completed, and he doesn't want to be found out of control like this, and then he will die completely.

"bring it on!"

Tang Li didn't say much, he could naturally understand the other party's worries, and started to play with the other party, and the three confidantes next to him also automatically hid in the distance, putting up their own defenses, so as not to be affected.

For a moment, the aura rose again, and it seemed to beat you to death, but in fact it was all thunder and rain. The two of them were not injured at all. If someone was watching here, it would be like playing house.

But from the outside, it feels like a life-and-death battle is going on inside, and the movement is particularly loud.

Just as they were fighting fiercely, a shout suddenly came from a distance.

"Here I come! The second class will be captured before it's too late."

A ray of golden light kept shouting, with a courageous momentum, rushing towards this direction, especially the ending sound in the mouth, it had to be elongated several times before it stopped.

"It's something from Gu Zheng."

The other party's arrogant aura, that eagerness to attract everyone's attention, successfully attracted the two people who were fighting and the three people who were watching the play nearby.

Tang Li knew who it was when he saw Mao Zhen, who was a little arrogant. Since that woman's magic weapon came, that Gu Zheng was with her, and they must not be separated for a short time, which means that the other party has also come. .

"Has Gu Zheng come? What a coincidence, you won't be attracted by our battle?" Elder Qi knew that the other party would come when he heard it.

Although it was a guess, it was actually affirmative, suddenly thought of something, and immediately shouted outside.

"Be careful of the defensive formations outside!"



Mao was really too excited. He accidentally fell asleep along the way, but when he woke up, he found that he missed a lot of things. It's a pity. After seeing what happened here, the other party's strength is not strong, so naturally he is welcome. , took the initiative to speed up and rushed towards this side. In order to prevent Gu Zheng from coming too fast, he specially asked them to come slowly.

He heard something yelling at him, as if asking him to pay attention to something, but before he heard it clearly, a cyan shield appeared out of thin air in front of him, and he bumped into it directly.

How could it be that the barrier that Tang Li couldn't escape was the one that he only knew how to speed up to break through. The whole body hung directly on it, and his body slowly clung to the top and fell towards the bottom. The huge impact force made him They all felt dizzy and murmured.

"Why didn't you say that there are still defenses outside! It hurts too much!"

As the outer shield flickered several times, it was completely closed by Elder Qi, and Mao Zhen also fell to the ground with a "slap", and he didn't want to get up at all, because it was too embarrassing, even if he looked like this, Mao Zhen was shameless , but still face.

"What's going on? Why are you here, Elder Qi, and even started fighting with Tang Li?"

Here Gu Zhenghe came here, it was so comforting to pick up Mao without looking at Mengzhen, and said to them with doubts.

The scene they saw before was that they were fighting in a pretentious manner. It was only when they were a little further away that they realized their fake beating, and then they were relieved to let Mao Zhen rush over. As a result, they were hit seven times before it had any effect. Meat and eight vegetables, eliminated.

"It seems that this time is just right, and there is no need for me to look for him. It's better not to fight, but to save my daughter quickly." Tang Li put away his weapon and said to Elder Qi, he was always worried about himself daughter.

"These traces are similar. Don't worry too much about your daughter. Even the brainwashing can't be completed in a short time, and it's enough to save her." The Seventh Elder looked around and said in relief.

"It's not your daughter, of course you don't feel bad." Tang Li retorted, with a look of awkwardness on his face, walking towards Gu Zheng.

The arrival of Gu Zheng made him really relieved, at least he didn't have to spend time and energy to find it, but when he thought of the other party, he pulled himself out of the abyss and let him go, and he had to plead with the other party again. Naturally, he was a little uncomfortable, and all of this was reflected on his face.

"Where's your daughter? Don't tell me, was she taken away?" Gu Zheng probably guessed something when he saw Tang Qing's expression and Tang Li's expression.

"Yes, I will send him away in person. I'm afraid the other party has already returned to the island." Elder Qi also said with some shame. He must know that Gu Zheng is coming so soon, so he can't act in this play. It's a pity that now It's too late to say anything.

"Abducted by you? I remember that you didn't leave last time and find a new place." Gu Zheng seemed to realize something as soon as he opened his mouth, with a surprised expression on his face, "Don't tell me, that medicine door is where you are."

"That's right, we just changed a name briefly, but even our entire sect has become out of control. The people are still those people, but most of them are not them." As of now, it seems that they are two different sects, which makes him sigh.

"How did this happen? Could it be that you were also transformed by the demon god from top to bottom?" Meng Zhen walked over from the side and asked curiously.

"Who is the demon god? It was only the change of the suzerain that caused this." The seventh elder was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

"Then why do you have the breath of a demon god on your body, why don't you explain it?"

Meng Zhen looked at the other party, and then said seriously.

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