Although Li Huan is the treasure of the Phoenix family, he was suppressed by Huofeng, which made Li Huan unable to exert his maximum power. Gu Zheng still understands this.

After all, at that time, if I was carrying a heavy treasure, I would have died long ago. Even if I tried my best, it would be impossible to cover up the aura of the Phoenix family, which would attract the attention of others, or the ancestors might have shot directly at the beginning.

At that time, although I had a gourd, I borrowed it myself, and it was useless for the other party to snatch it away. As for the judge's pen and the book of life and death, although it seems to be effective, his role is mainly in the underworld, so that they can be brought into play. The biggest effect, purely from the perspective of power, is not as good as the five rings owned by Gu Zheng.

In the eyes of those people, Yuhuan is at best a good magic weapon, and even now it won't make them tempted, so they put down their heads and fight for it.

But it is precisely because of this that at that time, as Gu Zheng was a powerful magic weapon, he put a lot of effort into Li Huan. At least the ignorant Qi Ling bird in it is still ignorant now, but he is already very close to him No, without my own permission, even the initial fire wind cannot be perfectly used in my hands.

The Phoenix family may know the existence of Xiaoniao, but they may not be able to realize that Xiaoniao itself can also produce Liuli Jinghuo, which is the confidence he came in.

It's just that the power is too weak at this time, compared with the power of the pure fire that can't be formed at all, I am afraid that only when the seal is untied can it fully show its demeanor. At that time, I will not be afraid of anyone competing for my things.

With a layer of protection maintained by the birds, the moment Gu Zheng stepped inside, after the surrounding gray fog surged up, he just stayed outside of himself and did not dare to approach.

Gu Zheng saw with his own eyes some of the gray fog rushing in, but he was running away at a faster speed, but the gray fog on his body was reduced by half.

The space here is full of gray fog of different sizes. If it really rushes up all at once, even if there is a little more to fight for this pure fire, it may not be able to sustain it. Fortunately, the other party has no wisdom and only instinct, and will not do this. Reassured him a lot.

Looking at the past, this place is just like Elder Piao said, like an absolute death place, but maybe it's a matter of protection. Gu Zheng didn't notice any aura from the outside world to disturb him, as if he just entered an ordinary place, just too much Just a little weird.

After looking around, except for some strangely shaped stones, there is nothing out of the ordinary. It can be said that it is a closed and gloomy cave.

Knowing exactly what he was going to do, Gu Zheng just stopped on the spot for a few breaths, and then continued to fly forward, using an unpleasant speed, so as not to bump into the very light gray fog and consume countless birds. much power.

After not traveling for many years, a huge behemoth appeared in the distance. A tree even bigger than what was seen in the cave stood standing in front of it. Because of the height of the huge branches, it looked like a tree hanging from above from a distance. a forest.

Different from the bare ones outside, these branches have arm size, like caterpillars, constantly wriggling, but they can only be seen from a distance. If you want to see the details, you need to get closer to see them clearly.

However, the body on this side only took a few more steps to the other side, and saw a figure in white clothes lying on the ground. On her body, there were two black and gray mist, which were constantly moving around her body. And her whole body exudes red and golden light, which looks a little weird.

"You still have time."

Seeing this, Gu Zheng really breathed a sigh of relief. Whether the opponent has been physically damaged or has been controlled by unknown changes here, it has not fallen to the worst level. The instinct of the opponent's body is still fighting against here. It's not too late, it seems that this time it will not be difficult.

After walking a few steps, Miss Bai, who was lying on the ground, stood up abruptly, a huge aura erupted from her body towards the surroundings, and the black and gray mist swept away one after another, within a radius of several meters of the other party's body. , forming a temporary safe space.

"Miss Bai, right? I came outside to take you back, you are now."

Gu Zheng smiled and said, then suddenly stopped, and looked at Miss Bai in front of him with some doubts. Except for some dirt on her body, there was no sign of injury, and there was no sign of a fight nearby, but this time At that time, the other party's eyes, one with a strange gray light, and the other with an equally strange black light, were staring at Gu Zheng in a daze.


At this moment, Bai Jiu suddenly groaned in pain, covered his head with his hands, as if he was enduring endless pain, and kept growling in his mouth.

"You want my life, you bastards are still a little tender, go die with me."

After shouting in pain, Bai Jiu turned around and rushed towards the huge tree behind him, needless to say Gu Zheng also understood the meaning.

The other party must have been affected to some extent. Knowing that he couldn't resist the past, he could only adopt the first plan before, and die with the other party with his own body. I am afraid that even Gu Zheng next to him didn't notice it.

Countless black air in the vicinity rioted, wanting to rush over frantically, but once it entered within a foot of the body, it seemed to bump into an invisible layer of protection, and could only be squeezed out continuously, and soon formed a huge The black ball, on the other hand, seemed to have lost interest in her, instead they all moved towards Gu Zheng and kept swimming around.

Gu Zheng couldn't just watch the other party die like this, he immediately chased after him, and after only two steps, he found the gray fog that was in the way, and with a thought, a white line of fire rushed towards him quickly, forcing himself to drive away one person in front of him There is room to move forward, this speeds up and soon came to Bai Jiu.

"Miss Bai, please stop, I'm here to rescue you, just leave the problem here to me." Gu Zheng looked at Bai Jiu who had his eyes closed tightly, and said urgently.

"Demons and ghosts, don't you still want to give up?" Bai Jiu's body stopped, her eyes were still closed, and she said in a hoarse voice.

But before she could finish her words, Gu Zheng's figure immediately left the place, and a beam of red light shot out from the opponent's palm, looking at Gu Zheng's body, the huge power made him feel a pang in his heart cold sweat.

The opponent is a quasi-sage master, if it wasn't for those interferences, I'm afraid I'd be severely injured by the opponent's casual blow.

And just as Gu Zheng was dodging, Bai Jiu had already rushed out again, not caring at all, after all, Gu Zheng's aura was there, posing no threat to her at all.

At this time, Gu Zheng also had a wry smile on his face, feeling like he didn't know what to do.

I want to save her, obviously the difference in strength between the two is too great, it is impossible for me to stop her, but I can't watch the other party go to death, so I immediately set off to chase the other party not far behind, and started to face Bai Jiu shouted.

However, it is obvious that Bai Jiu didn't take Gu Zheng seriously at all, or as phantom harassment. As long as she didn't stand in front of her, she didn't ask at all. With the painful groans from her mouth from time to time, it was obviously not too much. Energy to distinguish the authenticity of the ancient dispute.

As he approached, Gu Zheng became more and more anxious. He really didn't think of this when he was outside, but if he put himself in his position, even under normal circumstances, he would be extremely alert. After all, the idea that no one can get in here has already It is deeply rooted, not to mention that the other party is now being disturbed, I am afraid that only how to complete his own task is left in his mind.

Just as Gu Zheng was still racking his brains on how to make her stop, suddenly Bai Jiu, who was advancing in front of him, stopped. Just when he hurriedly stopped his figure and bumped into the other party accidentally, a sound came from his ear. The twitter with a very tyrannical sound, the sound is very unpleasant, and it is impossible to tell what kind of creature it is.

When I looked up, I realized that before I knew it, I was about to approach the giant tree. On the seemingly dark branches, one by one spread their wings, and nearly hundreds of black phoenix creatures were constantly flapping their wings and screaming. Mo's eyeballs, in this dimly lit space, are so bright, like stars hanging in the sky, but full of frightening light, as if they are about to be swallowed by people and bones.

The strength of those black phoenixes is not strong on the surface, or each of them has a cultivation level similar to that of Gu Zheng. The lack of strength is only for Elder Piao's quasi-sage, and this is what he can't understand.

There were a lot of opponents, but it shouldn't be very difficult for Bai Jiu, but looking at her cautious expression with her eyes closed, there was obviously something he didn't know.

With a loud cry, hundreds of black phoenixes flapped their wings one after another, flew down from the branches, and rushed towards Bai Jiu. Bai Jiu shot forward, not even interested in taking a look at Gu Zheng not far behind.

Gu Zheng retreated to the side at the first moment. If he resisted forcefully, he would probably end up evaporating. At the same time, he looked towards Bai Jiu,

Facing Gu Zheng's irresistible attack, Bai Jiu did not dodge, but stretched out a hand, and took a step forward, a red flame instantly surrounded her, forming a continuously burning fire circle outside, those attacks When it landed on it, it just splashed a large amount of sparks, giving the feeling that the Thunder God is big and the raindrops are small.

The duel between the two seemed to be very harmonious, and the black phoenix seemed to know that his attack could not cause any damage, so he just accelerated and rammed directly towards Bai Jiu's body.

Under Gu Zheng's surprised eyes, a black phoenix in the front seemed to commit suicide, and his whole body rushed up. The huge body did not bring it any advantage. When he approached for a moment, he clearly saw that the whole body It shrunk rapidly, and was actually sucked in by the seemingly ordinary fire circle, but the center of the fire circle seemed to be a bit dim.

Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help twitching, because the second phoenix had appeared again, and it slammed into it, seemingly suicidal to break the opponent's defense, and Bai Jiu's posture was even more strange, as if he was waiting When the other party arrived, he didn't have the unique aura he had before, but it seemed that the interference the other party had received hadn't strengthened, which was puzzling.

Although I don't know what Bai Jiu thinks, but Gu Zheng has already thought of a good way at this time.

Isn't Bai Jiu's target the black tree's mouth, he can't pull her back forcibly, as long as she destroys the task ahead of time, she can't dedicate herself to unnecessary actions, and the other party seems to be held back by these black phoenixes, Even if I don't know the reason, I know that such a good opportunity is impossible to let go.

The next moment, Gu Zheng's figure slowly dissipated in mid-air. Even though it felt that it had little effect, Gu Zheng still concealed his body, bypassed it from a distance, and approached the giant tree from another direction.

Therefore, some gray fog can keep surrounding an empty place, and the place surrounded by them is one of the few clean places here.

Gu Zheng also knew it, but he just wanted to hide it from those black phoenixes. To his surprise, it seemed that they really didn't pay attention to him, allowing him to approach the past very smoothly.

As he approached this side, the gray mist that surrounded him all the time had quietly left, and he seemed to have the same fear of this giant tree, but the black air here was more intense, and he could see countless The black air rises from each branch. It is a caterpillar that looks more enlarged than what I saw standing on it before. The folds and fluff on the body are even more disgusting when viewed from a close distance.

There is only a small hole like a mouth on the top, and countless black air, with the continuous movement of the body, continuously emerges from the small hole, turning into wisps of black smoke and rising upwards. The more you look up, the blacker the black smoke becomes. Dense, after reaching a certain level, a thick black cloud has formed.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also took a breath in his heart. There was no cover around him, and he could see that there was no mouth below that he couldn't forget at a glance. Obviously it was in a higher place, and it was also the most dangerous place.

Turning his head and looking back, half of the number of black phoenixes had disappeared at this time, and half of the fire circle below was also dyed black. Bai Jiu didn't know when he had advanced a lot, and the branches that had fallen recently were all It was less than a few feet away from him, and the time for Gu Zheng was obviously running out.

After thinking about it like this, when the other party dies together, everything I have done will be in vain, and what I have planned will naturally come to nothing

Gu Zheng stopped hesitating immediately, his body appeared outside, exerting strength under his feet, his whole body soared into the air, directly jumping up to a height of more than ten meters, a pressure came from above, and he stepped on the branch suddenly, with " "Crack" with a crisp sound, the branch under his feet broke in two, and Gu Zheng took the opportunity to jump into the air again.

He didn't use mana, and wanted to get as close as possible with his physical body, but the outside of his body was still protected by the bird, and he didn't want to deal with these black smoke that couldn't see the way.

Maybe it's his caution, maybe his weakness, and it's because Bai Jiu outside has already attracted his attention. If the giant tree here has its own consciousness, it will obviously know what the old opponent is going to do this time. It doesn't matter that much, anyway, Gu Zheng has touched the clouds of the black mist very smoothly.

It can be clearly seen that after the countless black mist melted into the inside, it did not completely stay inside, and some continued to be sucked away by the top. As for the top, it was already invisible. If you want to know, you must break through this barrier .

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the little bird that had been sitting quietly on Gu Zheng's head had already raised its wings, as if it was about to fly, and a bright white light quickly gathered on its whole body.

He knows that no matter how low-key the other party is, if he really breaks in here, the other party will definitely take measures. At that time, it will not be so easy. He just hopes that he will not pay so much attention to himself. After all, the guy below is powerful and has the attitude of dying together No matter how obvious it is, he is better than him, only the people in the late stage of Da Luo are stronger.


The little bird drew its wings together, and its whole body flew towards the sky rapidly. A fierce flame rushed out of its body and rushed towards the black mist. Wherever it passed, it forcibly opened a passage for only one person.

Gu Zheng followed closely behind, breaking through this layer of black mist in the blink of an eye, and came to the world that the other party deliberately hid.

Here, there is fog everywhere, which greatly compresses his vision, so that he can see things within three feet at most. From his sight, he can only see black cocoons as tall as a person. Growing on each branch, as the black cocoon beats regularly like a heart, a small part of the surrounding black mist is sucked in.

Looking at these black cocoons, his heart skipped a beat, as if there was something terrifying inside, once it was released, it would definitely bring huge disasters to the world, but fortunately, the other party seemed to be in a deep sleep state, maybe the only way to get out of here was to leave here. Completely releasing the opponent's power, at this moment he understood a little why the Phoenix Clan wanted to suppress this place and prevent these things from coming out.

For these, Gu Zheng just paid a little attention, and then his eyes have passed through the infinite black mist, looking towards a certain position in the sky, although he can't see anything there, but he has a feeling in his heart, as if there is something "similar" "It's there, and the other party is also deliberately exuding his own breath, attracting him to go over.

"Oh, I want to see what kind of tricks you are playing."

Above Gu Zheng's head, a passage without any black mist appeared in mid-air, and the road was slightly curved to avoid some impassable places, obviously a passage specially prepared for him.

He didn't care about this, and felt that the other party was playing with fire and setting himself on fire. If the expected entanglement did not come, he would naturally not let go of this opportunity and quickly flew up along this passage.

In just a short period of ten breaths, after crossing a height of 100 meters, Gu Zheng finally saw that the thing that invited him up was exactly the mouth he was looking for.

Speaking of the mouth, in fact, the position of the head has a shape that looks like a mouth, like a flattened circle, and there are still human body and limbs underneath, and the only pair of eyes are also in the position of the breasts on the chest .

Puffs of black air kept inhaling from his navel, and then there was a round hole like a mouth at the position of his head, which kept coming out, but it wasn't black air that came out, but a very thin layer of gray mist , continue to rise upwards.

It turned out that the origin of the gray mist came from here.

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