"Miss, are you okay?"

Not far from where Gu Zheng is, in another separate box, there is a strong man and a little old man inside. There are also some dishes on the table. Although they are not as luxurious as Gu Zheng, they are still expensive. Not cheap.

And if Gu Zheng was here, it would be obvious at a glance that it was the time when he was asking for directions on the road, the two guys who were besieged, and at this moment the two of them were munching and eating happily.

"Miss what, call me Master Sanshun now." The little old man scolded the man with his brows glaring.

The man just chuckled, "Yes, Miss, no, it's Lord Sanshun."

When the opponent's palm was raised, he immediately changed his mouth. You must know that the opponent's beating is still very painful, especially now that your injury is still painful.

"Hurry up, we've been here for quite a while, we'll go out of the city later and find a place to rest, heal our injuries, and we'll continue on our way." The old man Sanshun told him.

They came to this city soon after using the things they left behind to escape, not because she wanted to spend a lot of money to come here, but because this place has some things that can speed up the recovery of injuries, and it is safer. select here.

As for expenses, she still has something on her that is enough to pay for this time.

"If we had known that there were so many good things over there, we wouldn't be in such a mess. It's a pity that the situation has become like this, and it's too late to notify Mr. Jin." The man said with some emotion from the side.

"How many times have I said that we have nothing, and now that the outside is so chaotic, we must pay more attention to our own safety. We would have been dead if we hadn't been under pressure before." Sanshun gritted his teeth and stared at him again, hating Tooth itching.

This one who has been following him has nothing but a sincere heart. He is stupid, poor in skill, not strict in his mouth, and refuses to change after repeated admonitions.

Although she complains so much in her heart, she also knows that sincerity is more important than anything else here, especially in this turbulent period.

Hearing Sanshun's complaints, the man kept nodding his head, and at the same time he didn't stop, swallowing all the rest.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, starving ghost." Sanshun looked at the other party and complained again. Seeing the other party's disapproval, he sighed in his heart, "We will leave after eating."

In the box not far from them.

At this time, Gu Zheng was still researching what was going on with Ji Qi, so he settled down to grab it continuously from the air, but each time he grabbed it, there were only a few, and this thing was extremely hidden. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people couldn't find it even if they went looking for it.

After grasping for a long time, even the size of gravel did not condense. Seeing that the other party merged into his body again, Gu Zheng also temporarily gave up his plan to continue researching. He had a premonition in his heart, as if he could understand what happened that day by unlocking the secret of Ji Qi's disappearance. whats the matter.

This ji qi is very similar to the former black qi.

Putting down what he was doing for the time being, Gu Zheng saw a wine pot made of black stones in front of him, and poured himself a glass. The dark liquid in the glass gradually filled up, and it looked different from ordinary wine. There was a faint sound, and it began to spread in the air. Just smelling it, it lifted the whole person's spirits, as if the surroundings had been surrounded by condensed wine.

"It is said that this is a hidden underground river here. After removing the impurities in it, it is brewed with some special methods. It is the specialty of this place. It is not available in other places except here, and the price is very expensive."

Gu Zheng hasn't had a drink yet, Xiao Ye has already introduced it graciously.

Putting down the jug, Gu Zheng raised his head, looked at the other party's detailed introduction, which was more detailed than those dishes, and waited until the other party had finished speaking before opening his mouth.

"Is the person in charge of this shop really amazing?"

"Yes." Xiaoye nodded, even glanced around subconsciously at this place, and lowered her voice a little, "I heard that the tallest person who opened this shop has the strength of the peak of Da Luo, and even his subordinates are also very powerful. Most people dare not mess with your subordinates, I heard that the mansion has invited him."

"So many people here dare not make mistakes. Some people used to make trouble for no reason, but they never saw each other again."


Gu Zheng nodded noncommittally, was full of interest in the glass of wine, then raised the glass, took a sip, and then closed his eyes.


As soon as the wine is in the mouth, a burst of aroma fills the mouth, and you can even vaguely feel a sweetness, which is just right to make the strong fragrance even more sweet, and you don't have to swallow it yourself, these wines will directly and automatically It slid towards the throat, and it was as clear as spring water, with a sense of refreshment, and it radiated wantonly from the inside to the surroundings.


The whole person seems to be soaking in a warm hot spring, and the hot spring is full of sweet sake. Just this small cup gives people a feeling of intoxication.

Feel the wine pass through the stomach and continue to spread towards the surroundings, the whole body seems to have drunk the glass of wine.

"Good wine!"

After waiting for a long time for the lingering fragrance in his mouth to subside, Gu Zheng opened his eyes and let out a sigh of admiration.

The things that can make him admire are definitely not ordinary products. The taste makes people have endless aftertaste, and they continue to immerse themselves in the other party's artistic conception.

There is even a special force in it. Originally, after Gu Zheng came here, he landed directly on the edge of the place. He hurried for five or six days to come here. I was really a little irritable. I knew it. It was only then that he had the patience to let the other party accompany him.

I didn't expect that after this glass of wine, the slight boredom in my heart disappeared, and even my spirit became much sharper.

It's a pity that this wine can actually have the greatest effect on ghost cultivators. If Gu Zheng drinks it, it's just an incomparable taste, and it also has some effects of washing the soul.

"Here's a drink for you."

Seeing the envy in the opponent's eyes, Gu Zheng directly picked up the jug and filled the opponent's cup without giving the opponent a chance to speak.

"Thank you, my lord! It's just that I can't drink it now, and I need to find a quiet opportunity. Only in this way can I not waste it." Xiaoye was extremely moved in his heart, and it could be seen that the other party did not have other purposes, after all, he was a small I am afraid that the character is not worth this glass of wine after he is dead. He doesn't even know his name. He just vaguely mentioned it before, and everyone knows it. Otherwise, when he was introduced, he said it directly.

Looking at the small glass of wine in front of him, he took a quick glance at Gu Zheng, who was different from ordinary people, and even felt that he had suffered so much before that he met this adult.

Although he couldn't know Gu Zheng's cultivation level, he was definitely a big man, and he didn't know that the other party also fell here. He felt that the other party had just come here, and he didn't know many things, or knew very little.

As for the space treasure on his body and those things, it is estimated that some powerful ghost cultivator wanted to take advantage of it not long after he came down, but he didn't take advantage of it. Instead, he died in Gu Zheng's hands, and the things on his body naturally became The opponent's spoils.

From his vision, he naturally couldn't imagine that the other party came down from the outside world.

This is a place that the outside world can't avoid, how could anyone take the initiative, let alone him, no one would think of this matter.

Naturally, Gu Zheng didn't know that the other party had such a short time, so after thinking about it, but thinking about the other party's cultivation base, he also understood why the other party didn't drink now, so he nodded in agreement with the other party.

Xiaoye carefully took out a wooden bottle from her bosom, dumped the contents aside without hesitation, rinsed it with the water next to it, then concentrated on picking up the wine glass, and poured it into her own bottle little by little.

Gu Zheng also smiled when he saw that the other party looked like he had found a treasure, and then grabbed the wine bottle to drink another glass, but the whole wine bottle stood upright, and except for a few drops, no more wine was poured out. Upon closer inspection, it was empty inside.

"Master Gu, I think this thing is precious, and there are only two of us, and we only give us such a small amount. Of course, it may be best to just drink one serving, and drinking more is useless." Xiaoye didn't know either, after all these things He had only heard about it, but he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he guessed uncertainly.

"Forget it, you go and help me see how much the other party has. If possible, buy all the wines in this store. If there is still a good one to buy, don't be afraid that I have no money." Like an upstart, he said to Xiaoye.

He has a lot of good things in his hand, no matter how expensive they are, they are enough to pay for them.

"Okay." Xiaoye got up immediately, even though more than half of the table was still there, she just reminded her aloud when she walked to the door, "My lord, maybe you can change into similar clothes."

Gu Zheng nodded slightly. When the other party went out, he had already changed into a pair of exquisite black tops, which was not as conspicuous as before. Although being conspicuous can bring more attention, it can also attract more trouble, especially here There are too many changes from the last time, and there is a feeling that he can't understand, that it is impossible to be as free as before.

Now he has two things in mind to do.

One is to see if Yang Du is still here, and the other is to look for Youzhu and Senlu. As long as one can be taken away, Senyan can speak to find the location of the demon god. Only then can I know where Xiangxiang went in the end.

Of course, for the latter, Gu Zheng feels that there is still great hope. After all, there is a lot of time for changes here. If it is fully evolved, I am afraid that I am really powerless now.

Nothing to do, while Gu Zheng was waiting, he studied Ji Qi again.

After leaving the box, Xiaoye walked straight down, saw a woman who was taking a short rest, and walked towards her directly, before he took two steps away, the woman came over three steps in two steps, smiling at Xiaoye road.

"Does this friend need anything else?"

As the person in charge here, the woman naturally has her own eyesight, not to mention that she has an extraordinary cultivation base and a cultivation base of the Celestial Immortal Stage. She can tell at a glance who is the master and who is the servant. To say that the servant is a friend is already giving him face.

The same is naturally true in Xiaoye's heart, and he also knows that if he didn't rely on Gu Zheng, the other party, let alone a friend, might not even have the qualifications to come here, let alone meet with a smiling face now.

After a little thought, Xiaoye said directly, "The kind of wine just now?"

Speaking of this, Xiaoye elongated the last tone.

"It's Qiongyun wine." The woman said very cooperatively.

"Yes, it's Qiongyun wine. How much do you have here? Do you have wine of the same grade?" Xiaoye didn't dislike that she hadn't heard of it. After feeling the good name in her heart, she asked immediately.

"What do you mean by friend?" With such undisguised words from the passage, the woman raised her brows, and she was a little more surprised when she saw Xiaoye's unremarkable appearance.

"If there is any more, no matter how much, there is still about the same amount of drinks, and my lord will cover them all." Is it just once, Xiaoye said boldly.

He felt that he should be particularly handsome at this time, but unfortunately this kind of thing probably happened this time.

"Your Excellency is really heroic. We really have a lot of stock here, because we only shipped a large number of them a few years ago. I wonder if it is possible?" The smile on the woman's face was even more charming, and she smiled at Xiaoye.

The reason why she hasn't left until now is because of these headache drinks. There are not many of these drinks, and the rest are all high-end drinks. The low-end drinks have been dealt with here long ago. Pack, and they will leave after packing in two days.

Who would have thought that in a place that was so prosperous before, it would start to fall in such a short period of time.

Even so, the woman still has a headache, because these things are not easy to transport, leaving a specific storage environment, in her imagination, at most half of them will go back, and the quality of the remaining half will also drop greatly, so they can only be regarded as low-quality goods. Bring it up for sale, maybe the future fate is also internally digested.

It took a lot of energy to take care of it in the middle, but knowing the result, she couldn't throw it away casually. Overjoyed.

But she still kept her mind steady. After all, these things were expensive, and she didn't know if the other party could eat them all.

"Wait!" Xiaoye also understood what the other party meant, and immediately turned her head and ran towards the box.

The woman originally wanted to be with the other party, but the other party was running so fast that she couldn't express her desire, so she stopped abruptly, thinking about what price to quote in her heart, in case it was too high to scare the other party Running away, or just a little bit, would be a bit of a bummer.

But if it's too low, it's hard for her to explain, just thinking about it in her heart, Xiaoye has come back again.

"I'll give you these as a deposit, and take me there." Xiaoye directly threw a package over, and at the same time raised her hand, a very ordinary-looking jade bracelet was inside, and said to the woman in shock.

The woman took it in a hurry, opened the crude package and looked, twenty pieces of grievance-cleaning fruit were randomly piled up inside.

"No problem, please follow me." The woman's eyes lit up, she handed the things in her hand to the subordinate next to her, and invited Xiaoye.

Just now she was thinking about how the other party would transport it, but the other party took out a space device, and she was too busy to worry about it.

Since the other party was willing to spend so much money and wrap it all together, the other party naturally thought about how to transport it, especially the other party's bracelet, which looked like it hadn't been used for a long time, and his heart was even more awe-inspiring, and he knew how to treat the other party.

The woman beckoned a few people to follow along, and walked towards the distance with Xiaoye. There is only a small amount of stock here, and most of them are still being packed at the storage point in the distance.

After walking around for several blocks, they soon came to a house of the same style.

This house is just a warehouse, and there is nothing new except that it is big and rough. When the guard saw the woman coming, he quickly opened the door to let them in.

"Our things are all here. It will take some time for us to pack and ship them up. Why don't you wait a bit." The woman said enthusiastically.

The other party bought all of these, but it helped her a lot. You must know that these would have been sold for decades.

This place is empty, except for some messy things, everything that was put here has been removed, but I didn't see those wines, and Xiaoye also knew that such good things would not be left outside, and was about to let the other party start to move, suddenly A question comes to mind.

"I still have something to do. You will pack it up and put it here later. I will come as soon as I go."

The woman just pondered for a while before agreeing to the other party, but she still ordered, "It should not exceed an hour, otherwise the quality of these wines will deteriorate."

Xiaoye smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back after a stick of incense at most."

"The time is just right, so I'll wait for you here."

Xiaoye nodded, and then strode away from here.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and move things out, be careful and be careful." The woman shouted at the others.

When this side started to move in an orderly manner, Xiaoye had already quietly rushed towards her home.

When he came here, he realized that this place was only one street away from his house, which can be said to be very close. Before he left here, he forgot that there was an important thing at home, so he just took advantage of his opportunity go get it.

Approaching her home, Xiaoye looked around very alertly for a while, and found that there was nothing suspicious, so she went to the back of her room, opened a door and got in.

His house is very simple, like most people, a small house with some stone furniture polished by himself, without even a bedding, like a coffin, with no windows except the door, there are A shelter from the wind and rain, and a place to guard against external threats is enough.

After he came in, he took a quick glance, and some details that he only knew hadn't been changed. Obviously, those debt collectors hadn't come in yet, which made him relieved, and quickly went to the corner, opened a hidden compartment, and there were A simple box made of wood.

When she saw the box, Xiaoye showed a trace of nostalgia on her face, and then opened the box, and an old silver necklace appeared in the box.

Xiaoye put the necklace in her arms, then put the things back, and carefully put back the place she touched, then went out through the secret door, quickly glanced around, then lowered her head, and quickly walked towards the warehouse over there .

When his figure disappeared in the street, two people came out from a shadowy corner.

"You go to inform the boss, if you find Ye Tian's trace, I will follow him, and I can't let him run away."

"Okay, I owe us a lot of money, so I just want to leave safely like this, wishful thinking."

The two separated immediately, and one quickly ran towards Ye Tian in the opposite direction, while the one who spoke first followed Ye Tian and began to track him down.

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