"Big brother!"

In an open space behind Hongqiang, with a flash of light, Xiangxiang's figure appeared there. Looking at the emptiness around her, and there was no figure of Gu Zheng, she yelled heart-piercingly.

"Xiangxiang! You're back!" Ao Guang, who appeared beside her for the first time, shouted in surprise when he saw Xiangxiang.

"Father, big brother didn't come back and was stopped by the other party." Xiangxiang cried loudly.

However, his complexion suddenly changed, countless black air began to emerge from his eyes, and his complexion also began to change.

It was the black incense inside that began to fight for control of the body.

"Give me back!"

Ao Guang flashed directly beside Xiangxiang, knowing what happened without looking. He slapped Xiangxiang's head, and then a blue light flashed in the palm of his hand, and when he pulled it out, a black smoke was drawn from Xiangxiang's body. It was pulled out, and then sealed in a small blue ball.

Xiangxiang on the side swayed, and once again took control of her body. When she opened her mouth to think about it, the shell on her chest suddenly lit up and turned into a colorful light to surround Xiangxiang.

"What's the matter?" The Dragon King of the South China Sea came a step later, looking at a half-human-sized shell in front of him, a little puzzled, and didn't even recognize it.

"It's a bit complicated to say. Xiangxiang is inside. I didn't expect that it would evolve at this time. Let's go back first. No matter how Xiangxiang is rescued, we can prepare to fight back."

Ao Guang's knowledge of this thing is of great benefit to Xiangxiang, but at this time, it should be related to his extraction of Heixiang, and I don't know what happened to Gu Zheng, judging from Xiangxiang's tone , seems to be in a bad situation, but unfortunately she is in this situation now, and she can't disturb the other party, everything can only be said when she wakes up.

Some people who came after hearing the news immediately understood what Ao Guang said after hearing Ao Guang's last words, and everyone's morale was greatly boosted.

Seeing Xiangxiang leaving smoothly, Gu Zheng made a final swipe fiercely. The golden lights on his body could no longer withstand the continuous attacks, and they collapsed and disconnected. Then he looked at the situation around him.

He didn't see the woman's figure, or he was in an empty world, the sky and the ground were bright white, as if to blind his eyes, this familiar light let him know that at this time, he might Already caught in the formation outside, there might be many people staring at him in places he couldn't see.

Standing at the same spot, Gu Zheng did not walk rashly, looked around carefully, and at the same time researched this place, how to get out, before he could figure out a little bit of research, many enemies had appeared in the distance, as if a great force was heading towards Gu Zheng rushed towards him without concealing his figure at all, and just rushed towards Gu Zheng.

The auras of these people were different, and even Gu Zheng saw two people guarding the door, but although there were many people on the other side, he still couldn't kill himself if he wanted to. The main thing he was afraid of was that woman.

These dozens of enemies soon came to Gu Zheng, some of them were even golden immortals, and they rushed forward bravely, as if they were serving as human shields.


Soon the previous few enemies who committed suicide attacks died under the sword of Gu Zheng, so easily that the other party hit his hand deliberately to beg for death, but after the other party died, it turned into a ball of water stains and fell on the ground, and soon Disappear.

And those enemies whose strength is in the low-level Da Luo are not as powerful as Gu Zheng imagined, but they are not as unconscious as puppets. It looks like someone is manipulating behind the scenes, but the reaction is a little slow, and they are quickly given by Gu Zheng. It was easily resolved, and they all turned into water stains and disappeared on the ground.

Gu Zheng was not allowed to take a few more breaths. At the same position in the distance, as expected by Gu Zheng, more than a dozen of them appeared in the distance again, rushing towards Gu Zheng again. This time he could clearly feel the opponent's strength. Improving, and speeding up the reaction, if this goes on, I am afraid that the strength will only get older and stronger.

It's just that this place is definitely more than that, you have to go out as soon as possible, although you know it, but you don't have any clues, this space doesn't seem to have any loopholes, even the ground looks solid, once you attack, it's like attacking in the void.

This time, Gu Zheng deliberately kept the opponent, did not kill him, and led them around to see if there were any flaws in other places, but suddenly a phantom appeared in the air, and at the same time a huge dragon that could not be ignored The claw shadow shot towards the place where Gu Zheng was.


Obviously there was no entity in the attack just now, but there was a huge vibration under the dragon's claws. Just after escaping from the ancient battle not far away, he immediately felt the movement coming from under his feet, and immediately flew up.


At the moment he just flew up, the ground below the ground fell down like a stone, and there was a huge pitch-black pit underneath, a void that confuses people's perception.

Gu Zheng was not lucky yet, another phantom with dragon claws reappeared, pressing towards him, and the other phantom did not disappear, floating in the air and continued to catch Gu Zheng. As for the phantoms that entangled Gu Zheng just now , has been killed by Dragon Claw regardless of enemy or friend.

Looking at the phantom above his head, Gu Zheng didn't dodge this time, the Yunhuang Sword in his hand trembled, and waved at the ghost in the air, a huge sword aura not smaller than the opponent suddenly rose, completely covering most of the ghosts. The sky, with momentum like a rainbow, pierced heavily towards the palm above, as if the sky had been opened up.

At this time, countless blue rays of light emerged from the giant claws in the sky, and they changed from virtual to real almost instantly. The scales were densely packed like a gate, arranged smoothly and neatly, and the top was shining with a faint blue luster, which looked extremely hard. .

"You can't stop it!"

Seeing the same thing with the other one, it accelerated and rushed up obliquely. It seemed that it wanted to take the opportunity to directly crush Gu Zheng into pieces, but Gu Zheng let out a roar and moved his hand slightly, and the sword light on it suddenly had a new light. Variety.

There are countless golden lights around the entire body of the sword. If you look carefully, the edges that were originally upright have now evolved into sharp sword lights that are vibrating at high speed, and the entire air suddenly sounds like a harsh sound like a chainsaw.


When the two touched together, there was a huge friction sound, the golden light collided with the blue, and countless spark-like light spots burst out, like a beautiful rain of flowers. The crowd who just came from a distance, a few Those with weaker cultivation turned into a puddle of water and disappeared, and the rest was just like being drunk, staggering, and there were only a few big Luos with a few points, and they barely moved on.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng snorted coldly, turned his wrist slightly, and the sword body in the air was also tilted. The slight arc made a layer of trembling sword light also touch the opponent, and the flower rain that burst out instantly became louder, and the sound It also became crisper.

"Open it for me!"

Gu Zheng clenched his hands tightly, and then pressed down fiercely. The sword light above also flashed suddenly, and the entire sword body slanted suddenly. The dragon scale armor that the opponent was proud of was instantly broken.

When a point is broken, it means that there is a flaw. Gu Zheng swung his arm almost at the same time. Although the huge sword light was bright, he immediately gave the huge palm to everyone, and at the same time, a huge pain sounded in the air. .

Accompanied by the real dragon's blood, Gu Zheng turned around suddenly, and at the same time swung his Yunhuang sword, and slapped the other giant claw that was about to come, only the normal-sized sword body and the frontmost claw tip of the opponent touch together.

"Bang" a loud noise

Almost at the same time as the sword light in the air touched it, it had already turned into a golden light and entered Yunhuangjian's body, and the opponent's claws instantly turned into powder. As soon as Gu Zheng loosened his hand, the entire sword body became extremely huge like a restart. The foot occupied half of the sky, just like hitting a fly with a racket, it directly smashed the dragon claw into pieces.

This time, the screams of pain in the air had turned into wailing, as if he had been traumatized by incomparable trauma.

Gu Zheng looked at a point in the air, and through that point of business, he had already determined the position. He pointed his arm in the air, and the giant sword in the air quickly shrank back to its normal state, turning into a golden light and disappearing into the air in an instant, followed by a sound of cloth The sound of being torn apart resounded in the air, and a gap appeared in the white world in front of him.

The exit here is opened.

Gu Zheng left directly from the gap, holding the Yunhuang sword in his hand and looking around.

Those white lights from before had completely disappeared. Not far from the ground, the guards I had seen before and those who had appeared in the formation looked at me in a distance with some fear. It is to retreat some distance towards the outside.

Just those actions just now are enough to make these sea people dare not go forward, and the blue dragon who has been in the air for more than ten feet is looking at him with hatred, a pair of football-sized blue eyes are constantly expanding and contracting, looking He is very afraid of Gu Zheng, and the two bloody dragon claws under his body are the lesson just now.

However, what surprised Gu Zheng was that there was a very huge pothole not far away. Judging from the size, Ao Qing should have been knocked down. At the same time, he also saw a dissipated power there, and then he understood why he had The waiting formation is almost useless, the core of the emotional formation is destroyed, and trapping oneself is only an auxiliary formation.

This is thanks to Ao Qing who doesn't know where to go.

Gu Zheng looked at the blue dragon in front of him, and wanted to leave here as soon as he moved. His mission has been completed, and it will not do him any good to entangle with the other party.

But he wanted to leave, but someone didn't want him to leave, a figure directly stopped him, it was the blue dragon that the woman turned into.

"Do you want to court death?"

Gu Zheng frowned and said, from the beginning of the battle just now, he knew that the opponent was definitely not his opponent.

"If you lose Xiangxiang, it's a death penalty anyway. Only when you die, can you have a chance." The deep voice came from Lanlong's mouth, and it could be seen that she was not joking.

"If you want me to die, you are not qualified enough."

Before Gu Zheng finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in place. At the same time, a huge blue wave appeared out of thin air at his position, and he would be surrounded by it one step later.

"It's like this every time, thinking that if you take the opportunity to speak, you can sneak attack me."

In another place, the figure of Gu Zheng appeared and said with a mocking smile.

This method of playing the rest, it is estimated that it is impossible to work at this level, but the other party still has a try, and if he really has the chance to win, ignore her threat?

Lan Long is not talking nonsense with him at all, she saw with her own eyes that Master Qing fell into a disadvantage in the battle, and now he is missing, his life and death are unknown, and now Xiangxiang is also lost under her nose, no matter which side will let him go, I hate Gu Zheng more than everything else, but it's a pity that the formation on my side was accidentally destroyed, otherwise how could I be so passive.

The not-so-huge body swung nimbly in the air, and dozens of arm-thick water streams appeared around him, rushing towards Gu Zheng in an instant. Rushed to the ancient struggle.

Without waiting for the other party to approach, the phantom copper bell appeared in front of Gu Zheng, spinning around together, and a yellow transparent rope was connected together one by one, just like a hand bell, but the bells all around couldn't go down to the palm of the hand.

"Jingle Bell"

When Gu Zheng turned his wrist, the copper bell rang automatically, and the yellow sound waves visible to the naked eye rushed directly to the past. After the little blue dragons passed through the body, they were all scattered and turned into large clouds of water mist.

Now only the remaining blue dragon is still rushing forward, and has come to Gu Zheng. The giant claws in the front are directly grabbed towards Gu Zheng. A strong binding force appeared on Gu Zheng, pulling him towards his mouth to suck it.

With the threat in front of him and the restraint of his body, Gu Zheng didn't panic at all. The copper bell in front of him opened instantly, forming a larger circle, which happened to surround Gu Zheng inside, and the suction disappeared immediately. As for the opponent In order to attack, he simply blocked the Yunhuang sword in front of him, forming a wide sword shield, and blocking himself under it.

As expected, Gu Zheng's figure flew out immediately, but apart from a slight shock in his body, there were no other injuries.

Dragon bloodline is an extremely powerful bloodline. If you really want to calculate it, it is only stronger than yourself. When it is in the dragon body, its body is extremely strong. It is very resistant to various spells. It can be said that it can resist the opponent's frontal attack. A few, even Phoenix and Qilin can't do it.

When transforming into a human body, although the strength of the body is greatly reduced, the flexibility itself is greatly increased, and various spells are frightening, almost omnipotent, even if the blue dragon in front of you, if it is not relying on Yunhuang sword It is so sharp, I am afraid that any weapon on his body will not be able to break through the opponent's defense.

Of course, it does not mean that after becoming a dragon body, the opponent will only use brute force, but it is more comfortable and the effect is better than using brute force.

So when Gu Zheng had just stabilized his body, the opponent had already sprayed out a crystal clear blue beam of light, even though they were far apart, they came to Gu Zheng at almost the same moment.

At this time, Gu Zheng instinctively sacrificed his current most powerful defense, and a colorful shield instantly enveloped him, and then the outside became a blue world.


One after another sounds like icing kept ringing in Gu Zheng's ears, and the multicolored shield was invaded by blue light, and the intense cold made his body tremble a little, and the jet of blue beam of light, Still continuously spewing out from the mouth of the blue dragon.

Gu Zheng snorted heavily, and suddenly a very bright flame appeared outside the colorful circle of Gu Zheng, and the huge fire wave instantly emptied the surrounding blue world, no matter how much power poured in behind, it couldn't To wipe out this force, it was blocked by the fire wave instead.

The two jade rings of earth and fire strengthened from the Phoenix family have already completed evolution, but if you want to really advance to another level, you must evolve all five jade rings, and the internal circulation of the five elements will be able to truly complete the advancement. But now alone is also a great increase in power.

If it weren't for the previous two consecutive devouring of the five elements, which greatly strengthened the upper limit of Yuhuan, even knowing that this method would not work, it must be said that it is a kind of luck.

The shield outside Gu Zheng dissipated, and with a wave of his hand, the fire wave doubled in size, forming a thick pillar of fire, which rushed towards the opponent instead. The blue beam of light was instantly engulfed, as if it had been transformed Like a wave of fire, push towards the opponent.

This time, the blue dragon's eyes froze, and he immediately avoided it, and the whole person dodged to the side, trying to avoid the attack.


Gu Zheng in the distance smiled slightly. When the pillar of fire rushed past the position of the blue dragon just now, the front end exploded with a bang. The original pillar of fire turned into a sea of ​​flames, covering the surrounding area very quickly, and the blue dragon was no exception. Half of the sky was crimson, and the heat was so hot that the whole island seemed to be inside a furnace.

The scene at this time frightened the other people below, and they no longer dared to take it nearby. The idea of ​​​​just wanting to take the opportunity to attack was thrown away, and they fled directly to the outside. The same is true for other places on the island. Almost all the remaining people fled here one after another, looking at this side from afar.

Gu Zheng originally thought that the other party had suffered serious injuries at least in this attack, but before he could retract the flame, a figure flew out from the side.

The whole body of the blue dragon is spinning, it looks like a slowly spinning top, a mysterious force appears around the body, those deadly flames can't get close to each other, they are repelled by an invisible force, not to mention Injure the opponent and rush out unscathed.

Gu Zheng thought for one year, the sea of ​​flames in the sky shrank suddenly, and turned into a fire dragon no less than the opponent in the air. After a roar in the void, he immediately rushed towards the opponent. A huge fire shadow was drawn towards the opponent.


As the light from the scales on the blue dragon trembled rapidly, a deep trill sounded in the air, and blue beams of light flew out from the scales almost simultaneously, and a blue barrier rose to meet the fire dragon's tail.


A huge collision sounded in the air, and under the sparks, the blue barrier remained motionless. On the other hand, Huolong's body was stained with large blue spots, which spread rapidly, and his whole body became extremely dull.

The next moment, without waiting for what the fire dragon was doing, the blue dragon had already bullied him, tore the fire dragon into pieces three times and five times, and then turned his eyes to Gu Zheng.

The blue shield outside was also flickering rapidly, and finally disappeared suddenly, but there were dozens of blue water spheres of different sizes around him, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

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