In a small room, there are simple stone furniture, and some things like a little girl, so that people can tell at a glance how big the room is, and at this time a little girl is hiding close to the door. Next to the wall, the door is open, as if waiting for something.

Soon there were slight footsteps outside, and the little girl's eyes became a little excited. When the footsteps outside stopped at the door, she suddenly jumped out and shouted at the same time.


"Haha, I was taken aback."

Before the other party could speak, the little girl giggled herself first, but she soon found that the other party was very abnormal, and her expression was also gloomy at this time, without the previous playfulness.

"What's the matter, Xiaofa, did you get scolded by Zhou Changlong?" The little girl stopped laughing, and said a little puzzled.

"No, sister Gu, I just heard bad news. Someone told me that my brother was arrested by the other party. Tell me to be careful in the future and never trust my brother again." Xiaofa said with a low voice. Head, said with some tears.

"Why is this happening, come in first." Wan'er was very surprised when she heard this, and hurriedly brought her into her room.

"I remember the last time you said that your brother didn't come back? Why was he caught by the other party?" Sitting down on the stone bed beside her, Wan'er stuffed the other party's favorite plush puppy into the other party's arms, asked puzzledly.

"I heard people say that I was arrested after doing something. I'm so sad. I don't have an older brother." Xiaofa started to cry as he spoke, and he didn't forget to hug the puppy in his hand. tight.

"Ah, how could this happen!" Wan'er didn't know how to comfort her.

She knows that once a person is captured by the other party, in the end, without exception, they will become the other party's person. If you contact rashly, the other party will take you back regardless of your previous status, continue to transform, and repeat.

But the converted people, they have no way to convert them back, except for Elder Feng.

"I don't know what to do anymore? I'm so scared." Although Xiaofa has a strong cultivation, she doesn't even have a fairy, but she is actually just a child, even though she looks older than Wan'er How old are you?

Now that her last relative is gone, the sudden blow made her wonder what to do in the future.

"I will take good care of you. When my father comes, we will be together."

For Xiaofa, who is much younger than me, but always thinks of her sister, she is very happy to play with her, so she takes care of everything and looks like leaving it to me.

"Thank you, but I still miss my brother!" Xiaofa forced a smile, seemingly not listening.

"Miss Gu, let you go over there again to see if there is anything you can do!" At this time, a person knocked on the door and shouted from outside.

"I see, let's go!" Wan'er responded loudly, then jumped off the bed, and comforted Xiaofa, "You wait for me, I will find a way for you when I come back."

Walking out of the room, a man with a fat body and a body like a hemp pole stood in front of the door. They were the Bashi brothers.

"Miss Gu, Elder Zhou is waiting for you over there." The skinny Ba Ping said immediately.

"Why are you both here?" Wan'er nodded, then asked curiously.

"It's not that her brother has a problem, he's also our friend, so we naturally want to see her." Fatty Barley pointed to the inside, and said with some sadness.

They all come from a small world, and to some extent, they have a friendship far beyond that of others.

"Well, I don't know how to comfort her yet, please, I'm leaving first." Wan'er said to them, and after saying goodbye to them, she headed to another place.

This is also an underground facility. After detours and detours, she came to a hall very skillfully, where someone was already waiting for her.

"Miss Gu, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

She just appeared here, and Elder Feng immediately smiled heartily. He has infinite affection for her. Whoever wakes up from the chaotic state and completely restores himself is equivalent to saving his own life. Naturally, there will be such This feeling, not to mention the ability they still want to borrow, to help more people return to normal.

In this hall, there is not only Elder Feng, but also another powerful young woman who is Zhou Changlong who asked her to come, and of course Lin Yi and Lin Feng who must be present.

Other than that, there was only a comatose man in the middle, sitting on a special chair, and his body was tightly bound, as if he was afraid that the other party would suddenly explode and hurt someone.

"What is this person's race?" Wan'er walked up to the man with familiarity, looked it over carefully, and found nothing special, then turned her head and asked.

"It's still the same as the others. We have already limited the opponent's ability, so we won't scare Miss Gu. Of course, if he fails, he will still be a little crazy." Elder Zhou came to the side. Asked, she did not have any impatience, but said gently.

Who would have thought that mad dancing appearance almost frightened him.

"Then I'm ready." Wan'er stretched out her arms and opened her little hands with confidence.

Elder Zhou also came behind this man and patted him on the head. The unconscious man trembled all over, but his eyes twitched, which was a sign that he was about to wake up.

Without waiting for a long time, the man woke up from the coma. He looked around blankly at first, and then his face revealed a painful expression. He wanted to reach out and hug his head. Unfortunately, his whole body was tightly controlled. The only thing he could do was to turn himself around. head.

"It hurts. Go away and die!"

As his eyes turned from pain to anxiety, and finally to madness, different voices came out of his mouth. This is a patient with low strength and a mild condition. Sometimes he can regain a little sobriety, similar to Elder Feng at that time. .

At this time, Wan'er, who had been prepared for a long time, threw her arm away without any politeness, and waved it at him.


A crisp slap hit the man's face, leaving a clear palm print on it. The man was completely stunned, a little dizzy, and just looked at Wan'er directly.

Shaking her painful palm, Wan'er took a few steps back, while Elder Feng and Elder Zhou looked at the man nervously, as if they were expecting something.

After a while, the man recovered from the slap just now, and resumed his original appearance, disappointing the two elders next to him without any effect.

"It seems that that time was really a fluke. I tried everything from heavy to light, but it didn't have any effect." Elder Feng said with some regret and some happiness.

"Yes, normally speaking, the other party should have this kind of power. Maybe it hasn't been discovered yet, but it's just a pity." Elder Zhou couldn't hide his disappointment.

"I don't have anything to do with me, so I'll leave first." Wan'er didn't understand what the other party said, but she roughly knew that the last time the other party seemed to wake up the chaotic Elder Feng with a slap, the other party was like a treasure. Many people allow themselves to be slapped, only to have it seem ineffective again.

But she didn't know what was going on, and she felt like she didn't do anything last time, so she didn't know how to release it.

"Thank you Miss Gu for your help. I don't need you to come over for a while, so I can take a good rest." Elder Zhou smiled at Wan'er.

"I see. If you need me, it's easy anyway." Wan'er nodded, and then bounced away from here.

Lin Yi and Lin Feng looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness, it was very simple, but the understanding during this period of time also knew how important it was to them.

But they had no other choice, and after saying goodbye to Elder Feng and the others, they came outside. Who told their princess to promise that the other party would ask them to help, but in order to prevent the other party from finding this place, they were also willing to help, and it would be best to wait until ancient times. It would be best to fight for their arrival.

When Wan'er returned to her room, she happened to see the former Bashi brothers, who were about to leave. When she saw her, she also shrugged helplessly, and then pointed inside, looking helpless.

Pushing open the door, she saw Xiaofa who was sitting on the bed stupidly, her eyes were staring straight, she didn't know what she was thinking, Wan'er walked over, sat by the side, she didn't know how to speak, after a long while, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Don't be sad. Anyway, I'm fine now. Otherwise, I'll take you to find your brother. Although we can't meet each other, at least I can let you have a look at each other, and then we will come back."

These words made Xiaofa react, his absent-minded eyes moved, and then he looked at Wan'er, feeling a little unbelievable, and then opened his mouth in astonishment.

"My brother was locked there by the other party, and then he was brainwashed. We couldn't get in at all."

"I know, but we can sneak in, of course, to see if we can rescue your brother." The more Wan'er talked, the more excited she became, and she directly said that she was going to save someone.

"No, I can't let you die!" Although Wan'er's proposal moved her very much, she still refused without hesitation.

Even when she was a child, after so many years, she also knew the horror over there. Even the elders couldn't sneak in, and many people who had passed by spontaneously never came back. When they saw them again, they had all become each other's people. I dare not speak of the past.

"They can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it. That's it, just keep it a secret for me for a while." Wan'er suddenly felt like she was going there for a while. For some reason, when she jumped out of bed and was about to leave, suddenly Turn back again.

"If I see your brother and I can't bring it back, do you have anything to say to him?"

"Give this to him. This is what my parents left us. He still has the other half in his hands. He said that it can be put together when there is danger. Maybe this can save my brother." Biting his lips, he thought After a long time, Xiaofa finally took out half of the blood-red jade pendant. The blood-colored lines on it were clearly visible, but half of it was missing, making people wonder what pattern it formed.

"If you can't get in, don't go in. Your own safety is the most important thing." Xiaofa saw Wan'er take it, and then said very worriedly.

"I know that even Elder Feng can't beat me. It's not like you don't know that if you can't beat me, you can't run away? You are here to help me cover, I will be back soon, maybe at that time, your brother will also come back. "Wan'er said confidently.

"Okay, you change me into your appearance, I can delay you for a long time, before you leave, you have to tell others, so that they won't doubt it." There is a glimmer of hope, because Wan'er's strength is known to everyone, and Elder Feng himself admits it.

Missing her brother at this moment made her feel like there was a straw, and she wanted to grab it subconsciously. Coupled with Wan'er's assurance, she felt that it would be fine to try it out.

"No problem!" Wan'er was overjoyed, and immediately waved her hand to cast a spell, making Xiaofa look like herself, and after a few instructions to the other party, she immediately left in a hurry.

That night, in the heavily guarded underground castle, a small figure had slipped out and left the place quickly.

"Aha! It's finally out! I have to do something for Dad!"

After leaving for a long distance, Wan'er finally let out a low voice. For her, there was no difficulty in leaving there quietly. If she was discovered, it would be a real shame.

In fact, she didn't intend to leave here at first, but when she came back, she suddenly saw Xiaofa's appearance, and thought of her brother being arrested, she suddenly wanted to enter that city, as if there was something Attracting myself.

These days, she has also curiously inquired about the situation there, and naturally knows some information about it. As long as she is careful and relies on her unclassified breath, it will be difficult for the other party to detect her. This is her biggest reliance .

After a little identification of the direction, Wan'er is like a kitten, heading towards the mysterious Magic Light City.

In five days, she traveled day and night, from the stronghold over there to the place where they first descended.

"Little deer, I don't know how you are doing?" Wan'er stopped, looked at the familiar bush, and said to herself with nostalgia.

Because the other party knew where the deer came from, they sent the other party back.

Reminiscing for a while, Wan'er went on the road again. Under Lin Feng and his group's guidance, she still knew a little bit about how to avoid their pursuit. In addition, she was better at concealing her breath. Naturally, she easily avoided many opponents. tracker.

After coming here, she didn't have the same speed as before, because there are a lot of detection circles here, and there are many hidden secret whistles. If she is not careful, she may be discovered. She doesn't want to be chased all the way by the other party and run away in embarrassment.

After only walking for half a day, you can see the outline of the city in the distance here, and you can easily avoid many traps and secret whistles. Wan'er is also proud of it. The things her father usually said are really useful now. Fortunately, I have a good memory, and I still remember those, which helped him a lot here.

"That is!"

Suddenly, there was an extremely strange place on the side of Wan'er. There was no vegetation there, and there was a relatively large hillside next to it. It is extremely large. It is obvious that someone else purposely built it here. Otherwise, who would be idle and have nothing to do, and engraved some reinforced magic circles on it.

Seeing this, her heart felt a little anxious, and a strange light shone in her eyes.

"No, this place must be guarded. Once I pass by, I will definitely be found." Wan'er said to herself in her heart, but the desire in her eyes was clearly revealed.

"In case there is no one, besides, I just need to be careful, the other party may not notice me." Another voice also appeared in Wan'er's mind quickly.

"Such a large place, so close to the city, how could it be unguarded, as long as it is absolutely alarmed in the past, it is impossible to approach it quietly, which means the mission failed. If you don't believe me, look around."

"Observe and observe. Absolute danger also means absolute safety."

So Wan'er started to observe quietly outside, and to her surprise, there really wasn't any secret whistle outside, if she was careful, the outside would never notice her existence.

The little impulse in my heart could no longer be suppressed, so I found an excuse and entered this strange place directly from one side.

After carefully checking that there was no one, she jumped directly on a high place and sat on an edge. The next moment, she slid forward and slid directly down the smooth ramp. If Gu Zheng was here , it can be seen at a glance that this is surprisingly similar to a slide, and in some places it is as similar as a roller coaster.

However, Wan'er only played for a while, and left quietly after a little enjoyment. She also knew that the business was important, and continued to approach the area where the city was located.

The closer she got to the city, she found that there was not even a secret watch in the surroundings except for some hidden monitoring, which made her feel very relaxed and felt that it was easy to sneak in.

But when she came outside this huge city, Wan'er was a little dumbfounded.

Because the whole city is covered by a huge city wall exuding metallic luster, and I don’t know whether it is for safety or to prevent others from sneaking in. The whole city wall is hundreds of feet high. In the center of the city, there is a mountain with a height of hundreds of feet. Before coming here, she did not think that this place was actually a city.

Not to mention whether it is possible to fly over without attracting attention, the light flickering on it from time to time may prevent anyone from sneaking in, and the only entrance has a very spacious passage, and there are dozens of guards beside it, staring at the surroundings , several masters at the peak of Da Luo even sat aside and dozed off.

She knew that there was only one exit in this place, and she had to pass through here no matter what she entered, but she never thought that this place was so tight that there was no chance at all.

After thinking about several ways in her heart, Wan'er finally gave up helplessly. No wonder the other side never mentioned to lurk in. Only the first entrance was guarded so tightly that she couldn't sneak in at all, even if she changed into the other party's person. There is also a second detection program inside.

"Okay, this time the bragging is too big."

Seeing that there was no chance, Wan'er had no choice but to go back sleepily, but she was still a little unwilling. She always felt that there was something inside that was attracting her. Once she could get it back, it would definitely be of great help to her father. Pity.

On the way back, after seeing that special place, my heart became familiar again. Since I have come here, I can’t get in anyway, and I’m not afraid of being discovered, so let’s have a good time.

Thinking of this, Wan'er no longer had too many scruples, and walked in again.

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