Seven days later, the Dragon King, Luo Pian and the others suddenly appeared in a corner of the fantasy world.

"Thank you Long Zu for his mercy, this time we accept it."

From the outside, no one can tell who wins and who loses, but when he appeared, he said with a smile, coupled with the laughter of other people, it was easy to guess.

"If you didn't keep the souls of the other party, how could it be so easy for you, but next time I see such an evil thing, no matter what the reason, I will not turn a blind eye." Ao Guang said coldly.

"Lord Longzu is right, we will never do this next time." Yicha also said with a smile.

This time, although their methods were a bit despicable, they won the final victory no matter what.

"But don't get too excited too soon. You have already failed in the lower world, and it seems that the middle level will also fail." Bei Hai also said with a smile at this time.

Having said that, the faces of Luo Pian and the five people all lost their joy, because they also noticed the state of Magic Light City, but they couldn't see the middle level, but the other party couldn't be joking, there was only one possibility, so it was true as the other party said .

"We have done a lot of backhands before, and we will definitely win." The young man also refused to admit defeat.

"Let's go back first, Master Dragon Clan might as well come with us." Luo Pian turned her head and glared at the other party, before inviting her.

"I'll go with you, at least they need to clean up your mess, take you back, and be busy for a while." Ao Guang said immediately.

Seeing Ao Guang's self-confidence, the good mood of the five people no longer exists at all, and they just want to go back and ask carefully what's going on.

In just half a cup of tea, the figures of the six of them appeared inside the Magic Light City.

This time, needless to say, they could all see the current state. The failed people around them avoided Luo Pian's eyes, and the most promising one failed, which was beyond their expectations.

"Lord Luo."

And the figure of the fat man appeared below almost at the same time, with a hint of anxiety.

"What's going on, tell me slowly." The middle-aged man ordered immediately.

"That's right, the plan is so good, how could such a thing happen." Yicha was also very strange.

Fatty immediately narrated everything, letting them know that such an accident was beyond their expectation, and of course the most important thing to pray was Elder Bai.

"Forget it, we didn't realize it. It seems that God's will let us fail this round, but you did the right thing. If the phantom scroll is strengthened, then the fusion of the world will speed up, and it will naturally provide some extra strength for the middle layer." Luo Pian Nodding his head, he didn't say much.

Although I was a little disappointed, I also made this kind of preparation. At that time, Zhang Qiang had to agree if he disagreed, let alone dare to tamper with the core. He deserved it if he died, and he must execute the other party when he came back. That's them I don't know how much effort it takes to cultivate something that is extremely important.

"However, the power was not sent up as expected, and most of it was intercepted by the core." The fat man said bitterly.

After so many days of observation, he naturally had a kind of conjecture that trembled in his heart, and when he thought about it, he felt that the other party was really terrifying.

"what happened?"

This time Luo Pian's face became serious, because in conjunction with Ao Guang's previous talk about the middle-level battle, did the core also have an accident, and it was also the ghost of Elder Bai or Zhang Qiang?

"Master Dragon King, Lord Dragon King!"

At this time, Wan'er, who got the news, also came down from the mountain. Before she got close, she yelled loudly, which instantly attracted their attention. Breaking it open, the strength is far from enough, so the fat man is naturally by his side all the time.

"It's Wan'er, where is Mr. Gu!" Ao Guang's eyes lit up, he was about to ask just now, and naturally he came here for Gu Zheng.

"My father, my father has been imprisoned in the core, quickly rescue him!" Wan'er came to the Dragon King like a gust of wind.

"What's going on, speak slowly!" Ao Guangda was shocked, but he looked at Fatty.

"It's like this. Before Zhang Qiang said that there was a personal grievance, and then he and Chi Hong pulled the little girl and the man from the ancient dispute into it together, but I didn't think too much about it at the time. I felt that Zhang Qiang was betrayed. negligence, just"

Before the fat man finished speaking, everyone already understood what he meant, and Ao Guang's face darkened, revealing a terrifying aura around him, which was far beyond that of a quasi-sage.

"You mean to say that Gu Zheng has been used as a sacrifice."

"Senior Long Longzu, it's not what you think, please listen to my explanation." The fat man hurriedly said tremblingly, the feeling of pressure made him unable to control himself.


Ao Guang withdrew his aura and looked at him, causing the fat man to feel infinite pressure.

"First of all, he's fine." Fatty said something quickly, and then he took a deep breath, "I'm just guessing, but it's probably close to ten."

The fat man didn't dare to delay any longer, and after wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, he immediately told the story.

It's very simple, because Gu Zheng left traces on it, his entry is equivalent to him controlling the core, there is no danger in essence, and he can also control the speed of all Xiaoqian worlds, but because of the phantom scroll, I'm afraid it's still blocked. Trapped in the phantom scroll, all the absorbed power was absorbed by the phantom scroll, trying to continue to seal Gu Zheng into it.

This is also what happened in Wan'er when he asked about it later, and he guessed it a little bit by himself.

"Obviously when we checked, we found nothing at all." Yicha once again highlighted his sense of existence.

"Did you notice the traces of that guy Zhang Qiang?" Luo Pian excused angrily.

He knew that the other party might have sneaked in without anyone noticing the last time he came over. Fortunately, Chi Hong assured himself that there would be no problem, and the loopholes in handing over to the other party were too big, and there were so many enemies lurking. Flaws have already appeared in the selection method, and they haven't noticed it yet.

I also blame them for being too confident. If they were really careful, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

At this time, they had no expectations for the victory of the middle management. It seemed that everyone was going to leave obediently. Although they were very unwilling, there was nothing they could do at this time.

"Then how can he come out." Ao Guang continued to ask.

"I can only come up with two results. The first one is that Gu Zheng was completely sealed by the phantom scroll. Without his consciousness, the phantom scroll will automatically decompose and fuse the core, and nothing will be left at that time. "

"The second is that the opponent breaks through the opponent's seal and rushes out of the phantom scroll, and then he can appear in the core. The phantom scroll will also be destroyed. He can also come out from the core at any time, or completely refine the core. If we are not there If so, none of you could refine it before, otherwise even if you broke through the phantom scroll, you would not be able to gain a foothold in the core."

"It's mainly because there are traces of him in the core, so his existence can be tolerated, otherwise it will be used as a sacrifice together with the phantom scroll at the first time."

Fatty boldly said everything, anyway, it is a foregone conclusion to leave here, the fantasy world will either be taken away by the Dragon King, or it will be acquired by that Gu Zheng, or all the worlds will collapse and cease to exist.

"I can only wait?" Ao Guang frowned.

"I can only wait!"

Fatty has a very large right to speak about this, so he said with certainty that he didn't dare to hide this issue at all. He knew at a glance that this man from Guzheng was definitely an extremely important person. Even Ao Guang was angry because of what happened to him. .

"What about my father!" Hearing what they said, Wan'er also knew that the Dragon King had no choice but to look at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry, did Gu Zheng tell you anything in the end?" Meeting the other party's worried gaze, the Dragon King thought for a while before asking.

"He just let me go out with confidence, I believe he will come out." Wan'er said worriedly.

"That's enough. You have to trust your father. You heard it. The other party is not in any danger. It just takes a while to come out. At this time, you can't cry. You are the daughter of Gu Zheng. You must be strong and brave!" Dragon King Rou Said loudly.


Wan'er nodded her head hard, tried her best not to shed tears in her eyes, and told herself that her father would definitely come out, and she just had to wait a while longer.

"I'll go to the core and wait for Dad!"

After leaving a word, Wan'er left here.

"During this time, you all should cooperate with me to take away all the people who should be taken away." Ao Guang shook his head, and now he had nothing to do, and then said to Luo Pian.

"We haven't lost yet, so it doesn't matter if we wait a few more days!" Luo Pian still didn't give up.

The other four also nodded. If they win, they can't be happy.

It's a pity that after three days, as the middle-level people ended the battle, everyone knew the final result, and Baimeng had undoubtedly lost.

Everyone was very excited, except for Huofeng, they didn't even bother to look for the two "juniors", so they came outside the core and stayed with Wan'er.

In the next month, all qualified people in Baimeng will be sent away one by one. These things cannot be hidden from everyone, and they also know that Baimeng is completely over. No one knows what will happen in the future. Everyone is anxious about the accelerated integration of the upper and lower worlds, but they can only wait for the end.

It can be said that most of the masters above Baimeng Daluo were taken away in this big sweep. Only a few were left here with little connection and light cause and effect. As for the future development of this place, they did not go there at all. Ask, once Gu Zheng controls the core, if he wants to make a living here, he has to see what Gu Zheng means. At least he can control the gathering of spiritual energy, which is enough.

Of course, the most special affiliated races of the ancient struggle, the Soaring Snake Clan and the Ancient Tree Clan, have also been safely placed under the Magic Thousand World, which is also one of the best Small Thousand Worlds. Gu Zheng also broke in to rescue Mengzhen.

Of course, there are painted souls who are free from shackles. Although when the phantom scrolls are pulled into the core, all their life-saving scrolls disappear, but they have truly won independence and freedom, and they are closer to the souls in form, so they remain. All of the soul clans are temporarily managed by them, but the other party's desire to go to the wilderness naturally failed. Although their connection is not deep, they can only stay here, at least for a long, long time, they cannot enter.

The only good news is that the young man of the Soul Clan couldn't bear the disappearance of the race he created, and spent a lot of energy to help them fundamentally solve the problem of reproduction. Although it was difficult, at least he had a future.

On this day, they gathered in the Magic Light City. There are also many people from the Baimeng left over here, and even some water tribes. They will be like guards here, defending the Magic Light City, and at the same time only obey the orders of Gu Zheng. Among them are the water monsters Yange and Yanyue as the leaders. Although they are not strong enough, they are reliable, and there is also the leader of the water monster platform Tailiang, who can be regarded as the most high-end combat power.

Because Luo Pian and the others have also undone the brainwashing of these people, and they don't care about the hatred of these people. They are going to leave anyway, and there will be no chance to see them again in the future.

This is also Ao Guang's last strength left behind for Gu Zheng.

"Okay, we are done with everything, and we have to go. If you have anything to do, you must tell Elder Huofeng, or Yan Ge, they are your backing force."

There are only Ao Guang and Luo Pian staying here, the others have all left, and at this time he is talking in Wan'er.

"When will my father come out?" Wan'er nodded, and then asked the question she had asked countless times.

"Your father can come out in a short time, don't worry, it's only a little time." Ao Guang also said tirelessly.

"Oh, but I feel bad! I want my dad right now!" Wan'er looked downcast.

"How about this, why don't you sleep, and when you wake up, you will definitely see your father!" Huofeng also said softly beside him.

"I don't want to sleep, I want to see my father walk over in person." Wan'er shook her head firmly.

"Wan'er, you look so haggard. Gu Zheng probably wants to make a sound and see a lively daughter who is not sad and full of energy, so you'd better go to sleep, and sleep will be fine!" Ao Guang said honestly.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep!"

Wan'er's eyes became dull when Ao Guang was speaking halfway through, and at the end she said that sentence, she closed her eyes, fell backwards, and was caught by Huofeng.

"Elder Huofeng, Wan'er will be handed over to you. We have to leave Xiaoqian World and go to the wilderness. There is also a problem in another place. We must personally suppress it. We will meet again when we have a chance!"

Ao Guang never told Huofeng any news, otherwise he would have to take her away, but they are unable to step into the real prehistoric world, once they know the secret, they will perish, there is no way, maybe in the future Later, this side will know, and at that time, they will no longer be alone, but the same people as the prehistoric world.

"I see, I wish you all the best, I will stay here until the other party wakes up, and I will always take good care of Wan'er!" Huofeng firmly promised.

"That's great, let's leave first! Goodbye!"

Ao Guang thanked, then nodded to Luo Pian next to him, and the two disappeared immediately.

Huofeng hugged Wan'er in his arms, and when she was about to leave, the whole world suddenly trembled, which startled her, because there was no problem with the integration of Xiaoqian World.

But after this movement, there was no further movement, and she arranged the people below to be vigilant. She first put Wan'er in a room, and then went out to inspect, and found that there was no problem with the integration of Xiaoqian World, so it should be the other party. There is no other explanation for the movement of leaving here.

Right now, in the void of nothingness.

"Buzhou Mountain is gone!"

Taotie looked down and said calmly.

"Finally we have come to this point, you can inform the people below, and after mending the sky, take away all that can be taken away. It's a pity, most of them still haven't escaped their fate, even if there are some people's interference!" Tai Yi said with a sigh.

"Who said no? His disciple successfully rescued an ancient mission, and he is the only one who rescued such an important person. Who cares about other kittens and puppies!" Nuwa said haha.

"Tch, shit luck! Do you see that other people are in so many dangers?" Tai Yi pouted.

"Forget it, you seem to have forgotten that the boy from the Buddhist family has experienced no more dangers than him. It is true that as hard as he was in the early stage, he will gain much in the later stage." Nuwa waved her hand.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, if you don't go, I will go, let those also get ready, and take back all the avatars." Tai Yi disappeared in place as soon as he finished speaking.

"You sent the other party away, do you have anything to tell me?" Waiting for Tianyi's figure to message, Taotie put away his smile, and then said lightly.

"There are new changes in the plan. In order to ensure that the opponent can step into our battlefield, instead of wandering for the purpose of wandering, we are limited to find other things from us to supplement him. Those sleeping and half-sleeping planets cannot block the opponent's gaze, so If we delay, our chances of winning will only be lower.”

"Then what do you mean?" Tao Tie raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party,

"You were assigned the first one as the bait, I was assigned the fifth one, and Taiyi was the seventh and the last one!" Nuwa said after taking a deep breath.

"That is to say, we have to sacrifice seven saints, not counting other people, in order to successfully lead the other party back to the original place?" Taotie was slightly surprised, and didn't feel that he was the first to sacrifice, and other thoughts came to his mind.

"Yes, if this catastrophe cannot pass, we will all die sooner or later, and the Sanqing saint will also be among them." Nuwa nodded.

"That's right, only our group of ancient saints can impress each other, and those later saints may not be so interested!" Taotie also understood.

"So you have the opportunity now, maybe you can do something?" Nuwa said tentatively.

"No need, I've done everything I can do. I didn't know how to do it before, and I won't do it now. I will complete my task perfectly in the future." Taotie also shook his head and refused.

"Okay, then let's prepare, wait until Taiyi informs everyone below to take them away, and then completely activate the seal, then the effect of the flow of time will also slow down, until it is the same as us in the end."

Nuwa looked at her "self" below, and the familiar scene happened again, as if returning to her distant memory.

Soon, the figures of the two people also gradually dissipated into the air, disappearing once again!

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