Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 228 It's Worth the Money

Hot, that's what it feels like. In a store that can accommodate hundreds of people, when there are only twenty people, the store manager actually feels hot, which is incredible.

But he really has this feeling, and it is really developing towards popularity.

As time progressed, more and more people came in, and many of them were as excited as the previous five. No gain, finally let them find it today.

At the same time, the Internet also began to erupt.

Post bar, various food forums, many people are posting, the smell from four days ago appeared again, this kind of smell is really tormenting, you can only smell it, but you can't eat it at all, it doesn't even come from any food You know, it's all a mystery.

Most of the posters are concentrated in the downtown area of ​​the city center, and those who are not within the eight-mile radius of Guzheng are wondering, they haven't smelled this fragrance at all.

Among the large-scale postings, there were some posts about fishing in troubled waters, saying that they were newly launched delicacies, but most of these posts were ignored and quickly deleted by the moderators.

Among these posts, there were a few posts posted by people in the Guzheng store. They said they had found the real source of the fragrance, but they were regarded as advertising posts and deleted together.

Those angry posters cursed while waiting for the chicken blood soup, and kindly reminded them of the real place, but they didn't want to be deleted by mistake.

Those who delete their posts will definitely regret it when they find out later.

Posts on forums and Tieba can be deleted, but not on Weibo. Many people are on Weibo, and the circle of friends started to post messages, accompanied by pictures here.

When it was close to eight o'clock, more than 100 people had entered the store, and more than 100 copies of chicken blood soup were pre-sold, of which 888 servings of chicken blood soup, three copies were sold.

So many were sold just for the pre-sale, the store manager was completely dumbfounded.

He also smelled the fragrance, and admitted that just smelling the fragrance was indeed very appetizing, but the price was too high. He really couldn't understand why so many people wanted it at such a price.

Whether he understood it or not, his job was to maintain the business of the entire store, and he became busy.

As soon as eight o'clock arrived, the trial operation started on time, and the waiter brought out bowls of freshly prepared chicken blood soup. There were too many pre-sales before, so we had to order them in order of pre-sale time, and many people wanted more. Waiting, but soon these chicken blood soups will be ready and served to them.

Five people from Angkor sat at a table. They were the first to arrive, and their chicken blood soup was also the first to be delivered. Unfortunately, only four servings were delivered, not the one from Angkor.

Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup has not been fully prepared, and if he wants to eat his chicken blood soup, he has to wait for two minutes.

The four of them looked a little excited when they saw a bowl of crystal-clear purple chicken blood soup, and others were also looking at them enviously. This time, only a dozen bowls were served, and they accounted for almost three of them. one-third.

"Angkor, let's eat first!"

One person smiled at Angkor and said something, and several people picked up spoons, filled a mouthful of soup, gently blowing hot air, and slowly put it into their mouths.

"Fragrant, fresh and tender!"

This is the thought of those who have tasted the chicken blood soup. The chicken blood soup is expensive, but the taste is really good. The fragrance is fresh and fresh. The chicken blood is smooth and tender, and the mouth is soft and refreshing, like jelly, without any fishy taste. Flavor, but without losing the fragrance of chicken blood.

All in all, the taste is very good, although the price is a bit expensive, but it is worth the money.

"I'll take a bite, just one bite!"

Angkor couldn't sit still, he ordered the most expensive one, but it was not served as fast as usual. It would be a lie to say that he didn't regret it in his heart. He smelled the fragrance and watched others eat it, but he couldn't eat it himself. Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling is.

Several of them are companions, and they usually have a good relationship. As the big brother, Angkor has often invited them, and several of them gave him a little, so that he also had chicken blood soup.

The taste is really good, Angkor nodded secretly, looking forward to his eight hundred and eighty-eight chicken blood soup.

At the same time, there was still a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. The more than 800 servings of chicken blood soup, don't just put a little more chicken blood, but the taste is the same. lesson.

It's no wonder that he has such an idea. Eighty-eight's chicken blood soup is already the best blood soup food he has ever eaten. He can't imagine that the taste better than this chicken blood soup would be what it looks like.

"Your chicken blood soup is here!"

The store manager personally delivered his chicken blood soup to Angkor. This was the first person to buy 888 yuan chicken blood soup, so he delivered it himself.

At the same time, he also got a message that the 888 servings of chicken blood soup will only sell eight servings, and if they are sold out, they will not sell any more. There will be a limit every day in the future, and Gu Zheng will notify them in advance of how much they can sell.

When the chicken blood soup was served, Angkor was dumbfounded.

His bowl was a bit smaller than those of the other four, and there was only a small layer of chicken blood floating in it. Whether it was the amount of soup or chicken blood, his bowl was completely incomparable with the other four.

Gu Zheng only has one ordinary-grade chicken to cook, and the chicken blood is only one bowl, and then the pot is divided into ten bowls, and the amount of chicken blood in each bowl is definitely not much.

That is to say, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup can only sell ten servings a day. The reason why there are only eight servings today is because the other two are reserved by Changfeng. He will definitely eat the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng.

The other four people also saw the situation in the Angkor bowl, and they were all dumbfounded. Others saw the eight hundred and eighty-eight chicken blood soup being served, and they all came to watch curiously, and then shook their heads.

The price is more than ten times more expensive, and the quantity is still less, which is really incomprehensible.

"Angkor, maybe the essence is the small quantity, you should try it first!"

The companion reassured Angkor that the aroma of the chicken blood soup is in the process of cooking, but it will not have such a strong aroma when it is poured out. The real aroma is hidden in the soup.

The strong fragrance outside was also fading, gnashing his teeth, Angkor picked up the spoon and took a sip slowly.

His eyes suddenly became very straight, and he stared blankly at the front, and his companions were even more strange.

Angkor recovered quickly, with a trace of uncontrollable excitement on his face, he sucked all the soup in the spoon into his mouth, and swallowed it slowly.


There is an indescribable comfort in Angkor's heart, eight hundred and eighty-eight, the money is worth it, he can swear that this is the best food he has ever eaten, there is no one, it is the best of all food one.

The ordinary chicken blood soup had already amazed him, and it tasted very delicious, but after eating the one he ordered, he realized what it means that there is no harm without comparison, what it means that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and what it means to be real. tasty.

Ordinary chicken blood soup is good, it is fragrant and tender, but his bowl of chicken blood soup is not only fragrant and tender, the aroma in the soup, after swallowing, spreads quickly throughout the body, as if every part of the body Filled with this fragrance, it is extremely comfortable.

The aroma of the previous chicken blood soup was in the mouth, but the aroma of his chicken blood soup seemed to penetrate into the soul, and every cell in the body was eagerly tasting the aroma.

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