Before coming to the Undercurrent Sea, Gu Zheng possessed five water-attribute inner alchemy, and after coming to the Undercurrent Sea, he got another nine water-attribute inner alchemy.

Fourteen water-attributed inner alchemy, this is enough for Gu Zheng to stop and try, so he does not plan to go any further, and first refine these fourteen inner alchemy.

Gu Zheng found a trench and dived in, and opened up a temporary cave on the rock wall of the trench. After setting up restrictions and fairy formations to seal the cave, Gu Zheng stretched out comfortably.

Although the ancient battle in the water is not affected, it is not as comfortable as on land after all. Now staying in the dry cave, I feel much more comfortable.

After sitting cross-legged, Gu Zheng took a elixir to restore immortal power, then closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Flying in the undercurrent sea during this period, the loss of immortal power is second, and he is indeed a little tired mentally. It needs to be recovered through breath adjustment before it can be invested in the next refining of inner alchemy.

An hour later, Gu Zheng, who had finished adjusting his breath, opened his eyes, and he was full of energy in his eyes.

With a frown, an inner alchemy that was originally placed beside him flew up and suspended in the air. This is an inner alchemy of the sea monster in the undercurrent sea.

The sea monster is a ferocious beast, and its ferocity penetrates deep into the bone marrow, so that the inner alchemy contains some hostility, so it is different from the inner alchemy of spirit beasts, and Gu Zheng cannot directly put it into his mouth to refine it.

The natal real fire oscillated in his body, and a fiery red light shot out from Gu Zheng's fingertips. This was the pure power of natal real fire.

Wrapping the inner alchemy with the power of the true fire of life, Gu Zheng urged it with immortal power, and the inner alchemy immediately spun under the wrap of the red light.

After a while, the gray inner alchemy turned fiery red, and wisps of black gas floated out of the inner alchemy, which was the violent air in the inner alchemy.

After dispelling the violent energy of the inner alchemy, Gu Zheng inhaled the inner alchemy into his mouth and began to refine it.

The water-attribute energy in the inner alchemy was refined by Gu Zheng, turned into gas and entered the dantian, and revolved around Gu Zheng's hidden source of true water.

After a while, the inner alchemy had all been transformed into pure water attribute energy, and it revolved around Gu Zheng's natal true water source more realistically. However, Gu Zheng's natal source of true water still didn't respond to this.

Another moment passed, and the water-attribute energy surrounding the source of true water had lost its aura, and the helpless Gu Zheng could only spit it out.

Gu Zheng was really depressed. He wanted to turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water. He had already used more than a hundred water-attribute inner pills, but he still had no clue.

"I really don't have a clue, other than refining the inner alchemy, I don't know what method to use to turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water!"

Feeling somewhat irritable in his heart, Gu Zheng took a short break, and after adjusting his emotions, he devoted himself to refining the inner alchemy again.

At this time, the ancient struggle has rekindled the fighting spirit, and the twisted part of the temperament has also been stimulated. Anyway, it has come to the undercurrent sea, and there should be no shortage of water-type inner alchemy here. If he becomes the Spirit of True Water, he will have to wait for one year. If he cannot reach this point in five years, then he will have to wait for five years. Anyway, he is now ready to fight to the end with the source of True Water. Prepare.

Two days passed quickly, and Gu Zheng had already refined all fourteen inner alchemy, but the source of natal true water still remained silent.

In this regard, Gu Zheng is not particularly depressed, he has already had a good night's sleep, and is going to make some delicious food to comfort himself, and then embark on the journey of hunting water attribute inner alchemy again.

He took out some celestial rice, and Gu Zheng cooked it. He hadn’t eaten a staple food for a while. Although he often ate vegetables when he was in Jixiang Xiaozhu, he really didn’t touch the staple food. The grade of rice there is only low-grade, not comparable to ordinary grade rice. Moreover, he doesn't have a lot of xianmi in reserve, and it's not easy to cook to share with everyone.

After cooking the celestial rice, Gu Zheng began to process the snow shell he got in the undercurrent sea two days ago.

Knocking open Xuebei's tightly closed shell, Gu Zheng dug out the shellfish meat.

The snow-white shellfish shimmers, and it looks very ordinary. It feels good to touch, the fat and greasy kind.

After cleaning up the sundries in the shellfish, Gu Zheng put it into a pot of cold water, added a little fairy wine and spices, and then started to stew.

Use the fire control formula to promote the fire, so that the hard-boiled shellfish can be cooked faster, and at the same time, Gu Zheng pays attention to the changes in the broth in the medium pot, instead of scooping out some foam and the like.

As the fire boiled fiercely, the broth stewed with shellfish in the pot turned milky white, which looked very beautiful, and the fragrance in the air was very attractive, without any fishy smell, which made people want to Swallow.

The shellfish has been cooked, and it seemed a little transparent at first, but it has turned completely white, and it looks as beautiful as a piece of suet jade.

Put the cooked shellfish on the chopping board, and Gu Zheng cut it into thin slices. It is not enough to cook the shellfish fiercely. It will be delicious after frying the shellfish later.

The shellfish has been cut. Gu Zheng took out a bottle of sauce. This bottle of sauce was made when he was in Jixiang Xiaozhu. If you don’t want to eat the original food, then this bottle of sauce he made It's a bit of a wild feeling.

Pour oil into the pot. After the oil was hot, Gu Zheng put some sauce ingredients into the pot. With the sound of "Zi Zi La La", the aroma of fried sauce immediately permeated. Of course, the sauce made by Gu Zheng himself can't be like the sweet noodle sauce. This kind of fragrance is very attractive, it feels fragrant and numb, and it makes people want to drool.

The sauce had already been fried, and Gu Zheng poured the sliced ​​shellfish into the pan and stir-fried.

The originally pure white shellfish was soon wrapped in red sauce, and the aroma of the two began to permeate the air, so that Gu Zheng's stomach growled in disbelief.

After a while, Gu Zheng took out a melon-sized fruit that looked like a lemon. He squeezed the fruit, and immediately the fragrant juice flowed into the pot, and then he put the lid on it.

The already very fragrant shellfish, after adding the juice of bergamot, the fragrance is not to mention how strong it is, a large amount of white mist rises from the gap of the pot cover, and gathers on the top of the pot without dispersing.

Gu Zheng uses the fire control method to control the meat, even through the lid of the pot, he can feel that the shellfish is rapidly absorbing the juice, and its taste will become more charming because of this step.

Finally, Gu Zheng lifted the lid of the pot and put the shellfish in the pot on a plate. The white mist that had entered into the shellfish soon had the effect of being extremely fragrant and transformed into a shape of a snowshell , The shells are very agile.

The celestial rice has also been cooked, exuding the fragrance that Fanmi doesn't have. Gu Zheng also served the rice, and now it's time to taste the delicious food.

When you pick up a piece of shellfish and put it in your mouth, the first thing you will experience is a spicy taste. After biting down, the aroma of the shellfish immediately spreads in your mouth.

"Well, it's not bad!"

After taking a bite of shellfish, Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing with emotion, still recalling the smooth texture of shellfish wrapped in spicy in his mind.

"After all, it is a high-quality ingredient, and the fragrance lasts for a long time."

Gu Zheng didn't immediately move his chopsticks to taste the second bite, he still savored the remaining aroma in his mouth carefully, but at this time the spicy taste has basically withdrawn, leaving most of the special fresh aroma from the shellfish.

Picking up the rice, Gu Zheng ate several mouthfuls in a row. The full grains of rice released the aroma of the staple food in his mouth, which was also a wonderful experience.

With the help of a few mouthfuls of rice to completely dissipate the remaining aroma of the shellfish in his mouth, Gu Zheng picked up the second piece of shellfish with his chopsticks.

Shell meat is roughly divided into two parts, one part is the ax foot of snow shell, which has a relatively elastic taste, and the other part is the softer part of snow shell meat, which has a fatter taste. Gu Zheng used his chopsticks for the first time, and he ate relatively elastic shellfish. He didn't want the remaining taste to affect the taste of the fat part of the shellfish, so he used rice to wash away the taste in his mouth.

When Gu Zheng bites into the fat shellfish, he immediately feels the bursting juice. The gravy bursting from the shellfish tastes so fragrant that it makes people want to dizzy, but it doesn't feel greasy at all. And there is a slightly sweet taste of a fruit in it, which is because the shellfish has absorbed the bergamot juice.

The plump shellfish was spicy and fragrant. After swallowing it in one bite, Gu Zheng immediately put another piece into his mouth, closed his eyes and ate it deliciously. What should be savored has already been carefully savored, and now it is time to eat a plate of shellfish with a bowl of rice.

A plate of shellfish and a bowl of rice were quickly eaten up by Gu Zheng. He took out another pot of fairy wine, poured himself a glass, and drank it beautifully.

The taste of immortal wine is very good, but it is only for now. If it is compared with the Xingxu drink brewed when the ancients competed for the body, the taste is not at the same level. However, the fairy wine that Gu Zheng is drinking now is not brewed by himself, he just got it from others, so he doesn't need to be too picky. When the ingredients for brewing wine are enough in the future, and he has free time, then he can brew some better wine Immortal wine to enjoy.

After eating and drinking, Gu Zheng rested for another hour, then left his temporary cave, and embarked on the journey to find the inner alchemy of water attribute again.

Before he knew it, one day passed, and Gu Zheng harvested a total of thirty-six inner alchemy in this day.

Thirty-six inner alchemy, that is, thirty-six sea monsters were killed, which shows that Gu Zheng has really reached the sea area where there are relatively more sea monsters. Moreover, the thirty-six sea-monsters killed were no longer just one group. There were as many as three types of them, but all of them had seven-second memories without exception.

Thirty-six inner alchemy is already quite a lot. If it was the time when he first came to Undercurrent Sea, Gu Zheng must have found a place to refine it, but after experiencing no results last time, he really is not in a hurry The next time he refines, he wants to wait until the inner alchemy has accumulated to sixty-six.

Another group of strange fish swam towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the sea water instantly froze into ice, and a large group of strange fish immediately made dumplings again.

The strange fish had just been dealt with, and Gu Zheng suddenly felt that there was an undercurrent brewing around him, and there were more than one of them.

Immediately dodging away, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel moved. This was the first time he encountered multiple undercurrent fluctuations within a certain range at the same time.

The undercurrent fluctuated into a vortex, and Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but widen. This is not an ordinary undercurrent, but something is about to come out of the undercurrent.

There are also sea monsters that can threaten Gu Zheng in the undercurrent sea. Although this kind of sea monster is not easy to encounter, four sea monsters will appear through the undercurrent at the same time. Out of caution, Gu Zheng immediately casts a fairy technique to temporarily make his body disappear into the sea.

The sea monsters transmitted through the undercurrent appeared soon, and Gu Zheng frowned accordingly. The four new sea monsters that appeared looked like squids. The destructive power of this kind of sea monsters was equivalent to the realm of returning to the void. of immortals. However, the reason why Gu Zheng frowned was not because of the strength of the squid siren, but because as soon as these squid siren appeared, their eyes all looked at the place where he disappeared.

Gu Zheng’s disappearance was done using the magic of invisibility. He himself is still there. It’s not like he hasn’t encountered the squid siren before. . However, at this moment, the squid siren's eyes were looking at him where he was invisible, how could he not be surprised.

"Did these sea monsters find me? They shouldn't!"

Gu Zheng muttered in his heart, and the four squid sea monsters also swam towards him.

Gu Zheng didn't move, he wanted to see if the four unusual squid sirens could find him.

A scene that made Gu Zheng a little unbelievable appeared. The four squid sirens suddenly stopped and attacked at the place where he was invisible.

I saw that the sea water was either frozen into ice or formed a spiral current under the sorcery of the squid siren, shooting towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's state is invisible, this can only be regarded as an invisibility technique, the body does not really disappear, and he is not allowed to appear immediately to fight back when encountering such an attack.

The book of life and death in the hands of the ancient battle foundation that appeared appeared, and the book of life and death unfolded in the water, and the misty light burst out vigorously from it, and all the attacks that shot at it turned into nothingness. At the same time, the Qianqiu reincarnation brush became bigger in Gu Zheng's hands, and he flew to a sea monster, and smashed it headfirst.

Although the destructive power of the squid sea monster is equivalent to that of a cultivator in the realm of returning to the void, their strength is still far behind that of Gu Zheng, not to mention that Gu Zheng still holds a fairy tool like the Qianqiu Samsara Pen.


A muffled sound came out of the water, and the squid siren's head was directly smashed to pieces.

Having dealt with a squid siren, Gu Zheng swung Qianqiu's reincarnation brush with his backhand, and a stream of air generated from the water immediately swept towards the second squid siren.

The second squid siren was thinking about Gu Zheng, spitting highly poisonous ink, but the ink was immediately killed when it encountered the crescent-shaped airflow, and its body was directly swept by the airflow, flying out like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, the tentacles of the third squid sea monster reached Gu Zheng's body, with a heavy suction force, trying to restrain Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng waved the Qianqiu reincarnation pen with one hand to shatter the suction field of the squid siren, and pointed at the fourth squid siren with the other hand, and the life and death book on standby immediately smashed towards it like a brick.


There was another muffled sound, and the head of the fourth squid siren was smashed by the book of life and death.

"call out!"

A strange cry came from the mouth of the third squid siren. Its tough tentacles were smashed to pieces as if they were hit by a sharp blade under the swiping of the Gu Zheng Qianqiu reincarnation pen.

Although the Qianqiu reincarnation pen is not sharp, it is not an ordinary fairy weapon. When its tip is completely spread out, the attack it launches is called "brush edge" by Gu Zheng, which is sharper than ordinary sharp weapons The attack of cutting gold and jade is a no-brainer.

The four squid sea monsters appeared quickly, and were quickly settled by Gu Zheng. The first one was smashed to death by the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, the second died under the air waves released by the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, and the fourth was killed by the book of life and death. It was crushed to death, and the third one had been held down by Gu Zheng's palm. Gu Zheng wanted to search for its soul.

A moment later, the ancient battle over the squid siren's soul search ended, its life was ended, and the battlefield was cleaned up.

Originally, Gu Zheng planned to try to refine it when he had accumulated sixty-six sea-monster inner elixirs, but now he wants to refine it now and have a look. The reason why his thoughts are different from before is because he just searched the soul of the squid siren, and what he read out is no longer a seven-second memory, so Gu Zheng knows something.

Although the Kraken's memory is not seven seconds, it is less than a minute. Its memory was originally in the deeper depths of the Undercurrent Sea. Suddenly, a call from the source made it swim towards the nearest vortex. Through the vortex, the sea monster appeared on Gu Zheng's side. It couldn't see through Gu Zheng's concealment, but it also had guidance from the source, allowing it to attack the place where Gu Zheng was.

By reading the sea monster's memory, Gu Zheng understands that there are two invisible eyes in the undercurrent sea, which can find his location, and these so-called invisible eyes are the guidance in the origin of the sea monster.

According to Gu Zheng's guess, a powerful monster should have appeared in the Undercurrent Sea, and this monster ruled a possibly large area in the Undercurrent Sea. It is because of this that the Undercurrent Sea is abnormal now, and the sea monsters have all retreated to the depths of the Undercurrent Sea, and they can coexist with the little monster fish.

Although the inferred things are a bit surprising, Gu Zheng is not too scared. Although the unknown big monster has some weird supernatural powers, it is not necessarily particularly powerful. Otherwise, it should show up in person instead of sending some unknown monsters. The incoming Siren is coming. Perhaps there is another possibility, that is, this big monster is a little inconvenient, that's why it didn't appear.

Gu Zheng's plan has been changed. He is going to refine thirty-seven water-attribute inner alchemy first. If the source of natal true water can become the spirit of natal true water, then his trip is worthwhile. Undercurrent What kind of secrets there are in the sea, he has no intention to explore. However, if the thirty-seven inner alchemy still can't turn the source of his natal true water into the spirit of natal true water, then he can't just leave. rush.

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