After the old woman entered the stone room, she naturally told Gu Zheng and Lingzhu about the situation of her inner alchemy. The stabilization process went smoothly without any problems. Now she is waiting to take the Zengyuan food that Gu Zheng cooked for her.

"It's really delicious! It's much more fragrant than the last food repair I ate."

The old woman, whose eyes were fixed on the pot, was barely drooling.

"It's not fragrant enough, there will be an extremely fragrant transformation later!" Lingzhu said proudly.

"Extreme fragrance transformed into form?" The old woman's eyes showed curiosity.

"Extreme Fragrance Transformation is..."

Lingzhu told the old woman what she had learned from Gu Zheng, and then told the old woman that she wanted to learn the way of eating with Gu Zheng.

After hearing what Lingzhu said, the old woman looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Benefactor, what is Lingzhu's identity by your side?"

The old woman's words reached Lingzhu's heart. She wanted to ask this before, but she didn't dare to ask.

"It's my maid!" Gu Zheng said.


Whether it was the old woman or the Lingzhu, none of them thought of this possibility. All they could think of were concubines or apprentices.

"Yes." Gu Zheng nodded.

"Sir, why aren't you an apprentice?" Lingzhu summoned up her courage and asked.

Gu Zheng didn't say to let Lingzhu be a concubine, Lingzhu was quite fortunate in her heart, although she got along with Gu Zheng fairly happily, but she hadn't reached the point where she wanted to be a concubine for Gu Zheng. As for not being able to be an apprentice, this is a pity for Lingzhu, but Lingzhu can accept the identity of a servant girl. Serving a strong man is not something that makes people feel awkward, let alone follow Gu Zheng learned to cook.

"Because of personal reasons, I have some restrictions on accepting apprentices."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Although I am a maid and not an apprentice, I will teach you to be careful, so you can rest assured."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Lingzhu looked at the old woman.

"This is your own path, you choose it yourself!"

The old woman touched Lingzhu's hair lovingly, and gave her the right to choose.

Lingzhu took a deep breath, then looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Then Lingzhu will be Mr.'s maid in the future, and I hope Mr. Lingzhu will treat Lingzhu kindly."

"This is natural, don't worry!" Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

At this time, Zengyuan Food Cultivation has reached the final stage, and a large amount of extremely fragrant mist has gathered on the pot.

"Sir, will the mist on the pot become fragrant later?" Lingzhu asked.

"That's right, it will be very fragrant soon after it comes out of the pot." Gu Zheng said.

"Then what will it become?" Lingzhu asked again.

"I don't know about this, but it must be something related to the ingredients used."

While talking, Gu Zheng took the food repair out of the pot and put it on a plate. The white air that was originally floating above the food repair, got into the food repair and came out again, and turned into the shape of two flowers, slowly blooming above the food repair. And these two flowers are the two very important ingredients in this Dao Zeng Yuan Food Cultivation, the blood crystal from the clear spring and the amethyst from the deep pool.

"smell good!"

The fragrance reached its peak at this moment, both Lingzhu and the old woman couldn't help being intoxicated.

"Get ready to take food repair!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and handed over the food repair to the old woman, and a group of people came to the place in the cave where the food repair was specially taken.

"Lingzhu, don't look at grandma like this, or grandma will be too embarrassed to eat it."

The old woman was helpless, if it was something else to eat, if Lingzhu looked at her like this, she would definitely let Lingzhu eat it. However, this was her medicine, and this thing didn't work out.


Lingzhu smiled embarrassedly, then turned her head away.

The old woman didn't say anything more, and immediately started taking food repair.

Although she didn't want to appear intoxicated, the old woman couldn't help the wonderful taste of Shixiu. If she could, she really wanted to keep eating like this.

The old woman quickly finished eating a portion of Zengyuan food repair, and the medicinal effects of the food repair turned into warm currents that circulated in her body, so that her pores were all open, and her whole body seemed to turn into a whirlpool.

Gu Zheng opened the Yuan Gathering Formation at the right time, and the condensed immortals in the formation first rushed towards the old woman's body, and above the old woman's head, a soaring tornado was born, and it drilled out of Gu Zheng's cave, stirring the undercurrent sea The sea water frantically absorbs the immortal essence in the sea water.


Although I have heard Gu Zheng said before, what kind of scene will appear after taking Zengyuan Shixiu, but when I really saw the immortal essence from heaven and earth rushing into the old woman's body, Lingzhu couldn't help but exclaimed, This scene is too shocking! If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't imagine how it would be possible to have this method of devouring the immortal essence.

Lingzhu exclaimed, and the old woman's exclamation was also in her heart. It is unimaginable to devour Xianyuan so frantically. However, the shock was nothing but shock, but she kept in mind what Gu Zheng told her in advance, which guided the inner alchemy to absorb the immortal essence.

The process is continuing, and the monster power in the old woman's inner alchemy is also constantly accumulating. According to the current momentum, she can not only break through the middle stage of the sky demon, but also rise to a higher level.

It lasted for a full cup of tea, and the characteristics of Zengyuan Food Cultivator dissipated. The tornado on the old woman's head disappeared, and the open pores were closed. And it really has risen a bit further in this realm.

"Thank you, benefactor!"

The old woman thanked Gu Zheng excitedly. She really couldn't imagine that her cultivation would improve in such a short period of time.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, the excitement of the old woman was something he could foresee.

"Food Cultivation is really amazing. I really can't imagine that there are magical things in this world that can match the pill. No, maybe it is more amazing than the pill!"

The old woman used her demonic power and found that taking food cultivation for a period of time to improve her cultivation was not like a bunch of small disadvantages like pills. It needed to be solved by meditation for a period of time. It only needed to stabilize the current state.

"Yeah! It's really amazing."

Lingzhu sighed with emotion, and then said: "Grandma, hurry up and stabilize your realm, and then help Mr. solve the troubles in his natal true water source. After we are all busy with these things, I want to taste Mr. cooking It’s so delicious, watching my grandma take food repair these two days, it almost makes me hungry.”


The old woman smiled slightly, and immediately began to stabilize his current state.

There is nothing else to do for the time being, so Gu Zheng went to take a rest. The cooking of the leapfrog food repair just now actually took a lot of his mind.

A day later, the old woman had stabilized her current state, and she was going to deal with Gu Zheng's strange airflow in the source of her natal true water.

"What the hell is this airflow?"

Face to face with the old woman, Gu Zheng couldn't help asking, he was really helpless with this damned air current.

"This is a ray of true energy from the great monster. Now that the big monster is dead, it will be much easier to expel it. Otherwise, my cultivation must be at its peak."

The old woman's voice paused, and then said: "This big monster is also destined to be like this, but if we failed to kill it, it successfully dissolved the medicine I gave it in that retreat, and completed the task again. If it can repair its own internal injuries, then it will definitely become a very famous existence in the prehistoric world!"

Hearing what the old woman said, Gu Zheng felt a chill in his heart: "If that's true, does that mean it's almost immortal?"

"That's right, all the existences with its true energy in the body can become another one after his fall."

Gu Zheng understood what the old woman meant, and it was not different from what he had guessed just now. In fact, this method of the big demon is just like the avatar refined by the immortal cultivator. After the main body falls, the avatar can become the main body. However, this method of the big demon is obviously stronger than that of the immortal cultivator.

"Benefactor, let's start? You need to dispatch the source of true water to cooperate with me later." said the old woman.

"Okay, how to cooperate, you will tell me when the time comes."

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and let the old woman's monster power enter his body without any resistance.

Without resistance, the old woman's monster power easily entered Gu Zheng's source of true water, and then it spread like a spider web, and soon found the hidden strange air current.

Facing the demonic power of the old woman, the strange airflow did not hide and seek as it did in the face of Gu Zheng's divine sense. It directly mobilized the power of Gu Zheng's natal true water, trying to shatter the old woman's demonic power net.

"Benefactor, counteract its dispatch of the power of true water of your life."

Since the old woman's monster power is in Gu Zheng's body, she can hear her voice whenever she thinks about Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng responded, and immediately competed with Wei Qiqi for the right to control the power of natal true water.

Gu Zheng's control of the power of the true water of life was originally not as good as that of the strange airflow, but under the circumstances of his interference, it is impossible for the strange airflow to use the power of the true water of his life to deal with the old woman, it can only fight While Gu Zheng was manipulating the power of his natal true water, he began to hide and seek with the old woman's demon power net.

The old woman's demonic power continuously entered Gu Zheng's body, and her demonic power network also became more and more dense in Gu Zheng's source of true water, which finally made it impossible for the strange air to escape.

Seeing that he couldn't hide and seek, the strange air current slammed into the old woman's net of demon power as if it was about to break the net.

The force used by the strange air current was so strong that Gu Zheng's natal true water source oscillated, but the old woman's demon power net was more resilient, and even if the strange air current hit hard, it couldn't break it.

The old woman quickly retracted the net, and the strange airflow was tightly tied up by her net of demon power, and was then taken out of Gu Zheng's source of true water.

"This thing is a good material for alchemy!"

Without wasting the weird airflow that brought out the source of the true water of the ancient natal life, the old woman put it in a jade bottle.

Gu Zheng Shennian probed into the source of the true water of his life, carefully inspected it over and over again, and he found nothing unusual, so he finally felt relieved at this time.

"Thank you!"

Gu Zheng clasped his fists at the old woman.

The old woman quickly returned the courtesy: "The benefactor is very polite!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, but didn't say anything else.

The old woman said again: "Benefactor, the so-called interdependence of fortune and fortune, although the benefactor was in crisis for a period of time because of the Daemon's true qi, but the Daemon's true qi also made it difficult for the benefactor to become the true water. The source of the true water of the spirit of life has become easier to complete the transformation, and now the benefactor only needs to refine enough inner alchemy."

Gu Zheng nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed like this, but the pure water attribute inner alchemy on my side is gone."

"Although there are no pure ones, didn't the benefactor get a lot of inner alchemy from the big demon? Give me those water-attribute inner alchemy, and I'll just get rid of the big monster's true energy inside."

After the old woman finished speaking, Gu Zheng took out the box he got from the big demon last time.

"It's never been a good time to divide the treasures. Now the remaining things are not so tight. It's time for us to divide the things we got last time." Gu Zheng said.

"No, I don't want it. Even if all these things are given to the benefactor, it is still a kindness! The benefactor must not say anything about this matter!"

The old woman spoke very solemnly, and it was really hard for Gu Zheng to say anything else.

However, Gu Zheng didn't like to take advantage of good people too much, so he said: "Let's do this! Some things in this are of no use to me, on the contrary, they are of great use to alchemy. I'll give these things to you. You will accept it with peace of mind, or you will really cheat on me."

Gu Zheng spoke with a straight face, but the old woman forced a smile: "Well, then listen to your benefactor!"

The treasures in the box were divided by Gu. Of course, he gave the old woman not only the things that could be used for alchemy, but also the things that could be used for refining weapons and formations.

The old woman didn't say anything more, after accepting these things from Gu Zheng, she immediately began to expel the natal qi of the big demon in the water attribute inner alchemy.

The natal qi of the big demon in the inner alchemy is called "dead qi" by the old woman, because it has no host and cannot be regarded as alive, so it is easier to get rid of it. Just after a cup of tea, the old woman has already processed more than thirty water-attribute inner pills.

Leaving the old woman to continue processing the inner alchemy, Gu Zheng took the part that the old woman had processed into the stone room, and then began the refining process.

In the inner alchemy, what was eliminated by the old woman was only the true qi of the great demon, but the suffocation in it was still there, so the steps of Gu Zheng's refining were still the same as before. However, since there is no Da Yao's true qi, he can refine the water attribute inner alchemy this time with peace of mind.

Hanging the inner alchemy in the air, Gu Zheng roasted it with the real fire of life, and after the hostility in it dissipated, Gu Zheng took it into his mouth and refined it.

Today's source of natal true water has been able to swallow the pure energy transformed by the inner alchemy, so when the entire inner alchemy is refined, Gu Zheng's source of natal true water immediately begins to process the pure energy surrounding it devour.

However, everything has a process. The source of natal true water soon reached saturation in devouring the pure energy, and Gu Zheng could only wait for it to recover before refining the inner alchemy. Fortunately, at this time not too long.

Seven days passed unknowingly. During these seven days, the old woman had already eliminated all the true qi of the big monster in the inner alchemy, while Gu Zheng was still unable to retreat.

There is nothing wrong with Gu Zheng. During these seven days, the source of its natal true water is gradually evolving into the spirit of natal true water by devouring the energy of the inner alchemy. According to the current momentum, it only needs to swallow it again. The energy in an inner alchemy can become the real spirit of true water, and Gu Zheng can perfectly display the art of water control when cooking.

Gu Zheng immediately began to refine the last Neidana that needed to be swallowed by the source of natal true water. He was naturally looking forward to the day when the source of natal true water became the spirit of natal true water.

The situation of the source of natal true water is already different from before. Before the whole inner alchemy turned into pure energy, the source of natal true water began to slowly devour it, just like a child who is anorexic. But now, the source of natal true water devours the inner alchemy, just like a greedy child, it eats a little bit of Gu Zheng's refinement, quite a bit not enough to eat.

The last inner alchemy has been completely refined, and the pure energy has been completely swallowed by the source of true water. I saw that the originally hidden source of natal true water shook, and after a bang in Gu Zheng's dantian, the light shone brightly, and the hidden source of natal true water exploded, turning into dots of light that pervaded the entire dantian.

The light reorganized in a very short period of time, and finally turned into a drop of water, suspended in Gu Zheng's dantian, this is Gu Zheng's natal true water spirit.

"It's done!"

Gu Zheng smiled, stood up and stretched his waist. During these seven days, he really had enough to endure.

"Jingling, jingling..."

A crisp sound resounded in the stone chamber, it was the icicles produced by Gu Zheng's wave of his hand, and they made a pleasant sound when they collided with each other.


Gu Zheng waved his hand again, and the original icicles were immediately nailed into the walls of the stone chamber like sharp knives.


Gu Zheng dragged his palm upwards, a gust of cold air appeared above his palm, and turned into a three-foot-long miniature water dragon, which flew around Gu Zheng shaking its head and tail.

The spirit of true water in the body vibrated, and the original water dragon turned white in an instant, and it turned into an ice dragon.

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger, and the ice dragon shattered the restriction he had set up before, and he followed the ice dragon out of the stone room that had been closed for seven days.



Hearing the sound of the ice dragon breaking through the door, the old woman and Lingzhu rushed over.

"Congratulations benefactor!"

"Mr. Hexi!"

The old woman and Lingzhu can see from the joy on Gu Zheng's face that he has now fulfilled his wish.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Zheng laughed heartily. He was very satisfied with the attempt to use the water-type fairy art just now. Now the source of the true water of life has become the spirit of true water of life, and both the speed and power of casting spells have been improved.

"Now the source of my natal true water has become the spirit of natal true water, and I can perfectly display the art of water control in cooking, and tomorrow I can cook Shouyuan Shixiu." Gu Zheng laughed.

Shouyuan Food Cultivation This Dao Food Cultivation was created by Tiexian. As the name suggests, it is a kind of food cultivation that increases longevity. Gu Zheng actually learned this cooking skill after seeing Tiexian.

However, when he learned Shouyuan Food Cultivation, Gu Zheng's cultivation level was already very high, and the cultivation level of the people around him was not bad. They all had a lot of Shouyuan, so Gu Zheng didn't follow him. People have cooked.

Now that Gu Zheng is using the Tiexian body, many things before have become blurred, but fortunately, Shouyuan Shixiu still remembers it clearly. Although he doesn't have the eyes and heart of Tao now, so he can't cook high-level Shouyuan Food Cultivator, but it is not a problem to cook the lowest level Shouyuan Food Cultivator.

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