In the lower reaches of the Shuanggu River, Lingzhu casually treated the injuries on her body, and didn't seem to care too much. Sand Nu was injured more seriously than her, and she was very satisfied with the result of using a small injury in exchange for such a result.

Suddenly, the sand dunes not far away shook, and Lingzhu frowned slightly.

"If you want to monitor these shady things in the underground, won't you stay away? If you break my mood, you will have to pay the price!"

With a flick of the Lingzhu's fingers, a few drops of water popped out. The water droplets wrapped in a mass of sand and slowly rose. During this process, the water droplets gradually condensed into ice. Fragments of scorpion corpses all over the place.

These scorpions didn't even have time to let out a scream before they were dealt with by the Lingzhu.

After getting rid of these annoying surveillance, Lingzhu is going to change places. Now she is not suitable for another big battle. The Scorpion Queen has many soldiers to protect, but it doesn't matter, she has only one person.

Not long after Lingzhu left, Sand Girl came to the place where she was just now. Seeing the scorpion fragments all over the place, instead of showing any sympathy, she was a little angry.

"What a group of idiots, even one person can't stop them!"

Sand Nu looked around, then pointed in one direction, "Catch me!"


All soldiers will answer sonorously.

Basically, every time Sandy went to a place, it was the Lingzhu who had just left, but she couldn't catch up with her, as if the Lingzhu was hanging around Sandy specially, which made Sandy even more angry.

"A group of idiots, search for me separately, don't come back until you find that dead woman!"

Sand Girl said angrily.


Although the others disagreed somewhat, this was the order of Sand Girl, and they had no choice but to obey.

Lingzhu is waiting for this time, during this time, she has almost healed from her injuries, and now these soldiers will be separated from Sha Nu, isn't it like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth?

Sand Nu waited in place for a long time, but no team came back, so she was a little anxious.

This time, when she came out, she brought some elites with her. Although she didn't care about their lives, she would be hurt if they lost too much.

"Report, report!"

A scorpion soldier ran back covered in blood.

"What about the rest?"

Sand Nu didn't see anyone else, and a bad premonition arose in her heart.

"Report to Mrs. Sha, that woman told me to tell you that she has already accepted the others, please instruct!"

"Then you can die too!"

Sand Girl angrily knocked that man away, and the scorpion soldier, who had managed to escape from death, bumped into several buildings before stopping.

The scorpion soldier didn't die in the hands of Lingzhu, but in the hands of his own Lady Sha, so he didn't rest in peace until he died.

"What a bunch of idiots, they can't even do this little thing well, damn it!"

Sha Nu said angrily, and then she closed her mouth when she realized that these people were indeed all dead.

The place where Sand Girl is located is a sand fortress. Although their residence is underground, they still have their sites on the ground. They have built forts one by one on these sites.

These fortresses are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if there is only one person, he can control the organs in this sand fortress, so that the intruders will die without a place to die.

Shanu originally wanted to leave here, go back and summon more soldiers to take down the Lingzhu in one fell swoop, but when she saw these fortresses, she suddenly had other plans.

Sand Nu said, "If you want to save your companion, come here and find me!"

Lingzhu cleaned up the battlefield and was about to leave when she understood the voice of Sand Girl.

I don't know what method she used, it seems that every grain of sand is transmitting her voice, the voice is getting louder and deafening.

Sha Nu used this method not only to remind Lingzhu, but also to summon the scorpions with a radius of hundreds of miles.

When Lingzhu arrived at the place where Sand Girl made her voice, many scorpions had already gathered outside the fortress.

Sand Girl didn't put these scorpions in, she just let them consume the fairy power of the Lingzhu.

This is the most stupid method, but also the most effective method. As long as Sha Nu is willing to spend, Lingzhu will have endless opponents.

Fortunately, these opponents are not very strong, and the Lingzhu is not too difficult to deal with. Basically, a few water droplets can take away a large number of people, but the accumulation of small amounts makes a lot. When the Lingzhu opens the gate of the fortress, its strength is definitely not at its peak.

There were also some low-strength scorpions pouring in from outside. They were not afraid of death, and each of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. When they saw the Lingzhu, they started to fight, and then they were instantly killed by the Lingzhu.

The Lingzhu slammed and closed the gate of the fortress to prevent these scorpions from entering. These low-strength scorpions are like toads lying on their feet. They don't bite, but they are disgusting.

Lingzhu didn't know whether Daoist Yunqing was here or not, but whether he was or not, she would make this trip.

It is good to be able to save Daoist Yunqing, but it is a profit to be able to hurt Sha Nu.

Yes, Lingzhu was not sure about killing the Sand Girl. In this vast desert, if she couldn't kill the Sand Girl with one blow, then she would have countless guardians.

This time, only Sha Nu was left with a chance, and she would never let it go.

Just as the gate of the fortress was closed, the road in front of Lingzhu also began to change. A sand wall several feet high rose on the ground, and the original road began to become distorted and broken.

The sand wall is forbidden, and the Lingzhu can't fly up to check the situation, but this small maze doesn't bother her.

The Lingzhu tried it out and found that these sand walls could be forcibly destroyed by force, but it was very expensive. Therefore, the Lingzhu didn't push it across like a shattering one, but slowly studied the laws of the operation of these organs.

Just when Lingzhu was about to go out, Sand Girl changed, and the location of the maze changed again, and the place she had walked was almost equivalent to walking in vain.

Sha Nu looked triumphantly at the Lingzhu trapped in the maze and couldn't get out, so she was so angry that she lost her mind and pushed all the way across.

She is not afraid that Lingzhu will use violence. If she really does that, then Lingzhu may be trapped in the maze until her immortal power is exhausted.

The sand wall in the maze can change its position infinitely. As long as someone is controlling it here, the people inside will never get out.

It's a pity that Lingzhu has never resorted to violence. While adjusting her breath, she calculated the way to get out. Although the high walls above are the same and the roads will change, the environment on the roadside is not at all different.

After walking a few times, Lingzhu roughly drew the base map of the fortress in her mind. Before she was about to go out and the next change came, she pushed directly to a wall beside her and jumped out of the maze.

To get out of such a maze, the most important thing is to have a strong sense of direction. Fortunately, the most important thing she lacks is a sense of direction.

"How can this be?"

Sand Nu looked at this scene in shock, the destroyed sand wall seemed to be mocking her incompetence.

The sand wall stopped running, and when she jumped outside, Lingzhu realized that she had been circling just now, but there was a difference between the larger circles and the smaller circles. The space outside is not as big as she imagined. Fortunately, she judged correctly in the last step, otherwise, she might be trapped inside for a long time.

The sand wall maze couldn't trap the Lingzhu, and the sand girl opened the second level.

Lingzhu almost recovered her strength in the maze, so she passed the next few levels very quickly, but unfortunately, she was still one step too late, and Sand Girl disappeared under her nose.

"Welcome to find me in the dungeon!"

Sand Girl waved her hand at the Lingzhu, and then slowly sank into the ground. The next moment, the sand fortress collapsed and turned into a sand dune. The whole hill was covered with quicksand, trying to suck the spirit beads in.

Although it is a little troublesome to deal with this problem, Lingzhu is not afraid of these quicksands, but she needs to concentrate on dealing with it.

What annoyed her was that Sand Girl ran away right in front of her! I don't know when the next time I want to catch the lonely Sha Nu.

Lingzhu wants to catch Sand Girl, and Sand Girl also wants to catch Lingzhu.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, she became very angry and changed all the people who served her around.

"What's wrong? Who made you so angry?"

The five-year-old Sen Luo walked in, and Sha Nu became even more angry when she saw him.

"Besides you, who else is there? If you killed that woman directly, why would there be so many things now?"

"I won't touch other women except you!"

Sen Luo quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Idiot, who asked you to kill her in that way? Don't you know how to change it? You can't even kill a person. What are you doing?"

For Sen Luo, Sand Girl was very rude.

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Sen Luo quickly apologized, although Sha Nu had ordered her to kill her when he took the woman away, but he was not willing to refute, she could say whatever she wanted to say. Anyway, if she was angry, it must be his fault.

"Aside from being sorry, would you say something else? What I want is not to be sorry, but to kill that woman. Go over now and kill that woman, or be killed by that woman. If you can't kill that woman, you just Don't come back!"

Sand Nu kicked Sen Luo hard, but because the kick hurt, she slapped him hard again.


Being insulted like this, Sen Luo didn't even complain, and answered directly without even hesitating.

After Sen Luo left, Sand Girl's mood improved a little bit. According to Sen Luo's degree of loyalty, even if she couldn't kill the Lingzhu, it would cause her a lot of trouble. As long as the Lingzhu is not doing well, she will be happy .

Could there be a better deal than a minion that should be thrown out to the dogs, inflicting damage on her enemies?

After doing this for so long, Sha Nu's injuries worsened again, so she thought of Master Yun Qing who was raised in the palace. As long as the Yuanyang of Master Yunqing is taken away, her current injury might recover in an instant. In the eyes of Sha Nu, Master Yunqing is a great tonic.

"Where is Master Yunqing?"

"in the room!"

The maid answered quickly.

Sha Nu came quietly to Master Yunqing's room, wanting to catch him off guard, but unexpectedly, Master Yunqing really gave her a big surprise.

The room was filled with dirt, and there was only a big hole where the bed had been.

Daoist Yunqing actually dug a hole in the room and ran away!

"Tell me again, where is Master Yunqing?"

"Yun, Master Yunqing was still in the room in the morning? Why did he just..."

The maid explained in a flustered manner, but she still couldn't dispel the anger of the sand girl.

"Drag it out, chop it up!"

Sha Nu said directly.


The two soldiers at the door dragged the maid out, so as not to let her cries stain the sand girl's ears.

"Search for me, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find Master Yunqing for me!"

Sand Girl swept the things on the table to the ground, and she was so angry that she crushed the doorknob.


A group of soldiers came over at the door, and one by one went deep into the cave dug by Master Yunqing, wanting to see where the cave would lead.

Sand Nu even dispatched troops and generals to step up patrols in the dungeon, and arrest any suspicious persons immediately.

When the people in the room were almost gone, Master Yun Qing came out from the mound. Just now he used a special exercise to shield everything about him, so he was able to hide it from Sha Nu's eyes.

It's just that this method can't be hidden for too long. When Sand Girl reacts, or when the person in the passage comes out, his little trick will be exposed.

He can only go, and go as soon as possible.

Even though he knew that he couldn't get out of the palace with his cultivation, he felt that he should try it. Lingzhu dared to face Zhansha Nu, but he just wanted to escape. What does it look like?

Although he does not have the strength of a strong man, he must have the heart of a strong man.

Don't be afraid, don't give up, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, bravely work hard in that direction.

It's a pity that he was not as lucky as the others. Not long after he walked out of the room, he encountered a group of patrolling people in the palace.

To be able to be on duty in the palace, the strength itself is not bad. Dealing with such a group of small soldiers, Master Yun Qing has really wasted a lot of effort.

When they were fighting, they naturally attracted a lot of people. Master Yun Qing seemed to have such a hard time dealing with such a few people, let alone many people.

The fight here alarmed Sha Nu, and when Sha Nu rushed over, Daoist Yun Qing had absolutely no chance of escaping.

Although he knew it was the result, but after trying it, Yun Qing really gave up.

He even wanted to thank Sha Nu, fortunately her order was to catch her alive, otherwise, he might have already met the King of Hades.

"You actually ran away?"

Of course, Sha Nu was very angry when Master Yun Qing wanted to escape.

"If you don't run away, do you have to wait here to die?"

Master Yunqing took a sip, speaking with extra confidence.

Anyway, what Sha Nu wants is a living him, no matter how hard she tries, she probably won't take his life.

"There are many things that are actually more uncomfortable than death!"

Sand Nu showed a nasty smile, and then motioned for the others to press Master Yun Qing up.

Reverend Yun Qing was crushed into a low and damp prison cell, the bottom of the cell was full of water, which could almost submerge his knees.

He had just been sent in when he heard the sound of a lock being locked outside.

"Release the water!"

A stream of water filled with icy breath poured down from above. The speed of the water flow was not fast, but it never stopped. Master Yunqing watched the water spread from his knees to his thighs, chest, and neck...

The water still didn't stop, and Master Yun Qing's body began to tremble unconsciously. Soaking in cold water for a long time made his body a little unbearable. I don't know where the cold water is, but it can also have an effect on immortal cultivators.

Reverend Yun Qing's teeth were chattering, and after the cold water flooded his neck, his whole body was a little unsteady and swayed in the direction of the cold water flow.

The water slowly flowed to his mouth, then his nose, Master Yunqing desperately wanted to float up, but the water seemed to be unable to float anything, Master Yunqing's body could only float to a deeper place.

When the water overflowed Master Yunqing's head, his entire face turned pale.

It's not the feeling of not being able to breathe, but the bone-piercing cold, even the bones seem to have turned into popsicles, which will shatter with a light tap.

This kind of situation reminded him of the water drops that Lingzhu often used. The water droplets also slowly condensed into ice beads, and then smashed the people inside into pieces.

Master Yun Qing felt like this at this time, as if his body could not be put together again once it was dislocated, this feeling made him dare not move.

After an unknown amount of time, the cold water receded slowly, leaving only real Yun Qing with a frozen face and dull eyes.

"The sand girl asked me to ask you, do you want a warm bed, or do you want to stay here?"

A soldier asked through the cell door.

"I stay here!"

Master Yun Qing said with chattering teeth.

"Brother, you are so powerful that you dare to disobey Lady Sand, take care!"

The people outside said sarcastically.

This time, Master Yun Qing didn't answer, because his upper eyelid and lower eyelid seemed to be frozen together.

If he stayed any longer, he might really turn into a popsicle, but even so, he was unwilling to face Sand Girl.

The messenger came back and opened the cell for him.

"Miss Sha said, since you like this place, let's punish you in another way!"

"Kill me if you have the ability, what are you doing with so many tricks?"

Master Yunqing laughed mockingly.

There was no answer from the messengers, for they were where they were going.

It was a circular stand, and the stand was full of scorpion spirits. Right next to him, many beasts were imprisoned. They hadn't activated their spiritual intelligence. When they encountered someone who wanted to occupy their territory, the only way was to go up. tear each other apart.

The ferocious beasts that can be carefully selected by the scorpion spirits are naturally not weak in combat power, at least they cannot be dealt with by Master Yunqing at this level. Sha Nu wanted to use this method to tell him, but wasn't she actually afraid of killing him?

A smile appeared on Master Yunqing's face, death is death, as if he was living like this, life is simply worse than death.

"You wait here first, the next round will be your turn!"

Someone also arranged a number for him, and Master Yunqing was pushed to the side of the stand before his frozen body regained its vitality, waiting for the next battle, his battle with the beast.

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