Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 233 Guarantee

Guzheng did not implement purchase restrictions in an all-round way, and Qi Ling only talked about it and did not insist on it.

In Shu Yu's store before, the purchase restriction was only for people who bought fried eggs, and the number was not many. Even so, after the purchase restriction, many people still had deep opinions, and there were people who raised opinions almost every day.

This is a big store, and the chicken blood soup that can be sold every day has reached 5,000 copies. It is impossible to implement such a comprehensive purchase restriction here without all preparations.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the business officially started, and the store was full again soon.

Many people knew the rule that only 300 people were allowed in the store. At first, there were some complaints, but they gradually accepted it.

No matter how many people go in at a time, they are still waiting inside. The chicken blood soup has to be made in a process. When I went in by myself, the order inside was very good, there was definitely a place, and I could eat comfortably.

Some people will not understand a rule at first, but when they gradually become familiar with it and feel the benefits, they will naturally accept it.

After a while, people began to comment on the new rules in the store. This time, it was a middle-aged woman, dressed very well, wearing platinum earrings and gemstone necklaces, which made people look extravagant.

This expensive is precious expensive, not noble expensive.

"It was okay before, but why can't it be packed now? It's inconvenient for the elderly at home, and what should I do if I want to eat?"

The extravagant middle-aged woman yelled at the store manager. She wanted to pack three copies but was rejected, so she immediately yelled there.

The store manager felt bitter. In fact, after receiving this order yesterday, he knew that he would be busy in the next few days. He didn't understand this order. He even asked Changfeng, but he got a warning.

For this reason, he also deliberately contacted his previous boss to complain, but the previous boss also warned him that no matter what Chang Feng said, he would just do it, and Chang Feng's arrangements were made, which would be of great help to him in the future.

The previous boss didn't say the specific reason, but he did say that if he can't do well, he won't be able to work in this industry in the future.

The store manager is not stupid. The former boss said a few warning words, which made him feel cold and at the same time he understood that his new boss is a person with great energy, otherwise the former boss would not have said that.

"Sorry, the amount of chicken blood soup in our store is limited every day, and there are not enough people in the store to eat it, so it is forbidden to pack!"

The store manager explained patiently, which was also the explanation given to them by Gu Zheng.

"I don't care, I'm going to pack it today, you have to sell it to me, or I'll sue you and complain about you!"

The noble woman continued to shout, and some people who also wanted to pack came out to support her. Seeing someone supporting her, she was even more proud. No matter what the store manager said, she just disagreed and strongly demanded to pack.

"Tell your boss to come out, don't tell me!"

The store manager's explanation was useless at all. After arguing with him for a while, the noble woman became impatient and shouted directly to find the boss.

The store manager is the person with the highest position in the store, but he is not the boss after all, and some things cannot really be decided. The noble woman obviously understands this.

"Please wait!"

The store manager sighed, and went to the kitchen helplessly. He didn't want to disturb Gu Zheng, but the noise of the noble women had already affected the anger in the store. Now that Chang Feng was away, he could only go to Gu Zheng.

In fact, he didn't have no complaints in his heart. From Chang Feng, he already knew that this was Gu Zheng's request, and he also had an understanding of Gu Zheng.

After being a celebrity chef, the son of Gu Ming, a famous master in Shencheng, participated in the Hangzhou Food Contest and beat Zhao Fu to win the first place. He has already gained a lot of fame in the chef circle.

He admires Gu Zheng in terms of culinary skills. Although the chicken blood soup in the store is expensive, it tastes really good, especially the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself. Last time Chang Feng ordered two servings. Give him a little, let him finally know what real food is.

The cooking skills are good, but in terms of management, the store manager does not have much recognition for Gu Zheng. Whether it is that there is no other food in the store, or that the current food is not packaged or taken away, in his opinion, it is not necessary, and it has nothing to do with the business. Help, but increased their troubles.

"I'm the boss here, you want to know why?"

Gu Zheng came out, came to the noble woman, and asked softly. In the back kitchen, the store manager had already briefly described what happened before.

"You are the boss?"

The noble woman glanced suspiciously, then nodded, and said loudly: "Yes, I just want to know why, your request is very unreasonable, and the unreasonable request should be cancelled."

"That's right, why can't you pack it?"

"What if someone doesn't have time to come, and there is no takeaway, so I can't even get someone to take it!"

"I'm free today, and maybe I won't have time in a few days. If I want to eat a chicken blood soup, I can't let anyone bring it!"

The volunteers on the side were also talking there. Some people are really lazy. They came today. They can’t come next time and want their friends to take them back. The prohibition of packing makes them unable to realize this wish. So put forward an opinion.

"You guys come with me!"

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, and walked directly to the door. On the first day, all the people waiting were outside the door. On the second day, Changfeng made a renovation. A waiting area was set up inside the store, and chairs and parasols were added outside the store. There are also some small snacks in the waiting area, so that people will not be particularly boring while waiting.

The noble woman was a little confused, but she still followed Gu Zheng to the door.

"Do you know how many people come from far away every day to eat chicken blood soup here?"

Gu Zheng asked indifferently, his voice was not loud, but everyone could hear him. Among the diners waiting outside, one person sat up straight suddenly, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"What does this have to do with me?" the noble woman asked back.

"Look here, how many people are waiting, how many people who can't come in a long way, or arrive very late, you packed it up and brought it back, it's convenient for you, but those who are ten kilometers away, even Do you know how disappointed people are when people from 20 kilometers away come here because of the name and see that it is closed and sold out?"

Gu Zheng's voice was still very weak, but it was still clearly heard by everyone.

"Yeah, my house is very far away. It was closed when I arrived last night. I got up early today and came here by the subway. I left the house after six o'clock!"

Someone among the waiting people responded immediately. Gu Zheng's words had reached his heart, and he was indeed a step late yesterday, as the chicken blood soup in the store had already been sold out.

"We are not trying to make you inconvenient, but to make it more convenient for more people. There are only a few chicken blood soups that can be sold in the store every day. Our old soup can only sell this amount of chicken blood soup every day. Once the quantity is exceeded, It will affect the taste and quality of the soup, so we would rather sell less than sell poor-tasting chicken blood soup to deceive everyone!"

"Similarly, we would rather sell less than disappoint many people who come from afar. Yesterday, there were nearly 2,000 packages and takeaways. With so many takeaways, many people came late and returned disappointed. For these friends, We purposely limit takeaways and takeaways!"

Gu Zheng spoke slowly, and suddenly someone shouted support outside the door, and he was also the one who came late before.

"Our store is newly opened, and there are many places that are not perfect, so we are summing up experience and improving. In the future, we will establish a WeChat public account, so that we can queue up online without going out, and we can see how much we sell every day. Clearly, it can be convenient for friends who want to come from far away, and it can also let everyone know if we have oversold, and if we have oversold, you can ask us for a refund at any time. In order to ensure the quality of the chicken blood soup every day, I am here to Everyone promises that our ordinary chicken blood soup has a daily quota of 5,000 servings, and if there is more than one serving, everyone will get a double refund, and we will never break our promise!"

Gu Zheng's last sentence was very beneficial. Whether it was eating in the store or people waiting outside, there was no sound at all. It took a full minute for someone to applaud, and then everyone applauded.

The store manager's eyes widened even more, with admiration in his eyes, he never expected that Gu Zheng would solve such a troublesome matter so easily.

There was also a hint of a smile on the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth. Of course, this reason was not true. The reason why he stabilized everyone was because he used a calming technique when he spoke, which made everyone calm and it was easier to agree with his words.

Coupled with the final guarantee, many people have great recognition for them.

Their chicken blood soup is so expensive, why so many people come to buy it, isn't it because their taste is good, in order to ensure the taste, they would rather sell less than sell more, it is easy to win people's hearts.

As for Gu Zheng, there was no loss at all. He had no intention of selling more. Gao Changhe is Sun Lao's apprentice. He has a deeper feeling for Lao Tang than him, and he will completely protect it.

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