"Sir, what are we looking for in Niu Xiu's old grave?" Lingzhu asked Gu Zheng.

"Look for corpse oil for refining corpses!"

"All right!"

Even though he knew it was definitely not a good thing, Lingzhu still felt nauseous when he heard that Gu Zheng said it was corpse oil for refining corpses.

"Sir, you are a delicious cook, do you want to fry vegetables with corpse oil?"


As soon as the curious Lingzhu's voice fell to the ground, Gu Zheng gave a blow to the head.

"What are you thinking?"

Gu Zheng glared at Lingzhu: "Don't be curious if you feel disgusted, just wait and see!"

"Hey, although it's disgusting, I'm still very curious!"

Lingzhu rubbed her head, stuck out her tongue at Xianggu Zheng.

"Xie Xianzhong is the 'Rotting Corpse Gu', so to deal with this kind of evil, we must use some special means. Don't worry, Xie Xian is not eating corpse oil." Gu Zheng said.

The old grave that Niu Xiu hid at the beginning has collapsed and turned into a huge deep pit. The rainwater from the rain a few days ago still accumulates in the deep pit.

The earth-type fairy art and the water-type fairy art were performed at the same time, and the sunken ground slowly bulged up as if it had been blown out, revealing the long black tomb passage.

Entering the tomb from the passage, Gu Zheng put his hand on the stone platform that Niu Xiu used to make corpses.

The stone platform is actually hollow, and there are some things used for refining corpses. Gu Zheng took out a black pottery bottle from it, and there were some light yellow grease in it.

Seeing Gu Zheng take out the black pottery bottle, Lingzhu subconsciously dodged aside.

"You are not allowed to come, you insist on following, and you will dislike these things when you come." Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled.

"I'm not afraid that my husband will encounter any trouble!" Lingzhu laughed.

"What trouble can there be, it's just a collapsed tomb."

As soon as Gu Zheng finished speaking, the ground next to him suddenly loosened, and a corpse struggled to crawl out of it.

Gu Zheng flicked his fingers, and Xianli shot the corpse's head.

"It seems that this place should be completely destroyed. Niu Xiu has done a lot of things here with sorcery. Although there is not much evil left here after his death, there are still corpses that have been affected and mutated. .”

Since he wanted to completely destroy this place, Gu Zheng once again took out some things he thought might be useful from the stone platform, and with a wave of his hand, the energy of heaven and earth formed an oppressive effect on the stone platform, and the entire stone platform exploded into powder .

The spirit of the real fire of life beating in the body, Gu Zheng sprinkled the real fire of life in the tomb to completely purify the place.

After getting what he needed and completely destroying Niu Xiu's tomb, Gu Zheng returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu with the Lingzhu.

The diet for Xie Xian did use some unconventional ingredients, but these things were not as disgusting as Lingzhu imagined. As for the corpse oil brought back from the burial chamber, Gu Zheng ground some roasted 'Mixed Fragrance Fruit' into powder, then added it to the corpse oil to make an oil lamp.

At dinner time, Xie Xian and Nan Chen came to Jixiang Xiaozhu as scheduled.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, is my diet ready?" Xie Xian asked.

"We have already done."

Gu Zheng ordered Lingzhu to take out the diet therapy that had been prepared, together with the special lamp.

"Corpse oil!"

Seeing the kerosene in the oil lamp, Xie Xian immediately frowned.


Nan Chen also frowned. Although he is also an immortal cultivator, not every immortal cultivator has been in contact with the product of corpse refining.

"This is corpse oil, I've seen it in the Wu tribe." Xie Xian said again.

"That's right, this is indeed corpse oil, and this special oil lamp is also used by Fellow Daoist Xie to treat illnesses."

Knowing that ordinary cultivators are very cautious about magic cultivators, Gu Zheng said again: "Because the 'rotten corpse Gu' in Daoist Xie is special, so you need to use some special things. Get rid of it for you Daoist Xie." Rotten Corpse Gu' is divided into two steps, one step is to take it internally, and the other step is to introduce it externally, and after the effect of the internal medicine is produced, I still need to give some guidance on the effect of the medicine. Just relax your body as much as possible."

"That's right, extraordinary things require extraordinary means. I've written down what Fellow Daoist Tie said. Can I take diet therapy now?" Xie Xian asked.


After Gu Zheng nodded, Xie Xian stretched out his hand to the small soup bowl on the table.

He said that extraordinary things must be done with extreme means, but Xie Xian was also afraid in his heart that there would be something in the soup bowl that would make his stomach sick.

The lid of the soup bowl was finally opened by Xie Xian. There was nothing disgusting as imagined, and there was only an amber bowl of soup in the soup bowl. And, this bowl of soup still smells a little fragrant!

Xie Xian picked up the soup bowl, and he drank the soup in one gulp, not daring to savor it carefully.

The taste of the soup is a bit weird, but it can't be said to be delicious, nor can it be said to be bad.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, is this food therapy?"

He finished a bowl of soup with ease, without even a lingering taste in his mouth, and there was no special feeling in his body, which made Xie Xian curious.

"That's right, this is diet therapy! It's just that some things in the diet therapy that I didn't want to be seen by Daoist Xie were cooked by me with immortal techniques, so what Daoist Xie saw was just a bowl of soup. If you don't want to see it If you feel uncomfortable, I can tell you what is used in this diet." Gu Zheng laughed.

"No, this kind of food therapy is already the secret recipe of Fellow Daoist Tie. How dare I explore the secret recipe of Fellow Daoist Tie!" Xie Xian said hastily.

"It's okay, if you want to know, I can really tell you, I promise you won't regret it!" Gu Zheng looked serious.

"No, fellow daoist, don't be joking, I really don't want to know!"

Xie Xian hurriedly waved his hands, he was afraid that Gu Zheng would say something and make him spit out the diet that he just drank.

"You really don't want to know?" Gu Zheng smiled playfully.

"No!" Xie Xian answered decisively.

"Very good, through your nervousness just now, the effect of the medicine has perfectly worked. Thank you, fellow daoist, I will start to induce the effect of the medicine now!"

Gu Zheng's face turned serious, and Xie Xian realized that what he said just now was entirely because of the need to cooperate with the effect of the medicine, so he couldn't help being very curious: "Friend Daoist, you said that the effect of the medicine has worked perfectly, but I Why don't you feel it?"

Xie Xian's curiosity has turned into astonishment. Gu Zheng's hand is already on his back. It stands to reason that Xianli will also enter his body, but he doesn't have any feeling of being invaded by Xianli. The immortal power of the ancient battle had indeed entered his body.

"In the Gu Dao, there is a very peculiar kind of Gu. This kind of Gu is called 'Phantom Gu'. The 'Rotting Corpse Gu' that you, fellow Taoist, are actually a kind of 'Phantom Gu'. And this kind of Gu That's why it's called 'Illusion Gu' because it possesses a quality that is very similar to the 'illusion born from the heart' in illusion."

"The reason why the 'rotting corpse Gu' is difficult to remove, apart from the fact that the Gu insect itself is difficult to deal with, is that, to some extent, the 'rotting corpse Gu' has already controlled your heart, thus causing you to have There are a series of illusions, for example, the number of Gu worms will increase, for example, when you use immortal power to encircle and suppress Gu worms, they will suddenly disappear, and you will feel that you will die before your life is exhausted. , Wait, wait, these are actually the illusions created by the 'Rotting Corpse Gu'! The real situation is that there is only one 'Rotting Corpse Gu' in your body, and it has always been in your heart, but Because of being a 'Phantom Gu', you can't detect its existence. Even when others probe your body, your body also provides it with help without your knowledge, allowing it to probe you. A person with a physical body, not only cannot find the existence of the real 'rotting corpse Gu', but will also be confused by some illusions."

"The food therapy I cook for you is to interfere with the control of the 'Rotting Corpse Gu' on you, thereby reducing the difficulty of getting rid of it, and making it unable to manipulate you to do crazy things when it feels dangerous. It is the medicinal effect of diet that interferes with the control of 'Corpse Gu' on you, and your feeling at this moment is a bit disordered, which makes you not even feel my immortal power entering your body. However, this is also It is a good thing, now that you have lost some sense of the body, the process of getting rid of the 'rotting corpse Gu' will not be so painful, otherwise the pain of getting rid of the 'rotten corpse Gu' in your heart will definitely make you want to die! "

Hearing what Gu Zheng said a lot, Xie Xian felt like crying. It turned out that many of the feelings were fake. It turned out that the 'rotting corpse Gu' had always been in his heart. It turned out that the 'rotten corpse Gu' was so terrifying. These five Some of the things that he sometimes did over the years, whether he did it by himself or not, he is now a little unclear.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, you must save me!"

Xie Xian's voice was crying, which was an expression of extreme sadness.

"Don't worry, since I have accepted your business, I will definitely save you!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "Don't forget what I told you in advance, in the process of helping you get rid of the 'rotten corpse Gu', the only thing you can do is to relax your body as much as possible. It’s a lot of help! Otherwise, the process of dispelling the Gu may cause a lot of damage to your body, after all, the 'rotting corpse Gu' is hidden in your heart."


Gu Zheng spoke seriously, Xie Xian didn't dare to immerse himself in sorrow any longer, he tried his best to relax his body.

As soon as Xie Xian's body relaxed, Gu Zheng immediately felt that the resistance encountered by Xianli's forward movement decreased. But even so, the movement of Gu Zheng's immortal power in Xie Xian's body is still not so smooth, because the 'rotting corpse Gu' knows that Gu Zheng is going to deal with it, it is controlling Xie Xian's muscles, and it is against Gu Zheng's immortal power. Get in the way! After all, the dietary therapy given by Gu Zheng to Xie Xian is to interfere with the control of Xie Xian by the 'Rotting Corpse Gu', not to release the control of Xie Xian by the 'Rotting Corpse Gu'! Although the 'Rotting Corpse Gu' can no longer manipulate Xie Xian to do crazy things, but it can still make Xie Xian's muscles hinder Gu Zheng's divine sense.

Although there is the resistance given by the 'rotten corpse Gu', under the effect of the medicine, this resistance is nothing to Gu Zheng. The only problem is the time when his immortal power reaches Xie Xian's heart. That's all.

Gu Zheng's immortal power finally reached Xie Xian's heart, and he saw the white Gu worm, which was thinner than a hair, almost fused with Xie Xian's heart.

Gu Zheng could feel Gu Zheng's immortal power, so it writhed uncomfortably, and Xie Xian's heart also twitched. If it wasn't for the effect of the medicine, Xie Xian would definitely be in unbearable heartache at the moment, but under the effect of the medicine, Xie Xian only felt uncomfortable in the heart, but he still followed Gu Zheng's instructions to relax his body as much as possible.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to directly stimulate the Gu worm with immortal power, because it was almost one with Xie Xian's heart, if he directly stimulated it with immortal power, when it died, Xie Xian's heart would also die. And if a person cultivating immortals has a dead heart, his body is dead, and the only way out is to seize the house.

Although he can't stimulate the Gu worm directly, Gu Zheng can control the intensity and stimulate slowly. He wants to make the Gu worm feel uncomfortable and let it detach from Xie Xian's heart.

With Gu Zheng's immortal power stimulating the Gu worm, the tireless Gu worm gradually detached from Xie Xian's heart, but when its body was half detached, it no longer had much reaction to Gu Zheng's stimulation.

The current stimulation of the ancient dispute is like boiling a frog in warm water. At this time, the water temperature is already high and the frog is on the verge of dying, so it has no strength to toss.

Seeing that the time came, Gu Zheng popped out a cluster of flames, and the corpse oil lamp was ignited by the flames.

There is no unpleasant smell as imagined, and the smell emitted by the corpse oil lamp is very fragrant. This kind of fragrance is not only not annoying, but also makes people want to hallucinate.


Feeling a little overwhelmed, Nan Chen quickly held his breath and stopped inhaling the strange fragrance.

Xie Xian, who relaxed his body, inhaled a lot. After the fragrance entered his body, it evolved into another medicinal effect, which was controlled by Gu Zhengxian's power to reach the atrium.

The Gu worm, which was already on the verge of death, was stimulated by the medicinal effect of the fragrance, and immediately writhed crazily as if it had been injected with vitality.

Gu worms were originally cultivated in corpses, and the corpse oil itself has a certain allure to it, coupled with the effect of 'misang fruit', this medicinal effect is a temptation that Gu worms cannot resist.

Finally, the frantically writhing Gu worm escaped from Xie Xian's heart. Before it could savor the effects of the medicine controlled by Gu Zheng's immortal power, Gu Zheng's immortal power shook it to pieces and expelled it from Xie Xian's body through the pores. .

The Gu worm was dead, and Gu Zheng's divine sense also exited Xie Xian's body.


With a long moan, Xie Xian woke up from his coma. Just when the Gu worm left his heart, a sharp pain also appeared in his heart, and the unbearable pain made him faint.

"Friend Daoist, how do you feel?"

Nan Chen who had been standing by the side hurriedly asked.

"I feel so tired, as if I haven't rested for a long time." Xie Xian said.

"The Gu worms have been eliminated. Fellow Daoist Xie's body is a little weak now. Take him to find a place to rest now. It is estimated that after these three days of rest, he will be able to heal himself with kung fu. By then, his bloated body will recover soon. A weak body will soon return to normal." Gu Zheng said.

"Dao, Fellow Daoist, has the 'rotten corpse Gu' I planted been eliminated?" Xie Xian stuttered a little while speaking excitedly.

"That's right, it has been removed. For the next three days, you just need to rest well, and when you can exercise your energy, you can use it to heal your injuries!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu! When my lower body recovers, I will definitely come to Jixiang Xiaozhu to thank you again!" Xie Xian said weakly.

"You don't need to come to thank me, I welcome you to taste the delicious food I made." Gu Zheng said.

"Definitely, definitely!" The weak Xie Xian hurriedly said.

After Xie Xian left, Gu Zheng stretched himself. He left the Lingzhu in the hall to watch the store, and went upstairs to refine the inner alchemy.

It was meal time at this time, and Xiao Er stood cautiously next to the two young people in the crowded building on the other side.

Two young people, a man and a woman, both looked about twenty years old. The man was very handsome and the woman was very beautiful. Both of them were wearing uniform martial arts attire, and they were looking back and forth with the menu full of customers.

"Xiao Er, is there only more than 30 dishes?" The young man asked.

"Guest officer, I'm really sorry, we only have these dishes here."

This is not the first time for this young man and woman to come to the building full of customers, because they are immortal cultivators, Huang Ying told Xiaoer to be careful in serving them.

"A restaurant only serves thirty or so dishes, which is indeed too little! This is the third time we have come to the restaurant, and there are no dishes we haven't eaten before to order." The young woman regretted. .

There are many chefs in the building full of customers. Of course, these chefs can cook more than thirty dishes, but there are only so many dishes handed down from the ancient struggle. After learning the dishes handed down from Gu Zheng, Huang Ying and the others felt that the dishes they knew before were not on the table, so they didn't put them on the menu.

However, Huang Ying and the others are not incapable of innovation. They also try to make new dishes, and they also try to make new tricks on the old dishes, but their understanding of ingredients is not as deep as ancient competitions, and their cooking skills are not as advanced as ancient competitions. None of the so-called innovative dishes has ever satisfied them, and the dishes on this menu are those that Gu Zheng taught them.

"Call your chef." The young man put down the menu and said.

Huang Ying was cooking, and when Xiao Er said that the young man was looking for her, she couldn't help but feel a 'thump' in her heart.

As for the immortal cultivators, Huang Ying was really afraid that they would cause trouble. After all, their chefs were only cultivators, and a single immortal cultivator could easily destroy a group of them.

"Guest officer, what's the matter?" Huang Ying asked the young man with a smile.

"We are also people who have been to many places. I have to say that the dishes you cook are really good, but there are too few types of dishes. There are only more than 30 kinds, which is not enough to taste." The young man said.

"It's a little less."

Huang Ying could only smile apologetically, thinking that whoever is like you would never eat the same dishes in a restaurant, even if there are many kinds of dishes in the restaurant, they can't stand this way of eating.

"As a cook, you should be able to cook more than these types of dishes. Do you have any new dishes? Make them for us to try! Just don't worry, you won't be short of money," the young woman said.

"It's not just money, if you cook me a delicious new dish, I can give you such a elixir, which will be very helpful for your cultivation!"

The young man took out a elixir overflowing with elixir. Although Huang Ying didn't know what elixir it was, it must be more valuable than silver, and it was a cultivation resource that was measured by fairy coins!

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