On the seventh day of the registered disciple test, Qiao Bai had already left Boundary Village and came to Kuye Town in Qiuse City.

When leaving Boundary Village, Qiao Bai collected some ingredients, and he also tried to cook the dishes made by Dong's housewife during the past few days on the road. Just as he had imagined at first, the four dishes he cooks now are better than those cooked by the housewife back then! Especially for Dong's housewife's four-point dish, he has been able to achieve close to five points.

There is not much time left for Qiao Bai. After all, he needs to include the time for the return journey. This time he came to Dead Leaf Town, Qiao Bai hoped to have a better harvest.

Although Dead Leaf Town is a town, but because it is closer to the border, it is not as prosperous as Boundary Village.

There is only one inn, three restaurants, and none of the restaurants in the town.

The town is filled with yellow sand from time to time. This is because Dead Leaf Town is already very close to the desert. Although it is relatively barren, due to the different regions, there are also different eating habits, and there are some foods that are difficult to find elsewhere.

According to the old rules, Qiao Bai will go to the food stalls on the street first.

The first street stall sold kebabs.

The freshness of the mutton is not a problem, and the taste is quite fragrant. Qiao Bai tasted it while communicating with the stall owner.

Now Qiao Bai is not like when he was in Boundary Village, when he was too lazy to waste time on substandard food. But now, although the taste of mutton kebabs is not up to standard, Qiao Bai asked the stall owner how to grill mutton kebabs and how to make mutton kebabs taste better. Originally, these were things that the stall owner would not mention to outsiders, but in front of Yinzi, the originally stubborn stall owner soon lost his persistence.

In the end, Qiao Bai rated the mutton skewers with four points in his heart, and after adding his own thoughts, the taste of the mutton skewers might be able to reach five points, but it still can't be used as a backup. It can only be used as a reference object in the accumulation of subsequent knowledge, or as an experience that can provide inspiration.

There were three snacks at the roadside stall, and Qiao Bai came to the second stall.

"What's this?"

Qiao Bai looked at the desserts at the booth that seemed to be pressed from many kinds of dried fruits.

"This is 'Eight Fructose', would you like some of it?"


Qiao Bai nodded and walked straight to the back of the booth, where there were tables and benches.

The stall owner with a mustache was stunned. He had never seen this kind of non-inquiry about the price and the number of customers. This kind of routine without any routine made the mustache a little at a loss for a while.

"Guest, don't you ask how much it is for one tael?"

Mustache gritted his teeth secretly, and suddenly felt that this unusually dressed guest was actually quite annoying, and his style made people a little bit incapable of doing business.

"Don't ask."

Qiao Bai was thinking about something, but he just said casually, anyway, he has plenty of money, and in order to complete this test, he never asked about the price.

"Young people are always so reckless!"

Mustache secretly gritted his teeth, and then asked Qiao Bai, "Then how much?"

"You look at it."

Qiao Bai was still absent-minded.

Mustache gasped, and dared to say that he had never heard of the guests who looked at Qie in the legend.

There is another stall next to it. The owner of the stall is an old man who sells fruit. He excitedly smacked the mustache, signaling that the mustache should be cut quickly.

"Am I going to create a legend today?"

The mustache was excited, he licked his lips, gathered up all his strength, and cut off half of the whole piece of 'Octo fructose'.

The complete eight fructose, the length and width are like a tombstone, but the thickness is about one foot. When the mustache is cut, it is conceivable how big a piece was cut, so that there is no suitable plate to hold it.

When cutting the octagon, the mustache actually made a lot of noise, because it is not easy to cut the tight octagon, let alone half of the whole octagon, he even jumped up while holding the cutting knife. However, the guests were still unmoved by his actions.

Now, the eight fructose has been cut in half, and the mustache looked at Qiao Bai proudly, wanting to see how Qiao Bai would react to his excesses. However, Mustache never thought that Qiao Bai would go too far, he still didn't react at all! Mustache felt very humiliated. He had never done such a big business in his life, but he didn't get any attention. What a failure!


Mustache coughed dryly. He hoped to attract Qiao Bai's attention so that Qiao Bai could see his masterpiece. Unfortunately, Qiao Bai is still immersed in his inner world.

"Young man, just cry later!"

Mustache sneered, picked up the cutting knife and cut, and the eight fructose that had been cut was cut into small pieces suitable for eating by him, piled up on a chopping board.

"I'll let you eat, you'll be full!"

The mustache sneered again, and pointed to the old fruit seller with his eyes. The two put a chopping board, eight fructose, on Qiao Bai's table.

Qiao Bai frowned, the eight fructose on the chopping board was piled up like a mountain, let alone one person couldn't eat that much, even ten people couldn't eat that much. However, Qiao Bai didn't care. He was still very friendly to these street vendors.

Seeing that Qiao Bai didn't respond to the mountain of eight fructose, Mustache almost exploded with anger. He tried his best not to let himself explode in advance, and he was waiting for Qiao Bai to regret it.

Picking up a piece of eight fructose and putting it in his mouth, Qiao Bai spit it out before he finished eating it. It was too sweet, and he couldn't stand the taste.

Since the food was not tasty, Qiao Bai stood up and left a piece of silver.


Mustache was stunned, he didn't expect Qiao Bai to be so generous that he would directly drop the silver and want to leave. But it is a pity that this ingot of silver is quite a lot, but it is not enough to settle the bill of eight fructose.


Qiao Bai looked back at the mustache.

"Do you know that eight fructoses cost one tael more?" Mustache sneered.

"have no idea."

Qiao Bai shook his head, and then asked, "Is it very expensive?"

"Very expensive, old expensive!"

Mustache finally smiled happily, he finally saw Qiao Bai frowning.

"Because it is secretly made with eight kinds of precious fruits, the price of one or two of these eight fructoses will cost you this ingot of silver!"

Qiao Bai's eyes widened following Moustache's words, and Moustache became even more excited.

"I've always been very obedient. The customer asked me to cut it, so I cut it in half. In fact, it's not much, it's only two hundred and forty-seven catties! Sixteen taels. Jin, does the guest know how much money I should give me!"

"You are a scammer!"

Qiao Bai growled at the serious mustache.

"There is no scammer, everything is done according to the customer's request, you settle it quickly, I am still waiting for the money to build a house, marry a wife, and have a baby!"

With the seriousness of the mustache, several stall owners walked towards this side, and some even deliberately showed the knives hanging on their waists while walking.

"Get out!"

Qiao Bai roared, and kicked the young man in the stomach, causing him to fly out of Dead Leaf Town like a kite, and it's up to him whether he lives or dies.

"Go away too!"

With another wave of his hand, those who put on airs for the young man also flew away under Qiao Bai's wave of hand.

"Go to the fucking eight fructose!"

Qiao Bai couldn't help being rude, and a fire set the mountain of eight fructose on fire.

The residents of the town ran away in fright. Qiao Bai was walking on the streets of Dead Leaf Town like a tiger.

Stopping, the last food stall owner who was pushing his cart to run away was pinned down by Qiao Bai.

"What are you selling?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Earth, earthen chicken." The stall owner was terrified.

"Open one and give me a taste!" Qiao Bai said.

The stall owner regained his freedom, and quickly picked up a mud ball from the hearth on the trolley. After breaking the mud ball, it was sealed with burnt leaves. chicken.

"Don't be afraid, I only teach the wicked."

Qiao Bai threw a piece of silver to the stall owner, picked up the chicken and began to taste it.

As Qiao Bai tasted it, his eyes gradually lit up. This earthen chicken was the first five-point dish he tasted after he accepted the test.

"Teach me how to cook earthen chicken."

Qiao Bai threw another ingot of silver at the stall owner.

How could the stall owner dare to refuse, the ingredients for making earthen chicken were all available in the trolley, and he immediately started making it in front of Qiao Bai.

While the stall owner was making the chicken, Qiao Bai should ask what he should ask, and the stall owner should say what he should say. Soon a chicken was processed and buried in the sand under the charcoal fire by the stall owner.

The process of making the earthen chicken is time-consuming, but Qiao Bai already knew the heat through the stall owner, so he Qiao Bai used the fire control formula to control the heat to speed up the cooking of the earthen chicken.

Qiao Bai's extraordinaryness is revealed again. He is only in the late stage of transformation. He not only has the spirit of the real fire, but also has the source of the real fire. These are the two rigid conditions for becoming a real fairy chef.

It's just that Qiao Bai can only use the fire control formula and the water control formula to perform simple processing of food. Because he doesn't understand the ingredients enough, and because he hasn't received special guidance, he uses the fire control formula and the water control formula in cooking. Just do simple things. But even so, it provided him with great convenience. Originally, it took nearly half an hour to bake the earthen-bread chicken, but he only took a cup of tea to finish it.

He took out the earthen chicken, knocked off the mud seal, and peeled off the leaves from the fat chicken. Qiao Bai tore off a chicken leg and ate it.

Fat, tender and salty, the ingredients in the chicken are also very tasty, and because of the use of the water control formula in the chicken, the chicken baked by Qiao Bai is more delicious than the one baked by the stall owner. more uniform.

Qiao Bai himself wasn't hungry, but he still finished a piece of chicken, and even licked his finger to relish it! After all, this is the first six-point dish that he participated in cooking after accepting the mission this time!

Six points is the qualified standard in Qiao Bai's heart, and he can be used as a real backup, which makes him very happy.

Qiao Bai took out a piece of silver again: "Tell me, who in Dead Leaf Town has the best cooking skills, not the kind of chef."

Looking at the silver glistening in the sun, the stall owner swallowed, wanting to say something but dared not.

"Don't worry, I won't harm that person, and I won't tell him that you said it." Qiao Bai could see that the stall owner was worried.

"He is the one who taught me how to cook earthen chicken. He is also the one who, in my opinion, is better at cooking than a chef. He can make several special dishes!" said the stall owner.

"What's his name? Where does he live?"

Qiao Bai's heart beat faster. A person who taught people how to cook chicken in the soil and could cook a few special dishes. His cooking skills were better than that of a chef. This made Qiao Bai feel that maybe the three dishes he used to complete the test would come from this place. on people.

"His name is Yaliwei, and he lives in Crescent Moon Village!" said the stall owner.

Crescent Moon Village is a subordinate village of Kuye Town. It is located in the huge desert outside Kuye Town. It is a village built on a desert oasis.

Qiao Bai was very happy at first, but when he asked the stall owner for details, he became a little unhappy. Because the last time the stall owner met Yaliwei was twenty years ago, and Yaliwei was already an 80-year-old man at that time.

There are also centenarians in the mortal world, but they are still rare. Qiao Bai thinks that Yaliwei is probably no longer alive. However, there was finally a clue that moved Qiao Bai's heart. Even if Yaliwei was really dead, Qiao Bai still had to go to Crescent Moon Village.

The reason why the stall owner did not see Yaliwei for twenty years was still because of the long distance and the dangerous environment of the desert, but this was not a problem for Qiao Bai. At that time, an oasis roughly shaped like a crescent was already seen in the sky.

It was rare for outsiders to come to Crescent Moon Village, and the villagers were very curious when they saw Qiao Bai entering the village.

Qiao Bai asked a villager to inquire, and learned that Yaliwei had passed away three years ago.

Yalivi passed away, this result was within Qiao Bai's expectations, so Qiaobai asked about the situation of Yalivi's three sons.

According to the stall owner, Yalivi has three sons in total. The eldest son and the second son should have learned his cooking skills. As for Yalivi's third son, he is a fool who knows how to giggle all day long.

After questioning the villagers, disappointment appeared on Qiao Bai's face. Yaliwei's eldest son and second son moved out of Crescent Moon Village in the second year after Yaliwei's death.

"If the guest wants to find Yaliwei's third son, he is in the village." The villagers enthusiastically said.

"Why didn't Elder Yalivi's third son move away with his two elder brothers?" Qiao Bai asked.

"His two older brothers both despise him as a fool. Who would want to take such a burden as Vic?"

The villager shook his head. The Vic he was talking about was the third son of the old man Yalivi.

"Fellow, which one of you here is better at cooking?" Qiao Bai asked again.

"Culinary skills? Outsiders, here is very poor. It's good to be able to eat enough. Who cares about it, except for Yaliwei who eats so poorly that we are all just trying to make our stomachs round." The villagers smiled wryly.

Yaliwei is dead, and the two sons who may have inherited his cooking skills have also moved away. Only his third son is left in Crescent Moon Village, but this third son is a fool, and the villagers do not have too much requirements for food. , wanted to find a second person with good cooking skills, but after hearing such an answer, Qiao Bai really felt that this trip was a waste of time.

"This is for you, improve your life."

Qiao Bai gave a piece of silver to the villager who kept answering his questions, and the happy villager thanked him repeatedly.

Qiao Bai planned to leave, he came full of hope, but in the end he returned disappointed.

Seeing Qiao Bai flying up, the villagers who thought he was a stranger suddenly exclaimed and even knelt down.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal!"

The villagers knelt down and shouted, Qiao Bai in the air frowned, thinking of the ancient struggle, he descended again.

Qiao Bai also heard about Gu Zheng helping people see a doctor in Qingfeng City. His admiration for Gu Zheng made him decide to do something at this moment.

Since Yaliwei came to find Yaliwei because of the guidance of the stall owner, Yaliwei passed away, and the two sons left the idiot younger brother to move away. You don't need to ask to know what kind of life this idiot Vic usually lives in the village. Qiao Bai wanted to follow the example of Gu Zheng and see if he could help that Vic.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal!"

Seeing Qiao Bai descending again, the villagers cheered even louder.

Qiao Bai took out a handful of broken silver coins and distributed them to the villagers. After the villagers snatched them away, he asked the previous villager, "Where is Vic now?"

"I saw him go to the desert a day ago." The villagers pointed Qiao Bai in a direction.

With the direction, Qiao Bai flew over there. He thought he would see Vic soon, but after flying for a while, he saw Vic lying between two sand dunes. The village was at least forty miles away.

Qiao Bai was a little curious, what was this idiot Vic doing alone in the desert, and he ran so far.

Vik looked like a black and thin anniversary man, lying naked on the sand dune, looking forward motionless, as if waiting for something.

There was nothing empty in front of Vic. There was a small ball on the ground. The small ball emitted this fishy smell, and it was unknown what it was.


Qiao Bai landed behind Vic, and as soon as he spoke, Vic turned his head.


Seeing that the stranger was not panicked or curious, Vik put his finger to his mouth, signaling Qiao Bai to keep quiet.

Ordinary people can't understand the thinking of a fool, Qiao Bai will not be as stupid as a fool, and follow the fool's guidance to do things.

A light spot of Xianli popped out at Vic, and Vic who was hit fainted immediately. Qiao Bai waved his hand to capture Vic, and his palm was already pressed on top of his head.

Qiao Bai wants to follow the example of Gu Zheng. He wants to see what causes Vic to be stupid. If he has the ability to solve this problem, he wants Vic to be a normal person.

Frustration soon appeared on Qiao Bai's face. This Vic is also a strange thing. The reason why he became stupid was unknown to Qiao Bai. It was a rare mass of paste, and if one wanted to get to the bottom of it, he might be dragged into the vortex of chaotic memory from which he could not extricate himself.


With a sigh, Qiao Bai, who felt that time wasted, put a roast chicken he made earlier in Vic's arms, and he planned to leave this desert.

Just as Qiao Bai turned to leave, there was a sound behind him. He looked back and saw Vic eating a roast chicken he had left behind.

Qiao Bai frowned. Vic should wake up in a minute, but now it's only time to turn around, and he is already eating, which makes Qiao Bai feel incredible.

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