Although Gu Zheng was running, but when he ran to the civet cat spirit beast, the civet cat spirit beast was already dying.

Not daring to neglect, Gu Zheng immediately seized the time to search for the soul of the civet cat spirit beast.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng really got useful information from the civet cat spirit beast.

Going north from the current direction, with the current footsteps of the ancient struggle, it will take about five days to reach a 'tribe', and there are some strange 'people' living in that 'tribe'.

The reason why we say 'tribe' is because of the images in the civet cat spirit beast's memory, that place really looks like a tribe! There are very simple buildings there, and there are also some extraterrestrial beings with higher intelligence like human beings.

With a purpose in mind, Gu Zheng immediately rushed towards the so-called tribe.

The civet cat spirit beast didn't know much about the so-called tribe, but he felt that the place was dangerous in his bones, so he didn't dare to enter it. Although Gu Zheng is now heading towards the tribe, he doesn't know what danger there will be wait for him.

After five and a half days, Gu Zheng arrived outside the tribe.

The tribe was built on a large forest clearing. At a glance, you can see some weird buildings. The style of these buildings is not too different from that of the prehistoric. Most of them are mostly grass and wood buildings, and the stone buildings are just a small part.

There is a wall made of round logs outside the tribe, and there is smoke curling up in the tribe. Many roots stand on the big logs in the tribe, and there are many strange-shaped monster heads hanging on them.

Gu Zheng didn't enter the tribe directly, he went around from the forest to the other side of the tribe.

There is a purpose for Gu Zheng to go to the other side of the tribe, because he is now a tree man, he is very sensitive to those trees with spirituality, he feels that there is an old tree with spirituality over there, and he wants to go there An old tree to find out about the situation first. And this old tree with spirituality was also the first tree that Gu Zheng encountered when he entered this space.

Gu Zheng soon saw the old tree. The old tree looked like a pine tree with a thick trunk, but not very high. The crown of the tree covered a land of two acres.

Although the old tree has spirituality, it does not have the ability to communicate with Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng can only check its memory in a way similar to soul searching through the advantage of being a treant on its own body.

Through the ancient soul search of the old tree, it is known that there are nearly a hundred 'people' in this tribe, and some of these people have spells! Among them, the most powerful 'Chief', Old Shu had seen him do it, and Gu Zheng felt that this chief should not be underestimated.

After finishing the search for the soul of the old tree, Gu Zheng secretly gritted his teeth. In this space, his strength has been greatly discounted. The tree man's body is only equivalent to the state of the god, and it is still in the early stage of the god. His biggest His trump card is his divine sense! However, due to the limitations of this space on divine thoughts, he was unable to use divine thoughts and supernatural powers, which was something he had already tried.

Some of the 'people' in the tribe have spells. According to the fragments read from the old tree, most of these people who know spells are about the same strength as his treant body, but there are more than a dozen that are equivalent to The so-called 'chief' in the realm of returning to the void, the strength is conservatively estimated to be equivalent to the peak of returning to the void.

The only purpose of Gu Zheng coming to this tribe is to learn more, but since it is unwise to forcefully break into this tribe, Gu Zheng can only do it by outsmarting.

There are spells cast by the chief on the log of the tribe, and the chief will feel the sensation after touching it.

There are two entrances to the tribe, one is on the east and the other is on the west, as you can see when the ancient struggle surrounded the tribe.

Gu Zheng hid in the forest near the entrance of a tribe, waiting for those who came out or returned from the tribe.

From the old tree's memory, Gu Zheng knew that some people in the tribe would go out, but he didn't expect that he waited outside the tribe for about a day, but he didn't see anyone.

There is no night in this space at all, so there is no such thing as a night raid.

Since he couldn't wait for anyone to come out, Gu Zheng split out the light spot of his spiritual thoughts and went into the tribe to investigate.

It seems that Gu Zheng should have done a long time ago by splitting out the light spot of divine sense to investigate the tribe, but there is a reason why Gu Zheng has delayed doing it until now, because he always has a feeling that if he launches divine power against this tribe If you don't want to explore, dangerous things will happen.

Gu Zheng's divine thoughts had entered the tribe, and he finally saw the people in the tribe with his own eyes. These people were engaged in some daily labor, including men and women, old people and children. However, even though the residents in the tribe look human, they all have strange heads! The body is not as clean as a human being, some have short hair, and some have many tumor-like things.

Without doing too much investigation in the tribe, the cautious Gu Zheng chose a child who was playing with mud on the ground as his target. He wanted to lure the child out of the tribe through the light of his spiritual thoughts, and then search for his soul. Even if you can't get much from the child, but a child is missing and his family is definitely looking for it, then this is Gu Zheng's opportunity to get more information.

Gu Zheng's divine thoughts flew around the child like a butterfly, and soon attracted his idea, but instead of getting up and chasing like a human child, he opened his mouth and stuck out a long tongue , just like a toad preying on insects, trying to stick to Gu Zheng's divine thoughts.

It is impossible for Gu Zheng's divine thoughts to stick to the child's tongue. After teasing him for a while, the child finally squatted down like a toad, bouncing and chasing Gu Zheng's divine thoughts.

The children chasing Gu Zheng's light spots of spiritual thoughts, bouncing around and making a lot of noise, some adults in the tribe also saw it, which made Gu Zheng really upset! In this place that is different from Honghuang, it seems that it is not easy to use those tricks in Honghuang.

However, it may be because it is different from Honghuang, the children chased an abnormal light spot, and the adults didn't have any special reaction, and they all laughed, looking stupid.

However, just as Gu Zheng tricked the child into approaching the exit of the tribe, the door of a stone building suddenly opened.

Gu Zheng understood that the people living in the stone building were the people with spells in this tribe. For safety reasons, he quickly evacuated the light spots of spiritual thoughts, leaving the silly boy who was a little dazed to look around.

It's a pity that what I didn't want Gu Zheng to see happened. The guy who came out of the stone building with his upper body bare and looked like a wild boar spirit raised his pig nose quickly, and then he slammed With a flick of his head, he saw the child squatting at the gate of the tribe.

"Wow wow!"

The wild boar spirit turned back to the room behind him, and shouted words that Gu Zheng could not understand, and three guys who looked like the wild boar spirit, but not quite the same, rushed out of the room.

"Wow wow!"

Gu Zheng's incomprehensible voice sounded again, and the whole tribe suddenly went into chaos.

Gu Zheng understood that in all likelihood, the wild boar spirit had discovered the intruder and was now notifying the rest of the tribe.

Gu Zheng wanted to run, but his current body was too bulky, and the movement he made would definitely startle the wild boar spirit. The only thing he could do was to stay where he was, hoping to fool the wild boar spirit with his tree-man supernatural power.

Gu Zheng shook his body, and the tree man's body changed instantly. He became a tree like the big tree beside him.

The whole tribe was in chaos, and the two wild boar spirits rushed out of the tribe first, and they were heading straight for Gu Zheng.

"It seems that you can't count on turning into a tree to escape detection."

Gu Zheng felt ruthless in his heart, and immediately flew towards the two wild boar spirits with a light spot of divine sense.

The wild boar spirits seem to be very sensitive to the light spots of spiritual thoughts. The light spots of spiritual thoughts obviously flew very high, but the two wild boar spirits quickly raised their heads.

Seeing the light spots of spiritual thoughts, the wild boar uttered the bird's voice of "Wow, wow, wow". Although Gu Zheng heard it differently, he could see the excitement from their expressions.

"Could it be that they have a way to deal with divine thoughts?"

Gu Zheng's heart sank, the divine sense attack was very powerful, and this was his biggest reliance now, if the wild boar spirit could deal with the light spots of divine sense, then it would be a very bad thing.

Regardless of whether the wild boar spirit can deal with the light spots of divine sense, but since they have already separated the divine sense, Gu Zheng must try them out.

With a move in his heart, Gu Zheng's divine sense split into two, and rushed towards the two wild boar spirits.

Two wild boar spirits screamed, one opened its mouth and sprayed out a black mist that seemed to be composed of many flying insects, and the other bent its waist and turned into a ball, and the original black hair on its back suddenly swelled, like a stick General sharp blade.

The black mist can't stop Gu Zheng's light spots of spiritual thoughts, any black mist that touches the light spots of spiritual thoughts will be disintegrated, and the wild boar spit out the black mist screams strangely, and a stick-like thing in his hand is pointing towards Gu Zheng's light of spiritual thoughts Click on it.

The light spot of Gu Zheng's divine sense suddenly accelerated, and after avoiding the stick bone, it hit the center of the wild boar spirit's eyebrows. The scene was like the middle of a piece of paper being ignited, and the hole spread rapidly to the surroundings.

On the other side, another light spot of divine sense from Gu Zheng was already close to the wild boar spirit's sharp blades, and the strange resistance emanating from the sharp blade slowed down the impact speed of the light spot of spiritual sense. However, the strength of the resistance was not high. Gu Zheng's heart moved, and the light spot of divine sense smashed a thin layer of ice, hitting the wild boar spirit's back, and the effect it caused was still a terrifying decomposition.

Killing two wild boar spirits in an instant, Gu Zheng was in a mixed mood. He was happy that his spiritual sense was not useless, and worried because the strength of these two wild boar spirits was not considered tyrannical, but one of them was able to lighten his divine sense. The point creates resistance, so what if it is replaced by a more powerful existence? What's more, why are the two wild boar spirits so sensitive to spiritual thoughts, and why were they so excited when they first saw the spiritual thoughts?

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The ground was trembling, and a group of monster-like guys rushed out of the tribe. Among these guys, the small ones looked like wild boar spirits, and the big ones looked like elephant spirits. There were more than 20 of them. They were passing by The two wild boar spirits did not stop at the place where they died, they all ran straight towards Gu Zheng.

"bring it on!"

Gu is very aggressive, since he has been discovered and it is unrealistic to escape, then he should fight to the death.

The light spots of spiritual thoughts slammed left and right among the spirit monsters, and four spirit monsters fell to the ground immediately.


Suddenly there was a crow-like cry from the tribe, and the impulsive spirits stopped running towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's heart shuddered. After searching the old tree of souls, he already knew that the voice was the chief of the tribe, and he was like a crow spirit.

If the enemy does not move, it is impossible for Gu Zheng not to remain still. Anyway, he has already killed six spirits, so killing one is also killing, and killing a group is also killing.

The light spots of spiritual thoughts continued to attack the spirit monsters, and immediately fell to the ground with two spirit monsters, but as Chief Crow called out again, Gu Zheng felt that the air in the whole space seemed to become viscous, so that his spiritual sense The speed of movement became very slow because of this, and at this speed, it was difficult for the light spots of divine sense to cause any damage to the spirits.

Since he couldn't continue to kill spirits with the light spots of spiritual thoughts, Gu Zheng immediately sent the light spots of spiritual thoughts into the air, trying to return to his body from a high altitude. After all, he entered here in the state of a spiritual body. Without a real body, the spiritual sense cannot be regenerated. If these two light spots of the spiritual sense are destroyed, the blow to him will be fatal.

Seeing Gu Zheng's divine thoughts wanting to escape, the spirits and monsters naturally used various spells to stop them. Although most of those spells had no effect on Gu Zheng's divine thoughts, some of them could affect Gu Zheng's divine thoughts. The point of light caused damage, so that Gu Zheng's point of light was in a state of wear and tear.


Chief Crow yelled again, and a strange black bird the size of a sparrow flew out of the tribe. When it reached the edge of the forest, it landed as a bird-headed man wearing a black cloak. It was the chief crow of this tribe.

The appearance of Chief Crow made the viscous feeling in the air even stronger, and Gu Zheng's heart also sank to the bottom of the valley. In this case, his biggest hole card was useless. The tree man's body alone , it is simply impossible to be the opponent of Chief Crow.

There is still some distance between Gu Zheng and the crow chief, but the crow chief's cold eyes have fallen on him through the trees, and this feeling makes him very uncomfortable.


Gu Zheng roared, and with a wave of his arm in the treant state, hundreds of trees were uprooted and shot towards Chief Crow like arrows.

"Jie Jie!"

Chief Crow laughed strangely, and a huge colorless barrier was formed in front of him, making it impossible to break through the impact of hundreds of trees.

Gu Zheng continued to exert force, and the trees approached Chief Crow against the sunken colorless barrier. Chief Crow did not rush, and there was an extra crooked thing in his hand. The color of that thing was blood red, and its shape looked like a bird's beak, with holes of various sizes in it.


Chief Crow put the beak in his mouth, and a strange sound came out immediately.

"Sonic attack!"

Gu Zheng complained incessantly. Because of his 'sedation technique', he is not afraid of sonic attacks, but his current body is a treant. Even though his mind is very clear, his body is already incapable of being attacked by sonic waves. Controlled limp.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Without the continuous force of Gu Zheng, those trees that originally wanted to break through the colorless barrier suddenly exploded into sawdust all over the sky.

The head is awake, the body is limp, looking at the crow chief who is walking towards him, Gu Zheng intends to use his spiritual sense to fight to the death.

However, Chief Crow opened his mouth, and seven phantom-like little crows flew out of it. When these little crows appeared, Gu Zheng felt a special kind of pressure, which made it difficult for his divine sense. leave the body.


The seven little crows flew towards Gu Zheng, landed on his face and disappeared, his divine sense was completely sealed.

"It's over."

Gu Zhengxin said, now that the body is out of control, and the divine sense has been sealed in the body, it has really become the meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

"Wow wow!"

Chief Crow screamed strangely, and the spirits behind him immediately rushed over cheering, and carried Gu Zheng back to the tribe like prey.

The spirits carried Gu Zheng to the largest stone house in the tribe, where there were many statues of spirits and characters that Gu Zheng didn't know at all.

There is a stone platform in the center of the stone house, and the spirits put Gu Zheng on the stone platform, and then left.

There are many oil lamps around, and they emit an unpleasant smell when burning. Only Gu Zheng and the smiling Chief Crow are left in the whole stone house. This situation makes Gu Zheng think of two possibilities, he will either be dismembered and killed Drop it, or it will be used as a sacrifice by Chief Crow! After all, the stone platform he was lying on seemed to be used for placing sacrifices.

"Jie Jie!"

Chief Crow smiled at Gu Zheng again, and then under Gu Zheng's gaze, he walked under a statue that looked like a wild boar spirit.

This wild boar spirit statue is different from the wild boar spirit Gu Zheng saw before. The wild boar spirit he saw before was male, but this wild boar spirit statue is female, which can be seen from the appearance of the statue.

Chief Crow took out a bottle, and then pinched the breast-feeding organ of the wild boar statue, and a strange scene also happened. Part of the statue of wild boar, which was originally made of stone, turned into flesh, and the milky white liquid also flowed into Chief Crow bottle in hand.

Holding the bottle containing the milk-like liquid, Chief Crow returned to Gu Zheng's side and poured the liquid into his mouth.

The fishy smell filled Gu Zheng's mouth. After drinking the unknown liquid, Gu Zheng's mind suddenly surged, and some information rolled endlessly in it. It was a brand new language.

After a while, Chief Crow screamed strangely.

However, now, Chief Crow's strange cry has become an understandable language in Gu Zheng's ears, and Chief Crow called him an entrant!

"Enter, do you want to die or live?" Chief Crow said.

"Want to live!"

A strange voice came from Gu Zheng's mouth, and what he spoke was also a language that Chief Crow could understand.

Caught by Chief Crow, Gu Zheng thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect things to go this way.

"Very good. Being able to enter this world shows that you are a smart person. Since you want to survive, you must do as I tell you." Chief Crow said.

"Although I want to live, there are some things I must know, otherwise I would rather die!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Chief Crow asked.

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