The two things that Gu Zheng took out from the storage bracelet were a piece of black metal and a black ball.

The black metal is called Wujing, which is a top-level refining material. After Gu Zheng put it in the Golden Toad Furnace and calcined it, he crushed it into powder with immortal power.

The black ball is the dark attribute inner alchemy of the bat monster.

The celestial power penetrating from the fingertips is enough to cut gold and cut jade, and Gu Zheng divided this precious dark attribute inner alchemy into four.

A fairy array was set up on the ground, and Gu Zheng placed a quarter of the dark attribute inner alchemy in it, and through the fairy array as a medium, he refined the dark attribute inner alchemy into liquid energy.

Wujing powder and black liquid energy were poured into the golden paint by Gu Zheng, and then sacrificed again with immortal power. The thick paint in the bowl immediately rolled up, and the color changed from mostly golden at the beginning to a golden color. The ultimate dark gold.

Changing the paint, thereby changing the magical powers of the patellar mask, was an idea that Gu Zheng had before dealing with the refining materials, but this idea was rejected by Gu Zheng at that time, because it was an extreme approach, if To be able to succeed, the magical power of the fairy weapon is stronger than before. For Qiao Bai and Xu Ran at this stage, there are still some uses. However, if it fails, the patellar mask will be abolished, and there is no room for remedy at all, and time and resources will be wasted.

"The materials are only enough for two masks. If this one fails, then the mask reward at that time depends on which of you is lucky enough."

Taking another look at Qiao Bai and Xu Ran who were still recovering, Gu Zheng began to draw.

Drawing and engraving can play the same role in the refining process. Carving is to use a carving knife to carve on metal. It seems that it is easier than drawing with a pen, but it is not the case. It is more serious than engraving on metal with a carving knife, because drawing must be done under the action of immortal power, so that something in the pigment is completely immersed in the immortal artifact, it is not like painting, but a simple depiction.

Mysterious vessel patterns appear under the brush, like countless tiny vines growing inside the mask, they climb and entangle with each other, at first glance it looks chaotic, but on closer inspection it seems to contain some kind of regularity.

Drawing is not a very time-consuming process. Although Gu Zheng's drawing speed is not fast, after three minutes, the inside of the mask is already full of patterns, and the only place where he can continue to write, that is, the eyes up.

The pen is extending towards the eyes. Once the drawing of the eyes is completed, this fairy artifact will be considered complete.

Although it was a laborious process, Gu Zheng, who was holding the pen, looked calm and relaxed. After painting the pattern on one eye, the pen tip easily moved to the other eye.

However, Gu Zheng, who was originally calm and relaxed, suddenly frowned, and a special fluctuation was caught by his keen sense.

"Law interference? Why?"

Gu Zheng was taken aback. He was sure that the special fluctuations he had just captured must be due to the interference of laws.

When the law interference appeared on the way of refining the weapon, it was the same as the food cultivator crossing the robbery. It also appeared when Gu Zheng cut the engraving pattern for the double snake last time.

However, there are not many auxiliary refining tools in the ancient competition, and he has never encountered such a thing as law interference.

However, it doesn't mean that there will be no rule interference when the auxiliary immortal artifact is about to reach its peak, but it will only appear on the auxiliary immortal artifact with a very large effect, such as the auxiliary immortal artifact such as the space immortal artifact. .

Although the mask refined this time has the characteristics of changing a person's appearance and aura, Gu Zheng really doesn't think that the law interference will appear when he draws the pattern on the mask.

The shock has turned into joy, and there will be law interference, which means that the fairy weapon itself, or the magical power of the fairy tool, has reached a certain level, and the laws of heaven and earth will give it this test. This is a variable, which can be encountered but not sought. .

Gu Zheng still doesn't quite understand why there is law interference, but the only possibility he can think of is that it has something to do with the fact that he tried to change the magic power of the immortal weapon by changing the formula of the paint in the end.

Gu Zheng's mind was turning, and the interference of laws appeared very quickly. If he hadn't sensed special fluctuations in advance, thus increasing his control over the mask, the strange force generated from inside the mask would be enough to tear the mask apart.

It doesn't look like much on the outside, but in fact, Gu Zheng has withstood the first wave of test of law interference. He knows that there will be a second wave of test soon, and this wave of test will also be the last wave.

Gu Zheng is very stable, while carefully drawing the pattern of the vessel, while waiting for the last wave of law interference to appear.

The last wave of law interference appeared, this time not from the inside of the mask, but from the outside. A strong air flow hit the mask in the ancient contestant, as if someone had launched a sneak attack.

Gu Zheng paid attention to the tattoo brush with his eyes unchanged, he raised his hand to block the strong air flow, and the tattoo brush in the other hand also ended the last stroke of the outline of the device tattoo.

Gu Zheng's pattern brush left the mask, and the dark gold pattern began to shine on the mask, looking like a neon scroll.

The wing membrane mask has been completed, and Gu Zheng, who can't wait, immediately recognizes it as the owner. He wants to see what the magic power of this fairy artifact is.

Gu Zheng was certain about the supernatural power of the fairy before, but after the appearance of law interference, what is the supernatural power of the mask, Gu Zheng is not sure, because the law that appeared in this situation Interference, it is possible to make a great change to the ability of the mask.

Gu Zheng put the patellar mask on his face, his original appearance of a young man became a middle-aged man, his original aura was also changed, and he immediately knew what the supernatural power possessed by the immortal weapon was.


Knowing what the magic power of the fairy weapon is, Gu Zheng applauded in his heart, the interference of the law really changed the magic power of the fairy weapon.

Originally, the supernatural power of the patellar mask was to activate the poisonous wind. The poison of this poisonous wind can hurt the immortal cultivators who are below the middle stage of returning to the void, and it can only target one person at a time. Therefore, Gu Zheng felt that it was of no use to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. . After all, Qiao Bai is already an immortal cultivator in the late stage of returning to the void, and there is no need to use poison at all against enemies below the middle stage of returning to the void. Although he is still in the middle stage of returning to the void, he can wait until the end of the enchantment trip In the future, he should also have reached the stage of returning to the late stage, and he doesn't need to use poison against enemies below the middle stage of returning to the void.

However, the interference of the law changed the supernatural power of the wing membrane mask, and the degree of change was beyond Gu Zheng's imagination. This is a brand new supernatural power.

Although I already know what the supernatural power is, the wing membrane mask is from Gu Zheng after all, and Gu Zheng also wants to see how this supernatural power is presented.

With a thought, Gu Zheng activated the supernatural power of the wing mask, and a light flashed behind him, and a pair of bat monster wings were born.

In addition to waving the wings, a green poisonous mist suddenly appeared in the void, with a size of two miles, and it looked very spectacular in the tumbling. Moreover, the toxicity of poisonous gas has also become stronger under the influence of law interference. Originally, it could only deal with enemies below the mid-stage Void Return, but now even Jinxian should be more careful when entering it in the early stage.

Gu Zheng was very happy. Such a mask was already very practical for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. Even if Qiao Bai could advance to the Golden Wonderland after leaving the enchantment, he could still use the supernatural power of the mask for a while. time.

Taking advantage of his good mood, Gu Zheng immediately started refining the second mask. Although he has been busy for a few days, as long as he is not drawing, he can recover during the busy process, so There is no need to rest.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran finished their state of mind restoration on the sixth day. After they finished their state of mind restoration, Gu Zheng's second wing membrane mask was completed very quickly. The supernatural powers are also the same as the first one.

However, Gu Zheng didn't tell Qiao Bai and Xu Ran that the celestial artifact of the patellar mask is very powerful, lest they look forward to it too much. It's a pity, even if Gu Zheng didn't say anything, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran still looked expectant when they looked at the wing mask.

Instead of letting Qiao Bai and Xu Ran get involved in training immediately, Gu Zheng spent a day preaching to them. This was the first time he really gave a sermon on something other than food and drink.

The next day, Gu Zheng started cooking again and began to practice food. This is a food practice that turns the source of Xuran's natal real wood into the spirit of natal real wood.

After taking food repair last time, Qiao Bai's source of real wood has become the spirit of real wood, and Xuran's wood species has also become the source of real wood. However, due to the fact that Xuran has the source of the real wood for too short a time, in his current state he wants to change the source of the real wood into the spirit of the real wood, in addition to the cooking of the food repair needs more wood attribute inner alchemy, It would take him as long as two months to fully absorb the effects of the medicine.

After taking food repair, Xu Ran and Qiao Bai embarked on the road of experience again.

When Qiao Bai and Xu Ran passed by the place where the phantom formation existed, they both stopped at the same time, looked at each other and smiled, and continued walking without saying anything.

The last time I fell into the illusion array, it was because the golden fire entered it, but even if the golden fire did not enter it, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran who were walking on the ground at that time would still enter the fairy array! Because the scope of the phantom array includes a large area in the air and on the ground.

This time Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were still walking on the ground, and Jin Huo was still exploring the way in the air, and joy soon appeared on the faces of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

"There must be monsters eating ingredients on this mountain, otherwise there wouldn't be so many ingredients here!"

Xu Ran bent down with a smile, and pocketed some fine and high-grade ingredients.

This was originally the area where the phantom formation could work. When the phantom formation has not been broken, once you step here, you will enter the phantom formation space, and you will not be able to pick the ingredients here. like the scene.

"That's right! If there were no monsters eating ingredients, there should be a lot of ingredients around, and it wouldn't be as few as it is now."

Qiao Bai was also constantly bending over. There were as many as a thousand pieces of ingredients in the area of ​​the fairy array, and he was also enjoying the fun of collecting them.

"What kind of monster do you think the monster that eats food will be?" Xu Ran asked.

"There are footprints on the ground, and the shape of the footprints looks like a monster with sheep's hooves."

"Baa baa!"

As soon as Qiao Bai's words fell, there was a sound like a sheep bleating in the distance, and the ground trembled slightly the next moment.

"Speed ​​up the collection, don't let these goats destroy the ingredients, I'll let Jinhuo hold those goats for a while."

Through Jinhuo, Qiao Bai already knew that the so-called goats rushed out of a cave, and there were fifty of them. They looked very much like goats, but they were as big as horses. A pair of eyes are as red as a rabbit's eyes.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran seized the time to collect ingredients, and Jin Huo had already met the Goat Monster.


Flapping its wings, the golden fire caused a tornado of flames to sweep towards the goat monster on the ground.

"Baa baa..."

Fifty goats screamed at the same time, and their bodies were covered with ice fog, making them seem to be surrounded by an ice cloud. The flame tornado of the golden fire was extinguished when it encountered the ice cloud, and had no effect at all. .

All the goats lowered their heads and paved the ground with their hooves, as if they were going to push someone with their horns.

In the next moment, the goat that stepped on the ice mist shot into the sky like a meteor, and all its sharp horns were aimed at the golden fire.

Jin Huo's body left a golden afterimage on the spot, and it flew higher into the air. However, goat monsters don't just jump into the void, they really can control the sky, and when chasing the golden fire, they still look like they want to pierce the golden fire with their horns.

Jin Huo's body suddenly disappeared, and it appeared behind the flock after launching teleportation. It grabbed a goat monster with its two claws and flew into the air.

The sheep turned around suddenly, icicles shot out from their horns, like arrows, all aimed at the golden fire in the air. However, Jin Huo's speed was too fast, and none of the arrow-like icicles could hit it.

While the sheep were chasing after it, Binghuo had already sealed the goat caught by it with demon power, and then threw it to the ground.

Jinhuo originally planned to kill the goat monster like it killed the stone monster, but its plan failed. The rest of the goat monsters saw their companion falling from the sky, and immediately shot red light from their eyes, and landed on the companion who fell from the sky. body.

The red light lifted the restraint of the demon power in the goat monster's body, and the goat monster rushed up again when the goat monster was about to fall to the ground.

"call out!"

Jinhuo let out an angry cry, and the flame key immediately shot at a goat.

The eyes of the sheep flickered red again, but this time the red light twisted into a strand and rushed towards the golden fire at a faster speed.

Jinhuo didn't know what the consequences would be if it was hit by the red light. It didn't dare to trust it and escaped through teleportation. It felt that these goat monsters were more difficult to deal with than the stone monsters before.

Jin Huo was fighting with the goat monster, and Qiao Bai and the others were about to finish collecting the ingredients.

"How?" Xu Ran asked Qiao Bai.

"These sheep monsters are more difficult for Jinhuo than the stone monsters. They can work together to emit a red light. This light is dangerous for Jinhuo, so I didn't try it."

Qiao Bai told Xu Ran about the goat monster.

"For Jin Huo, goat monsters are more difficult to deal with, but for us, this wave of experience should be relatively easy! No matter how strong the goat monsters are, let's kill one together in the past and use beast spirit food to deal with them Well, anyway, they prefer to eat ingredients!" Xu Ran smiled sinisterly.

"No training?" Qiao Bai asked.

"The goat monster is difficult to deal with even gold and fire. If we don't use the beast spirit food training, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with. Don't you want to use the beast spirit food training to solve the battle quickly?" Xu Ran said.

"Let's see the situation first! If we can really get it done, it's better not to use the beast spirit food to cultivate well, otherwise this experience will be too simple." Qiao Bai said.

Xu Ran agreed with Qiao Bai's point of view, and the two immediately flew towards the goat monsters.

Regardless of whether or not to use the Beast Spirit Food Cultivator in the end, the two decided to sneak attack and kill a goat first, so they cast the 'invisibility technique'.

The strength of the goat monster is almost equivalent to the mid-to-late stage of returning to the void. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran thought that the two of them had cast the 'invisibility technique', and then the joint attack would be a one-hit kill. However, as soon as they got close to the flock, they realized that their thinking was too naive.

The flock of sheep, who had never turned their heads before, suddenly turned back, and the red light in their eyes shot towards the invisible Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

"not good!"

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran both yelled secretly, they originally wanted to sneak attack the goat, but they never wanted to be attacked by the goat instead! The two made the same decision at this moment, that is to control the body with immortal power, let the body fall quickly to avoid the sight attack of the goat monster.

After all, Qiao Bai's cultivation was higher than Xu Ran's, and his falling speed was also faster than Xu Ran's. It was because of this faster speed that the goat monster's sight attack did not land on him.

Xu Ran's reaction was also quick, but after all, he was still a little slow. He was hit by an image, and he fell unconscious instantly.

With a wave of his hand, Qiao Bai quickly took the unconscious Xu Ran into his hand, and started to flee without turning his head. Now that Qiao Bai was unconscious, there was no way for this battle to continue.

The goats wanted to chase Qiao Bai, but they were stopped by Jin Huo, and the two sides entangled for a while. Seeing that Qiao Bai had escaped safely, Jin Huo, who was no longer entangled with the goats, immediately joined Qiao Bai.

The Goat Monsters chased for a while, but they didn't keep chasing. They stopped at the place where Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were collecting food. They all stared at the empty treasure land with wide-eyed eyes, panting louder than a cow.

"Baa baa..."

Qiao Bai, who fled to the original territory of the stone carving monster, could still hear the angry cries of the goat monsters, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xu Ran suggested to use the beast spirit food to cultivate, Qiao Bai also thought that he would not need to use the beast spirit food to cultivate first, and it would be good to experience it if he could, but who would have thought that he would have to bring a comatose goat with him before he killed a goat? Xu Ran fled in a hurry.

Xu Ran hasn't woken up yet, but Qiao Bai checked his body and knew that nothing serious happened to him, but this time the coma will be longer, it will take almost a day.

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