Hearing what Jin Huo said, Qiao Bai frowned slightly. It's not that he hasn't thought about this matter, but it's useless to think about it. You can only know everything through personal experience. Now that they have decided to kill by force, the only thing they can do is to be cautious.

The three people and one beast chatted again about the forced killing, and then flew towards the big mushroom again.

Without rushing to attack, Qiao Bai first sensed the green grass and white dots on the ground.

Vines will grow out of the green grass to attack, and those small white mushrooms will rise into the air and explode. Qiao Bai wants to know whether these things belong to the category of wood attributes. If they belonged to the category of wood attributes, then Qiao Bai could use wood control tactics to deal with them, which would also make things relatively simple.

Qiao Bai used the Wood Control Art to sense the green grass and small mushrooms, which is an invisible wood attribute force, so he did not receive any counterattack.

By using the Wood Control Technique to sense, Qiao Bai found that the green grass and small mushrooms were very strange, and they were really things he had never seen before.

If it is real grass or real mushrooms, they all belong to wood among the five elements, and they also belong to the category that the wood control formula can work. However, the green grass and white decoration belong to a kind of "half wood" that Qiao Bai has never seen before, that is to say, what constitutes them is not all wood attribute energy, but what is the other half, Qiao Bai is not quite sure. clear.

However, even 'Banmu' belongs to the category where wood control techniques can work. Qiao Bai feels that he can make these things die at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After investigating the green grass and the small white mushrooms, Qiao Bai used the Wood Control Technique to detect the big mushrooms. If these big mushrooms belonged to the category that could be handled with the Wood Control Technique, then things would become easier. However, Qiao Bai didn't dare to report too much hope to this time, because the previous divine sense could be swallowed by the big mushroom, so it should also have the means to deal with the Wood Control Art.

When Xu Ran used his divine sense to probe the big mushroom before, he only probed on the surface, and the big mushroom didn't respond. According to Xu Ran, it's the same as not feeling it! But when the divine sense wanted to do an in-depth investigation, it was only when 'they' were awakened.

The invisible wood-attributed energy just touched the body of the big mushroom, and the big mushroom reacted immediately. A suction force was emitted from the big mushroom, and Qiao Bai's wood-attributed energy was immediately sucked away. Mu Jue, then the power of the real wood in his body will be drawn away through the connection of that trace of induction force.

The consequence of losing some wood attribute energy is not as serious as losing divine sense, and Qiao Bai didn't have any headaches because of it.

"Is it because the wood attribute energy has been swallowed?"

Seeing that Qiao Bai frowned tightly, he must ask.

"The wood attribute energy was indeed swallowed by the big mushroom, but I found something different!" Qiao Bai said.

"What different discovery?" Xu Ran became interested.

"When I used wood attribute energy to detect the big mushroom, I felt a little desire and a little fear from the big mushroom!" Qiao Bai said.

"Longing and fear?" Xu Ran looked blank.

"I think I should have found a way to restrain the big mushroom!"

Qiao Bai's expression became excited, and he also had a flash of inspiration before he realized what the so-called longing and fear were.

Without waiting for Xu Ran to ask again, Qiao Bai explained: "The so-called longing is the desire for the energy of the wood attribute, and the so-called fear is also the fear of the energy of the wood attribute! The green grass and white decoration are all made of the green color of the big mushroom. It is not too much to say that they are the 'offspring' of the big mushroom. The 'offspring' have a 'half-wood' physique, so the big mushroom's physique should belong to less of the wood part."

"Why not more?"

Curious, Xu Ran interrupted Qiao Bai.

"This is a kind of metamorphosis! For example, a mortal becomes a cultivator through cultivation, and a big mushroom changes its original wood-type physique through cultivation. The 'children' inherit their blood and also acquire the physique of a 'half-wood'." , then as the big mushrooms of the father's generation, the blood must be more pure, so the part of their physique that belongs to wood is less!"

Seeing that there was still curiosity in Xu Ran's eyes, Qiao Bai hurriedly said, "You don't have to ask me, besides the wood attribute, what is the other part of the big mushroom? I don't know, so I can't give you an answer! But this peculiar Things, after you kill them, you must show them to Master."

"Master, you really know uncle, you can tell what he wants to do by wagging his tail!" Jin Huo interrupted suddenly.


The celestial light that suddenly popped up fell on Jin Huo's head, and the effect was like a violent shudder.

"Stupid bird, do you describe people like this? What's more, you describe your uncle?" Xu Ran glared at Jin Huo.

"It turns out that you can't describe people in this way, so I will write it down later."

Although the words were honest, Jin Huo once again let out that kind of laughter when the chicken was pinched by the neck.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Seeing that Xu Ran wanted to educate Jin Huo again, Qiao Bai hurriedly protected the calf, thinking in his heart that Jin Huo was so angry that it was actually quite amusing.

"The big mushroom also has a part of the nature of the wood attribute. This part of the essence of the wood attribute is eager to get the energy of the wood attribute, so it can be changed! This sounds a bit incredible. Since you want to change the essence of the wood attribute, why would you want to change it?" Do you need energy of the wood attribute? But this is what I came to the conclusion through feeling, so don’t ask me why? Just listen to it!”

This time, without waiting for Xu Ran to speak, Qiao Bai explained directly.

"You already know why the big mushroom longs for wood-attributed energy, so let me tell you why he is afraid of non-attributed energy! What the big mushroom is afraid of is not pure wood-attributed energy, but the rest of the five elements that also belong to the wood-attributed energy!" Joe Bai Dao.

"Fenglei!" Xu Ran's eyes lit up.

"Yes, it's Fenglei!"

Qiao Bai nodded and said: "As for why the big mushroom is afraid of wind and thunder, I personally feel that it has something to do with its qualitative change, and among the five elements, wind and thunder can change wood! Also, those who fought against big mushrooms before At that time, although the hurricane that the windball turned into had no damage, it was the only attack we had used that was not counterattacked by the big mushroom!"

"Although there are still some things I don't understand, I still agree with your point of view. What should we do next?" Xu Ran asked.

"After I get rid of these green grass and white decorations first, then we will start killing them, but try not to use fire magic to attack them, I feel that fire magic will stimulate them to spit out that green liquid. " Qiao Bai said.

"I still have doubts! Since the big mushrooms can devour the energy of your Wood Control Art, will they watch you use the Wood Control Art to kill their 'children'?" Xu Ran said.

"You said before that when your divine sense probed the surface of the big mushroom, it was fine, but when it probed the inside of the big mushroom, it caused devouring. And the energy of the Wood Control Art is that as long as it doesn't touch the big mushroom itself, it will There is no way to start devouring! Although this is a guess, it must be true, otherwise you think they will let me sense their 'children'? The only explanation can only be that their strange devouring also has trigger conditions! " Qiao Bai said.

"It makes sense!" Xu Ran nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to activate the Wood Control Technique."

After giving Xu Ran a supercilious look, Qiao Bai immediately activated the Wood Control Technique on the green grass.

This time the Wood Control Art is no longer used for induction, but for destruction! At a speed visible to the naked eye, the green grass and white dots began to rot, and the effects of the Wood Control Technique spread like a plague.

In the end, the green grass in front of the big mushroom was destroyed, and in the process, the big mushroom didn't make any rescue at all.

Jinhuo followed Qiao Bai's instructions, and the gust of wind generated by flapping its wings blows the white particles away.


With Qiao Bai's order, the three of them showed off their magical powers and began to forcibly kill the big mushroom.

Jinhuo spat out the key of fire, and Qiao Bai, who has the source of real wood, can also use a simple wind attribute magic technique, and a wind spear condensed by him shoots at the big mushroom.

Jinhuo's flame key hit a big mushroom, but the effect was the same as Qiao Bai's previous flying sword. The flame key shot a deep hole in the mushroom cap, but failed to pierce it. , and was reflected back by the big mushroom shaking the stalk.

Xu Ran's wind spear failed to hit the big mushroom, and not only a green liquid but also a green light would be produced in the big mushroom's 'wine glass'. The spear was split and moved towards Xu Ran.

Qiao Bai's attack was a tornado, which contained many wind blades.

Facing the approaching tornado, the big mushrooms behaved more cautiously. A small part of them dealt with Xuran and Jinhuo, and most of them sprayed green light nets from the 'wine glass'.

If it was just a single green light net, it would not be effective against Qiao Bai's tornado, but there were too many green light nets, a total of eighteen.

Eighteen pieces of green light were printed on the tornado and disappeared without a trace, and the size of the tornado also shrank to one-third of its original size in an instant.

Although the size of the tornado has shrunk, the destructive power of the remaining wind blades has not decreased.

The shrunken tornado failed to uproot the big mushroom that was engulfed in it, and could only cause damage to the big mushroom through the wind blade in it.

From Qiao Bai casting the tornado to the time the tornado disappeared on the big mushroom, all this actually happened in a very short period of time.


Qiao Bai yelled, the big mushroom that was swept by the tornado looks terrible now, with many scars on its body, especially the round table-sized mushroom cap, the shocking opening on it, which makes it look It looks like a broken umbrella.

However, the joy on Qiao Bai's face quickly solidified, and the other big mushrooms sprayed green liquid towards the injured big mushroom, and the shocking scars on the big mushroom recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Wood attribute energy already has very good recovery and healing abilities. Although the physique of the big mushroom has changed, it still has some wood attribute supernatural powers. Qiao Bai felt that he was overjoyed too soon, and he ignored the characteristic of wood attribute!

The battle was still going on, the two men and the beast each showed their magical powers to launch attacks, and the big mushroom was still in the passive defensive posture, and no new magical powers appeared.


Qiao Bai's voice sounded again, Xu Ran and Jin Huo, who were not interested in fighting, followed him and flew into the distance.

"Come here three times without killing a big mushroom!"

That being said, there was no frustration on Xu Ran's face, because this time he had achieved great results.

"I think the fourth time will definitely have a bigger breakthrough!"

Qiao Bai was also not depressed. He believed that the big mushroom had no new supernatural powers, and they needed to recover and work out a more detailed plan for the fourth duel.

Through these several contacts, Qiao Bai and others have discovered that although the white particles can confuse people, they have no resistance to the wind and can be easily blown away by the wind. effect, it is impossible to take effect again.

The danger level of green grass and white decorations is also very low, Qiao Bai can easily handle them as long as he uses the Wood Control Technique.

The big mushroom is the protagonist, and it is definitely very strange. A sharp weapon like the flame key can't do any harm to it, but under normal circumstances, there is no way to kill it with sword energy or other means. They hurt.

However, big mushrooms are not invulnerable. Qiao Bai's hurricane almost killed a big mushroom, and the simple wind magic can also cause big mushrooms to be on guard. It failed to hurt the big mushroom, but its own strength is relatively high, and the big mushroom attaches more importance to it than Xuran.

As for the green light net launched by the big mushroom, its destructive power is not weak, but its speed is relatively slow, and it is almost impossible to hurt Qiao Bai and them.

Combining various factors, Qiao Bai began to talk about his plan.

"After tomorrow, if there are still green grass and white dots on the ground, I will use the wood control technique to level these things first. It will not be like today, just level the green grass in front of the big mushroom. , Tomorrow I will fly to the back of the mushrooms and destroy the things behind them, so as to save a little resistance. After destroying these small things, I will use the hurricane to target a big mushroom At that time, you and Jinhuo will try to contain the other big mushrooms as much as possible. It would be best if my hurricane can directly destroy a big mushroom. If the big mushroom cannot be wiped out, the two of you should rush to rescue it before the other big mushrooms Make up the knife before! We don't expect to kill all the big mushrooms at once tomorrow, but we also need to kill a few to weaken their overall strength!"

Since he had just acquired the real wood spirit, Qiao Bai's current wind-attribute fairy art, the most powerful one is the 'hurricane tornado'. Moreover, with the power of the true wood in his body, he can only activate this kind of wind-type fairy art four times.

"After you get out of the enchantment, it is estimated that the master will teach us a lot of fairy arts. At that time, I think you should not go out to experience it. Let's go to seclusion for a while before we talk about it! The five elements fairy art, and Those things that Master taught us all need time to practice."

Encountering the big mushroom this time, Qiao Bai really felt a lot of emotion in his heart. If his real tree spirit could be stronger, then he could use the 'hurricane tornado' more times, and he could even use it because of his cultivation. And comprehend the more powerful 'wind dragon technique', or the fairy technique of thunder attribute.

"Indeed, I also have this understanding. After leaving the enchantment this time, I'm not in a hurry to practice. I'd better guard Jixiang Xiaozhu with you! When the time comes, we will take care of Jixiang Xiaozhu for a while. Time, other people will have time to practice." Xu Ran said.

"Okay, then we'll settle it."

Without saying anything more, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran recovered by adjusting their breath.

The next day, when the two of them and the beast flew towards the big mushroom again, they found that the area of ​​green grass was twice as large as yesterday.

For Qiao Bai, it doesn't take much real wood power to deal with the green grass. Even if the area of ​​the green grass is twice as large as yesterday, after he destroys it with the wood control tactic, the remaining real wood power is still there. Enough to cast 'Hurricane Tornado' four times.

Through the effect of the Wood Control Art, the rot spread on the green grass like a plague. When the green grass and white decorations in front of the big mushroom were all dead, Qiao Bai flew to the back of the big mushroom and launched another attack. Learned the Wood Control Jue.

What Qiao Bai did was really bullying the big mushrooms that they couldn't move, but if the big mushrooms could move, then they would be the ones being bullied again! I'm afraid that they will be chased all the way to the foot of the mountain like the goat monster they met back then, and it will depend on Gu Zheng's power to scare off the pursuers.

The strong wind blew away the white particles, and a new round of strong killings began.

Xu Ran and Jin Huo launched an attack on several big mushrooms, while Qiao Bai used the 'Hurricane Tornado'.

The huge tornado swept towards the big mushroom, just like yesterday, eighteen of the twenty-three big mushrooms launched green light nets towards the tornado.

The eighteen green light nets once again weakened the size of the tornado by one-third, and the weakened tornado also engulfed a large mushroom again.

After the tornado, the injury of the big mushroom was still like a broken umbrella, and the rest of the big mushrooms bent down again to try to rescue it. Then, Jin Huo, who had been prepared for a long time, cast 'Teleportation', and it appeared next to 'Broken Umbrella', and grabbed the 'Broken Umbrella' before the green liquid of the other big mushrooms sprayed on 'Broken Umbrella' Here comes an uproot!

If the 'Broken Umbrella' was not due to the serious injury, it would be impossible for Jinhuo to uproot it. It had already tried it in yesterday's battle, but today, with the big mushroom injured, it was impossible completed tasks.

"call out!"

Jinhuo, who flew up with a big mushroom, uttered a call for credit.


Qiao Bai and Xu Ran applauded Jin Huo at the same time, this is a very good start.

The rest of the big mushrooms were unwilling to be taken away like that, and they launched an optical network attack on Jinhuo.

It's a pity that although the destructive power of the green light net is not small, the speed is too slow, and none of them can fall on Jin Huo.

The golden fire's monster power acted on the big mushroom's body, directly cutting off its little vitality.

Originally, Jinhuo wanted to throw the dead big mushroom into the mushroom group, but it would be a waste of work if these big mushrooms made some kind of moth and revived the dead big mushroom! Therefore, Jinhuo dropped the dead mushroom in another place, and then flew back.

After Jin Huofei came back, he immediately used the flame key to scurry among the mushrooms, attracting the attention of the big mushrooms, and Xu Ran also cast ice magic on the big mushrooms.

Seeing that Jinhuo and Xuran had attracted the attention of the big mushroom, Qiao Bai also launched the 'hurricane tornado' again.

There is one less big mushroom, but there are still eighteen optical nets for the 'hurricane tornado', and the result is still that the volume of the tornado is reduced to one-third of the original size.

The tornado engulfed a big mushroom again, and the wind blade in it also cut the big mushroom into a "broken umbrella" state. Jinhuo also rushed to the "broken umbrella" again before the rest of the big mushrooms came to rescue. An uprooted.

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