Looking at Qiao Bai sitting cross-legged in the land of sword intent, Xu Ran started to worry after being happy, because before getting the chance, Qiao Bai looked like a lunatic was very scary, he was worried about what chance Qiao Bai got, But his xinxing was affected by it.

Qiao Bai's cross-legged sitting didn't last long. After a cup of tea, he opened his eyes and smiled slightly at Xu Ran who was outside the land of sword intent before walking towards the bottom of the cave.

Seeing Qiao Bai's same smile as before, Xu Ran let go of his worries to some extent.

The sword stuck at the bottom of the cave was not difficult to pull out, but nothing could pass through the blockade of the land of sword intent before, so it stayed here all the time.

Qiao Bai held the hilt of the sword with a little force, and Qiao Bai pulled the sword out of the cave wall.

Except for the strangeness of the sword and guard, the shape of the sword body is still the same as that of a normal sword. However, the blade of the sword, which was supposed to be bright, seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, which Ren Qiaobai couldn't wipe off no matter how hard he rubbed it off.

"Don't bother, this sword still needs to be sacrificed before it can be used." Xu Ran's voice sounded.

"How do you know?" Qiao Bai said.

"Didn't you ask me what I talked with my husband before? Among them is what you are asking now." Xu Ran smiled.

"Then what exactly did you talk to Master about before, can you really not talk about it?" Qiao Bai asked curiously.

"It's not that you can't say it, but at that time you wanted to break into the land of sword intent, and you must be afraid that after you say something, it will have some bad influence on you, so you told me not to talk about it, but Now that you have passed through the Land of Sword Intent, there is nothing to tell you..."

Xu Ran told Qiao Bai the contents of the chat with Gu Zheng, and then asked again: "Are you okay?"

"All right? What can I do?"

As soon as Qiao Baihua made a move, he suddenly realized that when he was in that state before, he was not clear about his own situation, but now that he has left that state, he has already done everything that happened to him. Know.

"Don't worry, it's all right!"

Qiao Bai patted Xu Ran on the shoulder, and before Xu Ran asked, he told what Xu Ran was curious about.

Qiao Bai didn't comprehend the ultimate swordsmanship in the land of sword intent, but he got a set of swordsmanship, that is, the set of swordsmanship that left sword marks on the cave wall.

Qiao Bai didn't know the original name of the sword technique. The reason why he knew this set of sword techniques was because he had completed the test of the land of sword intent and obtained a kind of inheritance.

Although Qiao Bai did not pass the final 100-step test, Qiao Bai now knows why he was able to obtain the inheritance under such circumstances. Because of the so-called inheritance, the requirements also vary from person to person, for an existence like Qiao Bai's cultivation, the last hundred steps are doomed! As long as he has the spirit of not fearing death to break through, then in fact he has passed, and he has met the conditions for accepting the inheritance.

"I'm going to call this set of swordsmanship 'Crazy Sword'!"


The name Qiao Bai gave to the sword technique made Xu Ran's eyes widen.

"What's so strange?"

Qiao Bai gave Xu Ran a supercilious look: "We are brothers. You have the 'Crazy Sword' and I have the 'Crazy Sword'. Isn't that a good thing? Besides, this set of swordsmanship is called 'Crazy Sword'." 'The name is also very appropriate, you feel the momentum I exuded before, don't you?"

"I feel it, it's very powerful, and it really looks like a madman." Xu Ran said.

"Actually, it's not that powerful anymore. That kind of aura can't be activated casually. It only appears when I cast the 'Crazy Sword'."

Qiao Bai is very sorry, if that kind of momentum can be used casually, it would be really cool. Under the interference of that kind of momentum, the strength of the opponent will definitely be greatly reduced.

"It's already very powerful, isn't it? Is there any difference between being able to use it casually and only using it when the 'Crazy Sword' is activated?" Xu Ran said speechlessly.

"There is a difference! Although I have been inherited 'Crazy Sword', it is only the lowest level of 'Crazy Sword', and 'Crazy Sword' is divided into five realms, and it is not too difficult to improve the realm. Easy, it still needs a long period of hard work! And the lowest level of "Crazy Sword" can only use the aura I had when I passed the hundredth sword aura, and the aura at that time, At most, I can influence the early or mid-stage cultivators of returning to the void, but with my current cultivation, do the cultivators of the early and mid-stage returning to the void need the influence of that kind of momentum?" Qiao Bai said.

"Okay, so that's the case." Xu Ran shook his head and smiled.

"However, this 'Crazy Sword' is really domineering. If I can practice to the third level, even with my current cultivation base, that kind of aura can already affect the existence of the Golden Immortal in the early stage! If I can practice When I reach the fifth realm, even with my current cultivation, my aura can affect the existence of the Golden Immortal in the later stage, that is to say, I really have the ability to kill people by leapfrogging!" Qiao Bai said with longing.

"so smart?"

Xu Ran's eyes widened: "This is much more powerful than my 'Crazy Demon Knife'!"

"There is a long way to go! Isn't the 'Mad Demon Knife' also a knife skill that can leapfrog to kill people? It's just that you have obtained the 'Mad Demon Knife' for a short time, and you don't spend much time on it. It is also relatively low, so every time you use it, you will suffer backlash. Didn’t the master say that? When you reach the Golden Immortal Realm, there will be no backlash when you use the ‘Crazy Demon Knife’! At that time, the ‘Mad Demon Knife’ Crazy Saber is truly powerful, and can even target people who are teleporting!" Qiao Bai said.

"Indeed, that's why I want to practice hard after leaving the barrier this time. There are really too many things to spend time practicing!" Xu Ran said with emotion.

"Yes, working hard to improve your cultivation is the right way!"

Qiao Bai sighed, and then said: "The gap in strength is also obvious in the acquisition of opportunities. After experiencing all this, I firmly believe that if the master came to the land of sword intent, he could easily take away the inheritance here. .And, because of this, he can even comprehend the unity of human and sword!"

"Can you even comprehend it because of this? How do you say that?" Xu Ran asked curiously.

"I haven't fully absorbed the inheritance of the 'Crazy Demon Sword', and a part of it remains in my mind. I can't absorb it now, but I think it is very likely that it is about the unity of man and sword. In fact, techniques such as 'Crazy Sword' and 'Crazy Knife' all contain these higher-level mysteries. If you can spend more time researching, it will definitely be easier for ordinary people to come into contact with the unity of human and sword Be one with human swords." Qiao Bai said seriously.

"I understand the truth, but it's time!" Xu Ran smiled wryly.

"By the way, there is one more thing that you couldn't see at the time."

Qiao Bai told Xu Ran about his spiritual gains.

Although Qiao Bai's terrifying aura at that time needs to be used in conjunction with the state of "Crazy Sword" in the future, the way he concentrated his mental power at that time gave him real benefits, that is, his divine sense was strengthened up!

"What? Enhanced so much?"

Xu Ran was dumbfounded, Qiao Bai's original divine sense could only kill immortal cultivators who were below the Void-Returning stage, but after he experienced the land of sword intent, his divine sense was raised to the level that could kill immortal cultivators in the Void-returning mid-stage At this point, such an improvement is not insignificant.


Seeing Xu Ran's shocked look, the laughing Qiao Bai couldn't be happier, he stretched out his hand and patted Xu Ran's shoulder: "In the future, if you encounter things like goat monsters, they are no longer worth mentioning." , I will protect you!"


Xu Ran also laughed, he opened Qiao Bai's hand and said, "Before you envied me for gaining more than you after entering the barrier, now you don't have to envy me any more?"

"Not envious!"

Qiao Bai shook his head seriously: "But I'm looking forward to it, I hope you can gain more, and have more gains!"

Cheers and laughter echoed in the cave, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were finally about to leave the cave.

After leaving the cave, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran went to see Gu Zheng.

After talking about what he gained in the Land of Sword Intent, Qiao Bai asked curiously: "Master, do you think the Land of Sword Intent was left by a great master, or by a monster outside the circle?"

"The sword marks in the land of sword intent are the traces left by the sword inserted in the bottom of the cave, and the metal forging the sword is all outside the circle, so it cannot be the relics left by the prehistoric master .”

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he continued: "The world outside the circle is huge, and the lives in the world outside the circle are even more diverse. Strange shapes are more common, but there are also 'people' like us. Their planes are similar to those of the prehistoric The environment is very similar, and the derived cultivation system is also very similar, so there are also immortal cultivators who use swords and knives."

"Master, have you ever been to such an outside world?" Qiao Bai looked up.


Gu Zheng shook his head. Now that he is using the body of a Tiexian, his strength has not yet reached the point where he can go to the world outside the circle. At that time, he had been to a few worlds outside the circle, but he had never been to a circle that was similar to Honghuang. outside world. And the reason why he said that just now was because he was thinking of the fox in the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space, and he belonged to that kind of person in the outside world.

Thinking of the fairy-level space artifact, Gu Zheng also felt emotional. He originally planned to enter the fairy-level space fairy weapon again after taking Qiao Bai and Xu Ran through the experience this time, and strive to get the fairy-level space fairy weapon as soon as possible. The celestial artifact is collected for his own use.

However, the plan often cannot keep up with the changes. If it is normal, after Qiao Bai enters the enchantment, it will not be long before the variables are triggered by the improvement of his cultivation level, so he will leave the enchantment, and after leaving the enchantment, that is, When their master and apprentice parted. But who would have thought that Gu Zheng brought Qiao Bai and Xu Ran into the enchantment, but they did not appear in the normal space, they were trapped in this super huge phantom formation.

The original plan was dragged away bit by bit, and now Gu Zheng is not in a hurry to leave the phantom array, so Qiao Bai and Xu Ran can practice it. But this time, he stayed in the phantom array for too long. After he got out of the enchantment, Gu Zheng couldn't immediately enter the fairy-level space fairy artifact. If there is any change in the world, pay attention to Tao's news.

"Master, I need to trouble you to refine this sword for this disciple."

Qiao Bai took out the sword he got, and he already knew from Xu Ran that since he got this sword, then this sword is also his fairy weapon.

"I am sure to restore this sword, but it will be a long process. After all, it is made of metal outside the circle, which is different from the sword in the wild." Gu Zheng said.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran chatted with Gu Zheng for a while, and then went about their own business.

Gu Zheng refined the metallic inner alchemy again, while Qiao Bai and Xu Ran drank some immortal wine as a small celebration.

After drinking, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran started their training again.

The golden fire was still flying in the sky, while Qiao Bai and Xu Ran walked on the ground looking for ingredients.

The upper level of the Hanging Mountain is different from the middle level. The middle level does not grow any grass because of the land of sword intent, while the upper level looks like a forest.

There should be a lot of ingredients in the forest, but Xu Ran and Qiao Bai have been in the forest for a while, but they haven't found any ingredients above the fine level.

"Could it be that there are monsters like goats that like to eat ingredients here?" Xu Ran scratched his head depressedly.

Qiao Bai frowned slightly: "The news came back from Jinhuo, you really guessed it right, the monster on the upper level of Hanging Mountain is actually our old enemy goat! And this time there are more goats, There are eighty of them!"

"Did we fall into the sheep pen? This damn goat monster!"

Xu Ran scratched his head. It's like scratching your hair off. With such a goat on the upper level of Hanging Mountain, don't expect any ingredients here.

"No, it doesn't matter if it's delicious or not, after this experience is over, I must eat a roast leg of lamb!" Xu Ran said harshly.

"Forget me!" Qiao Bai also gritted his teeth.

Last time, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran wanted to eat roasted leg of lamb to vent their anger, but in the end they ate the sheep eye food repair that Gu Zheng cooked for them, so their hatred for the goat was let alone. But this time, the goat monster appeared again, and even ate the ingredients that belonged to them, how could they not hate it!

"Let's go, kill the goat monster!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth and lifted into the air.

As the saying goes, "Scholars should treat each other with admiration for three days." Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are like this now. During this period of time, their strengths have improved a lot. There are a lot of goat monsters, and they are also confident that they don't have to be chased to the foot of the mountain twice by goat monsters like last time.

"Don't just be angry, Jinhuo has good news." Qiao Bai also flew into the air.

"What good news?" Xu Ran asked.

"A vine is wrapped around a tree on the top of the mountain, and there are two papaya-like fruits on the vine. Jin Huo said that those two fruits should be treasures!"


Qiao Bai's words shocked Xu Ran. They had already experienced several hanging mountains, but they had never obtained such rare things as heaven, material and earth treasures.

"Furthermore, according to Jin Huo's judgment, it will take at most five years for Tiancaidibao to mature!" Qiao Bai laughed.

"Five years?"

Xu Ran laughed loudly: "For us, what's the difference between five years and five days?"

The meaning of Xu Ran's words is not that their immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, and some have time to wait, but that he and Qiao Bai now have the real wood spirit of their natal life, and Gu Zheng has also told them how to use the wood control formula to produce food. Without them, the treasures of heaven, material and earth that originally took five years to mature would only need five days to mature after the two of them gave birth.

"Are the goat monsters guarding the treasures of heaven and earth?" Xu Ran asked again.

"Yes!" Qiao Bai nodded.

"This is really a stupid sheep monster who wants to eat natural materials and earthly treasures, what a dream!"

Xu Ran couldn't help but fantasize about how they snatched the heaven and earth treasures from the goat monster, and the goat monster jumped into a rage.

However, fantasies are fantasies, it is impossible for the goats to see them stealing the treasures, because by the time they get the treasures, the goats must have died.

"Golden fire, attract the goats!"

Qiao Bai sent an order to Jin Huo, they couldn't confront the goat monster at a place too close to Tiancaidibao.

Jin Huo was originally at a high altitude, and had already discovered its goat monster. Seeing that it had no intention of falling down, it didn't take it seriously. However, after receiving Qiao Bai's order, Jin Huo immediately let out a loud cry.

All the goat monsters that were lying down stood up, and they blew like sheep, threatening Jin Huo not to approach.

How could Jin Huo take the goat monster's warning seriously, it immediately swooped down from a high altitude.

The sheep monsters are angry, they feel that the sheep prestige has been violated! With red eyes, they dug the ground first, and then soared into the sky.

Seventy of the eighty goats flew up at the same time, and the remaining ten looked after the treasures of heaven and earth.

If it were the same as before, Jinhuo would not fight the goat monster. It would save its strength and wait for Qiao Bai's order, or rescue Qiao Bai and Xu Ran at a critical moment. But now, it knew that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were not what they used to be. If they didn't hurry up and enjoy their claw addiction, then the Goat Monster would face two vicious wolves later.

The golden fire disappeared through teleportation, which made the goats instantly confused.

Jin Huo, who appeared again, appeared on the edge of the flock, grabbed a Faun and lifted into the air.

Since the incident happened suddenly, and Jinhuo was already a habitual offender when it came to catching goats, none of the sight attacks launched by the goats to save their companions could pose any threat to it.

The goats are chasing the golden fire, and the golden fire has already killed the goat it caught in the air. Last time it wanted to throw the dead goat into the flock, but it was worried that it would make the goats Because of his anger, he did something extreme that affected Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, so he didn't do that.

Now, since both Qiao Bai and Xu Ran should become vicious wolves, Jin Huo's idea of ​​throwing the dead goat into the flock naturally has to be realized.

"Hey, those sheep! I'm kind enough to give you my companions back, you have to pick them up!"

Regardless of whether the flock can understand human speech or not, Jinhuo said so anyway.

The flock of sheep caught the dead sheep dropped by Jin Huo, but no matter how their eyes fell on their companions, the companions showed no signs of life.

"Baa baa!"

The flock roared, regardless of whether they could hit Jinhuo or not, they immediately lowered their heads and launched an ice attack, causing the ice to shoot towards Jinhuo like an arrow.

"Let's go, let's fight the goats. Let's see who kills more goats this time!" Qiao Bai said.

"Your cultivation base is higher than mine, so I won't compare with you, I'll just kill myself to my heart's content!" Xu Ran gave Qiao Bai a supercilious look.

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