With a consistent point of view, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran took another step forward, this time they still went to the East exit.

Still snaking forward, when the two came to the East exit, their foreheads were still covered with sweat.

Looking at each other, the two stepped into the East Exit again.

After the light and darkness of the vision in front of him changed, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were still in the middle of a valley.

There are four exits in the valley, southeast, northwest, and all the landmarks are the same as those in the previous valley.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran determined that the correct exit was the east through the investigation and deduction of the immortal array by their divine sense!

Looking at each other, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran exited the snake again to the east.

Oriental export.

Oriental export.

Oriental export.

Oriental export.

They would appear in exactly the same valley every time, and the result of each deduction would be the East exit, but after this happened seven times, the original confidence of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran was also shaken.

"Are the other exits decorations?" Xu Ran gritted his teeth.

"Each time it is the east exit. Is this the setting of the birth gate of this trapped formation, or did we make a mistake from the beginning? This trapped formation has exceeded our understanding of the formation, so every deduction is different. It's the wrong answer, so you keep going around here?" Qiao Bai also had a gritted expression.

"If you don't believe in this evil, continue east!"

Xu Ran showed a lot of vigor at this time, he who always followed Qiao Bai, walked in front of Qiao Bai this time.

After entering the East Exit, the vision in front of them changed, and the two were still in the same valley! The answer obtained through investigation and deduction, Shengmen still has to go through the east exit!

This time, the two didn't say a word, they just looked at each other, and then they snaked towards the east exit with sullen heads and dark faces.

The atmosphere is very depressing, so depressing that people want to shout.

Stepping into the Eastern Exit again, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran felt as if they were about to cry after their vision changed. After walking through the Eastern Exit nine times, they finally entered the second layer of immortal formation. It's a sight!

This is the top of a mountain, with a very large area, larger than any square Qiao Bai has ever seen. The place where he and Xu Ran are located is at a corner of the top of the mountain.

I don't know how high the mountain is, and it is surrounded by clouds and fog, and I can't see the way down the mountain.


A strange sound sounded, it was the sound of the mountain wind blowing the only plant on the top of the mountain.

The only plant grows in the middle of the top of the mountain. It is only over ten feet tall and looks like a dead peach tree.


Under the blowing of the mountain wind, the dead peach tree swayed with the wind, and after the dead leaves fell from it, green new shoots sprouted immediately.

In a very short period of time, the peach tree sprouted and blossomed to bear fruit, and there were nine attractive peaches like flat peaches hanging on the tree.

From the time when the peach tree is dead in spring to when the peaches are ripe, this process is actually very short, less than three minutes.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Nine ripe peaches fell to the ground, and then grew wildly, to the point where it looked like nine granaries.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were in a hurry, they knew it was a phantom formation, and as soon as they entered it, they quickly used their spiritual sense to investigate and deduce it. However, their cultivation in the way of formation is too low, and they still haven't deduced how to break the formation. method.

Although there is no way to deduce how to break the formation, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's understanding of the illusion formation has also deepened during the deduction process. They all know that this illusion formation is different from the fatal illusion formation last time. The domineering 'inner illusion', this time the illusion array is 'outer illusion'. However, the 'external illusion' is equally terrifying. If the things in this phantom formation launch an attack, it is a real attack. If the formation is not broken as soon as possible, the attacks will only increase!

"You continue to investigate and deduce, these nine peaches are handed over to me to deal with!"

It was impossible for the two of them to do investigations and deductions. Nine peaches as big as granaries were bouncing towards them. The aura exuding from them made Qiao Bai understand that if they were hit by these peaches, they would die if they were not killed. peeling skin.

With a certain understanding of the phantom array, Qiao Bai knew that there was no such thing as a wrong step here, so he rushed forward for a certain distance. The purpose of doing so was to make Taozi attack him.

Frowning, Qiao Bai slammed the light of his spiritual thoughts towards a peach. The peach jumped up high, and the light of his spiritual thoughts also flew upwards, and finally hit the bottom of it. Taozi began to fall while falling. rapid decomposition.

Although Taozi could avoid the divine thoughts, the speed of the spiritual thoughts was still too fast. Before Taozi Qiao Bai got too close, Qiao Bai had already wiped out all nine peaches with his spiritual thoughts.

However, although Qiao Bai killed nine peaches, the peach tree began a new round of changes after the peaches fell to the ground. It changed from a lush tree to a dead tree, and from a dead tree to a peach tree. . When Chopper killed the nine big peaches, the ripe peaches on the tree fell to the ground again.

This time, the peaches that fell on the ground did not grow any bigger. They turned into nine monkeys with sharp claws and fangs. From the aura emanating from the monkeys, Qiao Bai could clearly feel that they were more powerful than peaches.

The monkey was rushing towards Qiao Bai, and the light of Qiao Bai's divine sense had already greeted him.

Monkeys were more flexible than peaches, but fortunately they still belonged to the category that the light spots of spiritual thoughts could catch up with, but it was more troublesome to kill them than peaches.

Fortunately, the top of the mountain was too big, and the nine nimble monkeys also failed to get close to Qiao Bai, and were wiped out by his divine thoughts.

However, the nine peaches born on the peach tree have reached the point where they are about to fall.

Qiao Bai turned his head to look at Xuran, seeing the big beads of sweat rolling down Xuran's face, he just clenched the short sword in his hand tightly without saying anything, and then rushed forward, he knew that the peach tree gave birth to peaches The speed will be faster and faster, he wants to stay far away from Xuran, so that even if there is a fish that slips through the net, there is still a certain distance before he can get close to Xuran.

The nine peaches fell to the ground and turned into nine spirit bodies like ghosts, and they floated towards Qiao Bai.

Qiao Bai's light spot of spiritual thought met the enemy again, but the light spot of spiritual thought passed through the body of the spirit body and had no effect at all.

Qiao Bai frowned, and a sea of ​​flames appeared in front of him, and the nine spirit bodies stopped as if they had encountered a nemesis.

The nine spirit bodies stopped moving forward, but Qiao Bai was not happy about it, because the growth pattern of the peach tree continued.

A golden light flashed on Qiao Bai's arm, he released the golden fire, he had to find a helper, he didn't know when he would be able to deduce the method of breaking the formation, and he didn't know how to rely on his own words, He can still hold out a few waves of attacks.

After the golden fire appeared, the flame key immediately pierced towards a spirit body.

Qiao Bai wasn't idle either, he cast the 'Fire Dragon Technique' to let the fire dragon chase the spirit body in the air.

Facing Jin Huo and Qiao Bai's joint attack, the nine spirit bodies just dodged.

The scene that shocked Qiao Bai happened, his fire dragon collided with a spirit body, and the spirit body flew back after being knocked into the air!

"Damn it!"

Qiao Bai cursed secretly, he now understood that spirit bodies are not afraid of fire at all, their fear of fire is fake, they are afraid of the sea of ​​fire, there is no reason for them not to die after being hit by a fire dragon! And being dragged by them, the nine peaches that fell from the peach tree have turned into spirit bodies exactly like them!

Then, eighteen spirit bodies flew towards Qiao Bai.

The sea of ​​fire is useless, the spirit body is safe and sound after flying into the sea of ​​fire, and the flame key of the golden fire is useless, after passing through a spirit body, it is like passing through the air.

The angry golden fire flapped its wings, and two flame tornadoes appeared. The spirit bodies that had entered the sea of ​​flames did not dodge or avoid the flame tornadoes, and the flame tornadoes had no effect on them at all. However, those spirit bodies that have not yet entered the sea of ​​flames have appeared to avoid the flame tornado!

Qiao Bai was at his wit's end, he was going to use the 'Crazy Sword' as a gamble to see if he could destroy these spirits with the 'Crazy Sword', but when he saw some spirits avoiding the flame tornado, , A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Why do some spirits avoid the flame tornado, and some spirits don't? If I remember correctly, the spirits that don't dodge should be the first batch of spirits, and the ones that dodge are the second batch of spirits!"

Thinking of this, Qiao Bai once again distinguished the divine sense: "The divine sense is the nemesis of the spirit body, there is no reason that the divine sense is useless to the spirit body! Although these spirit bodies are part of the illusion, they do not exist in themselves, but since the illusion If such spirit bodies are created, then they should also follow certain laws!"

Qiao Bai felt that his mind was a little confused, but he still let the light of divine thoughts hit a spirit body that was afraid of the flame tornado according to his original intention. Sure enough, the spirit body disintegrated under the impact of the divine light spot!

Qiao Bai let the light spot of divine thought collide with another spirit body, which was also one of the second batch of spirit bodies, and this spirit body also failed to survive the impact of the light spot of spiritual thought! The third impact of the light spot of divine sense hit one of the first batch of spirit bodies, and the effect was still like hitting the air!

"True or false, false or true! These first batch of spirit bodies are not real at all, and their purpose of existence is to delay time! The second batch of spirit bodies are real, just like going to Hanging Mountain. On the way, the phantom attacks encountered are the same, there are so-called phantom attacks, and there are so-called physical attacks, and now the ones that can be killed by my divine sense are the physical attacks in the phantom, and the ones that cannot be killed are only the ones in the phantom. The phantom!" Qiao Bai yelled in his heart.

"Golden fire, for those remaining in the second batch of spirit bodies, as for the first batch of spirit bodies, there is no need to consider."

Qiao Bai gave Jin Huo an order, and they quickly killed all the second batch of spirit bodies.

At this time, nine peaches fell from the tree again, and turned into nine spirit bodies again.

Qiao Bai's light spots of spiritual thoughts had been prepared for a long time. He found that the peaches would fall in a straight line, and let the light spots of spiritual thoughts pass through the moment the peaches became spirit bodies.

The speed of the divine thought was extremely fast, it passed through the bodies of the nine spirits in an instant, but it seemed to pass through the air.

"No, why are there nine illusory spirit bodies?"

Qiao Bai turned his head abruptly. When he saw the first batch of nine spirit bodies, they didn't go to Xu Ran's place either. They were just like decorations, standing motionless in the air.

Looking back again, Qiao Bai found that the spirit bodies that had just appeared were already floating in the air, also in a motionless posture. Moreover, the growth law of the peach tree had a very obvious change after the nine spirit bodies took off, that is, the growth rate doubled compared to before! Originally, the speed of fruiting peaches was already faster, but now it is even faster and frightening!

Another nine peaches fell to the ground, and turned into nine identical spirit bodies again. Qiao Bai felt that he was going crazy, and he let the light of divine sense pass through again. However, the nine spirit bodies this time were real, and they began to disintegrate under Qiao Bai's divine thoughts.

"True and false, false and true, what is going on?"

Qiao Bai's eyes widened and he gasped heavily. The panic caused by the unknown was condensed in his heart. He could clearly hear his own violent heartbeat.

The peaches on the tree were still getting bigger, and Qiao Bai, who still didn't know what to do, felt extremely dangerous in his heart.

"Take those spirit bodies away quickly, and don't let them exist in three batches at the same time, or we will never get out of this phantom array! After the peaches on the tree fall, they will become these Helpless spirits, they are already the third batch!"

Just when Qiao Bai was burning with anxiety, Xu Ran's voice suddenly sounded.

"How do you charge it?" Qiao Bai asked anxiously.

"Use the bottle that you can collect clouds and mist!" Xu Ran shouted.

Qiao Bai was also dizzy, he was so overwhelmed by the atmosphere that he was about to go crazy, but after he said 'take it', he hadn't even thought of the fairy bottle that could hold things.

"Yes, yes!"

Qiao Bai yelled in his heart, in the powerful phantom formation where the spirit of the formation is the 'Headless White Snake', wouldn't the fairy bottle also be able to take away the clouds and mist that make the immortal arts helpless? And how similar is the helpless cloud to the helpless spirit body now? The biggest difference between them is just the appearance, but the essence is the same!

The jade bottle celestial artifact had already appeared in Qiao Bai's hands, and a special suction came out of the bottle. The spirit bodies that were motionless in the air immediately fled as if they had seen a nemesis, but three of them were still sucked into the jade bottle.

At the same time, nine peaches fell from the peach tree again, and turned into nine identical spirit bodies. Jin Huo had already launched an attack on these nine spirit bodies, and they were still the kind that couldn't be killed! This also corresponds to what Xu Ran said before, this is still the kind of helpless spirit body, the so-called third batch of spirit body!

"Does this count as three batches existing at the same time?"

Qiao Bai hurriedly asked Xu Ran who was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath. It seemed that he was not the one suffering. During the time he was suffering, Xu Ran was also enduring another level of pain through detection and deduction invisible to the naked eye. kind of torment.

"It doesn't count, this is the third batch, but it's not the complete third batch. You have to quickly collect the complete batch now, so that you can have time to breathe!" Xu Ran said urgently.

Hearing Xu Ran's words, Qiao Bai was relieved to some extent, he flew up and quickly approached the spirit bodies, and the suction force from the jade bottle took away one spirit body after another.

As the spirit bodies continued to disappear, Qiao Bai was pleasantly surprised to find that every time he took away a spirit body, the growth of the peach tree would slow down. When there were only eighteen spirit bodies left on the field, the growth of the peach tree had slowed down so much that he was confident that if he took away nine more spirit bodies, the peaches on the tree would still be growing slowly.

Another nine spirit bodies were taken away, and during this process, the ripening speed of the peaches slowed down again, which made Qiao Bai applaud, he saw the dawn of the end of the danger.


Qiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief, the sky was finally clean, and he put the last spirit body in the jade bottle. Although the peach on the tree was already ripe, judging from its slow growth rate, it wanted to be like Falling to the ground like before, it will take at least a cup of tea.

With a sigh of relief, Qiao Bai felt his body go limp. After sitting down, he found that under such a high-pressure environment, his divine sense actually strengthened a bit! Although the increase was not large, it was somehow enhanced, which should be equivalent to a normal person's income from a year of hard work!

A wry smile appeared on Qiao Bai's face, and he looked at Xu Ran who was already walking towards him.

"My divine sense has strengthened a little bit," Qiao Bai said.

"It's the same for me, but the enhancement is not much." Xu Ran smiled wryly.

"If the number of spirit bodies in the field is reduced to a full twenty-seven, how will we be unable to get out?" Qiao Bai asked.

"From the results of the investigation, these spirit bodies can be regarded as the energy dispatched by the eyes of the double phantom formation from the spirits of the triple killing formation. When these energies gather to a certain amount, we will be assimilated and become Become a part of the spiritual energy in the triple killing formation! At that time, if outsiders break into the double fairy formation, we will also be sent to meet the enemy like this spirit body. It is a feeling of eternal life and never being reborn! , these spirit bodies are good things!"

Xu Ran had already come under the peach tree while speaking, he pointed to the peach tree and said again: "It is the eye of the double phantom formation! But this is not a place to rest, and the triple killing formation is not a place to rest, so you Hurry up and adjust your breathing, I'm going to break the formation before Taozi hits the ground!"

In fact, Qiao Bai didn't have any problems after this moment of relief, but if he could concentrate on adjusting his breath, it would be somewhat beneficial to all aspects of his body.

Without saying anything more, Qiao Bai immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

The peaches on the peach tree are scattered and scattered, but from the angle Xu Ran is standing at now, they are actually in the shape of Jiugong.

After a while, Xu Ran murmured: "There should be no mistakes! The first batch of undead spirit bodies is the third batch of peaches born on the peach tree, so the first peach that should be picked off is Dongfang Bimu."

Xianli flew out from Xuran's fingertips, and shot down Taozi who was on the third position in the Nine Palaces.

Taozi fell to the ground and disappeared without a trace, and the entire phantom formation did not change in any way, which showed that Xu Ran's thinking was correct, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"The second batch of undead spirit bodies is the fifth batch of peaches born on the peach tree, so the second peach that should be picked off is Zhonghuangtu!"

Qiao Bai's murmur this time sounded a lot more certain.

Xianli flew out from the fingertips, and Tao Zi, who was on the fifth position in the Nine Palaces, was shot down, and the phantom formation also did not change.

"The third batch of undead spirit bodies is the seventh batch of peaches born on the peach tree, so the third peach that should be picked off is the western red gold!"

The Taozi on the seventh position in the Nine Palaces fell to the ground, and the phantom formation shook.


After finishing breath adjustment, Qiao Bai applauded Xu Ran.

The whole world became dark, and when the sight was restored again, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran found that they were on a hill.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is a hill. It should be said that it is a small island, because the hill is in the vast sea.

Without time to look at the illusory scenery around them too much, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had already separated their spiritual thoughts and began to explore the space.

When they were still in the valley at the beginning, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had already deduced that the formation they entered was a triple immortal formation of 'Sleepy Illusion Killing', and it turned out that they were right. Well, after going through the trapped and phantom formations, they actually already know a lot about the third stage of the killing formation, so this investigation and deduction will also be the shortest one.

"There is no danger of making a wrong step, but there is a ban on air."

"There is no other moth, just a kill!"

"If you want to end this killing formation quickly, you can't waste too much time on the ultimate move of the formation method. We have to go straight to the location of the formation spirit."

"That's right, although doing so would be a bit dangerous, it's better than going through it steadily, and being consumed to death by the ultimate move in the formation."


Qiao Bai and Xu Ran have already explored the formation space, and they had a brief exchange.

"We can't stay here any longer. We must leave before the ultimate move in the formation appears, so as to seize the opportunity! The location of the formation spirit is in the northwest corner of this small island. Once we step out of the The first step, the ultimate move in the formation will also appear passively, are you ready?"

Qiao Bai looked at Xu Ran, who nodded.

"Jinhuo, we're going to the northwest corner of the island, and we'll take you back first!"

There are air bans here, and it is the correct decision to take back Jinhuo first.

The golden fire turned into the pattern on Qiao Bai's arm again, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran raised their legs and rushed towards the destination.

The moment Qiao Bai and Xu Ran raised their legs, the whole world seemed to have changed. The island was originally a place with dense trees, but the trees beside Qiao Bai and Xu Ran all turned into snakes in an instant. Various snakes.

The snakes transformed from trees are not ordinary snakes, they are all basilisks, but most of them are not strong.

Moreover, there is a certain law for the transformation of trees into snakes, and the law of this change is like pushing dominoes. If Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's speed is fast enough, then the transformation of trees into snakes will appear behind them! If their speed is not fast, then the trees turning into snakes will appear in front of them and will block them, thus turning things into a dangerous situation of being surrounded.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's speed is fast enough, but it doesn't mean that they are not in danger. The snakes behind them are all strange snakes, and all kinds of magic such as ice and fire are attacking them from behind.

The 'Ethereal Illusionary Body Art' once again played its powerful role. The erratic movement made most of the black arts unable to hit Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. Even if some black arts could fall on them, it was theirs. A choice with trade-offs is made when there is no avoidance.

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