"Why do I always have the feeling that this bronze man monster was created by humans?"

After cleaning the battlefield, Xiong San muttered to himself, the reason why he said that was entirely because the strange appearance of the bronze man monster gave him this feeling.

"However, there is an inner alchemy in this guy's body. Was it really created by someone? If it was really created by someone, did he have an inner alchemy in his body when he first created it? Woolen cloth?"

While talking to himself, Xiong San continued on his way. The place where he is now is a canyon. This canyon is very long and can't be seen at a glance. There are high mountains on both sides of the canyon. Xiong San didn't choose to go up the mountain. As the canyon deepened, he wanted to see where the canyon would lead.

Without Master Yunqing and Jin Yan to accompany him, Xiong San's journey was not fast, and he stopped and collected the ingredients he encountered along the way.

However, Xiong San is different from Jin Yan. For him, the ingredients that can make him stop and collect must be at least medium-grade, and they must be the rare ones in the medium. And Jin Yan's requirements are much lower, not to mention that she won't let go of the medium ones, even ordinary-level ingredients are in her bag. For this trip to the enchantment, Jin Yan has prepared several reserves. belt.

Xiong San stopped and walked, and after more than an hour, his sight was attracted by the beauty in front of him.

The beauty that attracts Xiong San is a piece of unknown small flowers, those small flowers are colorful, blooming in front of Xiong San like a sea of ​​flowers.

"No way!"

After getting closer, Xiong San couldn't help but widen his eyes. He found that these unknown little flowers were all high-quality ingredients.

This is the second time he has entered the barrier, and under normal circumstances, Xiong San would not be surprised to see pieces of high-quality ingredients! However, the fine-grade ingredients he had seen before were at most a small piece of hundreds of plants. Like the small flowers that make up the sea of ​​flowers now, it is difficult to count the huge number.


Xiong San, who was about to pick flowers excitedly, stopped in his tracks. He found that these little flowers were not simple.

"Why did they all change when I wanted to collect these little flowers?"

Xiong San was surprised, but the sea of ​​flowers in front of him had indeed changed. The original high-grade ingredients were rapidly dropping in grade under his observation, from high-quality to medium, from medium to ordinary, and from ordinary to ordinary. Became inferior until it became poisonous.

Although Xiong San does not have the Eye of Dao, Gu Zheng has taught them the method of judging the grade of ingredients. This method is based on the color, aroma and some specific conditions of the ingredients, and is suitable for most ingredients.

"Could it be that you can perceive the thoughts in my heart?"

Xiong San was very curious about these little flowers, he stretched out his hand and wanted to pull out a little flower.

Although the little flower has turned into a poisonous plant, Xiong San still uses the usual gentle method of collecting ingredients, so Xianli's strength in picking flowers is not great.

Xiong San's strength in picking flowers was not great, but the little flower was also uprooted by him. It's just that the root of this little flower was a bit ridiculous, and Xiong San had already pulled it up to a height of one foot from the ground, but its roots still haven't reached the end! Moreover, the roots of the florets are generally thick throughout, unlike the roots of normal plants, which show a tendency to gradually become thinner.

"call out!"

With a whistling sound, Xiao Hua broke free from Xiong San's not-so-great celestial power, and shot back to the place where it grew.

At the same time, the entire sea of ​​flowers came alive, and it seemed that there was something huge under the soil that was about to wake up, and the land continued to rise and fall.

Xiong San wasn't particularly surprised, when Xiaohua's food grades changed, he already understood that things were not simple! He was more or less prepared to face the variables in his heart, so he flew backwards for a certain distance, and he wanted to see what was under the soil.


With a loud noise, the soil in the sea of ​​flowers was blown everywhere, and a huge monster that had been lying in the canyon stood up.

The giant standing up is very tall, almost twenty feet tall, and the small flowers that originally formed the sea of ​​flowers all exposed their white rhizomes, and these rhizomes are all connected to its body, so that people can't see clearly Its appearance, after all, there are too many small flowers, covering its original appearance.


With a slight sound, all the white roots of the small flowers retracted, so that the body of the standing giant was covered with flowers again, and the original appearance was still covered.

However, the little flower soon began to fade, and finally turned into the flower-like markings on the body of the giant, and its original appearance was clearly presented in Xiong San's eyes.

It looks like a deer, with deer-like horns, it stands like a human, with a big belly, just like a pregnant woman.

Whether the giant in front of him is a plant or an animal, Xiong San is a little confused. However, no matter what this guy is, Xiong San didn't attack immediately. Anyway, the guy he tentatively regarded as a 'deer demon' didn't make a move either, and was also beating him carefully, and there was no monster in those huge eyes. The kind of manic look that he has.

"what you up to?"

An old male voice suddenly sounded in Xiong San's mind.

Xiong San was a little shocked, he didn't expect this deer demon to be enlightened, and to the point where he could communicate with people using divine thoughts.

It's no wonder that Xiong San was shocked when such a thing happened. After all, this ancient battle of enchantment brought people here three times. The deer monster that Xiong San encountered was the first monster that could directly communicate with people and spirits. indivual.

"Just now I wanted to pick flowers, but since flowers are part of your body, I don't have this plan." Xiong San's voice transmission was very polite.

"Since this is the case, then you should leave here!" the deer demon said slowly.

"I originally planned to leave, but if you can communicate, I also want to make friends with you."

What kind of place is this enchantment? Not only Gu Zheng is curious, but Xiong San is also curious. After finally meeting a monster with high spiritual intelligence that can communicate with people and spirits, Xiong San wants to find out something from the deer demon.

"What makes friends? You just want to know something you are interested in from me." The deer demon smiled faintly.

"Ha ha!"

Xiong San smiled a little embarrassed, he didn't expect the deer demon to point out his purpose directly.

"Since Fellow Daoist knows what I think in my heart, can you tell me what I want to know?"

Xiong San got close to Lu Yao, and the name has changed.

"I can't answer the questions you want to know, because I can't answer the things you want to know! But I can tell you a place where you should be able to get answers to your questions." Deer Demon said.

"Fellow Daoists don't even know what I want to ask, so how can you say that you can't answer what I want to know?"

Xiong San couldn't believe that the deer demon really knew what he was thinking, and he knew it in such detail.

"A long time ago, I used to communicate with people like you, so I know that the questions you people want to ask are nothing more than things about this enchantment, but I really can't answer these things for you, because my I have limited knowledge." The deer demon said sincerely.

"Is there anyone else here? Who are they?" Xiong San asked again.

"Don't ask questions. The only thing I can do for you is to tell you the place, but if you want me to tell you the place, you have to do one thing for me first."

The deer demon's voice was a little displeased, and Xiong San frowned slightly. If he could do whatever he wanted, then he didn't want to say anything more to the deer demon. He wanted to directly search for the deer demon's soul. However, the deer demon will definitely not obediently let him search for the soul. If he wants to search for the soul, he must fight with the deer demon.

Is Xiong San sure to defeat the deer demon? He didn't!

In Xiong San's mind, the deer demon should be stronger than him. First of all, with such a big body, it goes without saying that he is strong in terms of strength. Secondly, at the beginning, he didn't realize that Huahai was a part of the deer demon. Even standing in front of the deer demon now, he didn't feel any aura belonging to the living beings. Communication, he even doubted whether the behemoth in front of him was an illusion! Therefore, Xiong San felt that such a weird deer monster must also be very weird in terms of spells. For such an existence, it is the truth to be able to avoid enmity without enmity. The experience is not only about killing, but also peaceful coexistence.

"Fellow Daoist, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?" Xiong San asked.

"Go to this place and pick a 'Luming Fruit' for me."

While the deer demon was speaking, a light curtain appeared in the void. The light curtain was a map. Following the deer demon's voice, it was specific to a mountain, and it also embodied the appearance of Lu Mingguo.

"What danger is there on this mountain?" Xiong San thought for a while.

"There must be some danger, but I believe you can pick the Luming Fruit back for me." The Deer Demon said.

"It's not very far from the canyon. Fellow Daoists want Luming Fruit, why don't you pick it yourself?" Xiong San asked again.

"If I don't go in person, there's a reason why I don't go in person. Do you want to make this deal? If you don't want to, forget it!" The deer demon already seemed very impatient.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Xiong San smiled at the deer demon, and he flew out of the canyon and flew towards the place where Lumingguo was.

As soon as Xiong San's figure disappeared, there was a sound like drumming in the canyon, which was the heartbeat of the deer demon.

The deer demon itself is very strange. It is not the kind of monster that can steadily increase its strength through cultivation. It is exactly the same. Although it has a huge body, its real strength is only equivalent to that of a cultivator in the late stage of returning to the void. . It is precisely because the strength is too low that even though he really wanted to get the Luming Fruit, the Deer Demon did not dare to pick it himself. However, it is precisely because of the peculiarity of the deer demon that it can see Xiong San's true strength, so it thinks that Xiong San can help him pick the Luming fruit.

The deer demon was very glad that Xiong San didn't try its depth, and it also hoped that Xiong San, who came back again, would not have such thoughts.

Luming Fruit is on a mountain, which is not far from the canyon where the Deer Demon is located, and according to Xiong San's flying speed, it can be reached within the time of a cup of tea.

"The temperament of this deer demon is really weird. He wants me to help him get the deer-ming fruit, and he doesn't want to say more about the details of the deer-ming fruit."

"This visit to the enchantment is very different from the last time. This time, I have just started training. First, I encountered a metallic monster that seemed to be created by an immortal cultivator, and then I encountered such a strange deer demon. It's really amazing. I know how many strange monsters are waiting for me in this experience."

Xiong San was thinking about things while flying, and soon he approached the big mountain with Luming fruit.

The Luming Fruit grows on the top of the mountain, and Xiong San didn't fly up directly. Although the Deer Demon didn't say much about the Luming Fruit, it still let him know that there is a certain danger in obtaining the Luming Fruit, so he stopped. At the foot of the mountain, he has his divine sense, so he needs to use his divine sense to investigate first before speaking.

The detection speed of divine sense is very fast, Xiong San's divine sense has circled the whole mountain in a short time.

After Xiong San's spiritual investigation, he found that there is only one kind of monster on the whole mountain, which is a pig monster with white hair and huge fangs, and there are more than fifty of them in number.

The pig demons are all on the top of the mountain, and the environment on the top of the mountain is also very strange. There are not too many plants, only one Luming fruit tree. Moreover, it is said to be the top of the mountain, but the top of the mountain is as flat as if it has been cut with a sharp sword. There are no strange rocks here, and there is just a big mud pit! Although the pig demon has white hair and looks very clean, it seems that the habit of soaking in mud pits like domestic pigs and wild boars has not been lost.

The appearance of Luming fruit looks like an apple, and its size is also the size of an apple. Xiong San doesn't know the grade of the ingredients of Luming fruit, but judges from its color that it seems to be about to ripen. The reason why the pig demons gather together is that It should also be because of this reason.

Xiong San has always had enough interest in fairy fruit, because this kind of thing can be used to brew his favorite fairy wine. Usually, when he finds fairy fruit, he will first check the quality of the ingredients of fairy fruit. The reason why Xiong San didn't check the grade of the fairy fruit this time was because his divine sense was discovered by the pig demon king in the group of pig demons as soon as he reached the top of the mountain! The Pig Demon King sprayed out white flames from his nose to attack Xiong San's divine sense. If Xiong San's divine sense hadn't flashed fast enough, the divine sense would definitely be hit by the dangerous white flame.

"There are quite a few pig demons, let's go and see their strength first!"

After the divine sense returned to the body, Xiong San flew directly to the top of the mountain, he was going to test the depth of these pig demons.

Before the pig demon king didn't discover Xiong San's divine sense, the pig demons were very lazy and soaked in the mud pit, but after the pig demon king discovered Xiong San's divine sense, the originally lazy pig demons had become wary When they got up, they all came to the vicinity of the Luming fruit tree.

The Luming Fruit Tree is only as tall as a person, and there is a Luming Fruit growing on it, which is also what the Pig Demon King needs.

"Hm Chi Hm Chi!"

The pig demon king found Xiong San flying towards the top of the mountain, and it yelled at its companions.

Hearing the pig demon king's call, all the pig demons became alert. They looked at Xiong San flying over, and the manes on their backs stood up.


As if giving orders, with another call from the pig demon king, the manes on the backs of more than fifty pig demons all shot at Xiong San in the distance.

The pig demons are not small in size, and each bristle on their backs is like a steel needle, and it makes a sharp sound of breaking wind after shooting out.

The incalculable amount of pig hairs shot at Xiong San like a rain of arrows. Although the momentum was huge, Xiong San didn't take the coming rain of pig hair arrows seriously. From the attack launched this time, it can be seen that the strength of the pig demon is not high, that is, it is only an immortal cultivator equivalent to the realm of transforming gods.

Xiong San frowned, and he mobilized the energy of heaven and earth to press down on the rain of pig hair arrows.

The air seemed to be hardened, and the rain of pig hair arrows, which was originally very vigorous, encountered resistance, and while unable to make an inch of progress, it couldn't help but fell downwards.

"Hm Chi Hm Chi!"

The pig demons that shot out their manes yelled, and the pig hairs that were sinking downward flew back towards them and grew on their backs again.

"You have launched an attack, this time it is my turn!"

Xiong San took out a long black knife and struck at the pig demon on the top of the mountain.

The saber qi slashed at the pig monsters on the top of the mountain one after another, and those pig monsters kept making "humming, humming" sounds. As they made this sound, white flames shot out from their noses one after another. , trying to disintegrate the saber energy that Xiong San slashed.

Compared with Xiong San, the strength of the pig monsters is too big. The white flames from their nostrils can't affect the sword energy at all. The top of the mountain is suddenly covered with blood. , without exception, became two halves.

When Xiong San slaughtered the pig demon, the pig demon king watched all this quietly, not even uttering a groan.

Although the strength of the pig monster is not good, in Xiong San's opinion, the strength of the pig monster king should be okay, and it has never made a move to help the pig monster, which also makes Xiong San more cautious, after all, this is a very abnormal thing .

The difference in strength was too great, Xiong San quickly eliminated more than 50 pig monsters, the corpses of pig monsters were everywhere on the top of the mountain, and the only pig monster that was still alive was the one who was looking at him now The pig demon king.

Xiong San frowned, he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the pig demon king's gourd, and why he could watch his companions die one by one without moving!

"Could it be that you know that I want to get the Luming fruit, so you stay next to the Luming fruit tree, thinking that I will not dare to attack you because I am afraid of hurting the Luming fruit tree?"

Xiong San thought of a possibility, but even he himself found this possibility very unconvincing.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of hurting the Luming fruit tree, I just need to bring the Luming fruit back to the deer demon."

Xiong San shook his head and smiled, he raised his hand and slashed at the Pig Demon King.

The saber aura does not seem to be any different from the previous saber aura, but the speed of this saber aura seems to be a bit slow, with a mountain-like heaviness.

A seemingly ordinary knife is actually not ordinary at all, this knife is the domineering 'Crazy Demon Knife'! After leaving the enchantment with Gu Zheng last time, Gu Zheng had already taught Xiong San the 'Crazy Demon Knife'. Moreover, since Xiong San's strength has reached the Golden Immortal realm, there is no such thing as backlash when he casts the 'Crazy Sword'.

Seeing that the sword energy was about to reach his body, the Pig Demon King was still the same as before, not moving at all without any panic.

The knife qi crossed the pig demon king's body, but the pig demon king was not split into a pile of meat as imagined, because it was not a real existence at all, it was just a phantom.

In fact, not only the pig demon king is a phantom, but even the Luming fruit tree is a phantom. They disappeared because of the attack of the "Mad Demon Knife", and the only living things in a huge range seemed to be the dumbfounded bear. three.

Xiong San was really dumbfounded, he was 100% sure that there were indeed pig demon kings and Luming fruit trees on the top of the mountain during the investigation by divine sense! Even after his body came over, he was 100% sure that the Pig Demon King had indeed issued the call to order the Pig Demon! However, when did the Pig Demon King become unreal, even if he thought about it carefully, he could find nothing.

Since the pig demon king is illusory, what about those pig demons who were killed?

Xiong San's body was not close to the top of the mountain, and now he couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes, so he wanted to use his divine sense to investigate the corpses of those pig monsters.

Something beyond Xiong San's imagination happened again. As soon as Xiong San's divine sense flew to the top of the mountain, a huge suction force came out from the mud pit. It felt like the mud pit on the top of the mountain was actually a giant mouth. A powerful suction force engulfed Xiong San's divine sense.

Xiong San's divine sense was indeed swallowed up by the mud pit, when it faced that strong suction, it didn't even have any room to struggle.

Fortunately, Xiong San's divine sense engulfed by the mud pit was only a divine sense for investigation. If such a divine sense was eliminated, the body would be nothing more than a headache.

Xiong San is very fortunate that he didn't attack the pig demon with the light of his divine sense before! Because of the strong suction of the mud pit, he understands that if he uses the light spots of spiritual thoughts to attack, his light spots of spiritual thoughts will also be sucked away by the mud pit, and once the light spots of spiritual thoughts that can launch attacks are eliminated, the backlash he will face It will be a short coma, even if this short coma is very short, it is enough for the pig demon king to launch a killer move on him! Just like now, even though Xiong San only had a pain in the head, two white flames shot out from the mountain, and the aura attached to them showed that the one who attacked him was the pig demon king.


Xiong San gritted his teeth, and hit the flying flame with his palm.

Xiong San didn't keep his hand in this palm. Immortal power mixed with the energy of heaven and earth formed a huge palm, which not only extinguished the white flame, but also landed on the mountain without weakening.


There was a loud noise, and a deep palm print appeared on the mountain where the flames shot out.

Xiong San's palm sent a palm print on the mountain, but it missed the Pig Demon King hiding in the mountain.

At the same time, the mud in the mud pit on the top of the mountain rolled up, and the mud flowed out of the mud pit.

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