"The subordinate you mentioned is a bird?" Xiong San asked.

"Yes." said the nun.

Xiong San suddenly realized that after hearing the female nun's voice transmission, he heard the sound of something falling from the sky. From the sound, he judged that it was a bird, but a bird was flying and falling. It was a strange thing, but he didn't take it to heart, and he didn't connect with the owner of the mysterious voice.

"I'm very curious about the things in this world, can you tell me something about this world?" Xiong San asked.

"Okay, fellow daoist, come and find me!"

The female cultivator told Xiong San a place, and Xiong San knew that it was an abyss in the yellow sand world, and it was also a forbidden area in the eyes of the crown man, the bird monster, and the golden-haired wolf king, because there were powerful abyss monsters there.

"Why did I go to you instead of you to me?" Xiong San asked cautiously.

"Fellow Daoist should have searched the soul of the Golden Retriever Wolf King, right?" the female cultivator asked.

"It is true that I searched the soul of the Golden Retriever Wolf King, so I am also very curious about what happened to you all those years ago." Xiong San nodded.

"Even if fellow daoists don't ask about what happened back then, I will tell you the truth when I see you! I can only say that I didn't die in the battle in Huangsha City back then, I was just forced to jump into it. The abyss. After jumping into the abyss, although I didn’t die, I couldn’t leave the abyss again, so I asked fellow Taoists to come to me!”

The female cultivator paused, and then said: "I am also dissatisfied with fellow daoist, fellow daoist is the key for me to leave the abyss, and even this world of yellow sand, and I am also the key for fellow daoist to leave this world, after all, this is not a place to talk , those three guys will soon know that you are in the ruins."

For Xiong San, the reappearance of the female cultivator's voice made him excited, but the excitement was nothing but excitement. He didn't believe anyone in this world. What if there was a trap waiting for him in the abyss? He dare not take the risk! What's more, he still has a choice now, isn't he already driven to a dead end and must go to that abyss. In addition, even though Xiong San doesn't feel too sad when he thinks about Lingzhu now, he will not forget that Lingzhu died in the abyss. Good impression.

However, speaking again, Xiong San is more willing to trust this female cultivator than the three male cultivators in Huangsha City. At least up to now, the female cultivator has not shown any malice towards him, so he did not directly reject the female cultivator. Instead, a new question was asked.

"Why did those three people place restrictions on this statue? What are they trying to cover up?" Xiong San asked.

The female cultivator sighed, Xiong San didn't say anything more about looking for her, she had already deeply felt Xiong San's distrust.

"The statue is an opportunity covered by the prohibition, because none of us can comprehend it, so they also covered it with the restriction, so that no one can see it after entering the ruins, so as to comprehend it or something. You don't have to, fellow daoist It's useless, with your cultivation, it is impossible to destroy the restriction without alarming them!"

The female cultivator was not angry because Xiong San didn't go to the abyss, she still answered Xiong San's question, but her voice became a little lost.

"If I break the restriction, how long will it take for the enemy to arrive?" Xiong San murmured.

"The monsters in the barracks will arrive soon. As for the three guys in Huangsha City, it will take about five or six days to arrive, but this is only in terms of distance, and there is no possibility of them appearing." Variables are included," said the nun.

"You said before that your subordinate is just eyes, so you should have subordinates who are more powerful than 'eyes'?" Xiong San asked again.

"Indeed, but my subordinates can't compare with those three guys in terms of numbers. What do you want to do?" the female cultivator asked.

"I want to break this restriction and see if I can comprehend the fate on the statue. If I can't comprehend it, then I will go to the abyss to find you. If I can comprehend it, then it will be difficult to protect myself for a while. I hope you will provide me with protection at that time."

Xiong San's proposal was not only a gamble, but he also wanted to see if the nun's answer was what he wanted. If the nun didn't refuse, then he would really consider doing what he said in the proposal.


The female cultivator didn't hesitate too much, she just sighed: "Since fellow daoists want to do this, then I'll make you a fellow daoist, but I really don't have many subordinates, and they are enough and can be transferred in a short time." There is only one here, and it alone is not enough to stop all the monsters in the barracks! If fellow daoist really enters comprehension by chance, then fellow daoist himself will be very dangerous, this point should be considered by fellow daoist clear."

"It's a bet!"

Xiong San suddenly laughed, on this matter, he actually didn't need the nun to do anything, all he wanted to see was the attitude of the nun.

"I will go to the abyss to find you if something happens here, but I don't need the protection of your subordinates. Before breaking the restriction, I will solve all the troubles in the barracks!"

Xiong San paused, and then said: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"It seems that you are very sure about comprehending the opportunity on the statue!" the female cultivator murmured.

"There is a little bit of certainty, but it's actually not that big."

Xiong San smiled slightly. When the female cultivator didn't tell him the opportunity hidden in the statue, he didn't have any special feeling, but when the female cultivator told him that the statue was hidden in the opportunity, he suddenly had a kind of ability to recall the opportunity that was hidden on the statue. The feeling of comprehension by chance that has not met.

Xiong San's feeling does not come from blind self-confidence, but from the sixth consciousness, so at this moment he seems to be a little happy, but in fact he is already happy.

"Fellow Daoist, I know you don't believe me, but I really don't intend to harm you. There are some things that I have to discuss after seeing you. How can Fellow Daoists break the restriction without alarming those three guys?"

Hearing what the female cultivator said, Xiong San frowned and said, "Aren't you afraid that what I say won't count?"

"Anyway, what I'm telling is the truth. If fellow daoists want to leave this world, they will have to go to the abyss sooner or later. Whether the process is simple or tortuous depends entirely on the trust of fellow daoists. However, being I've been stuck in the abyss for so many years, I'm not in a hurry to figure it out, I can only tell fellow Taoists to be more careful, whenever you go to the abyss, I welcome you!"

The female cultivator doesn't expect Xiong San to believe her completely just because of her words, but she hopes that some embarrassment or guilt expressions will appear on Xiong San's face, which will make him not stick to his original intention, and everything that he thought would have to wait until Xiong San enters the abyss. Make her more comfortable.

"Okay, this relationship is good! I like the feeling of letting myself be the master, so please tell me the method to break the ban!"

Xiong San's expression disappointed the female cultivator, she couldn't see embarrassment or guilt from Xiong San's face. However, Xiong San was able to change her name, which was somewhat comforting to her.

After the female cultivator told Xiong San the method to break the restriction, Xiong San walked out of the ruins. Now that there is a method to break the restriction without disturbing the immortal cultivators in Huangsha City, Xiong San's original plan also needs to be changed clicked.

Xiong San originally wanted to kill the monsters in the barracks. Anyway, when the restriction was broken, the immortal cultivators in Huangsha City would know. Killing the monsters in the barracks first would save a little effort. But now that breaking the restriction will not alarm the immortal cultivators in Huangsha City, Xiong San can't kill the monsters in the barracks, which will lead to his whereabouts being revealed in advance.

It's not impossible for Xiong San not to kill the monsters in the barracks and not let them become troubles, it's just that this process requires him to spend a little more effort.

Through invisibility, Xiong San easily approached the Golden Retriever Wolf King's residence.

The Golden Retriever Wolf King is currently doing a small retreat. Its so-called small retreat is actually sleeping, and it is also a monster that can cultivate in sleep.

The Golden Retriever Wolf King in his sleep state would wake up at the slightest sign of trouble, which may have caused him to be careless. He did not set up any powerful restrictions or fairy formations outside his residence.

Xiong Sanzhi activated his immortal supernatural power, and this kind of supernatural power can only absorb people in an open environment, if that is the case, it will be too weak. However, if there is the protection of this prohibition or divine sense, and the arrangement that plays a protective role is indeed strong enough, it can also have a certain impact on the fairyland. But it's a pity that the Golden Retriever Wolf King didn't take any of these protective measures that could affect the fairyland. He really didn't expect that Xiong San, who had disappeared for a while, was actually in his barracks. What's more, it didn't expect that it had already been taken into the fairyland by Xiong San, but it didn't remember it.

After being affected by the Immortal Domain, the sleeping golden wolf king immediately woke up, but he couldn't do anything when he woke up, and soon fell into a deep sleep again because he couldn't resist the attack of drowsiness.

After the Golden Retriever Wolf King fell into a deep sleep, Xiong San immediately took over the fairyland. Before the Golden Retriever Wolf King woke up, he planted a restraint on the Golden Retriever Wolf King, making it fall into a deep sleep again.

Xiong San let the Golden Retriever Wolf King fall into a deep sleep, naturally he wanted to make up a memory for him, so that he could solve the trouble later.

Xiong San's so-called solution to the trouble is to make most of the monsters fall into a deep sleep, and turn the barracks, which was originally a dangerous place, into a non-dangerous place.

After Xiong San changed the Golden Retriever Wolf King's memory, he left the Golden Retriever Wolf King's residence and found a place to hide.

A moment later, the Golden Retriever Wolf King woke up from his sleep and walked out of the residence. He howled wolf to call all his subordinates in the barracks.

In the memory of the Golden Retriever Wolf King, its master gave it an order to tell all the monsters in the barracks about this order. Although the Golden Retriever Wolf King is also very strange, why the master didn't tell it this order through his mind, but through a dream, but he was afraid of the fat cultivator, so he didn't dare to ask the fat cultivator about this matter By.

Xiong San had searched for the soul of the Golden Retriever Wolf King before, and it was precisely because he knew that the Golden Retriever Wolf King was afraid of fat cultivators that he concluded that the Golden Retriever Wolf King would not have the guts to ask fat cultivators about such abnormalities. In order to save time, the memory of the Golden Retriever Wolf King was not made up too perfectly. And in real time, it also proved that Xiong San didn't need to make up the memory of the Golden Retriever Wolf King too perfectly, the Golden Retriever Wolf King was already doing things according to his requirements.

All the monsters in the barracks were summoned by the Golden Retriever Wolf King, and they lined up neatly, like well-trained soldiers.

Before the Golden Retriever Wolf King could read his order, Xiong San had already activated the second Immortal Realm, and more than 400 monsters were all taken into the Immortal Realm.

The fairyland that Xiong San took the monsters into this time belonged to his pink fairyland. As soon as the monsters entered this fairyland, they immediately did some things that people don't want to describe.

Xiong San is also helpless, and he has no choice but to use this pink fairyland for the monsters, because he has no body in the fairyland of Nightmare, even if he can make the monsters fall into a deep sleep, once he takes over the fairyland, the monsters will be very scared. He will wake up soon, and in that short period of time, he has the ability to restrain one or two monster species so that they cannot wake up, but he is unable to restrain hundreds of monster species in such a short period of time. ! And once a monster wakes up and knows what happened before, then all the cultivators in Huangsha City will also know about it.

Xiong San in the pink fairyland has a body, otherwise he would not have had affairs with Jiang Ru and Fairy Feiyu, so he is also capable of restricting more than 400 demon species in the fairyland. However, the characteristics of the fairyland determine that even he himself is a bit difficult to control in such a fairyland, so the next thing he has to do is to test his endurance. After all, it is to put a ban on more than 400 demon species. Every minute and every second is suffering!

Finally, Xiong San imposed a restriction on more than 400 monster species. With red eyes, he panted heavily. The experience just now was like purgatory for him. The monsters are banned, which is really too much a test for the will.

After adjusting his breath for a while, the recovering Xiong San began to make up the memory of some necessary monsters. After he finished making up the memory of these monsters, the monsters would think that the three cultivators had come to the barracks, and then absolutely Most of the monsters have been transformed, so those monsters will fall into a deep sleep. And in the next period of time, other monsters in the barracks still live as usual, collecting crystal light energy when they need to collect crystal light energy, and doing what they have to do. Moreover, Xiong San didn't have to worry about monsters discovering the abnormalities at the entrance of the ruins, because he had already explained to the monsters in the barracks that the ruins were a restricted area during this period, so there was no need to go there to inspect them.

Xiong San entered the ruins, but did not go to the main hall immediately. He set up formation restrictions in the ruins, and then rested for a day. After the fairyland supernatural power could be displayed again, he walked towards the main hall.

As soon as Xiong San entered the hall, the nun's voice sounded again.

"How? Did it go well?" the nun asked.

"It's going well, and I'm going to open the restriction next."

Xiong San paused, and then said: "If I can gain some insight, I should enter the mysterious realm. At that time, I will be in a state where it is difficult to protect myself, so before breaking the restriction, I want to arrange a Some fairy formations and restrictions to protect yourself, fellow daoists, you don’t mind, do you?”

"do not mind."

Even though the nun said so, Xiong San still felt uncomfortable in her voice.

"As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, but you must not have the heart to guard against others!"

Xiong San laughed, and the female cultivator didn't say anything more about this issue, instead she took the initiative to bring up the things Xiong San was curious about before.

"Those things that fellow daoist are curious about, do you want me to tell you now, or wait until you meet me?"

Hearing what the female cultivator said, Xiong San hurriedly said: "Of course I want Fellow Daoist to tell me now!"

"All right!"

The nun sighed, since Xiong San was not afraid of wasting time, she started her narration.

The female cultivator had a very good relationship with the three immortal cultivators in Huangsha City. When the female cultivator accidentally discovered the entrance of the enchantment, she invited the three male cultivators who had a good relationship with her to enter the enchantment together. .

After wandering in the enchantment for a while, the nuns and the others were naturally very curious about the enchantment. Like Xiong San, they met the deer demon by chance, and finally entered this yellow sand world.

At the beginning of entering the yellow sand world, Nvxiu and the others didn't find anything special. After all, there was a restriction left by the original owner at the entrance of the ruins at that time. They stayed in the yellow sand world for a year before they saw through the restriction, and thus broke the restriction and entered the ruins.

In the year when she first entered the world of Huangsha, the female cultivator had a good relationship with the three immortal cultivators. They built the Huangsha City together, and worked together to discover the secrets of this world and how to leave this world.

The female cultivator and the others had indeed found many treasures in the stone chambers that Xiong San had seen before, but at that time, no one had any disputes over the treasures, and they all knew about the weapons, and the rooms on both sides of the corridor were not The real treasure, the real treasure must be in the more important buildings, so when the treasures are distributed, each one is also very generous.

Before entering the ruins hall, the female cultivator and the others made an agreement, that is, after everyone walks out of the hall, they must search each other's souls to clear their innocence. The reason why there is such an agreement is because the people have not been separated before, but judging from the restrictions on the gate of the main hall, after they enter the main hall, they will appear in different spaces. It was agreed at the beginning that all the rewards will be shared equally by everyone. Now that there is such a vacuum, searching each other's souls afterwards is also a kind of magnanimous gentleman's behavior. What are you afraid of?

No one objected to the soul search agreement, and everyone entered different spaces in the hall, but unfortunately these spaces disappeared after they left, so Xiong San did not have similar encounters in the hall.

The female cultivator was the first to come out of the space among the four. She was the first to come out and did not touch the other treasures in the hall.

The female cultivator experienced some things in the space that belonged to her, and at the same time knew some things. She already had a premonition that she was about to break up with her original friend. She glanced at the things on the statue that represented chance, and then On the wall of the main hall, a ban that can be used to monitor the main hall and make a sound is laid in the future.

As soon as the female cultivator arranged the restraint, the other three immortal cultivators came out of their respective spaces one after another. They also knew something in their respective spaces, and they all understood that if they could comprehend the things that represented chance on the statue, It will be the biggest harvest of the trip to the ruins! Therefore, everyone concentrated on observing the things on the statue.

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