The crystal lights all over the sky swirled in front of Xiong San's eyes, like stars shifting. Looking at those crystal lights, Xiong San had already forgotten everything. He only felt that those crystal lights were attracting him, and every bit of crystal light was like a wonderful world.

Xiong San didn't know how to catch that wonderful crystal light, he could only wander behind the crystal light, this process was the process that Xiong San spent the most time in the mysterious realm.

As Xiong San wandered behind Jingguang, he gradually had a wonderful connection with Jingguang, which made him understand that this time the opportunity was not chosen by him, but the opportunity chose him.

In the end, a little Jingguang took the initiative to approach Xiong San and entered Xiong San's mind.

Xiong San met the owner of the ruins and saw him performing a set of exercises related to Jingguang.

The so-called opportunity to choose Xiong San is actually the transmission of kung fu by spiritual thoughts, and thus Xiong San learned the set of kung fu performed by the owner of the ruins.

"In any case, Fellow Daoist finally got a chance, this is a happy thing!"

After hearing what Xiong San said, the female cultivator was also a little emotional, such a thing as chance is really something that cannot be forced.

"Fellow Daoist, there is one thing that is strange to me. You have also seen the photo of the owner of the ruins, but has that photo taken a deep look at you? It is the kind of look that seems to see through everything about you , and the expression afterwards, is still the kind of hesitating to speak?"

Xiong San was a little strange, the eyes and expression he described were exactly the eyes and expression of the owner of the ruins after the end of the transmission of spiritual thoughts.

"I have seen that kind of eyes that can be seen through at a glance, but I have never seen the expression that hesitated to speak." The female cultivator said.

Unable to understand what that hesitant expression was, Xiong San didn't want to think about it any more, and asked Gu Zheng when he saw him, and he might be able to answer with his knowledge.

"Fellow daoist, I'm curious about one more thing. If it's not convenient for you to answer, that's fine." The female cultivator asked again.

"Tell me!" Xiong San said.

"Regarding the crystal light technique, we have seen the phantom of the spiritual mind of the owner of the ruins perform it, but it is not a spiritual power, and the power is also very powerful. Since you have obtained the transmission of the crystal light technique, you can Just now I saw the boxing skills performed by fellow Taoists, it seems that apart from the weird boxing style, the power can only be regarded as normal boxing style, what is the reason for this?" the female cultivator asked.

"This question asked by Fellow Daoist, I think you will see the answer in a short time."

Xiong San smiled strangely, and didn't say much on this issue.

"Fellow Daoist, why did that yellow-haired guy you said leave?" Xiong San asked and changed the subject.

"That guy is making arrangements in the barracks. At first I was worried about what method fellow Taoists would use to get them out of the ruins, but now it seems that I don't have to worry about that problem. Since that guy is making arrangements in the barracks, then It means that they want to leave the ruins, and want to lead fellow daoists out of the protected area! It's just that they don't think that the departure of fellow daoists will directly enter the abyss."

Through the outside 'eyes', the female cultivator already has some understanding of what Tan Zhuojue has done.

Not long after, Tan Zhuojue, who had finished the arrangements, returned to the main hall. After he communicated with Guo Lingnian through sound transmission, Guo Lingnian's face became very ugly, and then the two flew out of the main hall.

Both Guo Lingnian and Tan Zhuojue pretended, there was really no other way, they could only pretend to leave in a hurry, hoping that Xiong San would take action.

Xiong San saw through the tricks of Guo Lingnian and Tan Zhuojue, and it wasn't some difficult trick to see through.

"Two fellow daoists, please stay behind!"

When Xiong San spoke at this time, Guo Lingnian and Tan Zhuojue were overjoyed. Since they wanted to pretend, they pretended to be a little more like it. The two didn't stop at all, as if something bad was going to happen in the hall, they rushed out left the hall.

Guo Lingnian had just rushed out of the hall, and the joy in his heart turned into shock, a strange force suddenly emerged from his body, causing his right hand to slap Tan Zhuojue beside him involuntarily.

Tan Zhuojue didn't expect that Guo Lingnian would attack him suddenly, and he slapped him on the face very quickly.

However, a slap is just a slap after all, not a slap or a punch when actually attacking a person. This slap did not cause any injuries to Tan Zhuojue, but it just made Tan Zhuojue a little confused.


Unbearable, Guo Lingnian turned his head and roared towards the hall, he already understood that the weird strength in his body was related to the wind of Xiong San's fist that hit him directly.

"Boy, you better not come out!"

After saying something to the hall again, Guo Lingnian gave Tan Zhuojue a look, and the two still flew forward.

"What's the situation?"

Inexplicably slapped, Tan Zhuojue had to ask Guo Lingnian.

"That bastard's fist style is weird!"

Guo Lingnian told Tan Zhuojue the reason through voice transmission.

"Can the crystal light attack allow fellow daoists to manipulate other people's bodies?"

The female cultivator's shocked voice sounded, she thought that Xiong San's fist was too powerful, but now she doesn't dare to think so! After all, Dao Xiongsan's realm is only the early stage of Golden Immortal, and Guo Lingnian's realm is already at the early stage of Daluo Golden Immortal! It is unimaginable that a cultivator in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian would be manipulated by a cultivator in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

"Actually, he's not that powerful. After all, he's a big Luo Jinxian. I can only play a little prank when he's not on guard. And, if I can play such a little prank, punch him three times and enter his body The power of crystal light has also been used up." Xiong San sighed.

"This is already very powerful, okay? He couldn't find the power of crystal light entering his body before. What a terrifying thing! Besides, fellow daoists have just obtained the inheritance, and the skills should be greatly improved. Space? The skills can be improved, and the cultivation of fellow Taoists can also be improved. Even if it is not so scary now, it will definitely be very scary in the future!" The female cultivator said seriously.

Xiong San didn't speak, because the nun's analysis was good.

In the following time, Tan Zhuojue and Guo Lingnian never entered the hall again. The two cats were in the barracks, holding back their energy and waiting for Xiong San to come out.

"not good!"

Guo Lingnian yelled with his eyes closed, and he felt a wave of space coming from the depths of the ruins.

Because he was afraid that Xiong San would not come out because of worry, Guo Lingnian didn't dare to set up restrictions that could be used for surveillance in the hall, so Guo Lingnian didn't know exactly what happened in the hall. However, the occurrence of spatial fluctuations in the hall is a big variable for Guo Lingnian. This variable is very likely to allow Xiong San to disappear into their siege without going out of the hall.

At this moment, the space vortex had already appeared in the hall, and Xiong San who stood up finally broke away from the statue that had protected him for two days, and flew into the vortex that seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

The vision in front of him alternates between light and dark, and Xiong San appears in an unfamiliar environment.

The strange environment is a stone room, in which there are glowing crystals, so the light is not dark.

In addition to the glowing spar, there are all kinds of luxurious decorations in the stone room. Xiong San thinks that these things are the harvest of the female cultivators in the ruins back then.

The nun was standing not far from Xiong San, she was trying to show a friendly smile to Xiong San. However, due to the damage done to her body by the power of the curse, she looks really scary now that she is neither human nor ghost.

"I'm so glad to see you fellow Daoist!"

The nun was the first to speak, her voice was colder and hoarse than the sound transmission.

"me too!"

Xiong San felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he chuckled and said, "What about the promise you made to me?"

"I didn't forget!"

The female nun spoke hastily, and then threw a storage belt on the dressing table to Xiong San.

Xiong San took the storage belt, checked it roughly after recognizing the owner, and couldn't help laughing: "Daoist friend said before, give me the jade slip when you see me, but what I said is, leave After the abyss, fellow daoist will give me half of the benefits you got in the ruins! Now that I have just entered the abyss, why did fellow daoist give me the benefits?"

The storage belt that the female cultivator gave to Xiong San contains all kinds of cultivation resources, if poured out, it would not fit in a house. Xiong San is very greedy, but Xiong San is not greedy, he is willing to believe that this is half of the resources that the female cultivator got in the ruins.

"I sincerely call you fellow daoist. If you can get out of the abyss, I will give you resources according to the agreement. If you can't get out of the abyss, I have an extra fellow daoist who can talk, and I will give you half of it." The resources are also willing!" The nun laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiong San also laughed, and after accepting the storage belt, he said again: "Fellow Daoist, is it convenient now? If it is convenient, let's go and see the last test now."

"It's not enough right now. Fellow Daoist wait for me for a day, and I still need to adjust my breathing." The female nun said.

"Okay, fellow daoist, adjust your breath, and I will wander in the abyss."

The reason why Xiong San said that was also to avoid suspicion.

"Fellow Daoist, if it is to avoid suspicion, there is no need for it. I believe that Fellow Daoist is not a bad person. If you just want to stroll around, you can take it with you, so that the monsters in the abyss will not attack you. But if Fellow Daoist I just want to practice, I hope fellow Taoists forget it, I have been in the abyss for so many years, the monsters in the abyss have regarded me as the same kind, although I am not their same kind, but after so many years in the abyss, they have not hurt me , I also hope fellow Taoists don’t hurt them.”

The female cultivator picked a water plant from her body and handed it to Xiong San, but Xiong San didn't go to pick it up. He just wanted to avoid suspicion. Since the female cultivator didn't care, he just waited for her in the female cultivator's room for a day.

Although female nuns adjust breath, it does not affect communication.

"Fellow Daoist, actually, I think we are very likely to pass the test. After all, you have obtained the inheritance of the owner of the ruins." The female cultivator said.

"I think so too." Xiong San smiled.

"After going out from here, what's your plan, Fellow Daoist?" the female cultivator asked again.

"I feel that you are okay, fellow daoist, so let me ask you what your plan is first!" Xiong San said with a smile.

"What a strange way to ask questions!"

The female cultivator smiled, and then said: "After I go out from here, I want to leave the barrier as soon as possible, and then search in the wilderness to see if there is any way to relieve my curse power."

"If fellow daoist wants to release the power of the curse, I can take fellow daoist to see my master, I think my master should have a way!"

Hearing what Xiong San said, the female cultivator who had her eyes closed opened her eyes: "Where is the master of fellow Taoist?"

"My master is in the barrier, this time he brought us out to practice." Gu Zheng said.

"That's great! If Master Daoist can help me undo the power of the curse, I will definitely thank you very much!"

The female repairer was adjusting her breath, and she didn't dare to get too excited, but Xiong San could feel her excitement.

The female cultivator and Xiong San were chatting happily, while Guo Lingnian in the ruins hall was furious.

Originally, Guo Lingnian thought that as long as he went out to catch Xiong San, it would not be difficult, but no one would have thought that he would have paid the price of losing his cultivation base, and finally let Xiong San escape. Moreover, in the process, he still held his breath.

"What should we do now?"

Having watched Guo Lingnian lose his temper for a while, Tan Zhuoqun thought that the silent man had lost his anger, so he asked cautiously.

"What should I do? Cold salad!"

Guo Lingnian was about to explode, he hated himself for not taking Mrs. Xiong seriously before, and now he has missed the opportunity.

Although Guo Lingnian and others have never entered the abyss, they all know the power of the abyss monster. If the abyss monster is not too powerful, they would have gone to the abyss to experience it. Therefore, even though Guo Lingnian was very annoyed, it was impossible for him to catch people in the abyss.

"Wait! If someone comes in again in the Year of the Monkey, don't be careless." Guo Lingnian gritted his teeth.

"It can only be like this!"

Tan Zhuojue breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Guo Lingnian would drag them into the abyss to arrest people impulsively, and he wanted to live a few more years.

"It's a panic! The crisis that could have been resolved has lost its solution because of carelessness."

Guo Lingnian jumped up like an angry child, and then he looked at the statue in the hall with resentful eyes.

"What's the use of keeping you? Your chance has been realized by others, and you have provided him with protection. You should have ceased to exist long ago!"

Furious, Guo Lingnian slashed at the statue. He thought that Xiong San, who was protected by the statue, had already left, and the statue should become ordinary. However, Guo Lingnian did not expect that there was still crystal light shining on the seemingly ordinary statue, and his saber energy was still reflected back.

"Okay, okay, you can still fight back!"

Guo Lingnian gritted his teeth, he was in love with the statue in the following time.

It's a pity that despite Guo Lingnian's exhausted means, even with Tan Zhuojue, they couldn't destroy the statue.

"These two guys are really convulsed!"

The female cultivator's restriction still remained in the hall, so Xiong San was able to see what happened in the hall through the light curtain in the sky.

"It's not convulsions, it's nowhere to vent!" The female cultivator shook her head.

"They can't destroy the statue, there are still many chances on the statue, it is waiting for its destined person." Xiong San murmured.

After the female cultivator finished her breath adjustment, she and Xiong San left the room, preparing to go to the place where the last test was.

The female nun's room is on the stone wall of the abyss. When leaving the female nun's room, Xiong San took the water plants given by the nun with him, so as to save some unnecessary troubles on the way.

The abyss is very dark, and the sound of the water below can be clearly heard. There are light spots in front of it that appear and disappear, and Xiong San can see them with his eyesight. Those so-called light spots are the luminous parts of some fish-like monsters.


There was a sudden noise in the unfathomable water below, and the water column that appeared like a fountain was tens of feet high.

A six-foot-long monster that looked like a seahorse but had wings rose up with the water column. It uttered a small call to the nun, and then glanced at Xiong San beside the nun, shaking its head and tail. flew forward.

Xiong San was a little shocked, he saw at a glance that the strength of the dragon-shaped monster was equivalent to that of the late Da Luo Jinxian.

"There are actually many monsters of this level in the abyss!"

Hearing what the female cultivator said, Xiong San couldn't help looking at the abyss under his feet, feeling more and more unfathomable.

"Is that monster just saying hello to Fellow Daoist?" Xiong San asked.

"Yes!" said the nun.

"Can't fellow daoists dispatch such a powerful monster?" Xiong San asked again.

"Sure, if I could dispatch them, I would have already let them complete the test for me, but unfortunately I just won't be attacked by them." The female nun laughed.

"Fellow Daoist, if you leave the abyss, can you take away those monsters that you regard as 'eyes' or thugs?" Xiong San asked again.

"I can't take them away. They all belong to the abyss. If I can take them away, I will definitely choose one of them to be my spirit beast. There is no way for me to make them my spirit beasts."

The nunxiu and Xiong San were chatting and flying like this, monsters passed by them from time to time, among them the powerful ones always made Xiong San feel emotional.

The two flew in the abyss for about half an hour, and finally saw the cave where the last test was.

The cave is on the stone wall of the abyss, before getting too close, Xiong San already felt the extreme cold force gushing out of the cave.

Even though the distance is very far, Xiong San can still feel the horror of the extreme cold power, and he already knows from the nun's narration that this extreme cold power is just the normal breathing of the monster in the cave.

"If such extreme cold power is sprayed on a cultivator at close range, it will have the destructive power to injure a cultivator in the early stage of golden immortality!" Xiong San said with emotion.

"Sure! After all, it is already equivalent to a monster in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian."

The nun's voice fell to the ground, and she gave Xiong San a careful look, and the two flew into the cave at the same time.

The cave is very spacious, but not very deep, with Xiong San's eyesight, he can see the end at a glance.

Xiong San saw the monster at the bottom of the cave, its body surface was surrounded by a layer of crystal light, its whole body color was blue, it looked like a dragon but not a dragon.

When Xiong San saw the blue monster, the blue monster who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. Its huge yellow eyes were so deep that they wanted to attract people's attention! And when it stared at Xiong San, Xiong San immediately felt like he wanted to suffocate.

Seeing the difference in Xiong San's expression, the female cultivator immediately wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Xiong San's hand.

The blue monster let out a cry like a dragon chant, it stood up and looked at Xiong Sandao: "The first inheritor in the ruins will become my master, but your skill level is too low, wait for you to learn the skill After reaching the third level, you can take me out of the abyss!"

The blue monster said something that shocked the female cultivator, and then it spit out a blue inner alchemy from its mouth. The inner alchemy just touched the void, and a hole appeared in the void immediately.

"Now you can take her away, I look forward to meeting you again!"

The blue monster seemed to be tired, and after saying this, it lay down on the ground again, and then snored.


The female cultivator's eyes were still wide open, she really didn't know what to say.

Originally, the female cultivator thought that because Xiong San understood the fate on the statue, this final test should be easy to pass, but what she didn't expect was that this easy pass would be so easy, even without a symbolic fight occur.

Xiong San blinked his wide eyes vigorously, he was also very surprised that such a thing happened.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

Xiong San, who had accepted the reality, laughed, he really didn't think that the chance would have a follow-up. Moreover, although the blue monster is not yet his spirit beast, he has a special feeling for the blue monster. This feeling makes him understand that this spirit is high enough to be able to speak, and its strength is equivalent to that of the Daluo Jinxian. In the later stage, once the monster recognizes its master, it will enter a stage of growth again, and its final strength will not stop at the realm equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian!

No matter how excited they were, Xiong San and the female cultivator did not dare to waste time, because the crack in the void was closing.

Through the crack in the void, Xiong San and Nvxiu returned to the barrier again, and the place where they appeared was the Taniguchi where they entered the yellow sand world.

"It's out, it's finally out!"

The female cultivator yelled excitedly and almost didn't cry.

"Let's go! Take you to see my master."

After the female cultivator vented for a while, Xiong San took her on the road.

Although Xiong San stayed in the yellow sand world for some time, the flow of time in the yellow sand world is different from the time in the normal world after all, so it has not yet reached the meeting time that Gu Zheng agreed with them.

Flying towards the place where Gu Zheng is, Xiong San is very happy, he can't wait to tell Gu Zheng what happened in the world of yellow sand immediately.

The female cultivator flying beside Xiong San was a little worried. Although Xiong San had told her that Gu Zheng's behavior was fine, Gu Zheng was not Xiong San after all, and she was a "treasure". I'm really worried that Gu Zheng will see Cai's intentions! After all, the world of immortals is a dangerous world.

Because of the short distance, it took Xiong San and the nun several days to arrive at the place where Gu Zheng was separated from.

Just as Xiong San and Nvxiu appeared, Gu Zheng's originally closed cave door opened.

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