Xiong San and Master Yun Qing were chatting, while Jin Yan was cooking on the sidelines.

Through chatting, both Xiong San and Master Yun Qing also knew what happened to each other during this period, and they were also happy for each other's gains.

There was constant laughter, and the delicacies cooked by Jin Yan came out one by one, and finally filled the whole table.

There are everything that flies in the sky, swims in the water, runs on the ground, and grows in the mountains.

They were all on their own, and facing a large table of delicious food, the three of them had nothing to do with it, and immediately began to feast on it.

It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed this kind of delicacy, and the Xiong Sanna I ate for this meal was so mouthwatering and addictive.

On the second day, Gu Zheng first cooked food for the nun, and then began to prepare for Master Yunqing and Jin Yan to cook food for natal and five elements.

Among the spirits of the five elements of life, Master Yunqing already has the spirit of real fire, the spirit of water and the source of real wood. Jin Yan has the spirit of real fire, the spirit of water, the spirit of wood and the source of real soil. The food repair that Gu Zheng wants to cook for the two is to help Master Yunqing turn the source of the real wood into the spirit of the real wood, and help Jinyan turn the source of the real soil into the spirit of the real soil.

According to Gu Zheng's original plan, bringing Master Yunqing and the others out this time to complete the first agreed reward is just a storage bracelet. As for helping them complete their natal five elements, this will be a reward that will come later. .

However, this time bringing the three of them out to practice, it is obviously different from the experience that brought Qiao Bai and the others. Gu Zheng let go at the beginning, and they separated spontaneously, and each side also found out The existence of relics! This made Gu Zheng decide that during the next period of time in the cave, he would give them all the things that were originally planned to be given to the three of them. After all, no matter which side they are on, once they enter the ruins, it may take a long time to come out again! What's more, Gu Zheng will not accompany them to enter the ruins discovered by Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan, so it is natural to improve their strength. Although it is to let them practice, it is not to let them die.

After cooking food repairs for Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, Gu Zheng started cooking food repairs for Xiong San.

Since Xiong San is practicing Tiexianjue, the interval between taking different food cultivators is also shorter than that of Master Yunqing and the others. Yesterday, Gu Zheng cooked fairy fruit food cultivators for Xiong San to increase his cultivation base. You can help Xiong San make up for his life and five elements.

Xiong San has the spirit of real fire, the spirit of water, the source of soil and the source of real wood, and the food repair that Gu Zheng cooks for Xiong San is to make Xiong San's source of real wood become his own. Spirit of real wood.

Although it is to help Master Yunqing and the three of them replenish their natal five elements, after taking the food repair, it is impossible to absorb the effect of the medicine at once, and because of their own differences in their natal five elements, the time for the final transformation is also different. not exactly. For example, Master Yunqing wants to turn the source of the natal tree into the spirit of the natal real wood, and it will take a month for the medicine to absorb its effects. Jin Yan wants to turn the source of the natal real soil into the spirit of the natal real soil. It will take one and a half months for the drug to be absorbed, but if Xiong San wants to turn the source of the real wood into the spirit of the real wood, it will take more than 20 days for the drug to be absorbed.

After Immortal Yunqing had absorbed the effects of their food and medicine, Gu Zheng began to teach them the magic of natal and five elements, and taught them things about natal and five elements.

The plan really couldn’t keep up with the changes. When Master Yunqing and the others didn’t come back, Gu Zheng thought he would go to the Yellow Sand World soon, but after Master Yun Qing and the others came back, Gu Zheng felt that the time for him to go to the Yellow Sand World would be short. It will be delayed until a few months later.

Xiong San intends to go to the Yellow Sand World with Gu Zheng, and it's okay for him to delay for a few months, as he is by Gu Zheng's side during this time, and he can always ask him for advice if he encounters any problems in cultivation.

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan originally thought that after they came back to see Gu Zheng, they would stay at the ruins for a month or so at most, but after knowing that they could only rely on themselves to enter the ruins, they also wanted to The time to enter the ruins is delayed, so that one's own strength can be further improved, and only by entering the ruins can one be more confident in dealing with danger.

Time passed unknowingly, and today is the last time that the female nun took the dietary therapy cooked by Gu Zheng.

In the past few days, all the non-human parts of the female cultivator's body have returned to normal, but after the non-human things fell off, they left ugly marks, as if they had experienced severe burns Same.

After today's last bowl of therapeutic food, all the remaining curse power in the nun's body will be eliminated, and her abnormally colored skin will return to normal, completely turning into a normal person.

In the past few days, apart from cooking a diet for the nun, Gu Zheng spent most of his time in his stone room thinking about problems. Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan also entered the state of small retreat, They are absorbing and assimilating the things taught to them by the last ancient battle.

Xiong San also wants to come to a small retreat, but the female cultivator is his friend after all, and he can only really do what he wants to do after the female cultivator leaves.

Looking at the last bowl of diet therapy under the nun's clothes, Xiong San did not avoid suspicion this time, because the nun had already put on the clothes, and what Xiong San could see could be seen by outsiders. where to see.

The skin finally returned to normal, the female cultivator was so excited that she almost cried, Xiong San looked at the female cultivator who had returned to normal, and was a little stunned.

During the recovery process of the female cultivator, Xiong San already knew that she was a rare beauty, but when the burnt skin returned to normal, Xiong San realized that he still underestimated the female cultivator's beauty.

"Did you know me on the first day?"

During this period of time, the female cultivator and Xiong San were already very familiar, and they would occasionally joke around. At this time, Xiong San looked a little embarrassed, and the female cultivator couldn't help but blame him.

"If it was the first day I met fellow daoist, I wouldn't have looked at it like this! I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that fellow daoist would look so good-looking after he fully recovered, and he still has a dusty aura! Really Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

Xiong San wasn't embarrassed at all, and his praise was also very sincere.

"This is all thanks to the help of fellow daoist!"

The female cultivator was very emotional, if it wasn't for Xiong San, she didn't know when she would be able to return to normal, and whether she would be able to return to normal.

"Fellow Daoist does not need to take diet therapy now, and he can finally taste the delicious food. I am going to make some dishes for you, and it can be considered as a celebration of your recovery!" Xiong San laughed.

"It's rare that fellow daoists still take this matter to heart, so I won't say thank you any more, and just wait to taste the delicious food cooked by fellow daoists." The female cultivator also smiled.

For two people, eight dishes and two soups, Xiong San's cooking is not too little.

After opening a pot of fairy wine, Xiong San originally planned to eat and chat with the female cultivator, but it was the first time that the female cultivator opened her stomach to taste the delicacy created by the way of diet, so she couldn't care less about what to say to Xiong Sanduo .

Although she didn't say anything to Xiong Sanduo during the meal, after the meal, the nun was like a chatterbox, talking a lot about her, and even said that it was time to say goodbye to Xiong San. Xiong Sanyi gets drunk.

Xiong San wasn't drunk, but the female cultivator who didn't suppress the alcohol was drunk herself.

The next day, when Xiong San walked out of the stone room, the nun had already left.

In fact, when the female cultivator left, Xiong San knew about it, but he didn't come out.

Xiong San found a storage belt in the stone room where the female cultivator lived, which contained resources that could fill half a room. Xiong San couldn't help but be dazed holding the storage belt.

The female cultivator had already given half of the original resources to Xiong San, and now she left half of the remaining resources to Xiong San. Although she didn't say thank you to Xiong San again, Xiong San felt that the deep gratitude was all in these things. inside the resource.

After the female cultivator left, Xiong San also entered a small retreat.

Unknowingly, more than a month passed, and Gu Zheng called out all three people who were in retreat.

After taking food repair last time, Jin Yan, who took the longest time to transform the source of the real soil, now has the spirit of the real soil in her body. All three of their food repairs were done.

Before cooking the food repair, Gu Zheng asked Xiong San to take out the storage belt. He wanted to pick some materials from it. After cooking the food repair for Xiong San and the others, he began to refine the refining equipment for them.

Xiong San directly gave the storage bracelet to Gu Zheng, which contained not only his original family property, but also the two resources given by the nun.

"Not bad, not bad, really good!"

Seeing the resources in Xiong San's storage bracelet, even Gu Zheng couldn't help but praise: "It's the relics of the saints after all, and there are so many good things in these resources."

"Master, you said there are so many good things, but why are you showing so little?"

What Gu Zheng took out from Xiong San's storage bracelet was indeed not many, that is, more than 20 kinds of refining materials, plus an ingredient that Xiong San didn't know the specific use of.

"Although they are good things, there are only three kinds of refining materials that are more useful to me, and the rest are for you to refine and cook." Gu Zheng said.

"Cooking food cultivation? Master, what kind of food cultivation do you want to cook with this fruit? What is the name of this fruit?"

Xiong San was a little curious. Although he didn't know the name of the fruit that Gu Zheng picked out, he had studied the fruit with a texture like sugar cane, and found that there was a familiar but inexplicable feeling in the fruit.

"This fruit is the fruit of the world outside the circle. I don't know its name, but the strange substance contained in it can become a substitute for the 'spiritual consciousness fairy fruit' in the prehistoric world! Teachers must use it to make decisions Cook some food for Yun Qing that will allow him to open up the sixth consciousness."

Because Master Yunqing didn't learn the way of eating and drinking, he didn't have any source of wish power, so after so many years, his sixth consciousness still hasn't been activated.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xiong San finally understood the familiar feeling that the unknown fruit gave him. It was exactly the feeling in the food training where Gu Zheng helped him open the sixth sense of cooking.

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Master Yunqing hurriedly thanked him, he didn't expect that the fruit that Gu Zheng took out from Xiong San's storage belt was to cook for him the food cultivation that could open the sixth consciousness, so he was stunned for a while.

Daoist Yunqing entered Jixiang Xiaozhu relatively early, and all the old people in Jixiang Xiaozhu have already opened the sixth sense, but he is an exception, which is also a regret in his heart. However, this regret will be fulfilled today, which makes him both happy and moved.

Facing Master Yunqing's thanks, Gu Zheng smiled slightly: "Today, I will help you open the sixth sense first, and after taking the food cultivation to open the sixth sense, I will cook for you the next day to help you produce the source of the true soil of your life." The food is fixed."

"Everything is under the arrangement of the ancestor." Yun Qing said honestly.

"Master, what kind of artifact are you going to refine for us this time? Can you tell us in advance?" Xiong San smiled.

"You are good at using knives, and Yun Qing is good at using swords. The immortal artifacts I made for you two are knives and swords!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Jin Yan is not good at swords, but you should use swords more in the future! You and Yun Qing are Taoists, this time I will refine a pair of male and female Sword, and then I will teach you a sword technique suitable for male and female swords."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jin Yan, who seemed to be worried at first, was temporarily relieved of her worries by joy, and she hurriedly thanked Gu Zheng together with Master Yun Qing.

"Just say what's on your mind!"

Gu Zheng could see what was on Jin Yan's mind, and seemed to want to ask him something.

Jin Yan did have something to ask Gu Zheng, but it was not easy to ask.

After Xiong San used the spirit treasure beast to scare Jin Yan last time, something was wrong with the spirit treasure beast within two days, just like the dazed state of a high fever, always wanting to sleep. However, no matter whether it was Jin Yan's investigation, or the spirit treasure beast itself, they didn't find the root of the problem.

Jinyan intuitively felt that this matter must be related to Xiong San's use of that time, but she also believed that Xiong San would not deliberately do things that were not good for spirit treasure beasts, so this was a situation that made her feel a little bit uncomfortable with Xiong San. The ancient contention to ask questions.

"Sir, there is something wrong with the state of my spirit treasure beast, please help me, sir!"

As soon as Jin Yan thought, the imprint of the spirit beast on her arm flashed, and it turned into the spirit treasure beast she was holding in her hand.

Even though Jin Yan didn't mention Xiong San at all, Xiong San still frowned: "Isn't it related to the fact that I used it to scare you last time?"

Xiong San felt so embarrassed, he didn't do anything particularly excessive to the spirit treasure beast, the current state of the spirit treasure beast must not be related to his spoof. However, from Jin Yan's wry smile, Xiong San understood that the relationship was already involved.

"Let me see."

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the spirit treasure beast came into his hands.

There was a real problem with the spirit treasure beast, and it was already in Gu Zheng's hands, but it still hadn't woken up from its deep sleep.

Gu Zheng quickly checked the body of the Lingbao Beast, and then returned the Lingbao Beast to Jin Yan.

"Did you use the 'Crystal Light Profound Art' to control Lingbao beasts to scare Jin Yan last time?" Gu Zheng looked at Xiong San.

It is normal for one's cultivation base to reach the realm of ancient disputes, seeing six directions and hearing all directions, but it is one thing to be able to hear it, and another thing to want to hear it or not. If they wanted to hear it, even if it was an earthworm hidden deep in the ground twisting its body, even if it was a flying bird flying by in the sky, they could still hear it! But if they don't want to listen, they can easily enter the world of clean ears.

Back then, Gu Zheng knew that Xiong San and the others had played around in the passage of the cave, but Gu Zheng, who needed to think about the problem, had already entered the world of clean ears, so he didn't know the specifics of what happened. The reason why he asked Xiong San like this is, That was guessed from his understanding of 'Crystal Light Xuan Gong' and Xiong Sanwen's words of Jin Yan.

"Yes." Xiong San smiled wryly.

Gu Zheng looked at Jin Yan: "I have never encountered this kind of thing, but it must be caused by Xiong San's 'Crystal Light Mysterious Art'. A kind of awakening! However, this kind of awakening does not seem to be easy. When there is just a little sign, it will fall into a state of stagnation, so you can't see any problems, even the spirit treasure beast itself is not clear. Will It is rare enough to have this kind of bud withering state in awakening, if you can't let the bud grow, your spirit treasure beast may be abolished because of it!"

"Sir, you have to save it!"

Jin Yan's eyes widened, extremely nervous.

Gu Zheng thought for a while and said: "It itself is amazing enough, and Xiong San's 'Crystal Light Mysterious Art' is also amazing enough. I haven't thought of a specific way to save it yet. However, even if I can think of a specific way to save it, it will still be in the future. Pulling out the buds that are about to wither is a bad way to lose the car and keep the handsome man! As the saying goes, 'to untie the bell, you must tie the bell', since the matter is caused by Xiong San, let him see if there is any way."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jin Yan didn't yell at Xiong San as usual, she just handed the spirit treasure beast to Xiong San pitifully.

"Stupid bear, try your best to save it, I don't want anything to happen to it!"

Jin Yan didn't yell, and Xiong San didn't feel well either. He could see Jin Yan's love for Ling Bao Beast, and he never expected that that joke would lead to such serious consequences.

"Okay, I'll try my best!" Xiong San said vigorously.

"It's just a spirit beast, don't be too sad!"

Gu Zheng said something meaningful, but Jin Yan's eyes were still on the Lingbao Beast, and she couldn't see Gu Zheng's expression.

"Sir, it is my first spirit beast after all, and it has made such great contributions in my training. I really don't want anything to happen to it." Jin Yan wanted to cry.

"Okay, put away your negative emotions, let me tell you something happy!"

The seriousness on Gu Zheng's face eased, and he continued: "The last time I took Qiao Bai and the others out to practice, do you know what the final reward I gave them?"

"Sir, the final reward for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran is a super space artifact that can exercise divine sense!"

Since Gu Zheng said to let them put away their negative emotions, even though Jin Yan was still sad in her heart, she still had to show her face as usual.

"It's for them, but you old people who came out of Jixiang Xiaozhu have the right to use it."

Gu Zheng's expression became a little emotional: "The final reward for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran is so good, but I'm still a little worried about the final reward for you this time, because I don't want this final reward to be too bad! But, I want To get a good final reward, you must have enough opportunities to obtain good enough refining materials. Fortunately, although the time you have experienced this time is short, you have really got a lot of good things. Your final reward I've made a decision!"

"Old Ancestor, what is our final reward?"

Master Yun Qing's eyes widened. As for the final reward, if Gu Zheng hadn't mentioned it, he really didn't dare to think about it. However, now that Gu Zheng mentioned this issue, and compared the final rewards of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, Master Yun Qing couldn't help being a little excited, who made the grade of the comparisons so high!

"Time and Space Immortal Artifact!"

Wanting to dilute Jin Yan and the others' sadness, Gu Zheng didn't play tricks this time.

"Time and space fairy?"

Master Yun Qing and the others didn't drop their jaws in shock.

"That's right, there are only two materials, that is to say, only two such artifacts can be refined. However, this is the first time I refine this immortal artifact, and there is a possibility of failure, so you also have to have one." Mentally prepare!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Even if it fails, bah bah bah!"

Feeling that what she said was unlucky, Jin Yan pouted a few times, and said with a smile: "Anyway, thinking about it makes people look forward to it!"

"Old Ancestor, what is the flow rate of time in this Time-Space Immortal Artifact?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"The difficulty of refining time and space fairy artifacts is even more difficult than refining the super space fairy artifacts for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran! It is undeniable that my patriarch's skills are still a bit weak, and I can only refine ones with twice the flow rate. Time and space fairy, that is to say, when you practice in the time and space fairy for two days, the time in the real world is one day!"

Gu Zheng felt a little emotional. In a space as large as the Yellow Sand World, the overall time flow rate is three times. There is still a big gap between him and the saint.


Before Xiong San and the others could say anything more, Gu Zheng said again: "It doesn't matter if you want to watch me cook or take care of your own affairs. I won't say anything more on this issue."

Next, Gu Zheng started cooking food training. The first food training he wanted to cook was to help Taoist Yunqing to open up the sixth sense of food training.

Xiong San didn't go to see Gu Zheng's cooking this time. He took the Lingbao beast back to the room. He wanted to see if he had any solution to the current situation of the Lingbao beast.

Jin Yan, who was worried about the spirit treasure beast, wanted to follow, but in the end she didn't make a move. Anyway, it would be useless for her to follow, so she might as well stay and watch Gu Zheng cook. After all, the way of eating and drinking is her way, and watching Gu Zheng's cooking and food training is an opportunity to learn. Once this enchantment trip is over, she doesn't know when she wants to have this opportunity again.

After finishing the master of the relic's divine sense transmission, Xiong San has an extra energy body in his dantian, and this extra energy body is crystal light.

Jingguang is a wonderful energy, it is different from Xianli, but it can do many things that Xianli can do. Just like now, Xiong San's investigation of the Lingbao beast's body did not use divine sense or immortal power, but his crystal light energy.

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