The thin mist shrouded the green mountains and green waters, and the rolling hills became ethereal.

In fact, the so-called mist is not the real water mist, it is a change visible to the naked eye after the immortal essence is thickened to a certain level.

Immortal essence turning into fog, this is a manifestation of very strong immortal essence, such a place is very suitable for immortal practitioners to practice.

One of the hills in the mountains is a little different from the rest of the hills. The plants on this hill look extraordinarily watery, and every leaf of each plant seems to breathe, stretching and shrinking very regularly, which looks very strange.

If a cultivator sees this strange scene, he must be able to understand that the leaves of the plants have this abnormality. There must be a cultivator practicing in the mountains, and this cultivator's cultivation is very advanced, and he has reached the realm of the unity of man and nature ! For such a cultivator, it is not too much to call the energy of heaven and earth that can be mobilized with every gesture of his hands and feet.

There is a cave in the mountain, and Gu Zheng, who was breathing evenly in the cave, opened his closed eyes after a deep breath, and the abnormalities of the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain returned to normal.

After those things in the cultivation world came to an end, Gu Zheng has been retreating here. He didn't remember how long this period has passed, but it should have been a long time anyway. After all, during this period of time, in addition to the meditation, he also experienced two lifetimes in the Heart Demon Realm! Although the flow of time in the Heart Demon Realm is different from that in reality, it should have been several years if the time between the two lives is converted into reality.

For the "Heart Demon Orb", Gu Zheng now has a deeper understanding, but this understanding is not enough to unlock the secret of the "Heart Demon Orb", it just makes him more convinced that the world Tiexian let him enter at the beginning It definitely has a great relationship with the 'Heart Demon Orb'.

The eyes that had just been opened for a short time were closed again. Gu Zheng ended the state of meditation this time, not to go out. He closed his eyes now because he was thinking about an event that had been put aside for a long time.

After a while, Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, and there was a small object in his hand. The object didn't look as long as the palm of his hand, just like a small boat.

The object like a small boat is surrounded by the dark light. If you stare at the dark light carefully, you will have the feeling of seeing the world. This object is the fairy-level space that has not been controlled by Gu Zheng fairy artifact.

The last time Gu Zheng entered the Immortal-level Space Immortal Artifact was when he had just obtained the Immortal-level Space Immortal Artifact.

It has been many years since Gu Zheng entered the fairy-level space fairy weapon last time. Naturally, Gu Zheng's strength has been greatly improved in these years, but for the matter of entering the fairy-level space fairy weapon again, he There has always been hesitation.

When I left the fairy-level space fairy weapon, what Gu Zheng thought was to enter the fairy-level space fairy weapon again when the cultivation base was improved again. At that time, the "re-improvement" that I thought at the time was actually a lot of things It was achieved years ago! However, the original idea was achieved, but Gu Zheng did not re-enter for a long time. This is because while his strength is improving, his knowledge is also increasing. His understanding of fairy-level space fairy artifacts is also deepening, so he hesitate Thus influencing the decision.

In the past, Gu Zheng felt that if he had mastered the way of space and time, he would have the means to save his life after entering the fairy-level space artifact. However, with the growth of knowledge, Gu Zheng felt that the original idea was probably wrong!

It is already a certainty that the fairy-level space fairy artifact is created by the saint fairy outside the circle! After seeing the world of the fox, the world of yellow sand in the enchantment and other things related to the saints in the world outside the circle, and then combined the experience of being forced to become a treant when entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact last time ! All these things in the past made Gu Zheng feel that even if he mastered the way of time and the way of space, among the fairy-level space fairy artifacts with the power of higher-level laws, he originally regarded them as Those things in the bottom card are likely to be suppressed to death, so Gu Zheng has never entered the fairy-level space fairy weapon in these years.

In any case, the fairy-level space fairy artifact is a treasure that Gu Zheng must obtain. If he wants to get the fairy-level space fairy artifact, he must enter it and destroy the artifact spirit in it. Although he is not very sure about the safety of entering the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space, Gu Zheng feels that this matter cannot be delayed any longer! He can be sure that the artifact spirit in the fairy-level space fairy artifact still has no real enlightenment at this time! That's why we have to seize this opportunity well. Once the spirit of the fairy-level space fairy weapon is opened, it will be really difficult to get it. At that time, I don't know what the spirit of the opened spirit will be. How much he stumbled.

Finally made the decision to enter the fairy-level space artifact, Gu Zheng took another deep breath and inserted his divine sense into the fairy-level space fairy artifact, and his body disappeared in the cave immediately.

It was still the same as what I saw after entering the fairy-level space device last time. Gu Zheng was in the void, and there were balls of light in front of him, which looked like a sky full of stars.

Although there are many light spheres, Gu Zheng took a glance and found that the light sphere he entered last time no longer exists.

"There are tens of thousands of light spheres here, which light sphere will the spirit be in?"

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart, he can be sure that each light sphere represents a test, entering the light sphere and leaving alive is the only way to get out of the immortal space. Moreover, as long as he can leave alive after entering the light sphere, Qi Ling's control over this fairy-level space fairy weapon will also be weakened by a point. There will be a little more control over it.

Gu Zheng is trying to sense the light ball in front of him with his heart, trying to find something that makes him feel unusual.

When Gu Zheng was trying to sense with his heart, a ball of light suddenly shone brightly. Gu Zheng frowned, and said "no" in his heart, and a huge suction force was emitted from the ball of light, directly pulling Gu Zheng Struggle sucked in.

Last time, Gu Zheng also entered the ball of light, but that time was his own choice, but this time he was forcibly sucked into it. This is an essential difference.

The scene in front of him was a forest, Gu Zheng looked around, and thought: "If Qi Ling didn't react too much to my entry last time, it can't be said that its reaction to my entry this time is not great!"

Gu Zheng understood that the anomaly after entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact this time must be the "color" given by the artifact spirit, otherwise there should be an anomaly that could ignore his resistance and directly suck him into it. Moreover, in the space he is in now, although Gu Zheng has not yet taken a step, he has also confirmed that compared with the test he experienced after entering the fairy-level space last time, the degree of danger of this test will be higher .

The last time Gu Zheng entered the world of fairy artifacts in the fairy-level space, due to the power of the law, he became a huge treant, and almost all of his own magical powers could not be displayed. This time he was forcibly taken into the current world, and he is also not in the state of the body. The power of the law has turned him into a wolf. Compared with the tree-man state last time, this state is simply It's terrible!

The treant who became in the last ancient battle, although he can't use his own magical powers, he is also a kind of spirit monster. He has some magical powers that belong to spirit monsters and can use them. He is also very strong. When encountering ordinary spirit monsters, he has With a certain self-protection strength. However, the wolf that Gu Zheng turned into this time was just an ordinary beast, not to mention encountering any monsters, even a tiger could kill him!

The situation is very bad, but Gu Zheng is not impatient about this. After all, this can be regarded as something he has "foreseen". If he hadn't had such a "foresight", he would not have waited so many years to enter the immortal level again Among the space fairy.

It's just an ordinary beast, it doesn't even have inner alchemy in its body, limited by the power of the law, it's impossible to practice martial arts, Gu Zheng can only hope that he can improve his mind. Break through, so that you don't have any supernatural powers.

Compared with the situation in the body, the situation in the brain is better. At least Gu Zheng has not been under the influence of the power of the law, and even he has forgotten who he is. The current situation in Gu Zheng's mind is that he can separate the divine thoughts, but his brain seems to be surrounded by a layer of membrane. The separated divine thoughts can only be active in the brain, and cannot break through the membrane to reach the head. The outside world is naturally not a means to deal with danger.

Gu Zheng is trying to break through the membrane outside his brain, but his current body is a wolf, he can't sit cross-legged like a human, he can only lie helplessly on the ground.

Trying to break through the membrane outside the brain, what Gu contended for was not the divine sense, which had too little impact on the membrane, he used the power of the Tao of space, which was also after several attempts, he Feel the power most likely to break through the membrane.

With the impact again and again, Gu Zheng's body also twitched with this process. After all, Gu Zheng's brain is covered by the membrane. Even if the brain of an immortal cultivator is not as fragile as that of ordinary people, when the impact is like a membrane that is integrated with the brain, the loud noise and vibration will make people feel like It's like being tortured.

Cultivators have a strong will, let alone a cultivator like Gu Zheng, and for his current situation, the so-called torture must be endured even if it is unbearable, otherwise, as time goes by, who knows what will happen? trouble arises.

The painful sound finally couldn't help coming out of Gu Zheng's mouth, but what came out of his mouth was no longer a human voice, but a beast's humming, after all, he is just a wolf now. However, the continuous pain has also brought progress, and the membrane that originally wrapped the brain has become lighter, which is a sign that it is about to be broken! However, this kind of breakthrough is not particularly ideal. In the end, it can only cause a small hole to appear in the complete film, rather than a large crack in the complete film.

For Gu Zheng, making a small hole appear in the complete film is already a very good progress. At that time, his divine sense and power of Tao that were originally imprisoned will be able to come out of that small hole, thus In this world, what makes him no longer weak is just a wild beast.

Gu Zheng uttered another 'Hum Chi'. After the 'Hum Chi', Gu Zheng's breathing became very rapid, and his body lying on the ground trembled violently. The power of the Dao of Space was already impacting The film was exhausted, and now he was as weak as a collapse.

Gu Zheng no longer intends to try again today. Except for the power of space, the other forces have no effect on the membrane. He plans to wait for the recovery of the power of space and let himself have a good rest. Otherwise, the membrane will not return. He didn't rush away, and when something happened, he didn't even have the strength to escape.

Now he is just a wolf, unable to speed up his body's recovery by meditating and adjusting his breath like a cultivator. Gu Zheng can only lie there quietly, and this primitive recovery method is naturally very inefficient.

"Damn the power of the law!"

Gu Zheng cursed in his heart, he seemed to be lying on his stomach quietly, but he was actually thinking about something.

The last time he entered the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space, Gu Zheng had no idea at the beginning. It was not until he met the fox that he finally knew how to get out of that world.

How to get out of this world this time? The ancient dispute is not clear now! He only knew that his top priority now was to break through a small hole in the membrane after the power of space recovered, so that he could have a little self-protection ability first.

However, Gu Zheng understands that everything has two sides. Although the current situation is so unfavorable, once he can get out of this world, he will definitely gain a lot. After all, this is a world where Qi Ling deliberately targeted him and forcibly absorbed him into it, so this can be regarded as Qi Ling punching him hard. If he falls into this world, Qi Ling's This punch is considered a solid one. But if he hadn't fallen into this world, then Qi Ling's fierce punch would be like hitting the ground, and it would inevitably have a 'stagger' because of this, which is the backlash it should bear.

In addition, the power of law is a kind of power inherent in this fairy-level space fairy artifact. This kind of power has not been fully controlled by the current stage of the artifact spirit. Although the artifact spirit can use part of this power, it can be used to a large extent. Be constrained by this power too! So don't say that it forced Gu Zheng into the current world, even if it does nothing, as long as Gu Zheng can get out of this world, it will be weakened to a certain extent! After all, passing the tests of these worlds again and again is itself a process of controlling the fairy-level space fairy weapon!

Before entering the fairy-level space fairy weapon, Gu Zheng thought about whether he would be targeted by the tool spirit. According to Gu Zheng's idea, if Qi Ling doesn't target him, then he needs to go through three of these worlds in the fairy-level space fairy tool before he can truly show some of his control over the fairy-level space fairy tool.

However, now that Gu Zheng is being targeted by Qi Ling and forcibly taken into the world of fairy-level space fairy artifacts by it, and it is still a very dangerous world, then his control over fairy-level space fairy artifacts , maybe there will be some manifestations after leaving this world! After all, the reward and the degree of danger are often directly proportional to this kind of thing. This is also the law that everything has two sides!

Gu Zheng, who looked very listless, suddenly pricked up his ears, and he heard a slight movement in the distance, which was the sound made by the body of a beast passing through the grass.

Gu Zheng stood up and hid behind a big tree, looking in the direction of the abnormal noise.

"I really don't want to see what I come here!"

Gu Zheng felt helpless, he saw a tiger walking towards this side.

Gu Zheng was sure that the tiger hadn't seen him yet, because when the tiger was walking towards this side, its eyes were searching from time to time, but the tiger obviously knew that there was prey in this place, which can also be seen from its cautiousness.

Wolves generally live in packs, Gu Zheng really hoped that he could have some companions, so that the pack of wolves would not have to be afraid of this tiger, but it is a pity that after entering this world, he has already discovered that within a certain range he can smell The smell of the beast that he got was only his own smell.

Hiding is not a solution, the tiger will find it soon, and fighting is also not a solution. Affected by the power of the law, he is now just an ordinary wolf. He cannot be an opponent of a tiger, so the remaining methods are also It can only be escaped. However, a wolf in a normal state may not be able to outrun a tiger, not to mention that Gu Zheng's physical strength has not recovered at this time, so the appearance of this tiger is no less than a disaster for Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng moved, his thin body jumped over the dead tree that fell on the ground beside him, and he ran wildly towards the distance.


The escaped Gu Zheng alarmed the tiger, who gave chase with a roar.

Gu Zheng's heart tightened, bound by the power of the law, he is really just a wolf now, the roar of the tiger behind him gave him a kind of fear from the source, his legs were so weak that he almost fell to the ground, This kind of helplessness also made him grit his teeth in hatred. If it weren't for the special situation now, how could he put a tiger in his eyes.

Time is passing by little by little, Gu Zheng is still running wildly, he is somewhat fortunate in his heart, because the environment is more favorable for him who is relatively thin, just like the distance between the two trees in front, his figure can easily But the tiger had to go around a little bit. It was precisely because of the favorable environment that although the distance between the tiger and him had been shortened a lot during the escape time that had lasted for half a stick of incense, it was still not to the point where it could catch him with a single pounce.

However, a new crisis appeared in front of Gu Zheng, and he smelled a special smell, which was produced by the body fluids of beasts, and it used this smell to declare its territory.

What is the beast ahead? Gu Zheng is not clear! He just looked back and found that the tiger hesitated for a moment in chasing him. This hesitation showed that the tiger was not particularly sure about the unknown beast ahead.

The current situation is really "wolves before and tigers behind". This is a strong crisis, but it may also be an opportunity to escape. Gu Zheng stepped into the territory of unknown beasts without any hesitation. Anyway, he can't stop Wait for the tiger to approach. Not only that, Gu Zheng who entered the territory of the unknown beast immediately let out a wolf howl, and he wanted to inform the unknown beast that its territory had been broken into.


The sound of howling the wolf had just fallen, followed by the roar of a wild beast, and the unknown beast used its roar to deter the intruders.

Gu Zheng didn't stop, he ran towards the place where the roar came from, and the tiger didn't stop either. Now it is chasing red eyes, not to mention that in the territory of unknown beasts, the trees are much sparser than before. The distance between it and Gu Zheng was rapidly closing, which made it not think too much about its prey.

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